The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1938, Page THREE, Image 3

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vfrnr will -ByiMirtiiwiiMi Hiwmi wiM rtnai 'nini- iniittfc'ai m j nur -ia rnruiiiTi.l.iai iMian.iiHii.wa I ii tmit&M 1 -muMmm n i. ml mmt iimnmn" iffin n in ir' -y .
Under warm Oklahoma skies,
probably some 24 to 27 red jer
seyed Nebraska football players
will cavort tomorrow afternoon,
performing formations and move
ments designed to wrest a victory
in this man's game of football
fr6m Sir Thomas Stidham's
vaunted, but defeat-susceptible
Oklahoma Sooners.
Nebraska blocking should
shew a definite, if not a very
great improvement over the
three previous garnet this year.
Line Coach Link Lyman has
been working hard and long, al
most till dark every night this
week, perfecting fundamentals
and teaching hard hitting, sure
blocking to hit Husker linemen,
and the Blffer, aided by the
able Glenn Pretnell, has been
doing the tame thing with the
Runs destined for touchdowns,
halted by ineffective blocking
heretofore, should be successful
tomorrow If the teachings of the
Husker coaches are carried out to
any extent at all.
Offensive line play. Nebraska's
weakest point this year, has def
initely been strengthened this
week. How well it will function
rid one knows but the prediction is
Nebraska by a field goal or one
Horace is very interested in the
intramural finals that were played
last night, after this column had
been writen. He thinks that in
tramurals are just about as im
portant as other athletic activities
here t.t the University, because,
he says, "look at all the guys
that get to play In these inter
house games. All the fun and
The Mogul Barbers
Haircut 35c
127 North 12th
Fashions for
Zipper-front Scrteen lined
Leather collar and cuffs
Tiise foals are wcoixl selection . . . slightly
Corduroy Bush Jackets
"Yank-at-Oxford" JaekHs . . . tU lif- Qr
gest hit of tlie sason for active- sport- 7 7J
wear. ForeM trrmi, and camel. All sizes. j
Men's Wool Slacks
Txtose cut, high
waibted slacks. . .
with zipper or
button closing.
Patterned in her
ringbone . . ffcalk
stripe . . . diago
nals ... or heath
er mixture. Sizes
30 1o ?,j.
Circuit Title at
Stake; Weather
Powerul Oklahoma
Machine Seeks to Add
to Succession of Wins
With perhaps the Big Six title
hanging in the balance, Nebraska's
Scarlet and Cream grldders will
take the field tomorrow afternoon
at 2 o'clock to battie the powerful,
three time winners this year, Ok
lahoma Sooners.
Although the Huskers have
dropped games to Minnesota and
Iowa State, and tied with Indiana;
although Oklahoma has beaten
Rice. Texas, and Kansas, betting
odds are pretty even, with a little
edge to the Sooners.
Weather reports should give the
Huskers a break, as the tempera
ture has been dipping steadily in
Soonerland and the Huskers have
been drilling in chilly atmospheres
ranging from 48 to 55 degrees all
Oklahoma's ends, Frank Ivy and
pleasure they get is a lot more than
what comes out of any varsity
Of course, Horace understood
when it was explained to him
that all big universities have an
official team to represent it
among the ranks of other big
universities and that the stu
dents who aren't really good
enough to make this team pull
for their fellow students to win
against ether official university
; teams.
i Horace agreed that the athletic
, setup was okay and that intra
. murals got its share of attention,
! and went to sleep again dreaming
I of Harry Hopp sending Hermie
Rohrig over right tackle for the
first of Nebraska's touchdowns
over Oklahoma.
College Men!
if I 1111' 1
A practical coat for
sport and campus
wear. Cocoa Brown.
FOR VEX Street Flwr.
Y ;c I
Waddy Young, pass catchers de
luxe and bearcats on defense, plus
"Cactus Face" Gil Duggan, tackle
are primed to stop the Husker of
fensive line play.
Quarterback George Prter, who
has been out for practice all week,
sufering internal injuries sustained
against Iowa State; Guard Bill
Pfeiff. injured in the Minnesota
game; and Fullback Edsel Wib
bels, out with a twisted knee since
last Saturday, will not see action
at all. Pfeiff may accompany the
team, although his status is not
Thurston Phelps is the only other
squad member not in top physical
condition, who has been bumped up
during drills this week. The 35
players nominated to make the
Sooner trip are:
To Soonerland.
Ends: Ray Prochaska. Lloyd
Grimm, Ken Shindo, George Sea
man, Bob Kahler, and Jack Ash
Tackles: Forrest Behm, Vernon
Neprud, Sam Schw&rtzkopf, Bob
Mills, Paul Goetowski, Leonard
Guards: Bill Iverson, Bill Her
mann. Arlo Klum, Leonard Mus
kin, Warren Alfson, Adna Dobson.
