The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1938, Page THREE, Image 3

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Lack of strenuous activity on the
Cornhusker athletic front has been
responsible for a considerable
dearth of news in the Sports col
umns of the "Rag" the last few
days. It's one devil of a Job to
write up something new and dif
ferent every day about the same
thines. Swimmers practice, wrcs
tiers grunt, basketball players
practice set-ups and defensive
work, etc., each afternoon, and the
gymnasts twitch and squirm over
bars and mats, but they do that
came stuff every dav.
Now that the All American
teams and all conference selec
tions have been gotten out of
the way, now that football sea
son Is over and basketball is the
only major sport on the front, I
confess we're having one devil
of a time keeping this sports
page full.
From the exchange papers of
other schools, this department
will do Its best to draw articles
of interest In some form or an
other to Daily Nebraskan read
ers From the publicity releases
of other schools, we'll do our
best to glean some pure news
among the reams of boastful
material released.
Sources of sports news here are
relatively few. Mr. Selleck's office
is a good beat during football
season. Dr. Clapp s omce, tur.
Ready for
Bradley Tech
Cagers Go Thru Light
Scrimmage; Three
Sophs Start Saturday
Drilling for one of their tough
est assignments of the season
Bradley Tech on Saturday, Coach
W. H. Browne ordered a light
scrimmage against the freshman
squad last
Phys Ed Department O.Ks
Mixed Swimming Classes
The first five
consisted of Al
Werner and Irv
Yaffce at for
wards, Al Ran
dall at center,
with Harry Pit-
caithlcy and
Don V 1 1 z at
guards. Both of
the guards are
from Jackson
high in Lincoln
Yaffee and Pit
c a i t h 1 e y are
new to the first
Against the freshmen, Fitz and
Pitcaithley 'looked the best al
though the team still looked rag
ged and needs more polish and ex
perience. Sid Held, Lincoln center,
who will be eligible second semes
ter and Jerry Dutcher of Omaha
Benson looked best for the frosh.
Bradley Tech comes here with
one of the most impressive rec
ords of the nation with wins over
Louisville 76-26 and Pitt 56-39,
IhVIN YAl't Lt
Lincoln Journal.
Lively Interest in
Aquatics Expected
Fair mermaids and campus tar-
zans will sink or swim, together!
Long agitated and much wanted
mixed swimming will make its
bow into campus life after Christ
mas vacation, according to a
whom it may concern" epistle
Issued from the office of Dr. R. G.
Clapp, director of the department
of physical education for men,
In an effort to suit everybody,
the department will purchase suits
just as soon as there is assurance
that the students will use them.
It will be necessary to make a
small charge of 10 or 15 (prob
ably 15) cents for the rental of
these suits in order to cover the
cost of laundry and to leave a
small balance to eventually reim
burse the department for the cost
of the suits.
Bath on Saturday.
Why so much interest should
be shown in this type of recrea
tion than ever before, led to the
interviewing of several students.
Coach A. J. Robertson's team lost
Clapp is director of the department only to Temple and Northwestern
of physical education ) isn't a last season in a 20 game schedule
lucrative source by any means, but and this season plays a schedule
when news is obtained from there,
It's erood and really news.
The Biffer's office is best dur
ing football season and rarely
Drovides much material during
the rest of the year, outside of
official stories on schedules,
statistical information, etc.
There is no news of track to be
released by Head Track Coach E1
Weir until after the Christmas
holidays, and swimming, wres
tling, and gymnastic schedules
don't open until almost the end of
the semester.
But we'll keep plugging to keep
you informed of all that is going
on in the university spon reaim.
Noticed that Creighton Prop
licked Omaha Tech by 36 to 15 in
their opener last night. Perhaps
another state title for Skip Fal
ling's men?
that boasts such teams as Yale,
California, Southern Methodist
and George Washington.
