THE DAILY NF.URASKAN. M MUV. SEPTKMIJF.R 11. lMR THREE General Freshman Convocation Inlvrrntly colWum. 9;0fl-9:4A m. PrldlnK, Ir. K. 8. Kullhrmtk. Son and rhrr. lr. '. M. Hourhcr. rhnm1ln r tk nnlvrrlty. Humid Bfnn, ircsidfnt of Mm Hlu drnt Council, Intrndiirliort of tinivrrnitv pnMoM nnil V. W. C. A. and V, M. C, A. (.rrrrtnrl. Introduction nf dentin., director, rtr(trr and flnanrn RPcrHary, innniinrrmrnn. AdJiiurnmpnt to rolkne ronvoratlon. COLLEGE OF AGItlOJLTUHE 10:00 R. ftl.- ItllKPlpal It'll V f.lUa.tii for aKficiiltural col I r it ramnti. 10:HO - 1 1 ;S0 a. in I nninrnlLn collate Activities building. rrCRldinit. I'rof. V. C. M nlr. rn-o. elM pro (PH.r of vocation rdurntlon. ( o HClt H NoniV led hv Mm. Alllniia TllllU. UrrHlnva I'rof. V. V. Burr, rirun of rnllrtr of agriculture (trcrilnRM I'rof. Mtir.Tar.-r H. YpAA. chairman of department of home eco nomic R. Skit "Col Iff I.lfV hv citllerA tin. dentil. Announcements. Women. 1:15-1 :4ft n. m. "tVlm! tnirr ulll You Take? Ml mr Mutllda IVtera n rlat profcRRor of home economics home economic hull H. K. 206). Ziou-.iMMi n. m. Asrltultiiral rnllrn rumpus tmir. 3:1MM :W n. m. Tea In home eco nomics parlor. Men. l:I.V2:2(t n. m. Agricultural folic cam mi tour. Z:it-:tH t. nt "ll.m and for Uhat WMI I HeKlHier?" Prof, H. '. r llley, chalrmun of department nf rural economic, nit rlmlt lira) eiilneer ln hall (A. K. 20HI. COLLEGE OK AIM'S AND SCIENCES 1ft:n-ll ;H0 a. m Ion vocation. Tem ple theater. 'rrMtat, Dr. i harlen If. I'altenwn. tlvtrlntr inifi'ur of ih:jo"'" . Welcime hy r. ". II. Oldrmher. dean of the rullrge nf arid and RClencea and profentior of hUtory. OreMIn Dr. Wilbur M. firesory, Rpeclnl ndvUrr to frehmen. niMirtaut annnuncentenlR. AMlrnment to advtnerR. Il:fl0-I2:flft m. onRiilntlon with . lr. P-no-imn p. m. ? unrh hor. 1:00-3:30 p. m. ReilMratlon. coijixTe" of business administration 10:00 a, m. Convocation, Soclnl Nctcnee auditorium iH. N. A.) rrriildlnK, Mr. J. K. l.eKmlnnl. dean nf the roll'-ite or htitrtfM ad ininlMratlon. Welcome hy Dean J. K. l.Rolmil. NtHdent nelrome hy Mr. Stanley Brewfctnr. AUnment to ad Uera and rrl Ion ncetl ikr. 1:30 p. nt. KeiciNlrallon. collegfT of EN(;iNEEHIN(; 10;ofl-1 1 ;4.1 a. m. Cnnvnr Minn, chrmUlry Irrtnre mom, Avery torv of ch"mt.rv (A. I,.t rrcRldlnii. I'rof. J. I'. Colherl, fresh man adviser. Greeting In the freshman engln"er nw students nnd "l'nriMic of a I nl- verslty r:dnctitlun," I'rul. . 3. Pcrgn- on. denn of the college nf enslnerrlnR, "Ituilgellnt of Time and I- Inanees, Trof. J. v. Haney, chairman of de partment nf mechanical engineering. 1:30-2:00 p. m. ( onvnrtttion, chem istry lecture rom, Avery lahoratory of chemistry. I'reshllnK, Dean O, J, rrr RUsoti, 'The student and Ills Advisers. and -How to Register," Prof. J. P. 4 olhert J:oo p. m. Inspection of city ram pus and engineering Inhoratortes, Adjournment. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 10:00 n. m. Convocation, achnol of mnle IK. M. f. Presiding. Ml-s KHraheth Tlerney, prnfessor of theory and history nf mti"lc. Welcome Prof. Howard Klrltpatrlck, director of the achool of mnslr. Important announcements. 1 :4A-4 :0r p, m. Registration. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 10:00-11:40 a. rr o n v e a tlon, Tharmacy hall V. 4K Dean R. A., presiding. Address nf welcome hv Dr. R. A. I.vman, dean of tha fftllege nf phar maey. Inirodncthin of faculty memhers. II:40-;MI a. in. Assignment to advisers and adjournment. 