Centers: Charlie Brock, Bob
Burruss, Fred Meier, Dale Ruser.
Backs: Jack Dodd. Theos
Thompson. Roy Petsch, Bill Cal
lihan, Eldon Neurnberger, Bill
Andreson, Harry Hopp, Bus
Knight, Thurston Phelps, Herman
Rohrig, Walter Luther, Man-in
Plock, Kenneth Simmons.
The Biffer's starting eleven
should average around 195 to 197
pounds by game time. Oklahoma's
first string lineup will tip the
scales at about a 187 pound aver
age. The Sooner backs averaging
only 174 bring the average down,
as both lines are about the same
Starting Lineup.
Probable starting lineups and
weights tomorrow:
Seeman, 195 ...c 190, Ivy
Mills, 208 t.... 208, Duggan
Muskin, 196 . ..g.. 188, Stevenson
Brock, 195 . ...c... 171,Speegle
Iverson, 189 . . g 190, Bolton
Behm, 195 t.... 212, Bowers
Prochaska, 192. e 193, Young
Hopp, 190 qb.180, McCull'gh
Rohrig, 195 ...h... 167, McCarty
Dodd, 170 h... 165, Jennings
Call!han,200 ...fb.. 182, Crowder
Referee for the game will be
Dwight Ream. Washburn. J. C.
Higgins of Southern Methodist
will be the umpire; Earl Jones of
Arkansas, head linesman; and
Ted O'Sullivan of Missouri, field
SS-lll lMM-
j Jones Boys
By Jim DeWolf.
Omaha Central has sent another
one of her sons to Biff Jones'
Cornhusker football squad In Leon
ard Muskin, the most even tem
pered man on the team.
Muskin started from the third
string and came up to the first,
but his rise is not as easy as it
sounds. At the start of the sea
son, Muskin was deep down on the
third string. But due to his deter
mination and excellent play he
was promoted to the seconds and
from there he shifted into high
gear and won a starting berth.
Nebraska will see lota of Muskin
in the next three years as ha is
only a sophomore.
From the standpoint of age, Ln
ni is the baby of tns squad, be
ing only 18 years old, but from
the standpoint of height and
weight he does not take a back
seat to many. He stands 6 feet, 1
inch and weights 196.
For 17 of his 18 summers be
was a social hermit supreme, but
last summer he blossomed out Into
a, social lion, so say his friends.
The change came on a trip to
Mchring, Amen
Play With Stars
Former Huskers Pitted
Agoinit Iowa Stars
Included on the roster of tht
Nebraska All Star team which will
play a picked group of Iowa 8tara
In Creighton stadium Nov. 27 will
be Paul Amen and Bob Mehrint;,
Husker star linemen last year.
Amen played end and was on
the receiving and of completed
passes more than just a few times
during his collsga career. Mehr
ing, altho weighing less than 173
nmimu thrumit his collece career.
was one of the Husker's most de
pendsble and able guards his last
two years.
Tomorrow for the first time in
e-ght years, Nebraska will go into
a Big Six game the underdog
at least in the opinion of most
Midlands scriveners and that po
sition won't hurt them a bit. For
a long time now the Huskers have
been going into games with every
thing to lose and nothing to gain,
but the worm has edged over a
little this fall
A team, when it has been win
ning all the time, naturally can't
get fired up against the boys it is
accustomed to beating but when
the betrodden boys rise up, and
commentators begin their bemoan
ing and belittling of the once
powerful, it's time to watch out.
The Huskers were underdogs
the time they walloped Kansas in
1930. That was in the Big Six's
early days, but Nebraska had been
the big noise in the old Missouri
Valley loop for quite some time,
altho they had lost 20-7 to Okla
homa earlier in the season.
Then there was 1936. The Husk
ers had a great team that year,
but the boys had an off day
against Pitt, and there was some
doubt thet they could handle Kan
sas State's Wildcats, who had
given Iowa State a 47-7 drubbing
the Saturday before. Such senti
ment must have aroused the lad
dies, and as a result there was a
40-0 massacre in Memorial sta
dium Saturday.
Yes, we are leading up to a pre
diction. The Huskers, their start
ing lineup having finally been hit
upon, are improving by leaps and
bounds, as some million and one
football buga have been saying.
The Sooners are tough, but they
aren't unbeatable. They haven't
beaten a really great team yet,
and aren't so experienced that they
can't make mistakes with the best
of them.
