XuMfti 1 . .. . .s. X.-& X i I ''IS ihk daily inkbraskan, Friday, deckmbkk 2, 1938 Til KM: By Norman Harris Well, Well, Well. Kansas Cap ers about whom this column has been crowing- for almost a week now licked their freshmen 44 to is with letterman Howard Engle uiiin scoring 16 points in the 17 minutes he played. The rest of Allen's big shots performed like iiKiscason players. The frosh didn't have a chance against the powerful Jayhawk varsity, whose shots were scored from every ingle of the court. The writeup in the Daily Kan sn said that the varsity played listlessly and showed little spark. , so wnai win iney uu i hey do show spark and play sparkling ball? Suggestions that the Rose Bowl game be played annually between the best teamt of the Pacific Coast league and the Big Ten would sure leave the big Eastern teams, alto the Southern powerhouses in the gloom. Almost every year, the Coast opponent is a team from : one of these sections. Why not, then, take the Big Six champ and pitt it against the South eastern conference king In the Sugar Bowl, and then put the pick of the Eastern teams against the best Southern team in another bowl? Oh yes. then we'd have to have another bowl game somewhere be tween two other great teams so there could be a playoff to decide the two best teams, then pet it down to one final game on New enrs tiny for the national cham pionship. These suggestions are about as foolish as every bowl Kame anyway. The bowl games are played for the commercial value attached, so why not make some more money on football ijames ? Nuts. Five Iowa State football cap tains are enrolled at the Cyclone sehool this fall. Clarence Gustine all Big Six end in 1936, is taking Brummie worn in forestry; Clar ence IVe, all conference guard In IMi, is completing a five year "ui.-e m veterinary medicine. Ed Bock and Everett Kischer, co-captains this past season, are engin eering seniors now. Martin Bos well, captain-elect for next year, il a junior now. Wonder who Frederick Ware will include on his all Big Six A pretty penny Dodd will make it, but then we may be wrong. Ware's column the other day "id that Jack was the best llround back In the Big Six, nd the best all-round back in the Big Six should naturally be ncludcd on the All Big Six team, Arguing in a circle, we fealiie, but that's what Ware said. Then too. Vied Uiarlie JWk. McCullough, and Mscher p-Au't hn if .j ha tmin rerUinly deserves the uKianomaa blocking 'mon, Crowder, will nudge mythical selection. On the line, ung at one end, probably Dug fan at a i0,.m d.Ti. ' . ti,. , duck ai a guara. That eaveo iv, ,,Pc. '"n. neueman LT, Tn H n cnd? Shutfart or ti .!ka.ovr suth Dakota 10 or thereabouts. I SELECT YOl'lt I niMSTMAS 4'AKS 5(0) V Oi A ( hoirr Slork PERSONAL CARDS WITH YOUR NAME YOUB NAME vr tuii ont ei montr Pi. $oL CL (Dah. U)ilL CL UDDRIEAIMI Tor Friday Evening I'LL take her Georgian I'l I take her to the' Military Ball, la University Collum I'll taka her to tha Tasty Pastry Shop 1 rn,,l F' ' 1 I ImU after tha Ball, where we'll find 1 r tall our friend! I """"" i.i JJ nit llJ.UjgQE,UW iM busker Cagers Dm flntra-Squad Game Today Vorsity Hoopsters Work on Poss Phose; B Teem Meets Luther Stressing passing and offense, Coach Browne last nio-ht n,,f m varsity hoopsters thru a brisk set oi qnns to perfect their floor work. Individual drill has been re ceiving the most flltentw.n V,iu week along with a certain amount vi ivam onn. Coach Browne takno i,.- of his varsity cagers out to the Ag i:uueKe court mis afternoon to help accustom their drill work and team play to a strange floor. Tnii man, Thomas, Werner, Pitcaithlcy, Kovanda, Randall, Kit., Giiniiii B:iliot and Taylor are the men who will go with Browne. The remainder of the squad will remain with Assistant Coach "Chill'' Armstrong at the coliseum and practice for the B team against Luther, Saturday after noon. Only those who have not lettered in basketball are eligible to play on the B team. Those who will probably see service in the B team are: Dunker, Therien, Dun can, Jackson, Schulz, Yaffee, Hul bert, Rubino, Solden, Van Bus kirk and Wertman. Cadets Accused of Gold-Digging Wentworth Students Study Rating Book LEXINGTON, Mo. (AC'P). If you think all the gold diggers are blondes and live on Broadway you are wrong, for