FOUR THE DAILY HiEBRASKAX. SUNDAY. SF-PTF.MREIl 11. 193,1 Players Promise Hit Year. . Twenty-First Season Opens Oct. 10 Launching their twenty-first neason, University Players offer this year a lineup of plays that promises to excel all previous ef forts of this well-known drama tic group, according to Miss Alice Howell, head of the University speech department. Commencing the evening of October 10 with the production, "Night Must Fall, ' a group of six popular modern plays, which have packed theaters everywhere they have been pro duced, will be presented. In a recent statement Miss How ell said that this year promises to be the brightest ever in the Players' history. She believes that the unusually good list of players who will participate insures the success of the up-to-date plays scheduled. Plays may include: "Night Must Fall," "Tonight at 8:30," "French Without Tears," "Golden Boy," 'Susan and God,'' "Judgment Day," "Room Service," "Abie's Irish Rose," "Time and the Conways," "Ruy Bias." Tickets will remain at the same price as in previous years with the six plays being of fered to University students for two dollars. Tassels Handle Tickets. Sale of these season tickets will he in the hands of the Tassels, girls pep group. With Miss Vir ginia Nolte in charge of the cam paign, a thorough distribution of tickets among civic and campus patrons is undoubtedly forthcom ing believes Miss Howell. Per formances will be in Temple theater as usual. Members of the speech depart ment constitute the University Players group and are completely in charge of the productions which are directed by the department's faculty of six. Uni Officers Get Awards Huskers Show Up Well At Summer Drill For six weeks during this past Slimmer, some 200 eaict officers, representing the ROTC regimen's of the University of Nebraska, the University of South Dakota, and Crelghton university, attended "heir annual camp at Fort Crook. Taking a large share of the awards, the Nebraska representa tives made a very cred'tablc show ing. A summary of their record: Commissions 2nd lieutenants: Martin Erck, John Redfield, Joy Vallery, Frederick Webster. Medals Best kept beds in area John Anderson, Jonathan WTolcott, Howard Hohnstein. Best platoon machine gunners Richard Hutson, William Her mann, James Weeks. Pistol: John Tanner, Ritchie Clark, Richard Smiley. Rifle: Ritchie Clark, Herbert Rosenthal. Automatic rifle: Robert Alex ander, Herbert Rosenthal. Best platoon cadet: Kermit Han Ben, Martin Oelrieh. Best combat squad: Robert Mills, William Harris, Herbert Heumann, Jonathan Wnleoti, Wade Raser. Counselor Board Meets Today Virginia Fleetwood, president of the Coed Counselors, has called a 10:30 meeting today in the Student Union for the Coed Counselor board. All members are requested to be present to discuss important plans for as sistance to freshmen during Iheir first week. ! 1! I ' ""U1- i'H iill'illlt Choral Unit Plans First Rehearsal Great Cathedral Choir to Begin Activities Beginning its 19th year, the Lin coln Cathedral choir, composed mostly of university students, will have its first rehearsal in the studio at the Eagle apartment building located at 228 No. 12th, on Thursday evening, Sept. lr This announcement was made by John M. Rosborough, choir director, director. Twenty new members have al ready been accepted into the choir which will number about 60. Try outs may he had by calling at the studio or by appointment with the director. The immediate objective of the organization is the Choral Ves pers. This service will be given in the Coi nhusker hotel ballroom as in the past two years. The date of this activity has not been set but will he announced later as will other plans of the group. Any student on the campus with a fair voice who enjoys singing Is invited to call at the studio for a tryout. Big Sisters Meet Coeds Party in Ellen Smith Welcomes Frosh Coed Counselors, organization for the orientation of freshmen women, will inaugurate their new year Monday when they appear on the campus wearing Counselor tags and endeavor to answer ques tions and welcome the -new class of mi 2. First year women will he enter tained Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Ellen Smith hall at a welcoming party where they will meet their individual big sisters and be told about the Counselor program by the president, Virginia Fleetwood. Chairmen of the party are Mary Bullock and Virginia Nolte, assisted by their groups. Members of Marjoric Church ill's and Maxine Lake's Councelor groups will maintain information tables at Andrews, Social Sciences and the Student Union where freshmen are requested to take their registration difficulties. Counselors under Faith Medlar and Ruth Clark will assist at a table back of the coliseum where all unaffiliated freshmen are re quested to sign their names for the purpose of being assigned to a big sister. Freshman buttons for nil new girls will be given at Gold s Kamptis Koiner