WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1939 i DAILY NEBRASKAN SEVEN March winds, beckoning hats, hair and skirts... and encourage victims of the flue to stay home one more day. . .organized houses are said to be regular infirmaries what with colds and such ... big news comes of surprise candy passings Monday night... at the Alpha Phi house, heart-shaped boxes anounced the treats of El eanor Berner and Sig Alph Joe Carlson. . .Delta Gamma Jean Gutzmer and Kappa Sig Bob Ray also handed out the candy and cigars to the astounded sisters and brothers . . . new steady couples also come into light, come spring timc.Theta Betty Jean Peter son and Sigma Nu Frank Day have decided to call it a deal... and Alpha Phi Betty Lou Wentz and ATO Bill O'Connor think now that steady dates are the only thing. . . a new date combination is that of Beta Bob Gannon and Alpha Chi Eunice Halm and that happens quite often of late... shouts of joy accompanied the news that John Gayer, Alpha Sig, has received permission to take entrance exams to Annapolis in June . . . Congrats . . . between acts i and scenes of practice, the main occupation of the players in To varich seems to be Square Danc ing... it's said .they had some mighty fine swing- the other night ...latest news on; the Mystery of the Missing Five whom we told you got spring "fever and hit for points east says that the lads are now safely home, Hatter an adven turous week end.-.;, and you'll probably find them; home in bed about now. . .back; Xhia week end for the Sig Elph Bowery party will be Bob Thornton ' and Charles Hodge... and the ; Alpha Sig Ha waiian party is also this week end ...more on both of those later... pre-initiation week at the Sigma Nu house brought luscious sere nades from the pledges late Mon day night... and ther is also a very fine Health week at the DU house and the down town stores claim that something like 2,000 boards were sold in one day this week. . .wouldn't that break all records or something ??.... Theta's new officers are Pris Chain, president; Dorothy Swisher, vice president; Edie Knight, treas urer; Marion Kidd, secretary. Panhelenic sends notice of the pledgings of Ruth Hult, Phi Mu; RoseMary McKnight, AOPi; Eu genia Faulkner, Theta; Ruth Chapman, Alpha Phi; Geraldine Hawkins, Gamma Phi. The local chapter of Gamma Phi Beta will act as hostess this week to Province III convention, which includes Missouri, Illinois, Tennes see, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The National President, Mrs. William Deahn, will oficiate. Maxine Wert man is the delegate from the local chapter. The theme will be nauti cal, and will be carried thruout the convention. A formal banquet will be held Saturday night at the uncom. m "5,A0 : 1 She Isn't Ilifft-TTat ... .She's Just Particular. .. She Isn't Spoiled. . . She Just "Wants 1o do Where All Her Friends (Are... , ' She Isn't Hard to Tlease... She Just Wants to lie Seen at the Capital Qoffee Lounge Where All Iler Friends Meet When They Want to Have Fun!' SO THIS IS SPRING! . . . this balmy sunshiny weather when you can't bear a topcoat . . . then the breezy chilly days that whip your coat about in the wind and send your hat rolling down the street. There's dust in your face, and soot in your eye, as you squint at "spring-y" looking store windows. March comes in like a lion and we hope. . .goes out like a lamb, while in between comes good ol' St. Patrick's Day... Erin Go Brach! But there'll be "a change in the weather" and a "change in you" when spring finally gets here to stay. So while you're out window shopping, look up a few of these... In the Spring A Young Man's Fancy Turns to. . . and a college girl's fancy turns to thoughts of what to do with her hair! Mr. Alex who has just returned from Chicago beauty . shows and co-operated in designing new spring coiffures offers a staff of trained hairstylists ready to serve' yoy. New methods of permanent waving. For consul tation or appointment call.B3550. 607 Fed. Sec. Bldg. Horses to the Right of Us horses to the left of us..-, and we hope, a horse be neath us, while we're riding! So just to make sure of ex tra good footing in the stir rups we suggest a snugly fitted jodphur boots from Wells & Frost. We might add, too, that jodphur boots "walk-easy" and can stand the wear and tear of hiking, (even picnics!) Get your jod phur boots now at Wells & Frost before good riding weather sets in!' They're only 55! Now Is the Time for all good horsebackriders to come to Shreve's for a good rousing rollicking ride over the bridal paths in Pioneers! Get up a riding party now! Call F8933 for your horses. Why Pay More for your application photos (prospective teachers and bizad students) when you can get 6 for 50c and a whole dozen for 75c. Butcher-Har-ritt Studio, 1308 O. L6395. She Goes to the Movies to Copy the Stars! Mrs. Ora Marie Nelsen sketches Hollywood fashions at the movies so that she can make you a Holly wood frock. Call Mrs. Nelsen if there Is a special fashion you'd like copied in a current movie. It can be made very reasonably just as you want it at the Buttonhole. B1518 1242 M. 4 Going! Going! Gone! almost all of the Shetland wool back and suede front jackets in cranberry and chartreuse, beige and deep tan, pink and blue. . .$2.95. Others at $5.95 SPRUCE UP your costume with colored clustered crystals, Dutch boy and girl clips, a lemon-drop bracelet, a cat's whiskers clip, fruit and vegetable clus ters, or tiny 15 strand necklaces in all colors. COMING IN are pastel linen hankies with yarn embroidery designs! Watch for them. Miss Perkins : Take a Letter ! fix? CJ xi'f ft ... I, Staff Photo. Polly Perkins, Delta Gamma freshman from Columbus, Nebr., pauses in her work in the Daily Nebraakan business office. Polly gets practical secretarial experience under Dick McGinnis, business manager. 4 Looking for a Nome? There may not be much in a name, but any name looks nice in a gold twined pin! Why don't you order one for yourself and your friends too. Only 10c for each name (or initials if you prefer) at Gold's jewelry on first floor. SEA SHELLS in necklaces and bracelets brighten up your swealers, or if you like, a Hawaiian lei in pastels. Gold's first floor jewelry. A Line a Day Will Keep the Pounds Away Yes, we mean a line of bowl ing a day will go a long way towards keeping your weight under control while you have a good time with a really good sport! Lincoln Bowling Parlors. 236 No. 12th. Gypsy Splashes of Color all over the new full flowing skirts for spring formals with white silk lace blouse tops zipped on to the skirts! Here is a picture of glamour in new arrivals from New York at Gold's sfond floor. ?12.95iup Wa(cn for day time dresses In gypsy styles! They'll be in soon, . Watch for another "Goed in Activities" Soon! Don't Miss the Spring Review Edition March 23rdl