Captain Tom Rmerich will tell you that they are cadets and they live at Went worth Military academy here. Captain Emerich's curiosity was aroused by the increasing number of cadets who have come into his office to consult his Dun & Brad street rating book. In interro gating one cadet who came in with a long list of names of business men in several states whose credit rating he wished to ascertain, the captain asked him what he was doing. "Well, captain, I have dated 17 girls this past summer," the cadet replied, "and I want to find out which one of the girls' fathers has the most money. It's his daughter that I expect to marry." Alpha Chi Omega Defeats Phi Mu Gamma Phi, K. D.'s Play Ball Tonight One team to compete in the fin als of the intramural Nebraska ball tournament was determined last night in Grant Memorial when the first Alpha Chi team won from the Phi Mu's. The score of 34 to 12 would not demonstrate the kind of a close game that it really was. Both teams fought to the very end for supremacy. Betty Sue Myers led the victors and Woodie Camp bell the losers. The other semi-final game will be played tonight between Gamma Phi and Kappa Delt. The finals will then he held on Monday in Grant Memorial. 2 SJJOO en 26 or more of grade counter curd STATIONERS A rnusi twin. .MMtA. Ft to dinner In the beautiful Room, Hotel cornhuiker Football Aspirant 'iVo Good' Gives Back Scholarship GAINESVILLE, Ela. (ACP). They don't pass around medals to people who do things like Ed Was zak did some two weeks ago, but when they do, this 21 year old col lege man who honed to he an out. standing football player at the University of Florida this season, ought to get one. Kd was one of the 28 sophs on Coach Josh Cody's Cater football squad when September 1 rolled around. He hoped he could be a sophomore linesman who learned rapidly and acquire the necessary skills to meet the competition of college football today. Because he was on the varsity squad, Ed was provided, in ac cordance with conference rules, room and board. Though he dreamed of being a star, Fat Was zal came to the realization a fort night ago he simply did not have the abilities and talents necessary to make him the kind of player Florida needed. And so Ed Waszak, on his own, went to Coach Cody and admitted he didn't have it in football as much as he loved the game, and as much as he loved the thrill of the personal contact which the game provided. "If 1 can't help you, Coach," the 20r pnundi r said, "then I don't think 1 should receive scholarship assistance." The assistance Ed received was a factor in his college life, but he took the course that a less cour ageous student would never have taken. But Ed has the courage aim ion, iv ne is continuing his col lege education, still refusing to ac cept any more than he can repay in service or ability, Tanksterette Meeting For Today Cancelled The Tanksterette meeting, scheduled for this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the coliseum, has been canceled. Definitely. The usual meetings will be resumed a week from today In the coli seum at 4 o'clock. The active members of Tanksterette club will hold a special meeting on Monday at 5 o'clock at the Y. W. Deck Tennis Play Continues Intramural Tourney Enters Fourth Round Intramural deck tennis tourna ment has proceeded into the fourth round which must be fin ished by the fifth of December at 5 o'clock. There are only a few days left and it is necessary that the tennis contact each other and arrange for playing times. Third round winners are: Mcvrrvon-strln, Hlirma lMta Tun over Vnlil Mllmr. 4 O I'll Mmllh-Mrl jiuth lln, Thrla over Hnyd-l iittcrn, Alpha I'hli McllllfrH,.rlli-on. Wllxin hall vr HH'h'Nnllman, litdrprndrnlii l ohn1a Nlilrk. KnlM'a frit nvrr Dnmivaft-AIIrn, I'lH Mu; I Miman-I lnytiin. KUnta Kappa nvrr Hnllrnhrik Wmi, amma I'hl: Wm-Irr-Mi-hrnlill Holllnn hull vrr Wmim- nndranrh, lln hull by a itrfault: Kiplrv-IVMIt, Kappa llrll nvrr Kutamla HraflDtrprt. I,amnia I'hl; allar-l jiii. -Ilrltii 4anmia viar (inn-Urar. hi Omfsa; HnHl(.'riiiinp4,n, Kanton4 hall pr 4 hafiilif rliiln-llartt, Itirirpenll iiiIn; ,'hilllli,ltt. I iiMitn, Nlania Kappa hyp; Hlllftmn-r'tTKilK'trt, 'hl llniria oyrr Hcri(Kr.i-li4.rriiiitit, Alpha I'hl hy a flr Innll ; Manrk -lliiriirr, I'l I'hl