The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 12, 1939, Page FOUR, Image 4

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(StH-iwtv Kditoi-'s nntr: This lrltr is a
rninixijuti? of ihe lye if rurrrsixinitpm'e re
civi'tl by this tlepmtnu'nt I.
Dear Sarah Society:
For several weeks I have been
wondering about certain things
nhout certain people on the ram
pun. Perhaps you will he able to
help me ans wer a few of my ques
tions. . .
I 'mi you tell rue, first, who the
pirl was with Harry Ankeny at
the IU formal? She ha 1 long
dark hair and w;'s wearing a
strapless formal. . .Is she a sor
ority pirl?. . .
Why did l'.jtty Meyer sto; go
ing steady with Pick Ilyan, Sigma
Nu on the night of the Heta for
mal? Do you think it will last
long? I the separation, I meant.
I've heard that ever since the
Mortar Hoard paity a certain Chi
"The Dawa Pjurol"
In 'Irhnl.'oW
l.nHMI i Vming
Kirhanl -riM
Young Dr. Ki'dare'
"I.ITT1.K K1I CH (il VH
IM MX H;r"
Thrr're f immg,'
Wallace Beery
Robert Taylor
Stand Up and Fijht"
O pledge has been without her
pledge pin. Do you have any Idea
who she is and where her pin is?
I heard some Phi Cams talk
ing the other day, and they were
wondering what in the worid Dale
Iluser does every Monday nnd
Tuesday night, and she's a blonde
they think. Where do you think he
could lie?
At the Wednesday matinee
dance I noticed a fellow in a
Kcntch plaid shirt who was trying
I a little dark corner stuff with a
i lovely lady. 1 thought she was aw-
fully cute, and could you tell me
J her name and phone number? I
j also wish you could tell me who
Ksther F.ilcrs, Kappa, is dating
i now.
We were driving by the Farm
House the other night and there
seemed to be quite a little rumpus
inside. What in the world was it?
And what was the noise that
created such a commotion in the
Heseive room of the library Tues
day night?
Thanks a lot for the dope, and
answer as soon as possible.
Yours Inquisitively,
Grant Gadabout.
Dear Mr. Cadabout:
Glad to get your questions and
hope I i an hylp you a little. Such
pressing questions demand imme
diate attention, so here we go.
Harry AnUeny took Ardis Ly
man to the DU formal, and she is
not in the University yet. but in
high school. She is a sister of
Joan Lyman.
Betty Meyer probably has her
own reasons for calling it off with
Dick Ilyan, anil one of them
might be a Beta listed in the
phone-books under B. The length
of the separation?? well, you
can't set a deadline to love. . . .
The pin of that Chi O pledge
is on a fellow who is not affiliated,
AS EE Elects Woe titer
Chairman of Group
Leo Wachter is the newly elected
chairman of Nebraska's members
of the American Society of Elec
trical Engineers as a result of elec
tions held Tuesday night. Donald
Housley is vice chairman, Leo
Hurdling, secretary, and Elmer
Brenn, treasurer.
and it would be a little cruel to
divulge the pledge's name pub
licly . . . you know how actives
are. See me In my office!
Dale Kuser keeps his loves
pretty quiet, I guess, but since
there is more than one, he prob
ably has to. The first name of his
Mon. -Tups, night date is Irene,
but by no hook or crook can the
rest be known- yet.
That sporty boy in the plaid
jacket is named Pierson, the girl
is a Sophomore and a Lincolnite,
and see nie personally for her
name. Ksther Filers has a date to
the Fiji formal with Bob Blitz.
The big celebration at the Farm
House the other night was a birth
day party given by the boys for
Kenneth Holland.
All the noise in the library was
causM by a fellow's falling over
backwards in his chair. He was so
embarrassed he sat on the floor
for several minutes, while fellow
students roared, with Virginia
Wheeler, DG, laughing with the
Let me know of all your great
est problems. I love this Aunt
Agatha stuff.
