The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1938, Page FOUR, Image 5

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WELCOME HOME. . .to an at
mosphere of exams. .. anticipation
of Military ball.,. that logey, "I
ate too much" feeling. . .catch
word of the day, "Did ynu have
fun this vacation, tee-hee?". . .and
reportings that the tea dance F'ri
clay was a bi success . . . Kdte
Knight, Theta. dancing with Bob
Keri, Kappa Sig playboy ... Ann
Hustead, Kappa there, and so also
Janet "Testae" Harris. . .Sigma
Nu's over running the Club dance
Thanksgiving eve. . .Alpha Chi
Margaret Steburg, reporting a
wonderful time as had by all in
Kearney... Pi Pin retcrsoi), up
tions were in order by wires. Also
the Sigma Nil's will have either
received . cigars and the V. G.'s
candy, or Harold LedforU and Nat
alie Rehlaender will have received
a tubbing by the time that this
is read. And more along this line,
we note that Pat Prime is wear
ing a Culver rim; with the initials,
J. W. R. on the top.
Quite a few dinner parties are
scheduled before the Ball Friday
night. At the Lincoln hotel will he
in one party: Acacia's Bobby
Redheads to Rule Ball
Blondes, Brunettes Also Shine
Queens of the Military Hall will lie the redheads. Brunettes
ran appear sophisticated, blondes feminine, but it takes the
red heads to add spiee. ("Mainline Hurt, Tri Dolt, has chosen
white moire to wear with her red locks. M'he skirt is full nu!
gathered at the top and will be worn with gold accessories and
corsage tiara. Petit Natalie Reh-
roaring the station and porters at f-"tru with Hetty Jean Peterson,
the loss of her suitcases. .. -eta
Beta Tau Bob Kdelstcin. getting
the curtain call at the Paxton for
his piano playing. .. ATO Ralph
Wordcn, raving on the train home
ward about Jane "I 'ream" Ander
son, DG . . .Hermie P.ohrig, writing
his daily letter to a love fur. fur
away. . .Delt Dow Wilson, confused
with too many dates at the same
time, like a Theta and Chi Omega
...Velma Ekwall. tucked m a
hook in the Knotty Pine room,
studying. . . Jim Irvins. Kappa Sig,
spending his coking hour in the ;
Moon. . .Sigma Delta Tau Harriet j
Salzman, point of a mixed date i
triangle involving Zeta's Witten
burg and Sam Davidson. . .Theta
Xi Stan Michaels, still doing the
rounds with the same gal... Pi
Phi Margaret Dickersoii, sprount
ing a White Cross of Sigma Chi
over vacation. . .
Theta: Max Bailey and Betty Jean
Ferguson, Chi O; Jim Smith and
Mary Bryan. Alpha Xi: Frank
Johnson, and Marjorie Manches
ter, Alpha Xi, and Butch Larson
and Peggy I'ascoe, Chi ().
At the I'nivcrsity club will be
Beta's John Winegarten with
Mary Klla Bennett, Kappa; Paul
Bradley with .Mary Virginia
Knowlcs, Kappa; Dick PoBrown
with Mary Anna Cockle, Tri Delt;
George Sunders with Omaha's
Sunny Conlin; Art Raber with
Dot Kut( her, Kappa: Charles Rice
with Natalie Johnson, A 0 Pi:
Ted Welton with Marion Cramer,
Kappa, and Torn Davis with a
Chicago importation.
laender of D. G. has decided unon
a strapless, black taffeta ffown
which has a hooped pink skirt. Her
only ornament is to be a gold and
pearl necklace.
F-leven yards of gold slipper
satin were used to make Alpha
Thi Pat Prime's self -designed for
mal. It is gored and fitted into n
high shirred waist line with aqua
velvet straps. Theta Mary Marn
ell will wear white corded silk
trimmed with gold leaves and ac
cessories, while another red head,
Betty Lou Elliott of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, has chosen powder blue
velvet accented with gold leaves.
Draded Chiffon.
Softly draped aqua chiffon is to
be wot a by A.O. Tl Jean Hum
phrey. The chiffon criss orossei
the bodice tying in the back anil
flowing to the floor. Mary Munger
of Chi Omega is wearing romantic
black velvet with a galaxy of
twinkling sequins. Before ending
description of the gowns chosen
by the favorite redheads, there is
the mellow yellow taffeta of Alpha
Chi Omega Catherine Bullock. The
skirt is circular and is double
But many lovely blondes are go
ing to cause ahs! and oils! when
they arrive at the hall. Theta
her coronation blue slipper satin.
