The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1939, Page THREE, Image 3

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Yales Ifoeaft Iflairvairds. G-5 Dim ffirsft scromnnnmage
Fate played a backhanded trick
on Jim Knleht. Nebraska wres
tling star, In Knight's windup of
his collegiate career. Expected to
be one of the leading contenders
for the national 128 pound title,
Jim who scored 133 points In
three years of college competition,
was struck with the liu Dug, aur
ins: last week's Big Six meet.
Knight first felt not quite up to
par as he was wrestling Hoy Stone
of Oklahoma in Friday s rouna.
He couldn't sleep Friday night,
and was ill while losing to Ray
Stone, star Iowa State man, in the
championship round. He was
forced to default in the second
place match as well, and entered
the infirmary upon arriving in
Lincoln. Altho he was released
yesterday afternoon, he's still far
from being in shape to wrestle for
some time yet
Bill Luke. Husker 136 pounder,
is carrying Nebraska's colors into
the meet this week end, tho, and,
alone: with Coach Adams and Dr
R. G. Clapp, has left for Franklin
and Marshall college at Lancaster,
Pa., where the meet will be held
Nebraska might put a tine on
the field next fall with four
Omaha Central boys side by side
George Seemann. end; Leon
ard Muskin, tackle, Hubert
Monsky, guard, and Bob Bur
russ, center. Seemann, veteran
end, looks like Nebraska's best
bet for fame next year, while
Muskin has been changed to
tackle from guard where he
played last year, his first In
competition. Monsky, big guard
who transferred last fall from
Crelghton, hasn't used any eligi
bility yet, tho, for he didn't com
pete at the Bluelay school. Bur-
russ, who won a major letter
under Charley Brock, last fall,
will be fighting it out with Bob
Ramey for the starting center
post next fall.
Bob Voigts, Northwestern tackle
and basketball ace, says Ozzie
Simomns iq the hf.rt hark hp's pvpr
played against. . .best linemen is
both, and can't find any fault in
either of Voigts picks . . . Enroll
ment of the Texas school where
Davey O'Brien teaches is 65. . .the
football squad numbers 16. . .there
were but two heavyweight entries
in the Big Six wrestling meet,
winner Howard Buck and runner
up Elmer Hackney. . .George See
man, Husker, stayed home and
Waddy Young, Oklahoma, the
other possibility, was ineligible,
Kansas and Missouri didn't have
teams... Al Blozis, giant George
town freshman, who was a sensa
tion in New York high school shot
putting circles last spring, got off
a 48' 8" heave the other day. .
last spring with the 12 pound pel-
Dancing 9-12
at the
SAE's play
for Mi cage Crown
Intramural championship at stake tonight as
Greek and barb titleholders clash at eight
Kappa Sig bowlers
upset DU team
Ed Dosek, Delt, has 206,
high score of first day
Kappa Sigma's upset win over
Delta Upsilon featured the open
ing of men s intramural bowling
competition yesterday, as four
watches were completed.
. The Kappa Sigs took their op
ponents into camp 1557-1548 in the
two games. Hign scorer or tne
match was the winner's Hall, with
games of 189 and 159. Ed May led
the DU's with 188-173.
rn other eames .the Betas won
from the Delts, 1468-1320; Alpha
xau Omega won from Xi Psi Phi,
1429-1296 and Phi Kappa Psi took
Phi Sigma Kappa. 1337-990.
Ed Dosek, Delt, bowled a 206
score for the high single score ,of
the day, in one of his games
Frank Tallman, Beta, had the
day's best average, 189, as he did
Bob Sandbere had games of
167-171 for the ATO's. Kadavy. Jed
the Zips with a 150-173. Bud Yoder
had games of 182 and 172 for the
Phi Psi s while his team mate
Jack Redick bowled 168-193. Ever
ett Dodd paced Phi Sigma Kappa
with 125-117.
let he was doing around 57 or 58
feet. . .Bob Williams, whom we re
ported as lost to Linocln high's
baseball team this year, will, ac
cording to latest reports, be with
the team. Wayne Wilson, ex-Oma
ha North athlete who is now at
Kansas U., is being tried at end
this spring. . .he's had two years
at center at Lawrence ... Dick
Amerine seems to be ready for ac
tion at the Jayhawk school again
.he s been suffering from a case
of flu, but has recovered from the
vertebra injury he suffered in
game last fall. . .