during the week by the members of the groups under Fein Steutevillc and Bonnie Burn. Elizabeth Smith's Counsel ors will usher at freshman convo cation Monday. $k ilil! Ml i llll;,' Mi ' ifD UK lit. SrSmiJiDiSM A new year beg t An old friend greeh you ) HOTEL I LINCOLN I i L the finest, in liallrooiu : Jind ifiiiiiiot facilities t E. L. WILBUR, M(jr, FRANCIS WARNER, ) Soc. Director. ! N" Books Out Thursday Chancellor's Greeting In New Edition Simultaneous with the openln;: of the new school year will be the appearance on the campus of 'he "N" books, distribution of which will begin on Thursday. Featuring a photograph of and a greeting from the new chnnci I lor, the volume, 111! pages, has been enlarged to include activities and organizations not previously covered. This year, new pages have been devoted to the barb council, Alpha j Phi Omega; the "N" club, together with photos of the Y. M. and Y. W. si'crelaiies, ami the additional church page, representing the Con gregational deiionii nation. Freshmen may seeurc the book for 10 cents, while the price for iipperelassmen Is 25 cents. Edited by Selmn Hill, Evelyn Taylor and Dean Worcester, the business mtn ager o this edition Is Erie Con si a hie. Your Hair This Fall Will Go Up! 0a nth 7 THAT DEPENDS ON YOUR HAIR, ON YOUR TYPE It Orpheums expert hair stylists (under direction of Miss Adeline, who has been nwnrded a Fllvcr trophy In the Art of Coif furs Designing) miggcst a perfect coiffure for you. SHAMPOO ohd HAIRDRESS ... 35c - 50c - 75c PRESENT THIS AD and Receive $1.00 Credit on Orpheum't Popular Permanent $2 -$2.50 -$3.50-$5 -and up "Service You Deserve" "C.lennUnen You Demand" ias::ii:i!i!: iiiiiiiiiii! m m llll iiiiiiiiiii! i:::s::::::t cUhe Story of CAvahella o Arabella was discontented On account of WtyJ On account of she Sad but $77 with which to buy her fall outfit. She yearned so to for some snappy clothes, she felt like BESIDES, her hair was a nest 1 ' i i stomping her feet and kicking of curls where a homeloving sparrow would just love to settle down! Arabella decided the best thing to do was have - -mm- a coke with Pam and think this wardrobe problem over and what Pam told Arabella made her jump to her feet like a CP iack and 5 1 right down to BEN SIMON AND SONS! WHAT DO YOU SUPPOSE SHE SAW THERE? . . why, the things her little heart had cried for at prices that made her CONNIE PUMPS of look like the tower of Eiffel A love $3.95 something that would "first rate" her with r mi win She tried on a cunning pair of of a school dress, $7.95 M her B.M.O.C. (Big Moment on the Campus), u n FORAjUKIT girdle, as Parisian as a poodle. $3.50 VI A Mlh JA on a costume suit Itf her goggles! .... A price mark of $39.50 V A.LLl was enuf to make her take off and it was fur trimmed! feel like Sht could "SWING OUT RITE" in thai ft formal that made her $12.95 SO ARABELLA had her hair like a kittens back AND WITH ..kO- -x CO HER ALLOWANCE 11 clVU SHE STILL HAD n.oo - 15.35 pinned up soft and high I AND ARABELLA, sweet girl, is cocking $49.50 her eye at a cute little fur coatie ttLl? and a feathery ant-ora sweater she intends to manage on her allowance before December. v which $8.50 iliiljiii! iiiiijiiiii, ill liiii 9 And now Arabella is a happi and. asnknisuL little Fern, I i iiliiili! iijiiiiii! iii ii t' i ininiiiii: pill 'II 'i It!!! iilil lliiliiji r 'i! l!!illl:!:i i.i ii 'i I , liiiliiii iiiilililjij jpii ::::i!it:i : iiiliiijp liillii'i'!! iliiiiiij ilpl!!!! iiiiiiiijiij i"i.i.r liiiliiii! illiiiii liiiliiii liiilliiiiii iiliii illiiiii! liiiiiiiiii lilliiili iiiiiiili iiiill iiiillilii iiliiiipii! !!!!!i;i;i; iiiiiliiiiii in lllliii i::!::h:": 1 1 I I I ' 1 1 J. ; liiii iiiii I, :i hi!:: iiiiiiii! iiiiiiiiiiii ill! i:::::i:: iiiiiiii iiiiil! i I t : li::ij!i;; jliiii! piij iiiiiiiii!!! ; iiii ''"'! ii I1 ' i liiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii'!- iiiiiiiii i i iiiiiiii": ' ' 1 ,. iiiiiiii! ililiiiiii: WW llll! iiiiiiiiiiii iliiiiiiijjj piiiiip iiii'; in; liiiiiiiiii: liiiiiiiiii Iiiiiiii iiiiiiii::: iiiiiiiiiii lililliiji illiiiliii MMiMI:!: i::n::::::: liiiiiiiiii liiii! ill!! iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii :i!iiii iilillj iiiiiiiii;: I l iiiiiiii! iiiiiiii; iiiii i i lii i iiitn i iiliii! iiliii liiilii! iiiiiiii; iiiiiiiii in :in::: : il ii ' iiii! iiii ! I ' iiiii !1 II lii : I !:! 0ifiuuan B&tudjL SctlojL 219 No. 12th B2796 iiiii-iiii Iltil'tin Hi lii Ii mm ll:i:ii:e.!l!!!:!HI!l!Tli:!I!tlini!!t!lII!!!ir!ll!l! iiiilHiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiim :!!l;;i!:i::i;::M:!nii!:!!!!!H I'iliiliiilililllliiiii'il'liill liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miiiulUHiiHlM!utniiUtU!uliiifi iiiliiiiii:liiiiiiiiiiiiliii:;iiiiiiii!iiiii;iiiamil:ViiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiii ;j:;:;-;;;:;;;:::::i;:::::::::::::::::::::;j: ::::::::::::::::iii::::iiiiiiii:i:i:iii:::i:; i::iiii:i:i::u:M:!:::::::i:i::ii:i!iiii:iiiiiii;:i;::::::