For the chilly winter night she
has a black velvet Queen Anne
wrap. Black taffeta with a redin
gote bordered in aqua lace ruffles
is the choice of blond A.O.Pl Helen
Irene F-versman. Delta Gamma
Betty Reese will dance in white
net over taffeta splashed with sil
ver stars.
Black Net.
Then Eleanor Collier of Alpha
Xi Delta has black net, full skirted
and strapless, accented at the
hemline with green velvet bows.
Mademoiselle describes Alpha Phi
Eleanor Berner's frock as "digni
fied with stiff, proud skirts and
glittering details. It is white taf
feta striped in green, gold, nnd
red lame cord." Kappa Marj
Runyan designed her dress. It is
yards of white net over a taffeta
hoop skirt.
White slipper satin with the top
skirt of fluffy net has been chosen
by Ii. G. and brunette Ginny
Wheeler. The gown has a fitted
satin bodice with sparkling bead
trim. Pi Phi Beaverly Sistek will
accent her dark locks with a flame
chiffon accordion pleated dress.
The girdle is embroidered gold.
The Ray twins, Betty anil Verna,
of KKG are wearing white nilk
Dorothy Chase will be darling in I Grecian gowns with pleated skirts
We notice that Jane Cook is
now wearing Fred Stiner's Phi
Tsi pin in the open. Congratula-
"Kducational Trends in Some
j European Countries" is the title of;
(an article by Dr. O. H. Werner,
of teachers college which was pub-;
J lished in the Journal of the Anier-
ican Association of Collegiate Reg-;
i istrars. Dr. Werner delivered the
same address before the last meet- ,
ing of the Nebraska association.
Lincoln's Fashion Center
ler. 3 Mflltiiry Itiil).
life. H.lphH I'M fornul, Corn
Inifckpr hntfl.
SIkiiih A I pit u Mn r.iriiml,
Minli-nt 1 it Ion hntlrimtn.
Mifttiu Nh 1'ivite iMniiPr,'
Lincoln tintH.
Itpt. nMurlr Koitnl Tarty.
Wvv. Mi Kanim K;ipi:i -:irmnii tttr
Mial, triiliultr holrl.
l't Iwipi'n Alpliu tonniil.
l-lniiiln lioltl.
er. Iff Siuniti ( hi i Mini it danrr,
l-liunln hnli I.
Sittma lda httiiitri for
mal, I ornliiitiii-r liotfl.
hec. I T I'lit hi-Ka 'lh-in -'hii,t-inat
I'arO," i-tuiiittT
Ian. i Alpliu 111 Omt-ua formal,
)riihiitk r Imti l.
(annua I'lil hHii formal,
Mml-n I nlmi liallrottm.
I iii). 1 DfMn I pNilon for in a I,
( nriihuskt-r htl.
H.-ia rtitia I'l (ornial,
r"ll hotel.
J in. I.H lpha Oii'lm-it I'l lormal.
( onihiil'r liotfl.
Ian. 1 1 Alpha l IMlu htriin.t.
( orntni"kfr li-ilt-l.
MlMim Kappa formal, Ntll-
itVtil I tilioi hallroom.
Ann. -I ltlta danima for m n I,
( nriihiiUiT Ihiti'l,
Kit ma lttl(:i I an formal.
Stiiili-nf I nlori hallnNmi.
Jan. 17 I'l It. -I,, lil formal, ( orn- hoit'l.
.tan. 1H ( hi On ok a formal, M(ili'iit
I nlon hallroom.
1 i'h. S Kappa SUma loriiial. Mil
drill I nlon hallromn.
I'hl Mm formal, ( nrahnl,r r
I'th. I latpa Mima haiittilfl, I In
hottl. Inti r-1- nih'rnity hall, rol
ioriim. VrU. Ill Ar irta "howrry b n I I,"
t ortihnkrr hott-l.
Mphi Minna I It I formal.
Sfmlrnl I nlon h;ilroim.
I rh. II I'hl Kappa t I dlnnrr datirf,
l.lnrnln hotel.
I'hl (lamina hell a formal.
Student I nlon hallroom.
1 rh. n -Helta Delta held ftirmal,
( orriliiih'T hutel.
Keh. IH Kappa Alpha 'I Ivia formal.
( oriili ip.1 r hotel.
I rh. Mph I an Omega formal,
ornhuoKrr hotel,
IVh. i.t Kapp i lflia formal. orn-hu-krr
lijiion nnd I.ifo Week in their of
fset on the nffiliated studonts at
NYhniska. The groups will meet
at 8 o'clock nt Westminster Tres
hyteihm church.
