The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 05, 1938, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Wxihqahsd JOtauA
(DixisL QaviA
v.. Jl V
Sneak night fever became an
epidemic Monday nite. . . . most
spectacular stunts pulled by Alpha
Chi's what with hostages and
after-effects by actives. . . . Phi
Delt's smartest to take food from
the vary mouths of actives and
journey to Omaha. . . . Phi Psi's
creating furor in Council Bluffs
and Omaha with Seltzer now a
V-8 enthusiast. . . . Acacia's join
ing the trek to Omaha. ... Pi
Phi's attempt to light out, throt
tled by actives. . . . Theta's sere
nading 'stead of sneaking. . . .
A O Pi's foxing actives leading
them on wild goose chase to re
turn to find the plcdgies studying.
. . . Kappa Dolt's losing one of
their cars, but cairying on
nontheles. . . . all Farm Houses
doiiig some late evening singing.
. . . Chi hl'i's sneak predicted. . . .
Sigma Chi's paying and paying
and etc. for ti.eir fund. . . . Jim
brother of Tom-Dorscy swings out
this Friday at King's page the ,
Date bureau Sig Alpn's super I
fire-fighters, as shown in the Tri I
Delta fire last ISat when they
crashed dixirs. . . . Chi O's pulling
fake sneak with plenty to pay
for tantalizing . . . two Alpha
Phi's and a DUD. in Omaha sing
ing for Horace Ileidt and being a
big hit. . . . by Golly, music at the
Turnpike, Friday and Football nite j
lo Do exact. . . . t iji pin ot
Lloyd Hill on Roberta Peterson
Omaha. . . . Kappa Sig's doing big
tubbing to Hob Ray. . . . paddle
champs beating it out at Sub base
ment. . . . while SAM beats it out
to a super jam session Tuesday
noon. . . .
More Minny news. Our promi
nent Innocents, Howard Kaplan
and illustrious Bob Gannon had
the same room at the Hotel Kad
dison. Bob had full intentions of
making the 8:10 train Sunday
morning, and left a note to be
called at 7. When the call came
in. Bob slept on, and Kaplan an
swered "Good morning, Hotel
Coeds To Meet
Activity Meeting For
Freshman Girls Tonight
A Coed Counselors Activities
mass meeting will be held Wednes
day evening from 7:00 to 8:00 p.
m. for all freshman women. Dur
ing the early part of the meeting,
the board menilKTs, sponsors and
hobby group leaders will be intro
duced. Announcements of the pur
pose of the meetings and their
time will be made.
Fach new student then will h'iv(
an opportunity to sic;n up for the
group in which she is interested.
Followers is a list of the varied
groups irom which a choice may
be made: knitting, charm .school,
tap, scrapbook, dramatics. Girls
in charge of these groups are:
Virginia Heist er, Helen Catherine
Davis, Mary Kline, Charlotte I'tt,
Tex Rozelle Rounds.
Watch Your Step
Campus Cop to Crock
Down on Jay-Valkers
Student co-operati m in observ
ing the traffic signals at 14th anu
Ft, and 12th and R has txvn very
commendable, according to Ser
geant R .C. I'egler, 'lie cam nis
cop. Sergeant Ih-glei urges that
all students stay within the pedes,
tiian lines painted t these (H ii i is.
Walking across the street di
rectly from the north dr of the
Temple to the south door of So
cial Science lmjldui is to lie
topped, says Sergean, ltegbr, fm
it involves a Ncrioua traffic prob
lem. Leniency in traffP. observance
during the first few weeks of
chool la to be discontinued, and
trict enforcement replace it A
full toj at all t., ignj U de-
Kaddison; 72 degrees; 7 o'clock.
Kaplan thanked nor und hung up.
About an hour laker, Bob woke
up, and called for the correct
time. It was 8:10, so he decided
that he'd better go back to sleep.
Sally Sellers, Alpha XI, Is now
wearing one of the walnut shell
bracelets that were being dis
played not long ago by one of the
fraternity Jewelers. It bears a
Sigma Nu crest, from one of the
boys at Fort Collins, Colo. Like
wise, an Alpha Phi is displaying
one of the maltise cross necklaces
with an A. T. O. crest on it.
Pill "Mercury" Kline, S. A. K
is in court now as a victim of cir
cumstances the circumstance be
ing that a copper was around
when Bill was driving a putt-putt
on the wrong side of the street,
going through a stop sign, cutting
corners, and what not.