However, If they get past the
Nebraska game, they'll have gone
a long way toward an undefeated
season and it's beyond common
sense to think that our Huskers
would like to see Oklahoma be
come the Big One of the Big Six
after having been that themselves
for eight or ten years.
Now we offer you, with fan
fare and all Nebraska over Okla
homa. Maybe a tie would be bet
ter, for last week the Huskers
tied when we picked 'em to win
perhaps they'd win if we picked
them to tie, but tt can stand at
In the other Intra-Big Six game
it looks like Iowa State over Kan
sas. It's about time for Indiana
to click, too, and we like them
over Kansas State. Missouri should
take care of Washington In the
other game.
LOtfT Two rtrct, diamond and tmtrtld,
In Antfrrwi Hill. lUwird. Call 4-1015. j
FOR SALI Slishtly udWrorUbl! !
Full UttuUtk. Call nii after 00 1
ANT PKRSON with car wantiim aoiMon
to ahara axpaa to Oklahoma, call
r lARirnt
Larfliit In Stats of Nebraska
131 No. 13th
I--. .1 1 I I II jr i III is Si"- t , t j ,..
I i 1 I "XI
C .H ; ' MERM ROHRie w M ' . t
KbJ S Las m suuMTBorr n i'iiim h-k iEiiRn mi'hi.
BUI Itcthm. Lincoln Jmirnal.
The Starting
Frosh Gridders
To Goon View
Public Invited to Game
This Afternoon at 4:30
Frosh footballers will entertain I
fans interested in viewing next i
year's sophomore crop of gridders
this afternoon at 4 :30, when Coach
A. J. Lewandowskl will run two
picked teams thru an unofficial
game. Yearlings will be shown a
moving picture at 3:15. then will
suit up for the scrimmage.
The public is Invited. Among
the frosh who have been demon
strating themselves as really good
prospects for next year are Vic
Schleich, tackle; Henry Rohn, full
back; backs Rubttom, Zorn; ends,
Dutcher, Ludwick, Llndsteadt;
Blue at tackle; guard Hubert
Monsky, giant on frosh defense
the past three weeks, and guard
Bob Sconce.
Intramural Touchball
Finals Tilt Postponed
Yesterday's scheduled tilt be
tween Phi Delta Theta and
Sigma Phi Epsilon for the 1938
intramural touch football cham
pionship has been postponed
until next Tuesday afternoon
at 5 o'clock.
JOtit yoWc
U)mVl it wMl yaiOL fohmaL . . . .
CbuphcL Bolstiw QadvdA.
QF French Angora Yarn, in all white. A beau
tiful actrssory to your formal wardrobe.
ii II li It II IS I I? A S II II
' ' ' 1 " hi mi
Line - up
Scabbard and Blade
Holds Rush Smoker
i Scabbard and Blades, honuiary'
military society for advanced of-
ficers, will hold a "rush smoker"
in the "N" Club room of the coli-.
seum Wednesday, Ort. 2t at 7:30. I
Your Drug Store
How fttxHit tht HiUr Oil and Hair
Tontf? Setrrt tt frmn our Murk.
Whitman 1hk-Iiiif mnA
Go tar) Id (Aurulatrft.
P Street at 14th Phone B1063
1301 O St.
''pHE French Angora Yarn i particu
larly long haired, and a soft an a
dandelion's puff hall! Luxurious, and
feminine looking, delightful for formal
jackets or aa sweater.
owrL ....
YOU'LL be the envy of your friend if you're
wearing items you've knitted yourself. In
struction without charge in the department.
White, and a few pastels. oz. hall
Two-Milers Run
Against Sooners
Weir Takes Fire Men
To Oklahoma Compet
Ed Weir's two mile quintet will ,
journey to Norm:in along with tlie
Husker football team to compete
against Oklahoma's harriers U.'
morrow. Tlie five men making the
trip are Al Kuper. John Brownlev.
Dolman Moore, Leroy Walker and
Paul Owen.
J Brownlee, who has been melig
I iblo before this shouM come thi j
high up in the final standings.
standing a good chonce to cop
first place. This is the third test,
for the Husker runners, having
won one and lost one meet so far
this veai.
Large choic of delicious food,
big servinpr and snail ebecV.
' iifi cassis! "h
, M ii t&jifHiiij:! fci Limited
Pillers Pharmacy
16th & O Streets
Diamond Engagement Rings
of Quatilx
Compacts. BraleU. Crosses, Lockt
and Chains, Camro Rings and many
other Gifts that Plca.
See the New Real Amlxr Bracelets and
at the
Lincoln, Nebr.
Art-.N f.aj.wuyh tmmrM f Ur,
Mnm4 Flimr.