Besides considering the encour
agement, of church attendance of
organized houses in groups, with
hlocks of seats reserved for Sun
day morning services, the possi
bility of employing a campus
"church hus'' on Sundays may he
Ballroom Dance
Lessons Begin
Miss Bennett to Lead
Class Friday Night
A new series of ballroom danc
ing lessons will begin this Friday
under the direction of Miss Shirley
Bennett, of the girls' physical edu
cation department.
An intermediate class for those
who know how lo dance a little
will be held from 7 o'clock until
8 and then an advanced class will
be held from 8 to 9. In the ad
vanced class the students may
choose just what steps they wish
to learn.
Six lessons will be given for
fifty cents. Identification cards
must be presented on Dec. 2 when
the classes begin.
Coed Charm School
To Hear Cosmetologist
Using representatives from or
ganized houses as models to illus
trate coming hair styles for school
and formal wear, Miss Agnes
Schmitt, head of the state cos
metology board, will speak to
Charm School members tonight at
7:00 in Ellen Smith. Miss Schmitt
will talk on "Becoming Hair
Dress and the Proper Use of Cos
metics." Girls who will serve as models
are Wanda Sea ton. Kappa Alpha
Theta: Gertrude Berggren, Alpha
Phi; Betty Bachnian, Alpha Chi
Omega; Natalie Johnson, Alpha
Omicron Pi, and Polly Perkins and
Getty Joe Koehler, Delta Gammas.
Under the sponsorship of Coed
Counselors, Charm School is di
rected by Helen Catherine Davis,
leader; Elizabeth Smith, Coed
Counselor board member in charge
and Miss Elsie Kord Piper, fac
ulty sponsor.
All university girls who are in-
terested are invited and are urged
to attend. j
The social security act was the j
subject of an address by Prof. L.
B. Orfield of the law college be
fore a group at the Unitarian
church recently. He was formerly ,
a senior attorney for the national
social security board.
Union Activities
12:00 Theta Sigma Phi, par
lor X.
7:00 Delta Sigma Delta,
parlor X.
7:00 Hobby Group, par
lor Y.
7:00 Disc and Needle, par
lor 2.
7:00 Tassels, room 316.
7:00 Phalanx, 315.
7:00 Sigma Eta Chi, room
' 313.
7:00 League of Evangelical
Students, room 209.
Dr. Lugn Lauds
Earth Science
Geologist Addresses
Lutheran Conference
Dr. A. L. Lugn, of the geology
department, told delegates to the
annual Lutheran faculty confer
ence at Fremont Saturday that
geology is becoming increasingly
more important as a science today.
The conference is a national
meeting of Lutheran college edu
cator.) which was held on the Mid
land campus Friday, Saturday and
Dr. Lugn said that "geology is
all around us. It supplies the in
formed person with correct ex
planations of natural phenomena;
it enriches our understanding of
nature whether we travel or stay
at home and it helps the human
race to adapt Itself to its environ
ment. In fact, geology furnishes
the foundation principles for all
conservation nnd . land use pro
grams. Dr. Lugn is serving as
president of the Nebraska acad
emy of sciences this year.
Library Book h
Found in Alaska,
Missing 31 Years
In the year 1H07 the University
librarian reported that the volume
"Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and Other '
Literary Estimates" by Frederic I
Harrison was missing from the J
stacks. Thirty-one years later, dnr. i
ing the recent holidays, it was re.
turned to surprised library offi. (
rials thru me mans.
The volume, was sent back to
the University as a "Thanksgiving
gift" from Seattle, Wash., by C,
Henry Schulze who briefly ex
plained that he had found the
book with the Nebraska library
seal on it in Chitina, Alaska. How
or why this literary piece with the
ponderous title arrived at this
frost bitten part of the continent,
library officials do not know.
Roy Green to Discuss
Engineers' Registration
Speaking on the subject of t
state registration law for engin.
eers, Hoy Green will address, iht
members of the American Society
of Chemical Engineers when that
group meets tomorrow night, at
7;30 in room 315 of the Union. In
addition to Green's lecture a talk
ing picture dealing with the sub.
ject of asphalt production will he
Tuxedo Dress Suit, Size 38
Vest, Shirt, Tie
All for S!UN
See It at 902 Stuart Bldg.
Personalized Corsages
Iverson's Flower Shop
228 So. 12th
Collegians Offer
i 'Flunk' Insurance
16 1i FoimaU. now
13.75 Formal;, now .
22.7i f ormal!, new .
