The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1939, Page THREE, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1939
Col 9
Following Is an extemporaneous
speech given by Corby Davis at a
banquet in his home town honoring
the high school's basketball and
football teams according to the
Indiana Daily Student:
( Applause ) . . ."Er-er-this is a
surprise, that is erer kind of. You
see I didn't know ah I was
coming up here until about ah ah
two o'clock this morning when
Ralph (Ralph Graham, Indiana as
sistant coach) called me up and
told me so.-Er, that is, ah-haw--I
was studying at the time, (pro
lific booing as Corby blushes).
Ah I don't really er er know
what to say. I ahmm ah sure am
glad I came, ah because the food
was good, and ah ah haw, I sure
like to eat ha, ha. Thank you."
Brother acts are again fairly
prevalent on the Husker squad
this spring. Bob and Royal Kah
ler are back, as halfback and
tackle respectively. Then there
are Ed and Sam Schwartzkopf,
Ed is a freshman and Sam a
two-year veteran at tackle. The
younger of the brothers has been
promoted to a first string guard
berth on Biff's Harvard team.
Then there are Ray and Jerome
Prochaska, both ends. Although
Ray is a sophomore and his
brother is a freshman, Jerome is
the older of the boys.
Three members of the squad
are younger brothers of former
Husker stars. Jack Ashburn, end,
is a brother of ex-N. U. wingman
Cliff Ashburn; Freddie Meyer,
center, is a younger brother of
Franklin, former ace pivotman,
and Vike Francis is Sam's
Stanford has probably the best
two shot putters on any team
in the country in Stan Anderson
and Bill Wohle. Anderson did 52
feet 2 inches Saturday for the best
performance in the nation to dale,
while he also did 51-10 at a Long
Beach meet the week before.
Wohle has done 51-8.
And it would be pretty hard to
find a team with three better Jave
lin tossers than Southern Cal. Bob
Peoples, of course, is the leader,
the Oklahoman having a mark of
234 feet 1 7-8 inches, while an
other sophomore, Hugo DeGroot,
who has been throwing the spear
for only two years, has a mark of
216 feet to his credit. Reed Truscl
has bettered 207 feet, and placed in
the NCAA championships last
Remember a fellow by the
naem of "Jumping Joe" Will
iams? A few years back Will
iams, a sophomore, made every
6port page in the country by
virtue of a hot-shot press agent
and by virtue of some fancy ball
carrying for Ohio State.
Williams, however, ran into
scholastic difficulties, and drop
ped out of school. Now he is a
freshman at Marshall college,
which, although you probably
haven't heard of it, turns out
some pretty snappy football
teams for a little school.
Dick Amerine, Kansas U. back,
suffered a' shoulder injury Satur
day which will keep him out of
scrimmage for the remainder of
npring practice . . . Amerine, who
was thought to have been lost to
the team after a vertabra injury
last fall, had run 53 yards for a
touchdown on the third play of an
intersquad game . . . Two Iowa
State swimmers placed in the Na
tional Collegiates last weekend . . .
sophomore Roger Adams was fifth
In the 50-yard freestyle, and
George Haldeman was fourth in
the 200 yard breaststroke in
which Trinceton's Richard HouRh
set a new world's record . . . Jim
Brock, big K-State blocking back.
Is about the only pitcher in sight
down at Manhattan . . .
Phi Gams take
League iV
bowling title
Acacia, Sig Ep, Sigma Nu
stand in three-way tie
fo League III honors
Phi Gamma Delta captured un
disputed championship of league
four of the intramural bowling by
defeating Beta Sigma Psi 1,524
to 1,438 in their final round last
night. Prior to the match the two
teams were tied for first place in
their league.
Lloyd Hill led the Phi Gams
with games of 162-159 for a total
of 321, while topping the losers
was Roscoe Heins with a 325
Acacia bowed to Sigma Nu in
the feature match of the evening
1,543 to 1,617 as Forrest Blood
led the Sigma Nu's with a total
of 355 closely followed by Marv
Plock, Acacia, who totaled 350.
Led by Bob Dreibus, Sigma Phi
Epsilon nosed out the S. A. E.
team 1,612 to 1,580. Dreibus com
bined games of 197, individual tops
for the night's performance, and
164 to get a score of 361. Bui
Buchanon led the S. A. E.'s with
364 to grab top scoring honors
for the evening.
With one round yet to go this
throws league three into a three
way tie for first place with the
Acacias, Sigma Nus, and Sigma
Phi Epsilon fighting for top hon
ors. The tie will probably be
played off in the final round of
that league Wednesday.
NU rifles take
second place
Iowa State wins first
in Inter-Collegiate meet
Nebraska's rifle team placed
second in the Inter-Collegiate
National Rifle association matches
fired at Kansas State yesterday.
Iowa State copped first place with
1842 while the Huskers were a
mere 37 points behind the winners
with 1805.
Firing on the Nebraska team
were Fred Bodie, John Folsom,
George Galloway, Jay Forrester,
and Clifford Thompson. Alternate
member of the squad was Eugene
Creighton tmiversity was third
in the meet, Kansas State, fourth
and Wichita university fifth. Both
K-State and Wichita had the
same total score but the Wildcats
had the better ncore in the stand
ing position and so were awarded
the fouilh position.