Your knowingly,
Sarah Society.
Sigma Kappa held election of
officers recently and the follow
ing were elected: Frances Brown,
pi lent; Jeanette Clayton, vice
pres. dent; Fmma Marie Schuttlof
fel. secretary; Betty Lehman, so
cial chairman.
Delta Upsilon held election of
officers last Monday with the fol
lowing results: Carl Norden, presi
dent; Wade Itaser, vice president;
Joseph Stephens, recording secre
tary: Ilobert Hunt, corresponding
Union Program
9:00-5:00 Extension Division,
rooms 305, 313, 315, 316.
12:00 Sinfonia, parlor C.
12:00 Religious Welfare Council,
parlors X, Y.
12:15 Christian Science, room
4:00 Harmony Hour, parlor X.
5:00 Men's Activity board, room
5:00 Gamma Alpha Chi, room
6:00 Alpha Kappa Delta, parlor
6:15 Sigma Tau, parlors B, C.
7:00 Ag. Engineers, room 316.
7:00 Bridge Club, room 212.
7:00 Scabbard and Blade, par
lor A.
7:30 Pharmacy club, room 209.
Engineers to File
For Scholarships
Graduate Applications
Due at Cornell Mar. 1
Applications for the John Mc
Cullen graduate scholarships, val
ued at $1,000, filled out by stu
dents interested in research and an
advanced degree, should be sent
to the dean of the college of en
gineering at Cornell university be
fore March 1.
In addition to the McCullen
award, many additional awards
are offered to graduates of ac
credited schools and colleges of
engineering. Further Information
may be obtained from O. H. Fer
guson of the university or from
Dean Hollister, college of engineer
ing, Ithaca, N. Y.
Clare Glandon Heads
Varsity Dairy Club
Newly elected officers of the
Varsity Dairy club include Clare
Glandon, president, P.ussel Pfeif
fer, vice president, Herbert Smiley,
secretary-treasurer, and Harold
Dot man, news reporter.
250 Attend AWS
'Coffee' Session
First Faculty-Student
Hour Draws Crowd
Inaugurating a new social cus
tom for university students anfl
members of the faculty, th
A. W. S. board served coffee tfr
250 guests yesterday afternoon In
the Union. The initial "coffee
honored especially members of
the Knglish department of the
Purpose of the functions is to
promote acquaintance and friend
ship between faculty members
and members of the student bod
The new Merles of "coffees" will
be held weekly, with special Invi
tations to one department of the
faculty each week. Irene Sellers,
member of the A. W. S. board,
was in charge of the first affair.
The A.W. S. board got their
idea for the weekly coffee hour
from a number of other universi
ties which reported a very favor
able reception of the plan from
both students and instructors.
O micron Nu Members
Celebrate Bewitched
With Ghost-Walk
Members of Omicron Nu, home
economics honorary, will attend a,
"Voodoo" party to celebrate the
evening of Friday, the 13th. Co
chairmen are Phyllis Chamberlain
and Marian Hoppert.
Feature of the evening1 will be
presentation of prizes for the
largest four leaf clover, the largest
wish bone, and the smallest wish
bone. The committee is offering
free admission to all who bring
a black cat on a leash; others will
pay a ticket price of 13 cents.
Military Engineering
Society Meets Tonight
Detoneers, newly formed local
chapter of the Society of American
Military Engineers, will meet thia
evening at 7:30 In the Garden
room of the Lincoln hotel .
the Happy Combination
for More Smoking Pleasure
M ore smokers every day are
turning to Chesterfield's happy
combination of mild ripe Amer
ican and aromatic Turkish
tobaccos the world's best ciga
rette tobaccos.
When you try them yon will
know why Chesterfields give
millions of men and women
more smoking pleasure . . .
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...the blend that can't be copied
world's best cigarette tobaccos
9m irtite WMi tai r Mrn Xouoco C.