Wilson downs Alpha Phi
n women s basketball
Wilson hall downed the Alpha
Phi team and the Tri Delt team
beat the Bouton hall group 38 to6
in girls' basketball. Score of the
first game was 12 to 4
Games to be played today are
Sip-ma Kappa vs. Chi Omega 2
and Raymond hall vs. Delta Gam
ma 4.
Tanksterettes begin
spring pageant practice
Spring pagent practices for the
tanksterettes will begin today
when all members meet at 5 o'clock
in room 101 of Grant Memorial
and at the coliseum at 8:15. The
theme of t'ne pageant this year is
"The Worlds Fair," and It will be
presented to the public on April 21
Detoneers chnpter of the Society
of American Military Engineers
will meet tonight at 7:30 in par
lors A and B of the Union. lea
ture of the meeting will be an ad
MEDICO'S patented filter, com.
blnlnfl 66 Baffle Interior mui
cellophane exterior, Is greatest iclen
tide smoking invention ever known.
It trap nicotine, julcei and flakes)
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Filtered Smoking
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Cigar Holders.
Complete line Pipes, Tobaccos,
Drugs and Cosmetics
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Free Delivery Phone B6141
Phi Chi, last year's medical
college intramural champions,
challenges the winner of the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon-Gate-ly's
basketball game, to a
championship contest.. The
Phi Chi's are at present en
tered In a tournament in
Omaha, and will be unable to
schedule a game this week,
and, if they reach the finals,
will also be busy in the tour
nament the next week. Rep
resentatives of Phi Chi said
any other time would be suit
able for them. This year's
med college tournament will
not be held until several
weeks hence, so the Phi Chi's,
as last year's winners, are
making the challenge.
Championship of Nebraska U's
intramural basketball is at stake
tonight in the coliseum at 8 o'clock
as Gately's. winner of barb play,
squares off against Sigma Alpha
Epsilon," Class A champion or tne
Gately's, who won the unaffili
ated teams' crown recently with a
victory over Blue Heaven's, lists
in its starting lineup three men
who played together in Ceresco
high school' Ernie Swanson, Louis
Ordson, and Vernon Bulling, a for
Ordson and Swanson are guards
Sam Salerno, star wrestling pros
pect from the frosh ranks, is cen
ter for the outfit, while Julius
Woita of Weston handles the oth
er forward position. The team
holds a narrow victory over the
Husker B team, and lost by one
point in a scrimmage to the potent
Husker frosh.
SAE's Class A winners.
The powerful Sig Alphs went
thru Greek competition without a
loss, beating the Phi Delts for the
Class A crown. Forwards are
Harry Hopp, football star, and a
leading frosh eager of last year,
and Bruce Duncan, who has played
with the Husker B team, and who
sparked the SAE's to their victory
over the Phi Delts.
At center is Paul Brown, Dun
can's team mate at Broken Bow
high school, and at guards are
Vike Francis and John Huston
Grid hopeful Francis was a bas
ketball star in high school, and
Huston was a member of last
year's Lincoln high state cham
pionship crew.
Starting lineups:
81k. Alph, Epsilon. Galley's
Hopp f. Hulling
Duncan f. Woltn
Brown c Rnlerno
Krnnrls g OnlHon
Huston K fiwanaon
dress by R. H. Wellcr, head of the
state safety patrol.
All candidates for Best Dressed
Girl are to meet this afternoon at
5 in Ellen Smith hall for a short
meeting with the A. W. S. board,
according to Janet Lau, A. VV. S
board member in charge of the
Coed Follies.
"Howdy Day" is a special event
on the Los Angeles City Collage
calendar. Students wenr special
Identification tags on that day,
say "howdy" to everyone they
It WVmrmnmmWWmmmWr .J A ' 3mw V mjmmmmm
scores for
Underdogs triumph as
Porter to Thompson
passing threat clicks
A highly touted Harvard aggre
gation fell before the underdog
Yale team 6 to 0 yesterday after
noon in the first scrimmage of the
spring practice season.