h)f! Kl-rrlr-NMiltili, Kappa llrlt nvrr ftilarn-hnrl-HtrlMira. Alpha I'hli llrlirmyrr Mlrkfy, in 11,11 ixrr H'ihl.n-Mrhr, liainina I'hli an Anfla lffnrlrh, Thrta fivrr AiHl'riin M.'Mrrr, lirlta Itanima; llfMiKlnv-jMiicN, UHtin hnh tivpr Trlc Irliomi, Knppn Mill; Minion Wfrtniaii. ItiifiiMia I'hl liver I'ltllcmona. Tli )lll l'M. I'PHlal. linlrpi'Milrnla tivrr arna- - him li. hi Otihii: NmMh-drimihm, Thrla hyr; Klnir-Aikt-y. Havinonr hall nvrr llniliT-riirln. Alpha I'hli Klannl- an KlrnUrr, llollHin hull byr! amp hrll Klmborj. I'hl Mil livrr Sllvrrhlalt. Hnnihrra, Kirtna Ki-Ha Tarn Jnhnm Hmllh. A O I'l nvrr lr-Barllln, ll nia kappa. rC" SireM 1 . prOUO w .a V u m Biff and Babe i l r - i Lincoln Journal, Biff Jones and Babe Hollinbcrry exchanged grins and light pleasantries Thursday at Hollinberry's Washington State squad worked out enroute to Norman, Oklahoma, where the Cougars will meet the Sooners Saturday. As co -coaches of the West eleven In the annual New Year's day East-West game at Frisco, Jan. 2. Biff and Babe also took this opporunity to lay a few plans for selecting the personnel. Intramural Team Heads Meet Monday Girl's intramural representatives will meet Monday. Dec. 5, at 5 o'clock in Grant Memorial, room 101. The meeting is very impor tant, and all girls should plan to attend. Sig AlphsCop Volley Crown Chomps Defeat Sig Eps 2-1 in Hard Fought Tilt Sigma Alpha F.psilon broke the monopoly held on intramural championships this year by Sigma Phi Epsilon when they defeated the latter team 2-1 in a nip and tuck match Wednesday night for the volley ball crown. The game was featured by the outstanding work of three mem bers of the basketball squad, Bruce Duncan for the Sig Alpha, and Bob Klliott and Bill Kovanda of the Sig Eps. Superior team strength was the decisive factor of the match. The Sig Kps advanced to the fi nals by a victory over the Phi Psis in the semifinals while the Sig Alphs defeated the Sigma Chis, 2-0, to earn the right to play for the championship. In the playoff for third place Wednesday night the Sigma Chis defeated the Phi Psis. A.A.U. to Adopt New MilcMork Cunningham's Record Slated for Approval Another record for Glenn Cun. ningham, former Kansas univer sitv miler, will undoubtedly he adopted by the A. A. U. at their ?0th anniversary convention in Washington this week. Cunningham's mark of 4:04 4 for the mile made on the Indoor track at Dartmouth has been pending aceeption for a long time Also at this meeting a minister from Finland will outline his coun try's plan for the next Olympic games. Mildred Gergen Offers Recital Harrison Pupil Plays at 8 O'clock Sunday Mildred Gergen, a pupil of Ernest Harrison, will be the aolo 1st at a recital Sunday evening at the Tempi". This student recital will begiii at 8 o'clock Instead of the usual 4 o'clock afternoon hour. The evening's program: ttarh-mtbrrl I'rrlana anil Inrw la D major. Hrahma 'aprlrrln Op. 1IA n. 8, Intrmwiin P. Ill No. I, RhapaMty op. la Mo. t. llrhiiMy -JaMlm toua la Mutr. Alhrnll Nrvllla. UmI Miirtr In 0 Oat l.lart KhapanOy Nn, II. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 10 PER LINE FOR 8AI,K Two Ttixrdo auila llh vrali, Omo dual I the oilier medium nit. Both in vary good condition, Prion F40r3. F3R SALIC Naw KuppeTihuIriiar Tuvrdo Saa ran Fahrahhnich, Studant L'nioh bulldlni or phont FT370. Prlca, now 118 Your Dnig Store How about your school neada? VVt will Supply tham. THE OWL PHARMACY P St. at 14th Phone B1068 FREE DELIVERY Hold Confab CouqarSquad Stops Here Washington Staters on Way to Oklahoma Coach Babe Hollinbcrry and his Washington State squad of 29 men stopped off here yesterday for a brief workout on the stadium field before leaving for Norman, Okl., for a game Saturday with Coach Tom Stidham's Bic Six champions. Hollinbcrry, with Major Biff Jones will coach the all-West team apain this year for the same New Years day at San Francisco, and so this visit cave the two coaches a good opportunity to talk over selections for this vear's team. Washington State will depend upon their strong- forward wall to win from the undefeated Sooners. The Congers have had a losing season and would like to wind up with a win. Dick Karmanz and George Hubert, a pair of fine tackles, are expected to give Okla homa running plays trouble. "We