FRIDAY, APRIi: 14, 1939 DAILY NEBRASKAN SEVEN yzzzr &3 tl V Griddersskip heavy work Thursday Scrimmage for this weekend indefinite; frosh show up well 9L by June Bierbower Coach Biff Jones' Husker foot ballers did little work yesterday as many team members were forced to leave for a 5 o'clock examina tion. Although it is not definite, the Huskers may scrimmage this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon. First Harvard lineup this week has included George Seemann and Ray Trochaska, ends; Royal Kah ler and Forrest Behm, tackles; Ed Schwartzkopf and Warren Alfson, guards; Bob Ramey, center; Roy Pctsch, Bob De Fruiter, Herman Rohng and Vike Francis, backs, Yale first team. Yale's first team has had Glen Schluckebier and Jack Ashburn, ends; Harold Herndon and Leon ard Muskin, tackles; Hub Monsky and George Abel, guards; Bob Burruss, center; Bus Knight. Bob Kahler, Harry Hopp and Henry Rohn. Kahler has been put in Theos Thompson's old halfback spot, as an experimental move. The frosh crop, although it hasn't received the publicity which came to the boys of last year, has been figuring in Biff Jones' scheme. Ed Schwartzkopf, De Fruiter, and Francis of the Harvard first string are Inexperienced men, al though Francis is a holdover from last year's frosh. Freshmen on Yale's first aggregation are Hern don, Monsky, Abel and Rohn, while Schluckebier, altho a squad member last year, has had no var sity competition. New men. Other new men who have been showing up well are Ends Jerome Prochaska, Ray's brother; Don Waddick, Bob Ludwick, Burdette Wertman, Vernon Braasch, Chick Carper, and Willard Bunker, who caught the winning pass in last week s scrimmage. Big Fred Pres ton, a holdover from last year, is not in school, although he has re ported for drills. At tackles, big Vic Schleich, Ralph Whitehead, Franny Leik and holdover Hub Knickrehm have been in the running. Among other promising frosh guards are Edgar Haynes, and the Lincoln duo, Sam Fuenning and Lynn Myers. Ever ett Lomax, another varsity man who had no competition last year. has been putting in his bid. Centers Howard Kelly and Louis Burger of Grand Island are lead ing freshmen, while Fred Meier, who was carried with the team last year, has been looking good Herschel Pahl of Cambridge is an other up and coming frosh center In the backfield John Sandall of York showed real promise be fore an ankle injury forced him out. Ray Smith, Marvin Thomp son, and Clyde Preuss, the latter a transfer from Creighton, have been hacking up Roy Petsch and Bus Knight. Vincent surprises. Trying for Hermie Rohrig place have been Jack Vincent O'Neill, one of the surprises of the spring drills, and Don Rubot torn, Gering prospect who looks like a real comer. Ken Simmons, carried with the team lart year, has been scintillat ing in the backfield behind Bob DeFruiter and Walt Luther, along with little Harold Kennedy, star from Beatrice. Jack Stubbs, Nor foik bullet, and Wayne Blue, Te cumst-n all-round athlete who was moved from the line, have been pushing veteran backs for starting positions. Other boys in the run ning are Jake Ferguson, junior, pluying his first year with the team, and Eldcn Neurenberger, holdover from last year. Maybe it's a little late to speak about it, but Mr. Fred Ware, the Omaha World Herald's very able sports editor, whose one fault is chastising the Huskers because he thinks they've gone jitterbug, mside one statement last week we'd like to contest, or give the other side of, or something. Ware, as we remember, said the fact that a gal is sports editor may have its basis in the dctouring of Nebraska men from athletics to matinee dances. He, however, probably hasn't heard of what has happened to Dave Thompson, ace sports re porter for this page. Tommy cov ered basketball this winter for the Rag, and then started on track. But Ed Weir got hold of him, and for the past two or three weeks he as been working out under the stadium we can testify he has been at exactly two matinee dances all year. In fact, one afternoon Tommy worked so avidly that by the time he had finished under the stadium it was too late to do any work on the Rag. We have finally figured out what has happened to Nebraska athletics (hope Mr. Ware doesn't take these ensuing paragraphs too seriously). Trouble is that a gal has become a sports writer at Ne braska. As I See It's reign has been just about coincidental with the Decline and Fall of the Husker Empire. When this column first started Ne braska had just lost its share of the basketball crown, Then followed disaster in track (that discounts the fact that Bill Gish's shoulder injury knocked the Huskers out of a track title). The Huskers lost their golf crown, then Last fall it was football, and then, the second semester with a gal sports editor, calamity came in indoor track, basketball, and swimming, Sounds like we think we re quite important, doesn't it? Anyhoo, it's a good story, Meanwhile, altho the fact that the Bix Six decided the Husker track wasn't good enough for their meet has "burned up" a few good old Husker fans, there's the na tional A. A. U. track and field championships coming up July and 2 here, and latest dope seems to indicate that Syd Wooderson English ace muer, will appear here then He runs at Princeton June 17 and Lewis Burton in the Ntw York Journal American talked as tho Syd would be very, glad to appear here then in a special race Wooderson holds the distinction of having run the fastest outdoor (See BIERBOWER page 8.) Honorary to initiate Pi Lambda Theta, ttachers col lege honorary sorority, will hold its initiation at the Union Tuesday, Apnl 18, at 5 o clock. Travelina baseballers on last Iqd Huskers face Colorado today, Saturday; are due in Lincoln Sunday Nebraska's barnstorming base ball team which won their first ame Wednesday as they defeated California university, face their last opponent of the trip as they take on Colorado U. today and tomorrow. The Huskers, behind some fine mound work by Lloyd Schmadeke, veteran hurler, won from the Bears 10-3. Home runs accounted for all the losers' scores, while Sophomore Shortstop Bernie Le- master smacked out a roundtrip per for the Huskers. The win, first of the season, gave Nebraska a season s record of one game won and five games lost. Return Sunday. The Huskers will return early Sunday morning from their ex tensive western trip, leaving Boul der soon after the Colorado game Saturday. First home opponent of the Huskers is Iowa State, who plays here Monday and Tuesday. Only conference play to date has been a two game series in which Kan sas State and Oklahoma broke even. Iowa State will bring a fairly inexperienced team, with veterans in only three positions. rr Tiotel y lomhusker UNDER $CHmmt OWECTION is proud to be the host to ALPHA GAMMA DELTA SPRING PARTY Saturday E tning N HOME Of THE Trsty PrstrV Shop SAT. AND SUN. MAURICE PELLISIER AND HIS KSCJ ORCHESTRA Favorite t in the. Middletrett "DANCE AT KINGS' OM.T A M1I.K FROM IJNCOI.N U Mia, tlwt Hrrrr from 10th ft O iff in Jhwih&A. f Limn An a End Tonitt! "DODGE CITY" Saturday! Another Great Hit Comet to IJnroln't Neteett Theatre! DEANNA DURBIN CROWitP v. with HA RI.KS WIN' NIGER NAN 4iRKY HELEN PARRISH ROBERT ("I'M MINGS nil.IJAM I.VNIHGAN J r STUART Last Day! ... "MIDNIGHT- SATURDAY! The "Arkmn tat Traveler it Dark! IMII4IT I 1 u r LINCOLN Starts TODAY! That Funny Man 1$ Hack Apain! HAROLD LLOYD "PROFESSOR BEWARE" Mm.. . . 2nd Hit! J. Edgar Hoover's 'Persons in Hiding' v. i