Coach Biff Jones started two
evenly balanced lineups, so that
scoring was possible only when
the second teams took the field.
With the subs in it was only
short time until the Yale squad
pushed the oval across on a sus
tained drive featured by a 25 yard
pass from George Porter to Theos
Thompson and the plunging ability
of Kenneth Simmons, diminuitive
halfback, who scored the day's
only touchdown.
Starting the contest was a Har
vard team composed of George
Seeman and Ray Prochaska, ends;
Forrest Behm and Royal Kahler
tackles; Warren Alfson and
Wayne Blue, guards; and Bob
Ramey, center. In the backfield
was Walt Luther, substituting for
Bob DeFruiter, an influenza vie
tim, Roy"Cowboy" Petsch, Hermie
Rohrig, and Vike Francis.
Herndon Starts.
The Yale first team was com
posed of Jack Ashburn and Bob
Kahler at the end positions; Leon
ard Muskin and Clarence Hern
don, tackles; Hub Monsky and
George Abel, guards; Bob Burruss
center. Theos Thompson, Bus
Knight, Harry Hopp, and Jacob
Ferguson made up the backfield
The Harvard first team made
consistent yardage against the
underdog Yale eleven yet were
unable to reach pay dirt. With the
inception of the second elevens
the tables were turned and Yale
scored. The backfield combination
of Kenneth Simmons, George Por
ter, and Ray Smith, aided by
Theos Thompson of the first team,
combined to make the winning
score. Opening the holes for this
quartet was a line composed of
Burdctte Wertman and Glenn
Schluckebier, ends; Sam Schwartz
kopf and Francis Leik, tackles;
Adna Dobson and Arlo Klum,
guards, and Bob Burruss, center.
Opposing this pay-dirt aggrega
tion was a second string Harvard
eleven with Vernon Braasch and
Bob Ludwick, ends; Vic Schlcich
and Ralph Whitehead, tackles;
Sam Feunning and George Steers,
guards, and Fred Meier, center.
Backs on this crew were Vernon
Kennedy, Marvin Thompson, Eldon
Neucrnberger, and John Sandall.
Tech relays
Weir to name squad
for Chicago trip today
Nebraska's track squad enters
real bie time competition this
week when several of the top
notch performers accompany
Coach Ed Weir to the new Chicago
field house for the Armour Tech
relays. Weir will nominate his
squad after today's practice ses
sion. Kansas State will represent the
Big Six along with the Huskers
at the Windy City carnival, while
Michigan, indoor champion of the
Big Ten, will enter a large team.
All of the midwest's better track
performers are expected to be
Because of R. O. T. C. drill Fri
day afternoon, the freshmen dual
color will be run off Thursday.
With many of the frosh cinder
men out for spring practice, Weir
has been forced to revise the dual
color teams.
The Nebraska-Minnesota fresh
man telegraphic meet is slated for
the last week in March. The Scar
let yearlings will be attempting
to avenge a 75 V2 to 23 pasting
they took at the hands of the Go
phers last spring.
Former Husker athlete
dies in Madison, Nebr.
Wililam L. Dowling, former Ne
braska athlete, died yesterday
morning at his home in Madison.
He had been in poor health for a
number of years and had recently
suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Mr. Dowling attended the uni
versity from 1901 to 1903 and was
anember of the N club and Alpha
Theta Xi. He won varsity letters
in both track and football. For
years he was a director of the
alumni association. He was grad
uated from the college of law and
practiced in Madison, where he
was county attorney.
E. C. Quigley ready to
officiate once more
E. C. Quigley, colorful old offi
cial whom Nebraska fans missed
this year, will be in shape for base
ball officiating this spring.
The veeran Kansan, who has
been worikng athletic events for
nearly 30 years, suffered an ankle
injury while refereeing a football
game last September, and has
been inactive since then.
Sprint I here. I'm our KncIWi
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