should study history and sociology and science and phil osophy and economics, not that out of such investigations we may be able to find the immediate iiolu- tion of pressing problems, but rather that we may regain reasonable perspective." New York university s Dean 1. H. Berg pro-1 poses a program to combat un- , rest and jitteryness in Americans. JofL Vif '.'V I (for men) MllllUiV it HI Sll MIS jin v oi ri im s I.I. 1 II I It KM I ldl DS I.K4THI r M;iKi ni: cvsr;s 1.10 ATI I I K M Y C AM S 11 IK ItlU .MH S IUK S1IAI' SV.TS run hi s itm siirs li(XM, scaui s 1'I.AIN CI1ITF. lt.K St.AKI S HOSE (SI1.K AND k (Nil.) MK.N'S TII S nrs KI (J1UNS TIE CHAIVS IMTKLED HANDK-EKCHIEI S Brock Misses by Narrow Margin U. P. Ail-American Big 6 Players Make Up Half of 3rd Team Line The annual V'nited Press poll for All-American football players placed Charley Brock, Gill Dug'gan and VVaddy Young, both of Ok lahoma, and Ed Bock of Iowa State on its third team. Ki Aid- .irtU r.f fho iiiiJnf.Ml.1.J T 111,11 vi. uin-ji-irn it'll 1 t.ils I christiHn eleven an,i rv.n win f Duke's Rose Bowl team won over Charley by one of the narrowest I maririns in recent vears. Rio- S,v ! players made up one entire side of the third team line. Pitt Gets Two. Two of the gi eat est teams of the nation, Texas Christian and Pittsburgh landed two men each on the first team. The Horned Frogs placed Davev O'Brien at quarter and Ki Aid- Big Six Seeks Stiffer Games Alumni Would See Teoms Go to Rose Bowl The University of Oklahoma alumni in California held a meet ing recently in Los Angeles and recommended that officials of the Big Six conference schedule at least one game a season with a team in a major eastern, western or southern conference. This proposal was offered so that any Big Six team of merit could be selected to compete for ; the Rose Bowl selections with' other schools. Also this group proposed that i all recognized conferences form a j committee to decide the strongest team of the nation, this team to play the winner of the Pacific i Coast conference. j TYPKWniTEI.S j Sale and Uent NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 130 No. 12th St LINCOLN, NEBR. BJ'57 JOTEL JJoih Wed lo E. L. WILEUR, Manager It's a QJjDlL OUL ( for women) MM( l RE SETS toilet tuter mu.memm; mirrors crystal periimk hoi tiis camio i'emxms kii1f.s1((ne iir( i.leis iuir orn-'.mim s ViOOL (.UlYI S SI Ml LAI IP VV.KM S IAEMNG nt RS VkOOL SQUARES IIISTIM; POTHERS COMPACTS BEAD Pl'RST.S LINGERIE CEIJXfPHANF. SHS SHOE MITTENS rich at center. Pittsburgh contri buted Marshall Goldberg at full back and Bill Daddio at end. Eric Tipton, Duke s kicker, and Parker Hall, Mississippi's burly halfback, completed the backfield along with O'Brien and Goldberg. Brud Holland of Cornell, last year's choice for All-American at end, was on the second team. Bob m , , MacLeod of Dartmouth and George cfe,f0. Tennessee; 0,1 ma,, other AU-Amencan elevens, were r,aoei1 on ,ne second eleven hV the United Press. Wysocki, Daddio at Endt. On the first eleven John Wy socki of Villanova and Bill Daddio of Pittsburgh were on the flanks, Joe Benior of Notre Dame and Al Wolff of Santa Clara at tackles, Ralph Heikkinen of Michigan and Bob Suffridge of Tennessee at guards, and Aldrich at center. O'Brien. Tipton, Hall and Gold berg make tip the backfield. Srrnd Tram Third Tram Wtt. Trnn H .Brown. Notra tun a MHmnlo. N. (' T . . . MrKeevrr, Cornrll Smith, S. Calif. .. .O. .ZitrMra. Dartmouth Hill. Pukr C....Brndi. NrhrsnKa MoOoldnck. N rt. . H . . . Bock. Iowa Plata Voipts, NnrthwpKt. .T. . riucpan. Oklahoma Hruiind. Cnrnpl! . . K . . . . Younfc. Oklahoma li.ilMen. S. Calif Q . Sitko. Notr Dama ('Hti'Ko. Term H .Sacitan. Notrf Pama MarLrurt. Par H...Bnttarl, California, Wi, Wla F. Ofmannki. H. Ckim Prrttnt thl ad anir flmr brfor the firt of fhr rar for FREE HEELS WITH EVERY HALF SOLE Our factory rrpnir methoda turn worn shoes into really new looking ones. Before you spend money for new ones lit us show you how utile It cost to have tlios old ones reliiiilt. We iruarantee satisfac tion on every piece ot mork. United Shoe Repair 116 No. 13th St. LINCOLN saturday ky faint; SIGMA NU - wise Santa wlw dosiL Jul EARLY ami itV rasA to do, in a aloie crnnininl uiili ,(MII) tiling., all nmlcr mil' rof. blUf. IRISH it (it A vj m $