The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1939, Page FOUR, Image 4

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School Is not a3 simple as it
seems, come six weeks time...
and between grades coming out
and reports going in Saturday, all
the studious students are in a
dither, while the others are wor
ried as usual... but to shun the
cares of the day and turn to a
lighter vein, we might mention a
few more dates from the Thi Delt
party. ..Theta Frannie Wrighls
man was there with Delt Dow
Wilson. . .Kappa Rozanne Shcehan
with John Moll... Delta Gamma
Pat Cooper with Chick Roberts
...Ed Brega and Kappa Mary
Ella Bennett. . .and from that par
ty to things of interest to all you
curious the things about your
friends which you wouldn't want
printed about yourself .. .like the
date Ruth Tisdale, Tri Delta, will
have this week end instead of the
usual with Lloyd Wright, SAE. . .
or what sort of an affair might
be on the up-swing between DU
Avery Forke and Theta pledge
Esther Louise Leffler, who have
been coking together often of late
...or of another coking combina
tion which is not too usual 'that
of ATO John Mason and Eunice
Halm, Alpha Chi. ..or of the song
dedicated at the Turnpike Sunday
to Mr. and lira. Jack Scott-a
brain child of the humor of five
.or six pokers And which defi
nitely put "Scotty" (Sigma Nui
and Polly Perkins. DG, on the
spot, since things, I guess, are not
at all that way... with Pre-Initi-ation
weeks the big vogue now,
the speil made by the Acacia
freshmen when answering the
phone k still Ups for laughs...
things are picking up definitely in
the affair between DU Gene Knox
and Alpha Phi Giggs Berggrcn
they visited her tome in Wahoo
last week end... and speaking of
DU's, the flash just comes in tnat
their house in Minnesota burned,
causing four of their fellows to
leap front the third story that is
Bizad seniors
yie for S500
Second MiUer award
to be given this spring
Presentation of the second John
E. Miller $50d graduate fellow
ships in business administration
will go to an outstanding senior
in the Bizad college this spring.
Applications for the award should
be filed with the faculty scholar
ship committee on or before
March 15.
Originating last year in mem
ory of the late Jolin E. Miller, this
fellowship is to be presented an
nually by the Cooper motion pic
ture foundation to a senior in the
college, high in academic standing
and well known for leadership
and campus achievements.
Winner of the 1928-1939 fellow
ship, Robert R. Martz, is in resi
dence at Columbia university,
working on a master's degree.
Directing the selection is J. K.
Kirschman, chairman of the de
partment of economics with a
committee of O. R. Martin, head
of the department of business or
ganization, Clifford Hicks and
E. A. Gilmore. instructors in busi
ness subjects and W. A. Spurr of
the department of business re
search. Application blanks can be
secured in Social Sciences 310.
""Ends Wednesday I
Janet Gaynor
DouqIm Fairbanks, Jr.
Young in Heart
three beauties of
the aky I
Pave r...
' fit . v. .
KcllT f
4 '-. A
M;r Bennett
Alono Dasa
the chapter, remember, which put
on that keen scoreboard at the
Minnesota-Nebraska football tussle
and that practically burn3 up
the news of today...
Sigma Kappa mothers club will
hold a luncheon today at one at
the home of Mrs. F. C. Smith.
Theta XI Auxiliary is having a
luncheon today at 1:15 at the
chapter house.
Kappa Sigma Alliance meets to
day at one for a luncheon.
The marriage of Kathleen Siert
of Omaha to Charles Schwager
took place Saturday. Mr. Schwag
er was a Sig Alph when in school
Disputed Passage by Lloyd C.
Douglas will be reviewed this aft
ernoon at two by Dr. Frank G.
Smith of Omaha at the Delta
Gamma chapter house. Everyone
is urged to attend. The price of
admission is 25 cents.
combination 4
. . . and the TOP Combination
for more smoking pleasure is
Chesterfield (the can 't-be-copied blend)
.he sun never sets
ularity because Chesterfield combines . .
blends together., .the world's best cigarette
tobaccos in a way that's different from any
other cigarette.
When you try them you will know why
Chesterfields give millions of men and
women more smoking pleasure . why
Werner, Elliot, Kovanda
to play in A.A.U. meet
Huskers Alton Werner, Bob El
liott and Bill Kovanda are on the
list of players of the Century team
that will represent Lincoln in the
midwest A. A. U. basketball tour
ney being held in Omaha today,
tomorrow and Thursday. The Cen
tury team has won the Midwest
meet for the past two years under
the name of Woodmen.
All three of the N. U. men se
lected are seniors who finished
their college cage careers Satur
day night against Oklahoma. The
rest of the team: Seldon Davey,
ex-husker; Rod and Ron Shuman,
Wesleyan twins, Dale Seligman,
former Jackson high ace, and Russ
Trott, manager.
Forward publishes article
on life of DeQuincey
Kenneth Forward of the depart
ment of English will have an ar
ticle on De Quincey published in
the May issue of the Publications
of the Modern Language associa
tion. This is his second study con
cerning the life of the celebrated
English writer.
iy ''
SrT V JS H a Combination that has thrilled
) mmnSall0VertheVOrlL
the premier high wire artists
on Chesterfield's dod
Library receives
mostly non-fiction
New additions coyer
politics, economics
America's Stake in Europe, a
new book on the American view of
the European political situation, is
one of the most interesting of the
recent additions to the library.
Speaking of Change, by Edward
Filcne, is also on the list of new
books. The complete list includes
the following:
Jefferson, the Forgotten Man, by Sam
uel B. PettenKill.
In the Second Year, by Storm Jameson.
Broadcasting and the Public, by Fed
eral Council of Churches of Christ In
The California Deserts, by Edmund C.
Merchants of Peace, by George S. Rldge
Vay. Mary Putnam Jacobl, M. D., a Path
finder In Medicine, by Mra. Mary lacobi.
Tonl Brown of Facetious Memory, by
Benjamin Koyce.
The Jews In Economic and Political
Life, by Walter Klschel.
Politics and Politicians, by Frederick
S. Oliver.
After the Victorious bv Mrs. Amy Cruse.
Sicnposts, by W. U. McMlnnies.
Adult education, by. Dorothy Hewitt
of the world
. the blend that
Prof. Yenne to serve
on theater committee
Prof. Herbert Yenne, of the
speech department, has recently
been selected to serve as a mem
ber of the committee on revising
the constitution of the American
Educational theater association.
Yenne will cooperate with other
leading authorities from various
universities and colleges of the
United Stares in suggesting new
Ideas for he proposed constitu
tion of the organization.
nnrl TOrilnv V Unit,..
Unicameral Legislnture, by Alvin
Selling What You Write, by Donald Vc
Campbell. Kmerson, the Wisest American.
America's Stake In Europe, by James
O. McDonald.
The Colonial Empire and Civil Service,
by Charles J. Jeffries.
Ancient Society, by Lewis H. Morgan.
Speaking of Change, by Edward A.
How to Find Old Paris, by John N.
Wa re.
Dynosts and the Post War Age In Poetry,
by Amtyu. C. Chakravarty.
Reminiscences of Rufus Choate, by Ed
win C Parker.
The Stradivari Memorial at Washing
ton, hv William n HpniiM
Paul Bunyan, by Richard L. Stokes.
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Coprrijht 1939, liccirr k Mvw Tomcco Co