Outstanding players of this
squad include Dar Hutchins an
All American center; Carl Schunk,
high scoring forward; Ted Pan
ish, all conference guard three
seasons and Chuck Osbourne,
four sport lctterman at Bradley.
Cardwell Places
On All-American
Ex-Huskcr Gets Spot
On Pro Honor Squad
Lloyd Cardwell, star Husker
h.ilibink in 1934-31). was named
to 1 lie coaches' 193H nil star team
of the National Professional Foot
ball league. Cardwell, who prr
forms with the
Detroit Linns.
suffered a bro
ken Jaw Inte In
the season, but
his great work
earlier In the
year won him
a position on
the team which
coaches of the
ten league
teams selected
for the United
Other mem
bers of the first
team are ends
at random.
Said Jim Mullins of the Beta
house, "I can't swim but this new
system will certainly be an incen
tive to learn."
Clark O Hani on, Sig Alph,
thinks that he will kill two birds
at one shot by attending the Sat
urday night sessions. "I'd have to
take a bath on that night, any
way," he said.
Delta Gamma Gen Harmon
says, " Sounds knuia tlsny to me.
However, I think it s a grand idea.
Something different you know, or
do you?" Your reporter said he
didn't know, and left her.
They'll Be All Wet.
And so we look forward eagerly
to the new dents that mixed swim
ming will put in the battered cam
pus life. And our society editors
look forward to the pleasant hours
they can spend telling the world
about "who dunked with whom
last night."
Satisfied that they have
achieved one goal, campus agita
tors are now considering a move
to convert the stadium into a pond
for motorboat racing. You know,
anything to be different!
Brock Plays
In East-West
Grid Classic
Three Loop Gridders
Receive Invitations
To Join Western Squad
Seven states are represented in
the squad of 22 men picked to
carry the West's colors in the an
nual East-West charity football
classic to be played in San Fran
cisco, Jan. 2.
'N' Athletes
Initiate 19
Large Group Joins
Lettermen's Club
Nineteen men were initiated Into
Nebraska's "N" club last night.
This is one of the largest groups in
recent years. In football were:
Arm Klnm
Wlt-. l.ntrwr
Robert Mom. Hrntnr
Vfnvni Nrprnd
Roy I'M nt h
Raymond Prortiaflka
Herman Rohrtc
Jnrk Ahhnnt
iVarrrn Mftwm
r'orwnt rVhm
Rnhrrt hnmm
Hurry llnpn
W llllnm Iveron
R.ttMrt Knhlrr
Roy nl KMiIrr
'teorif KnUht
IMnuui Moorr.
Twe Mile.
Lincoln Journal.
Don Hutaon, Green Bay, and Gay-
nell Tinsley, Chicago Cardinals;
tackles Ed Wldscth. New York
Giants, and Joe Rtydahar, Chi'
cago Bears; guards Danny Kort
mann, Bears, and Buss Let low
Green Bay; center Mel Hein, New
York; quarterback Ace I'arkcr,
Brooklyn; fullback Clark Hinklc,
Green Bay; halfback Ed Danow'
ki, Giants.
There are more than 2,600 items
in the Wordsworth collection of
Cornell university.
Forty-three colleges and univer
sities have student flying clubs.
Cobs to Edit
Pep Group Discusses
Organization of Band
Announcement by Corn Cob
President George Rosen that Corn
Cobs would take over the publish
ing of basketball programs at home
games, provided fodder for the
greater part of the pep club s
meeting last night in the Union.
Plans arc to publish a four page
program witn game numbers or
players and a brief resume of the
season, and the Cornhu.skers' op
ponents for the particular game
Additional plans were laid for
the organization of the Corn Cob
"jive" band to be formed by mem
bers of the club who play musical
"Kre long," promised Bob Sei-
del, who is in charge of the pro
ject. 'Basketball crowds wlil hear
the lilting strains of the most pop
ular songs, played by the Corn
Cob band. There may even be
dancing at the half, .who knows?"