The picture of Jack Dodd and
Kita Alger which appeared in last
Sunday's picture has been framed
by Joseph Stephens nt the D. U.
house. It is believed that Joe is
quite a football enthusiast and
will probably go out for it next
A most unhappy circumstance
has been caused by yesterday's
item in the paper about the Tri
Delts, Phi Delts, Vincent Lopez,
goons, 3t pledges, etc. In the
course of the day. phones rang,
people were bawled out. apologies
rang out, etc. And so to close
the whole deal, we all apologize
to everyone concerned.
Alpha Phi alumnae will meet
toilay at 6:30 for a buffet supper
with Mrs. Dick West over. The
program will consist of a conven
tion report by Madeline Girard,
who will also show movies taken
of the convention at Los Angeles.
Caroline "Suzi" Harrison. Theta
of last year, is coming up Friday
for a visit. She has been going
to school in Missouri this year.
Needless to say, Dick Smiley is
all smiles.
Only about 300 University
of Nebraska students called
for their identification card
pictures Monday, the registar's
office reported early Tuesday.
With but three more days
scheduled for securing these
pictures before the Iowa State
game this Saturday, when they
will be required of all students,
some 2.000 students will h?ve
to get their pictures each day,
if all of them are to be deliv
ered within the scheduled time.
The four day schedule:
Monday Numbers 1-1,800.
Tuesday Numbers, 1,801
3.300. Wednesday Numbers 3,331
100. Thursday Numbers, 28.401
X)0. man led to insure safety for pedes- I
Students are urged to tell theii
parents that all football traffic is
being directed from the Onvih'
highway to Kith St., where free
paikitie, f.,ace will be piovidcl in
the Russian flats.
"The gum chewing girl
And the cud chewing cow
Are alike somehow.
What difference?
Oh yes, I see it now,
It's the thoughtful look
On the face of the cow.
2 Poir Officer
Dress Boots
Siret 10B ' fB
Inquire Lincoln Theater
Inquire Lincoln
Fireworks Add
To Rally Spirit
Corn Cobs Promise
Stirring Parade Friday
Second football rally of the year
will begin on the steps of the Stu
dent Union building at 7 o'clock
Friday evening, where the band,
Corn Cobs and Tassels will form
at the head of a parade and march
to the east stadium to listen to
speeches and voice tlieir enthusi
asm over the Iowa State game
According to the rally commit
tee, students turning out for this
rally should have as good a time,
do as much yelling, and will prob
ably whip up as much enthusiasm
as was raised last week.
"Iowa State promises to be
tough, and spirit is what we're
after," stated Ralph Reed, Corn
Cob member of the rally commit
tee, while Art Hill, the other pep
club man on the committee ad
mitted that "this rally promises to
be a noisy affair. But that's what
we want. Fireworks in the sta
dium will be used as last week.
They were pretty popular and
really put 'fire' into the yelling."
The rally will begin on the steps
of the Union, will progress east
ward to 16th, then north to Vine,
and then turn down to the east
stadium. The main rallying will
he done in the stadium, from
where the rally will be broken up.
A police escort will lead the pro
cession, followed by the band, be
hind whom will march Corn Cons,
Tassels, and students. No cars
will be allowed in the parade.
(Continued from Page 1.)
were alloted produce proportion
ate to sales.
Visits Sudeten.
During his touis, Professor
Pfeiler visiled the Czech-German j
Sudeten areas. Altnougn actual j
disluroanres had not yet uci urrcil i
in this area, l'feiler commented
upon the geneial Suueten-German
belief tiiat they were being mis
treated. A Sudeten audience at
tending tno filming oi a German
celebration at I-.ger, Czechoslo
vakia, was also markedly enthus
iastic. "From my observations, I am
convinced that the Sudeten Ger
mens are to some extent justilied
in their claims,'' Dr. Pfeiler states.
"In an area whicn is approxi
mately 100 percent German, the
Czechs hold practically all the of
fices." Dr. Pfeiler's nome town, Bruns
wick, has increased 35 percent in
population during the last five
years. National socialists have
built settlements around the town
to accommodate this sudden
growth, without resorting to in
creased taxation. National social
ist doctrine claims creative labor
as Germany's current base, not
gold and saver.
hen in Berlin Dr. Pfeiler
visited Dr. F. Schoenemann, of the
University of Berlin faculty.
Schoenemann was a University of
Nebraska guest instructor one
year ago. Pfeiler also saw H. L.
Mencken in Bei lin. Mensken is a
leader of American literary cir
(Continued from Page 1.)
schedule of the program two weeks
in advance this year," IVin Moss
president of the organization said.
"Because of this advance in sched
ule, organizations putting rm
shows will have more time and.
therefore, will not be rushed dur
ing last minute practices.
