The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1939, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Back to the old column style. . .
with more letters promised for
later if you want 'em. . . but off
to large week end news. . . which
reminds us of Sigma Kappa, Alpha
wi Delia and AOPt formats. . .
to be held in the Student Union
and Cornhnsker. . . the bright
lights will probably play on Helen
Higgins, Sigma Kappa, and Ver
non Kreycik, Kappa Sig, and
Annabelle Lee and Pi KA Cortney
Valentine at the Sigma Kappa
formal. . . Barbara Uosewater, Al
pha Xi, is seen more than often
lately with Hob Holland, and
they'll be together Saturday night
. . . AOPi's expect the usual com
bination of Charlotte Utt and Jack
Nelson, as we might have men
tioned before. . along the line of
the settled down, we might men
tion Kappa Mickey Morrow who is
going steady with Phi Psi Lee
Liggett. . . if we were to speak of
prize letters, we'd mention the one
Rowdy Roy Proffitt. ATO, sent 10
Polly Perkins. 1G, to tell her what
time he'd call for her. . . tsk. . .
when the football boys Brock, Cal
lihan and Dodd. take it easy, they
do their relaxing in the Drug and
with Pi Phi's Jean Fetter and
Jane Wilson. . . also at the Drug
biding her time was Ann Hustead,
entertaining people with riddles
and jokes. . . off again for an
other hie week end. . .
Kappa Sigma held election of
officers with the following re
sults: President, Frank Kudrna;
vice president, Bob Ray; secretary,
John Fredenhagen; treasurer, Don
Siemscn; master of ceremony.
Howard Curtis; guards, Vern
Kreycik and Roger Van Buskirk;
sergeant at arms, Merrill Eng
lund. Delta Gamma mothers club will
meet at the chapter house this aft
ernoon for a 1 o'clock luncheon.
Thl Mil mothers club will have
their 1 o'clock luncheon at the
chapter house this afternoon.
Debate Try-Outs
Time Changed
Second Semester Squad
Selection Postponed
Intercollegiate debate tryouts
for the second semester squad,
scheduled for Jan. 17, have been
postponed for about a monin, ac
cording to Coach H. A. White. The
Question to be used in this trynut
concerns collective action on the
part of the democracies of the
On Feb. 14 a tryout is sched
uled to choose two special teams
for the Colorado trip. For this
any man of the university who is
eligible may compete, including
those who have already debated
the subject of Pump Priming,
which will be used. Keserve books
have been placed again in various
collections of the library for use
of the men interested. A bibli
ography may be obtained in An
drews in.
Students making the trip to
Colorado will not participate in
any other debates this semester.
Official wording of the subject to
be used both at the tryout Feb. 14
and on the Colorado trip is. "Re
solved, that the United States
government should cease giving
money for the stimulation of business."
Officer Takes Cold
Shower in Unfiorm
But Umvittinyly
Officer Francis Donovan of the
campus police force took an in
voluntary cold shower in uniform
early Tuesday morning.
Briefly told, the facts are these:
Officer Donovan was making his
usual early morning inspection
tour of Greek row; he stepped
upon the curb in front of the
Theta Xi house at 1504 S St., and
met a stream of cold water from a
hose projecting from a second
story window. Officer Donovan
resented it vocally and demanded
entrance and dlvulgence of the
Greek turned fireman.
The water boy accompanied
Officer Donovan to you know
where as Donovan Insisted that
the offense constituted deliberate
assault on a law enforcing agent.
Theta Xi's explained to police that
they had mistaken the officer for
the first of the Theta Xi pledges
returning from a "sneak" trip and
gave him the water works. On
the strength of the eloquent ex
planation Sergeant Regler re-It-ased
the water shooter from
threat of prosecution Tuesday afternoon.
The book value of Harvard uni
versity this year is $137,157,
835.44. Attendance at college football
games in 1938 rose 11 per cent
over the 1937 total.
Saturday afternoon Is bath
time at the University of Ala
bama: students there use more
gallons of water from 2 to 6 p. m.
Saturday than any other time of
the week.
Jn i JaJiion de
Ji jz r p.
3 Jh
China Missionary
to Address Baptists
James V. Latimer returned mis
sionary from China will speak on
"Present comliuona in i nina ai
a union meeting at the First Bap
tist church Sunday evening.
Mr. Latimer is at present, me
Public Relations Director of Sioux
Falls Collere. The Roger Williams
Club of the First Church will be
hosts to the other Baptist young
people in the city at this meeting.