Plans for the Spring party to be
held were not discussed, with work
to be done on the affair after the
Christmas holidays.
New York university has estab
lished a new fellowship house to
further better understanding
among students of different na
tionalities and religions.
Elliott Captains
Huskcrs Saturday
Browne Picks Senior
Guard to Lead Cagers
Bob Elliott of West Point will
captain the
C ornhiu ker
c a g e rs Satur
d a y night
against Bradley
tech. Elliott is
a senior guard
and slated to
Elliott has
made two
minor letters in
basketball while
a t Nebraska.
He is over 6
foot 2 in height
and weighs
about 20!
w Si1,
Deck Tennis Goes
Into Semi-Finols
The final sixth round game in
the intramural deck tennis tourna
ment was played yesterday be
tween the Raymond hall team of
Kime-Askey and the Kappa Delt
team composed of Pettit-Ripley.
Raymond hall was the victor and
will go on to the semi-final game,
which will be played today. The
four semi-finalists should contact
their opponents and arrange for a
time to play.
Twenty Work
On Gym Skill
Gymnastic Team Shows
Interest Development
Twenty candidates for Coach
Charles Miller's gymnastic team
have been working out all year
in preparation for meets Jan. 28
with Iowa, Feb. 20, with Gustavus
Adolphus, Feb 21, with Carlton
college and the Annual Gymnas
tics society meet at the University
of Minnesota Feb. 22.
This is the fifth year of gymnas
tic teams at Nebraska. At first
all-university meets were held but
so much interest was aroused that
the athletic department hail Miller
organize a team.
A point system is worked out by
different conferences judging the
approach, retreat, combinations of
exercise and the difficulty of the
I "it h
Neb raska's
j;reat center,
Charlie Brock,
is one of the
three selected
from the Big
Six to play in
the annual bat
tle. Charles
Hcilcman, Iowa
State's confer
ence end, and
Ed Bock, their
2 o n fere nee
guard, are the
',tlinp iwn rn
CHARLES BROCK the. squad from
Lincoln Journal. Lhe gig gjx
Pug Manders, Drake fullback,
completes the list from the mid
Washington, Oregon and Cali
fornia schools represent the Pa
cific coast; Texas and Baylor, the
southwest; Idaho and Arizona, to
fill out the squad.
The men were chosen by Co-
Coaches Biff Jones of Nebraska
and Babe Hollingbery of Wash
ington State, assisted by Percy
Locey of Oregon State and Dana
Bible of Texas.
The squad:
Ends: Sam Boyd, Texas; Jim
Coughlan, Santa Clara; Charles
Heileman, Iowa State, and Joe
Wendlick, Oregon State.
Tackles: Al Wolff, Santa Clara;
Bias Miatovitch, San Francisco;
Dick Trzuskowski, Idaho, and
Dick Farman, Washington State.
Guards: Art Means, Washing
ton; Jack Rhodes, Texas; Prescott
Hutchins, Oregon State, and Ed
Bock, Iowa State.
Centers: Charles Brock, Ne
braska, and Tony Calvelli, Stan
ford. Backs: Vic Bottari, California;
Dave Anderson, California: Al
Braga, San Francisco; Bill Paul
man, Stanford; Billy Patterson,
Baylor; Pug Manders, Drake;
Walt Nielson, Arizona, and Jimmy
Johnston, Washington.
AH standard makes for tale or rent,
tlced and rebuilt machines on easy
Nebraska Typewriter Co.
130 No. 12 St. B2157
Lincoln. Nebr.
Lincoln Journal.
"A student from Puerto Rico ha
won her class spelling champion
ship at College of New Rochelle
Exactly 125 students work
the 11 student publications a'
Fordham university.
One-half of all University o
Vermont students receive schola.
Most popular non-athletic extra
currioular activity at the Unive,
sity of Maine is the stage.
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