Judgirg from ideas anil nchemcs
which have already b en suggested
in connection will Fall Revue
skits, Kosmet Kluh memU-rs are
predicting one of the twst f.ill
shows ever to appear on the cam
pus. An entre new scheme for
presentation of the "Swcclhart of
Ncbrc.ska" ha already been sug-
mm mt Man AatrttT
If hmw m thm
David Fellman, German
Czech Incident forum, Parlors
X-Y-Z, 11:00.
A. W. S. Meeting, Parlor X,
Sigma Alpha lota meeting,
Room 313, 5:00.
Mu Phi Epsilon, Room 316.
Nu-Med dinner, Parlors Y &
Z, 6:15.
Y. M. C. A. Moving Picture,
Ballroom, 7:15.
Corn Cobs meeting, Room
313, 7:30.
Delta Sigma Pi, Room 316,
Engineer's Cadet meeting
and buffet lunch, Parlor, 7:30.
gested to the committee in charge
of the formal display.
Kosniet Kluh offices will be
open from 2 till 5 every afternoon
until after the Revue has been
Simon Award
Goes to Behm
Lincoln Tackle Gets
$100 'Prowess" Prize
The committee appointed to
choose the recipient of the Joseph
Simon scholarship announced late
Tuesday the selection of Forrest
K. Belim. jr., of Lincoln, sopho
more tackle on the varsity s;uad.
According to the donors, the fam
ily of the late Joseph Simon, the
$100 annual award is to he given
to the male student who has dem
onstrated in his first year athletic
prowess as well as scholastic ami
all around ability.
The committee interviewing the
candidates Tuesday was com-
posed of Dr. C. H. Oldi'ather, dean
of the arts and sciences college,
chairman; Dr. R. D. Scott of the
F.nglish faculty, and Coach "15ifi"
Jones. The winner of the award
last year was William Pfcii'f, Lir.
coin, guard on the football team.
ire nnu
(Continued from Page 1.)
B. Williams; Program and pur
chase of invitations, Lieut. Col.
Francis Leotterle; Honor guests
and aid to P. M. S. and T., Capt.
ment and floor management, Lieut.
Robeit J. Molzer; Seating arrange
Col. Ted L. Pflueger; Checking
wraps, Capt. Robert L. McGeachin.
Names of committee members
will appear in a later issue.
At their regular meeting Mon
day afternoon, the junior and
senior Pen-hellenic representatives
of the sororities set the maximum
amount that may be spent for a
sorority formal as $155. They also
discussed summer rushing activi
ties and regulations concerning
these activities.
The date set for the next meet
ing was November 7.
Fndt Weanrdiy
"Vivacious Lady" "Devil's Party'
Boy! 0 Boy!
Can Vou Im.iqm The Fun
a Tei Cowboy tharet
an tee cream
tod wth a
n r o a dw.i
a taite lor
champagne I
0 Boy!
III! rtrsnUlWMl
II 1
Bible Class
Maries Birthday
Luthera.i Group Begins
1 5th Year Thursday
When the Lutheran Bible class
meets in Room 203, Temple, on
Thursday, Oct. (, it will celebrate
the 15111 anniversary of the or
ganization. Since the spring of
1924 Lutheran students have met
regularly for study and discus
sion of the Bible, under Rev.
firck. University Lutheran pastor.
The Bible class meets regularly
on the first and third Thursday of
each month from ! to 6 o'clock In
Room 203 Temple.
The outline of this year's study
will include a number of copies
under the general theme of "What
Does the Bible Say?" The first pe
riod to be held this week will treat
the subject of alcoholic liquor. The
class will discuss the question
"What does the Bible say about
the use and abuses of alcoholic
The first social of the present
school year will be held on Friday,
Oct. 7, beginning immediately
after the football rally. This group
also meets in 2C3 Temple.
Graduate College
Makes Orcaha Bid
The regents of the university
have authorized the Graduate col
lege to oii'er a limited number of
courses in Omaha. Dean F. W.
Cpson is working out the plan for
the coHises. The courses will be
under the supervision of the coun
cil of the Graduate college, and
will he given by the University
Kxtension division.
Classes will start Monday, Oct.
10 and will he held in Room 122,
Central high school. Registration
will be hi Id at the first meeting of
10 ptR UNE
LOST: Chi Thl fr.iifrnily pin. FlndtT
plr:ie c:ill Kalph Wixntmff. I.72M.
LOST: 1 Hir tnf colored Rlovfa Sunday
rvrninK in Stmlt-nt L'niun Itiune. Call
B-741". Reward.
Hcbrosko's Own
Motion Picture
it u,. Were
win u
Hurry! End. Wednesday!
your neighbor has oeen H , .
Have youT
Mrie Antoinette"
I (r
- fi