FOUR DAILY NEBKASKAN SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1939 BIG TALK of Gene Krupa the headline of the day's society world . . . ana can you blame anyone . . . and re ollcctions of week-end fun being high-spotted by the Kappa Delt formal, the A TO, and the movie Gunga Din... nil of which were mighty fine... for Saturday afternoon fun, the Uridge tourney attracted many of the Greeks... the champeens, Stanley Slosburg and Bea Sonmiors, played such old hands at the game as DU's Joe Stephens and Harry Epperson, Theta Dorothy Van Patten and Beta Tom Davis, Phi Dells Fred Fairman and Cedric Johnson, Slg Alphs Bob Waugh and Bob Martin. Beta Sigs Charles Olio and Arthur Eoye. I'll! Gams Bob Tollel'son and Hugh Kisenhart, Alpha Chi's Eleanor and Marjorie F.isonhart. Trl Deltas Eleanor Akin and Betty Leonard. Delta Gammas Er.iie Jones and Lit Williams, and nn-ners-up Woodie Campbell and Elaine Lucas, Phi Mil's. . .among spectators at the match were, of course, John Upson and Jessica Mutz, SAE and the ATO formal, novelty-of-the-month were the tinv champagne pails filled with bath salts, and cham pagne bottle containing cologne. . . Theta Dorothy Swischer was there with Ralph Yost, Don Boehm and Kappa Marj Moller, Dev. Finkle and Mary Fislar, Chi O, and Beta John Klose with Dolly Joy... sev eral Kappa Delta dinner parties were held, among them, one given by Ann Soukup at the Cornhusker ...the Saturday matinee dance was none too well attended, but such couples as Ward Rounds and his date, among others, kept things well going. . .Sunday night at Pi Phi is a buffet supper. . .there'll be Mary Bell Bates with Phi Delt Ace Ruromqge Sale STATIONERY! Crane and Eaton's Miscellaneous Lines in White and Colored Stationery 10c-15c -25c -50c Quire or Package Extra Envelopes In White or Colored 5 for 25c Esterbrook 4 A(i Fountain Pen 2)lvJ i ... 1 0 riWMiPWii rr f I ! I I I I I 1 t i i- 1 1 104 IBJmR yrfiWlttWVt v.v.-.v,v.-.,iv -j- Andreson, Kay Bussard and How ard Fisher, Sigma Nu, and Jane Shaw with Sig Alph Butch Wert mf.n. ..we'd like to apologize to both Kappa Mary Lou Ball and Phi Psi Carl Cuslejr for saying that she had worn his pin... evi dently, the rumor is entirely un true, and we're very sorry. . . IN THE UNION Friday eve ning was a dinner for Miss Mar garet Fedde, who has been with the University Home Economics department for twenty years. 200 guests attended the gathering. CHI OMEGA announces the pledging of Lois Drake. CH JIT BOWERS is a new pledge at the Phi Tsi house. Prom Girl , (Continued from Page 1) Kition of president of the A. W. S., treasurer of the Y. W. C. A., and a member of the "Y" cabinet. Kappa Delta Alice Nemec, arts and science senior from Omaha, is a member of the Y. W. C. A. and is a Tanksteretle. Barbara Rosewater, Alpha Xi Delta senior from Omaha, is a member of Mortar board, Chi Del- TICKETS Tickets for the prom go on sale at 8 o'clock Monday morn ing. Sales will be handled by Corn Cobs and other students who are interested in winning a free ticket by selling ten ducats. Tickets may be purchased in the office of the Union, in the Daily Nebraskan office, or at Magee's, and are to be checked out at the office of John K. Selleck. ta Phi, Student council, and was formerly a news editor on the NEBRASKAN. Ruthanna Russel, home econom ics senior from Lincoln, has par ticipated In the activities of Tas sels, Y. W. C. A., Phi Upsilon Omirron and Coed Counsellors, and has had memberships on the Home Economics Association board and Farmer's Fair board. Representatives of the junior class are Emma Marie Schultloffcl, member of the Student council, intramural board. Y. W. C. A., Coed Counsellor board and Tas sels, and Gerry Wallace, Delta Gamma of Lincoln, a member of the sports board and a Tankster ette. Scholarship, (Continued from Page 1) over. Tea tables will be presided over by Miss Margaret Fedde. Miss Leonorc Alway, Miss Clementine Newman, Miss Kate Fields, Miss H. Alice Howell, Mrs. Chauncey Boucher, and Mrs. Verna Boyles. Patricia Lahr and Bonnie Burn will be in charge of the presenta tion of awards. Tin. NE1B1IIAKA UNI MEN VIE FOR Judging Committee Of MARIAN KIDD JUNE BIERBOWER Selection Oi L. D. O. C. Will Be On A Basis Of Ability To Drees In A Manner Appropriate For University Life. Any TJnl MAN may enter the B. D. O. C. contest No purchases. No obligations. 