Chi O's, Bouton
win cage games
Tourney matches set
for today, Wednesday
Basketball winners in the intra
mural competition Friday were
Chi Omega 1 over Delta Gamma
2 by a score of 18 to 6 and Bou
ton hall won by a default from
Delta 3. Tri Delt 1 downed
Delta Gamma 3 27 to 6 and Thcta
1 defaulted to Delta Gamma 4 in
yesterday's games.
Games for today are Kappa
Delta 2 vs. Gamma Thi Beta and
Tri Delt 2 vs. Delta Gamma 1
Wednesday's games include Pi Phi
vs. Kappa Delt 1 and Western Ne
braska vs. Chi Omega 2.
Win One
and Rules it
Parker VacumatiC Pens
One Schoiarshin Awarded
Each Wtek for 5 Weelci
'fFlui 20 H'etkbf
Huskers talk it over
- . h r
r -'1 fa -v flM II
The battina ability of Dell Har
ris and John McDermott will have
a lot to do with the success of
Nebraska's baseball team in their
competition this spring. Strength
at the batting posts will make or
break Coach Wilbur Knight's
Harris Is one of the top hitters
on the Scarlet and Cream nine,
Pris Wicks wins
ping pong singles
Tess.Casady, Betty
Griffiths cop doubles
Pris Wicks, Tri Delt, and Tess
Casady and Betty Lou Griffiths,
Kappa Alpha Theta, emerged as
tht intramural ping pong cham
pions of the singles and the
doubles divisions respectively.
Pris was the winner of the first
league competition, downing Kath-
yrn Kellison. Elaine Linscott be
came the second league champion
by beating Ann Soukup, Kappa
Delta, before bowing to Fns in
the finals.
In the first league doubles com
petition Virginia Cochrane and
Alice Hensen, Raymond hall, de
feated Sara Smeerin and Judith
Levenson, Sigma Delta Tau. Tess
and Betty Lou were victorious in
the second league over Pat Prime
and Marian Bremers, Alpha Phi,
and the first league combination
of Hensen and Cochrane.
Louisiana State university has
received a gift of 5,000 French
books from the French govern
I DIDNAT HANG IT! I Lost It! Kappa
Sigma pin. Merrill Fntflund. Bel ween
Harvev Bioa. and Chi Omopa house
Fri. afternoon. Reward. Call Daily
Nohraskan offlr.
IS thin vour vo? Romp place to bo but
no wav to get there. Here'i the answer
to your prayir 31 Enwx, tudor, Rom
to the first to pay S25 rash and $25
later. Call M128f..
IjOST Jeweled IVIla Gamma pin. Re
WARD. Call B7418.
of the 5 ()
any store selling
Cash Awards of $25 Each
j :w"'ine
A n Bui I
fit - .' i
f , 7 r't til i4
v-'i I h T
Sunday Journal and Star.
even though his last year's batting
record made so little impression
on him that he does not remember
it. McDermott was a member of
the Olympic baseball squad which
toured England last summer, and
won a letter last year as an in
feilder. Both are vieing for regular
outfield positions this spring.
Tankstercttes to meet
today at 5 in Gym
A meeting of Tanksterettes has
been called for today at 5 o'clock
in Grant Memorial room 101.
v. f m.
Biff Jones
suffers from
flu siege
Assistants direct
practice; scrimmage,
set for tomorrow
Even the mighty are unable to
escape the prevalent campus jinx
which has been dogging the foot
ball team and campus alike, as
Maj. Lawrence "Biff" Jones left
his coaching duties to fight an
attack of flu.
The Biffer send his gridders his
regrets, however, and put them
into the hands of able assistants
for the afternoon drill. Unwilling
to miss a single hour of the lim
ited spring training period
coaches and players alike braved
the blustery March weather and
got in almost a full afternoon's
Only one change in the lineups
resulted from last week's play, as
Ed Schwartzkopf replaced George
Stearns in the first string guard
position on the Harvard squad.
Two scrimmages have been
scheduled for next week, one on
Wednesday and the other on Sat
urday. These will not be open
to the public, however.
Five continents, 32 foreign coun
tries, two territories, 48 states and
the District of Columbia are repre
sented in the Cornell university
student body.
Phys ed class season
closes Monday, April 3
It was incorrectly announced
in some of the gym classes that
the present season classes
ended today. Classes will meet
as usual until Monday, April 3.
Bowling classes will meet at
the regular time at the bowl
ing alleys.
For Easter Vacation
And After . . .
Handsome New
Sport Coats
and Slacks
Jhe Goafs... 9.50
The popular three button drape
models. New colors in green,
blue, gray, tan and brown ef
fects. In herringbone, diagonal,
checks and plaids. Sport or
plain back styles.
Jhe Slacks... 4. 9 5
Gabardines, tweeds and wor
sted fabrics in new basket and
herringbone weaves. Assorted
stripes and solid tones in green,
grey, tan, blue. With Talon
fasteners and self belts.
COLD'S.. Men's Stare.
New Type of Shoe
Styed by Brownbilt
Inspired by the woven
leather shoes of Mexico.
Means real comfort for
your feet all through the
summer. Soft and
supple as a house
COLD'S. .Wen't Store.
Have your hat cleaned
and blocked for Easter
Union Shoe & Hat Shop
1018 "O" St.