1 1 .40
, 15.15
IVOO FoimaU. now 16.67
29 95 For.nali. now . . 19 83
39.75 Formal:., t.ow
49.75 Formals. now.
19.75 Forrr.ali. now.
69.71 Formali. now.
75 00 Formali. now
Jo. 50
39 S3
Hrt in Ihit collision you II ducorer cloth
thai will mnli your toctnl n.qlili 0 pro:omon
ol prienal Irmmpht. Forma'. and on etpv.lally
I n anorlmenl ol dinner cb'he. Suti 10 to 40.
Omaha U. Trio Sells
Failure Preventative
Tln-re is life insurance, fire, col-li-ami.
hail, wind, disability ami
numerous other forms of insurance
but the latest foi ni to be offered
is "flunk" insuiance. This insur
ance f offered by Kd Lundberg
and Wallace Rorchman and sopho
more Allan Knoll, all .students of
Omaha Municipal nniveisity.
For $2. payable in four ,Ml cent
installments, the trio guarantees a
student agalnsl fiulute in his
studies. The subscriber also gets
a .student tutor as an extra entice
ment. If the insurance fails, the
subscriber receives S.'i from the
Lundberg-Rorchman-Knoll co m-pany-
also operators of a "date
Oggel to Lead
i Student Group
Religion Week Effect
To Be Discussed
Two repi esenlat ives of every
fraternity anil sorority on the
i campus, one alumnus and one ac
tive, will convene tonight under
the ( hairm.mship of Ir. M. V.
i Oggel, Lincoln pastor, to discuss
i the ronsecjueiK es of the recent He-
i! with
In qala qlnnoroui mood or tht nw
t.n'. cloud lilt chillom -boullanl n '
waip walitlin. liFPi Miim thai radio1 T,:'
pMr,nality. Parilculor mpha'i on dmnM
clrlh a tin coiUrtlon In iiii 18 lo 42.
10 ptR LNE
Kni: SM.K Tu, Hire 37 w ill nhlrt. K.x
miii'iH mud in. .ii, jh.'iii. I'M. 4-:i:i:m.
Bright color w:ol wrapt- ihat an a
nw and a imart. Stu:ir.inq blaclt t1
t all warmly Lntetllned.
Tin to W latint w.lh iilr or cjolJ
-l,l l- -IJ -. i i ru T
or ulrtf mtth. 1075
Now It the time
To Buy Skates
With Wintor closr t hnrl mak your
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See fays 85 TfflS MEM POST
' i. fTrrrrrrrn A- i tJClMW"
)l II I II i ii I I I ri 1 1 V Y Pf v
"jr rr-i t i i i i i wi'i Xj , ; ,
- - A
I WAS with the correspondents fit 'Munich," says this
American reporter, "and saw what diplomats have since
tried to gloss over. For one revealing instant, they exposed
what the peace of Munich actually signifies to Americans."
Here's his eye-witness account and nn analysis of what will
happen in our future relations with Europe, South America,
and, in particular, England. See page 5 for
European Showdown by DEMAREE BESS
Jr. .
v..; on athletics'
Gate Receipt -
...7hu 4sLadJerTeam
gets a dizzy wotiout
on the top door. Truck 4 rnisei
it hundred foot aerial Udder
and Tommy Mayo pick
that crucial moment to tell
Arch Reynolds. "Nobody's
ordering m to kill myelf for
nothing 1".... A fait movini
tory of Hre-fighteri in ction.
High Fly
n ... ii.fiked at his
-:niAt a near)
r wtltUtfC w - . -1
nu h Sunlcs of tern
ffrflW.M'ff "?aS,. it. 15,000,000
..oi IKES scoffed at , .Une, ta-a.
" . Tt today WW"' , M1.chrwing P" - ..
-1- hiiu rD ' ,!. it'll
TO WAR. What did the
Good Book say? "Stay not, but pursue
after your enemies, and unite the hind
most of thrm." With a Civil War going
on, that was all the Rev, Praxiteles Swan
wanted to know I A ahort story by Lt.
Col. Jnhn W. Thomason, Jr RIOHT
in the m"di.e or THE weddino.
Ninety-Nine Alarm Clock! went ofTI
Diirnt hy Tliomas tells you why, and how
it ufTeited more than one wedding. A
sliort stgry . . . PLUS Fiction, arti
iles, scriuls, Pust Scripts, cartoons and
news of authors on the Keeping Posted
pogc. All in the Pott out Ons week.
Tubular Shoe Skates. $3.50 & up
Figure Shoe Skates. .$4.85 & up
Children's Outfits. $3.45 & $3.95
Wells & Frost Co.
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mrmgm mmmm urn