I " 1 v .X ... 1 T1IK DAILY M.liUASKVN. FRIDAY. 11,( KMUK.R 16, 19.W IK, III FATHER OF STUDENT IN UNIVERSITY DIES Funeral services for Mark How ard Dobson, father of Ruth Dob son, senior in the college of arts and sciences, wore held Thursday in Lander, Wyoming. Dobson's death Wednesday resulted from injuries obtained in an automobile accident which occurred Monday near Ethete, Wyoming. He was al.o the father of Howard Dobson, former university student, now employed on the Des Moines Reg ister and Tribune. First Floor Plan of Proposed Library 00-f - ! L r i i : i Ayk tete m ih'i Z1E jOL:': at L i L L L a! j L i I 'i !Jlj!ji-j.u, Ul w u - - . U i L L U L L 0 ion "II" i . I Jl-.-. I31ZHI Oil' t- nL- -t r uIL-- AN D i J l 1 ilk; n t i l:;n , 'm; I'M ;:;::::,;;;nT:::i.iiu:::::i- 11 in " I! 1 "': I i i i i't! 1 WE SUGGEST That you take a copy of this Christ mas issue along home to show the folks. Then when they decide that they would like to read it regularly, you can tell them you will have it mailed home next semester. Daily Nebraskan Business Staff Office, Room 20Student Union HIS . . to wear Should statu lei.slators see fit to grant the university funds for a much-needed new library tmiMitv little tinier would he wasted in getting under way. Flour plans for the proposed structure have been drawn up for some time, and. as evidenced by the above plan for the first floor, adequate s.pace for nil necessary facilities has been provided. Palladian Girls Entertain Boys Literary Club Meets For Christmas Party Palladian gills will provide transportation for the Palladian boys at the animal vice-versa Christmas party to be held at the home of Warren Lewis this eve ning at 8:30 o'clock. Fach membc: must bring a gift costing not mr .v than ten cen's, with at least a Mir line poem at tached, and gie it to some per son whose name had been drawn from a hat at a previous meeting. Faith Medlar will give a read ing. ' The Christmas Lamb,' and Joy Postal will sing. "Jesu Bam bino." Armolene McKay, chair man of the entertainment com mittee, announces that Don Rice will have charge of the games. The Sleuth committee will give a humorous act. Jeanet Swenson and Elizabeth Hanson are in charge of refresh ments. Chaperones are Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lewis and Professor and Mrs. L. F. Lindgren. A University of Michigan scien tist has unearthed evidence which Indicates the first barbecue was held 1.100 years ago. I . ,tt, f- mtm i- - ' i' J ) SOCIETY sw s s ws j sa a:; srs sss wa MAKE SPLENDID GIFTS will QUE J beautiful il I t I I s appreciate a Rift sot. We carry: Lcntheric, Coly, Kvening In Paris, Yardloy, Wti.sh'V, Hudnut's and others running In price from 40c to $10. A gift fur every purse. That fateful day comes at last . . . so count your classes till train time . . . then forget finals as you dream of eating, sleeping, and general lolling around . . . out for a real vacation are the P.eta's who went to Florida . . . Houghton Furr, Bob Gannon, Kermit Han sen and Jack Stewart left in a V-8 plus trailer, and will meet Chick Rice and John Brownlee, probably beach-basking at this point ... Pi Phi's also plan on ouite a trek . . . Mariorie Barnett leaves for New ok Lily, una Grace F.lizabeth Hill goes to Okla homa . . . coming to spend part of vacation here is Kappa Ann Hoffman, journeying from Kansas City for the Sig Alph formal with Tom Schaeffer . . . coming from the east. Vassar to be exact, is Delta Gamma Phyllis Ann Thomp- j son . . . Kappa Delta Billie Suing left early for Omaha, probably to avoid the train and bus