The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1939, Page FOUR, Image 4

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More Broad-Jumps per puddle
than ever before. . .People falling
inside as well as out of doors...
DDD Cay Deurmeyer and Delt
Bill Sawtell taking a good spill
while dancing, . s did Pi Phi
Kvelyn Leavitt and DU Bill Ly
man... and a few actives took a
bit of a beating last night when
the DU pledges took a sneak, kid
napped Wade Raser, Les Bursik
and Bob Nelson... and spills were
taken Sunday at a sleigh-riding
It's Dated
11? M7
party at Ashland by Theta's Edie
Knight and Tess Cassidy, Phi Psi
Carl Harnsberger, DU's Bob We
kesser and Ralph Reed, and Alpha
Phi Marie Vogt. . .speaking of
duration, it "Seems that Alpha Phi
Pat Jensen talked on the phone
to Phi Delt Culver Brooks about
four hours at one time from one
'til five one morning. . .hmm,
could be?... a lonely heart is that
of Lorraine McCauley, Kappa
Delt, since Farm House Willy An
drews is no longer in school . . .
something new and different in
date combinations was that of
Sigma Nu John Spence with Pi
Phi Ruthie Fox, this week end. or
DG Betty Rathburn and SAE Jim
DeW'olf. . .and that Phi Psi man
of the campus (Fred Stiner) was
around and about with Jane Cook
this week end, as before... one of
the better records of the week . . .
"I Get Along Without You Very
Well" as played by Kay Kyser in
the Grill... and speaking of rec
ords, the Tri Delta's have at last
had theirs returned by the Phi
Delta. . .that is a phony -grapher. .
with Kappa Charlotte Bridges re
turn to school, she and Beta Bob
Chambers are again seen together
constantly. . .among the cigaret
smokers with the 'holder-habit" is
Duane Essem, who looks awfully
Englishy with said equipment...
Rag is now sending SOS for re
turn of mascot, "Chief," the
turtle. . .
The parents of Virginia Amos
have announced her engagement
to Karl Manke, and they have
planned their marriage for this
spring. Miss Amos was an Alpha
Phi and PBK when in school here,
and Mr. Manke attended school
both here and at the University of
vnr AArnA
in tteir famous (J 1 1 (PQ llPf
"Dance oftke Cigarette" with j JL mSs J ILnJL
Out. riu
i l w
. . . the can'tbe-copied
v MfesMc(f )
Colleges give
Graduates in chemistry
may apply for openings
A limited number of fellowships,
assistantships and scholarships in
other institutions are available to
graduate students in chemistry
this year. Information concern
ing them may be obtained at the
graduate office, Avery 202.
A number of the openings avail
able are posted on the bulletin
board in Avery. They include fel
lowships, assistantships, and schol
arships in the universities of Johns
Hopkins, Washington, Stanford,
Cincinnati, Indiana and Yale. Fel
lowhips at the Institute of Tech
nology of Minnesota, Lafayette
college, and the National Research
Council of Washington, D. C.
There are several openings at Ne
braska also.
The different positions are of
various values financially, accord
ing to the importance attached
and according to the school which
offers it. In many cases an
exemption of tuition or other
Joday ii the Jaij . . .
to send her a valentine
Saij St Hith blowers
an old fashioned nosegay
Violets Q Acacia
Sweetpeas Fuschia
B2234 13CQ N
blend. . . a happy combination kj
of the world's best cigarette tobaccos
Corn Cob yearbook
sales drive ends today
All Corn Cobs who have been
selling 1939 Cornhuskers must
turn in all money collected, plus
the salesbooks into which they
have written subscriptions to
night. Ralph Reed will meet
them in room 308 in the Union
at 5 o'clock today. He empha
sized that today is absolutely
and finally the end of the year
book sales drive.
Cercle Francois hears
William O'Ryan tonight
Spring activities for Le Cercle
Francais begin tonight at 7:30 in
Room 219 of Morrill, with William
O'Ryan, graduate assistant in the
department, speaking on "Roger
Martin du Card."
Under the direction of Barbara
Huffaker, president of the club,
French music will be played, in
cluding "Les Variations Sym
phoniques" de Caesar Franck.
school fees is offered. The amount
received is usually large enough to
pay all or a large part of the
graduate students college expenses.
THE HAPPY COMBINATION perfectly balanced blend)
of the world's best cigarette tobaccos
Chesterfield's can't-be-copied blend
of mild ripe American and aromatic
I Turkish tobaccos
qualities you like in a smoke . . mild
ness, better taste, and pleasing aroma.
When you try them you will know
why Chesterfields give millions of men
and women more smoking pleasure.,,
But they don't get on their
knees now-a-days. . .they don't
have to when they ask their
girl friends to go to the Coffee
Lounge at the Capital. . .espe
cially on a day like this when
they expect something a little
extra... (in case it might have
slipped your overcrowded cere
brum in days like this, though
it doesn't seem possible that
you could have started study
ing yet)... this is the day, the
day you do something special
for the girl friend, or one of
them if there are more in your
little red book... you remem
ber, this Is Valentine's Day...
the day with the little red dart
.... and you know your girl
friends. . .they expect you to do
something about it... so you
might as well avoid argument
and take 'em out to dinner be
fore they get a chance to put
on their "neglected" act for
your benefit so you'll feel little
and mean for abusing them so
...of course, you don't feel a
bit mean but you let her think
so ... so much for our theories
about how to handle wimmen
...our advice is plain and sim
ple and not expensive. . .take
her to the Hotel Capital for
dinner tonight and listen to
Ken Nelson. . .it'll drown out
anything she might say... good
" 1 P (T
gives you all the
CoprtU Vjy;, it Mru Ioimcou Co.