20 signatures of male students is all that is necessary. See nomination blanks for complete rules. STOP AT HARVEY BROS. FOR YOUR NOMINATION BLANK B, D. O. C. Contest Sponsored By Harvey Brothers and The Daily Nebraskan. Former NU grad student publishes scientific paper Ashton C. Cuckler, a former graduate student In the depart ment of zoology, has published a paper entitled "Nematode Para sites of the Galapagos Land Iguana." This paper is one of a series being published by the Al lan Hancock Pacific expeditions and is based on material collected by Prof. H. W. Manter. Bernard , (Continued from Page 1) the fact that the glen is fertile, exceedingly rich, and of strangely mild climate in the midst of an immense region which la swept by blizzards. The colored pictures which the explorer brings with him show the richness of the valley's tem ples, of which many are said to have roofs of pure sheet gold. Ber nard describes the temple rooms as being filled with solid gold in cense burners, dragons, butter lamps, and gem-encrusted statues. Of the Yogi practices of regu lating the heartbeat and breathing, which Bernard learned in the la maseries, he says, "What the Ti betans have done la to create their own scholarship of physiology." Lincoln's Fashion Cenier "PLOTS OF PLEATS" New Dresses with Plenty of Spring Swing 95 Firt Floor Rial got Shop - iii c iminn Hlli 1 HI I IMIiljllir llll' :' TO SELECT 1B.HD..C. TITLE OF BEST DRESSED ON CAMPUS Uni Women Have Complete Power Of Selection JEANNE NEWELL VELMA EKWALL BARBARA MEYER JANET HARRIS PATRICIA LAHR Cunkle speoks tonight at First Plymouth church Frank Cunkle, of the nchool of music department, will give the third In a series of "Glimpses Into the Arts" speeches, sponsored by the Sunday evening club of the First Plymouth church, tonight at 6:30 o'clock. The talk will be given In con nection with special Lenten ves pers for university students, which are to be held every Sunday night during Lent. Ohio's five state universities have formed an inter-university council to co-ordinate the educa tional policies and programs of the schools. GOING!! 12 theater tickets good for any time, any show ... at the Varsity . . . have you gotten yours yet? 12 theater tickets for Coffee Lounge Sunday night supper diners . . . to be given away this Sunday night between 6 and 9 . . . while Ken Nelson plays ... on weekdays music from 9 to 12 . . every night! HOTEL CAPITAL t - - ' - GONG! en Fin Contest Closes March 13th Announce ment of B. D. O. C. Winner in March 23rd DAILY NEBRASKAN. Winner of B. D. O. C. title wi:l b presented with $75.00 in clothing from HARVEY BROTHERS, the store of smartly styled men's clothing. ,1230 O St Union starts 'Economy Hour to spread crowd starting Monday, students who take advantage of the Union's "economy hour" will be able to purchase 25 cent lunch eons for 20 cents. The "economy hours," from 11 to 11:30 in the morning and 1 to 2, are hoped by the grill staff to relieve congestion in the grill and thus afford students better service. fcotfHowttfcft- ii'P-,Jtritlwt Starring MMM-M GARY 6HANT VICTOR McUSLEN end DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Jr EXTRA! Wall Disney'a "Practical Pia" l.usical and Paramount News .TaOTUAisnr NOW!.. The darina. sucesi or to "Young Dr. Kildart" and "Man in White!!" with FLORENCE RICE IMA MERKEL ANN RUTNERf 0RD MART HOWARD Ytt and ALAN MARSHAL InO" KENT TAYLOR BUDDY ESSEN. tf! Comlnq! In Person On Our Stag ALANO DASS World's Foremost Mentallst! Alva. I ... - . . m now. Cp Thrills 1 ' J Thousand 1f ( M3vies!I 1 -w 1 s m 1 f 1 1 1 f M B A I J 1 1 k 1 R. m M mm mm. 1 -vi'i n nis ix 1 it 1 .: : J ? I I t 1 I I I ! I ill! .x .-.3 1 1 x if .