rush . . . DU Jack Nelson and Charlotte Utt. OAPi, announcing at last that they're going steady . . . while Jack's big brother Bob spends a good ileal of his time coking with Janet Harris . . . Alpha Xi Delta Kleanor Collier to be seen at the Sig Alph formal instead of with her usual date . . . and her soro rity sister Kay Horrigan an "also there" with Dave Noble . . . Har riet Tugsley attending the Sigma Chi partv with, as before. Boh Fentnn . . . Theta Oolie Anderson returning Dow Wilson's Dolt pin . . . ami despite too much food, too little playing time, too much study. d have a very wonderful vacation . . . remembering on New Year's, rif course, that vice is nice, but virtue won't hurt you. . . . The social calendar today in cludes: Theta Chi auxiliary meeting at the chapter house for a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon, and Farm House auxiliary meeting at the home of Mrs. R. i:. Holland, 4217 Stan- street, in the afternoon. In the evening is the Sigma Alpha Fpsilon formal at the Corn- husker hotel; Sigma Chi dinner dance at the Lincoln hotel, and Sigma Phi Kpsilon dinner dance j at the University club. Delta Sigma Pi, Bizad profes sional fraternity, had their Christ mas party Wednesday evening. It was given at the home of Kenneth I and Don Giffen. Gifts were ex changed after playing games. Don't forget the Bachelors' Ball Monday evening at the Corn- 1 husker. There will be about ISO couples present, with several sur prise features during the evening. Library To Remain Open During Holidays According to an announce ment made yesterday afternoon the University library will re main open during vacation on weekdays from 8 to 5 and on Saturdays from 8 to 12. The building will be closed on the Saturdays before and the Mon- dayt after the Christmaa and New Year holidays. It was further announced that book borrowed today would be due after vacation. Duplicate copies of books from the reserve shelf borrowed after 12 o'clock today -will be due at 1 o'clock, January 3. s i I CHEAPPER 1 K PS I I K'l 1YI :S Duke university SCHOOL OF MEDICINE M HIIAM, V C. pr,ur tTTTii of elrvrn wn-k lire riven r.irh y.-;ir. Thi'? fii t tiki-n cin .n til ivriy f Krinluiit i"n In three an1 f.ne pinrter yearn i r three trnm nmy he tiikrn e.li eir KraiuMmn in four ycnrsi. The entrance ri-')inrenienU lire inNHn-five, HnrnHT three yr-'im cf I'm; ii. ne work, ln ItidinK the sublet i HIWM'M u-tl for M A meiiir! pehol. t'atnliur'ie-n nni npT'lKHltitn tnrrtm rtiy he nhuincd I mm ihe AtlintMin Committee. STUART ne Shntiing! A. J. Cronin'a Great Novel. . .Greater Now as a Picture! 'THE CITADEL' with Robert Donat Rosalind Russell LINCOLN A Dangerous "JEZEBEL" Meets a Daring "ROBIN HOOD"! Errol Flynn-Bctte Davis 'THE SISTERS' Plus! "UP THE RIVER" Shirts Plain vliilrs, in necKlanI ami col lar attached s-t)lcs, also heautiful new paJ tcriiri in popular coloring. 1.65, 1.95, 2.50 and 3.50 Pyjamas Popular lounging ami hleepin.i inoileU. in silks, and silk and rayon mix tures. Sinking, rich colors thai appeal to a man's fancy. 3.95, 5.00 and 6.00 Ties Silks, rayon and wool mixtures, in atlruclive new patterns. $1, 1.50, $2, 2.50 and 3.50 Mf n't Wr Slrfcl I lr. En Leather Goods I.KATIIKI! HAND KKItCUIW CASKS 2.00 and 2..10. MAMCl'HE SETS In leather Cases. 2.00, 3.00 ami 5.00. m:vtiii:k utility CASKS for toilet articles. Waterproof linings $2 to 9.."0. KKATUKIl KEY CASES 50c T5c, 1 .00, 1 .."(). 2.00, 3..-0 and r.00. LEATHER HILL LOLDS 1.00 to 10.00. LEATHER PULIr MAN SLll'PEUS in leather case 3..0. I.ealhrr Coi Street lor. jjj 1325 O St. Lincoln $ i'