The meeting starts at seven pre
ceded by R social hour.
"The Dawn Patrol"
Filmrd in Terhnicnlnr!
Lorctta Young
Richard Gre-ine
Walter Brennan
l.iia Day!
'Young Dr. Kildarc" and
"Litilfl Tough Go
in bjciciy"
"Stand Up and Fight"
Get Your Free
Ticket at Desk
Student Architects
View Lumber Film
Members of the student architec
tural societv were shown a film
on "The Manufacture of Lumber,"
at their regular meeting last night
in social sciences auditorium.
Lowe to Address
Lutheran Students
Professor to Describe
Experience in Athens
Lutheran students will gather
Frid.iv evening at K:3o in room 203
of the Temple to hear Prof. C. G.
Lowe of the
partnicnt of Hie
classics. Vvi ifcssor Lowe has spent
six years in Greece ns librarian in j
the American school of classical
studies. Ill his speech he will tell
the students of his experiences in
On the entertainment commit
tee are Dorothy I-nike as chair
man, with Bob Worthmnn, Dor
othy Gade and Ivan Sundcrman
assisting. The refreshment com
mittee consists of Walter Schroe
der as chairman. Norma Bcrends,
Freda Miller and George Splitt-
Reverend and Mrs. H. FrcK ami
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Luers will be
Will Durant
Author nnit Vhilonopher
at the Union
N. U. to Entertain
Missouri Valley Group
To Meet Here in May
The meetimi of the Missouri
Valley branch of the Society of
American Bacterioligists will be
held for the first time on the uni
versity' campus sometime during
the first week of May. Dr. Carl
Georgi, assistant professor of bac
tcriology has announced.
Dr. Gcorei and Ke th Lewis, in
structors in the department who
attended winter meetings of the
organization ut Lawrence, Kansas,
in December and their department
will be hosts to scientists In the
field from the Institutions of Kan
sas, Western Missouri, Oklahoma
and Nehvfi'l-a
C. W. Scott Has Article
On Education Published
"Is Washington Ready for Ten
ure ?" an article by Dr. C. W. Scott
of te i. hers college which is based
on a first hand study of Washing
ton stale's readiness for this type
of legislation is published in the
current number of the Washington
L'ducationa! Journal. Dr. Scott
was on the summer faculty of
Washington State college last
year. He has just been appointed
chairman of the sub-committee on
teacher tenure of the Nebraska
State Teachers association.
Union to Install Books
After Contest Closing
A soon as the contest to find
a suitable bookplate for the
Union library has closed anil the
untries iudred. the hundred new
hunk a rr.irchaaed bv the Union
with the fund donated by Joe Sea-
crest will be placed In the library
fnr reartine Mrs. Ylncer. ocial
director, said yesterday.
piece suns 2275 297
2975 3975 4975
(Continue.) from Page 3.1
seniors In their opening lineup,
and Phoe Allen. If necessary, can
pit five senior against that bunch.
Offensively, Nebraska has blos
somed brightly this year, averag
ing nearly 3s points per game in
the nine ihey have played. Kansas
hasn't approached that average,
but K. I!, has allowed opponents
far less than the lluskers have al
lower! their foes
i Husker foes have nveraged al-
most 41 points per game, while
K. I'.'h average foe's score has
; been nearer 32. Allen coached
! lei.Nis have always been a Nc-'
braska stumbling block, and to-
1 nlglil, urowncnicn nope io am one ,
more win to the Husker victory
record over the .layliawks.
Probable starting lineups:
i Nebraska
Kovanda F Golay
m-i f- Cnnlnmafl
Randall C Allen
Werner G Harp j B
Fit F Corli
-m -'p
Friday, Sat. and Sunday
nnd H'i
Artl-U Kmturln th Mirlrlr I'lpr Organ n4
I. .
Off to the moM Interesting ault aeaaon In
years -with wise collegiate snapping up
these clever new fashions IVld stripes or
chec ked dressmaker Jackets with con
trasting full skirts. Three piece suits with
novel contrasting Jacket or topcoats.
New mannish suits with figure-flat lerlnp
longer Jacket that's the pride of fashions.
Join the rush to llovlnnd Kwanson today
for these collegiate fashions.
of lively looking twidH - soil fleeces In
heavenly new colors. 1mk for the new
awing barks and aocented shoulder.
1695 1075 22
i vx .j;
Thli Hud A I Ftavi Hnl. and Aim
y J
morn S
I I Adm. Friday, 40c Each
i I ; B U9m mmmu ummz