1:S0-S::tn p. m. Hccllonal meetings with adviser. l'rofeir Hurt, Pharmacy hill (P. I04l. Professor Hukey, Pharmacy hall tP. At. Prntefir Vlhle, I'harmacy hull tr. io.m. teaciieks :olle(;e Ifl 00-I0:l5 a. m o a v e alhm, itrant memorlHl hull. Presiding. Dr. . II, Morton, direr tor nt tenrh-r training and prifenr nf rmndary edurallxn. Hinging hv reniM. eirnir hr Dr. K. K. Ilrnillk, denn nf Ten -hers rollege. hlnutna hv aMuihl. Inlrodoctlfin of freshman adlser hy liran llemiik. iHlk, 1he r'reshnian and the Teach er I ttllege," Dr. O. II. Werner, pro- rsor of prlnriptea nf rdiirallon. nnnun-enienls. 1 1 :'H-1 1 ;0ii ni. 4 ounsellng w Ith In stnirtnr and adviser In office. l:iM.4:fNt p. m. AdUlng and register ing nf students, learhera riMegt IT, t , imii. CLEAR THE DECK! Sponsor the USED CAR SALE 1)3) Ford Coup., beautiful mirror Ilk. finiih, full d.luMt tquiprntnt, .pl.nriid r.rlio nnd hrafir, SprcUl pne 33 1916 Chevrolet Coup., motor tweet nd .month. Nearly new lir.i, un. utually well ppearlna J7J 1(31 Ford V I Delum Coupt, pcil wheelt and Urea, maroon aTAi? color, Iota of txtrai 1012 Dorlgo Coupe, robin egg blue, with lota of chrome, 4 rumble teat, Special 1432 Chevrolet Coupe, motor recon ditioned, nearly new tlret, f aia,w Jartfree milea 1824 Bulck Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coupt 1030 Ford Sport Coupt 193J Ford Roadatcr $95 $95 $95 $95 .. . . I.. .... . New Publications Staffs Start Work r rljllKinmill MUM IHWVHII.IUI .v; .y.v..-.v.v E " I ... "i - V iZiiLMJLJ Morrla Llpp, Frank Johnuin, ratrlrla lahr. Mai Horn. Morris Linn. North Plnttn in. . rhnun tn Hit tv. iqiq n ior, will serve as editor-in-chief nf hiiKker muo. mi Pairui. i.h. the Daily Nebraskan this coming Lincoln senior. Editor of the Awg- . 1 1 wan ramn . n imn. .hnni u v .uu ..u.l.w. DIIVI.V, (III uic ' 'J" ' ' 'At Hila LiMAtn Jounml. ' Richard MflOlnnla. lrinia,irlter, , fall semester will h Miss Virginia Geister. Garland, Neb., senior. Managing editors of the Daily Nebraskan will be' Howard Kap lan, Omaha senior, and Marjorie Churchill, Fairbury senior. News editorial positions will be filled by Fern Steutevllle, South Sioux City junior; Mary Steuteville, South Sioux City junior; Harold Nie mann, Nebraska City junior; Mer rill Englund, Tekamah junior; Richard DeBiown, Lincoln junior, and Fred Harms, Gooding, Ida., junior. Fred Stciner, Omaha, and Or val Hagcr, Lincoln, will serve aa Cornhusker managing editors. Frank Johnson, Cozad senior, Ooorl, clean anil nvnllable nt all hours. Rales reasonable. Conven ient locnllnn. Always open. 20 years In business. MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P St. B6819 who will have charge of the busi ness end of Daily Nebraska activ ities, will be assisted by Art Hill and Bob Peidel. Max Horn, Hay Springs senior, business manager of the 1939 Cornhusker, will be as sisted by Roy Proffltt, HSTfy Prouty, and Irvln Sherman. Reappointed as buslne.w man-, aeer of the Awgwan is Richard McGinnis, Humboldt eenloi ; his assistant, Leonard Friedel. 3 But Let Us Do It for You BROWN BEAUTE SALON VIRGINIA WESTFALL COR R I N E ODELL NORA BROWN Uotli Jlai'liine and M.n'liinrlrss IVrnianenls 21 fi Slinrp $5 B1711 O'SHEA-llOGERS V Visit Lincoln's Fall Opening Display . . . Windows Unveiled at 7:30 Wednesday Evening Your GolTeae Clothes- THEY MUST BE RIGHT! ;. ; . and they will be if the label says V Thfc Store for Men The Store for Women The Best looking SUITS and C01TS you've seen at CAMRUSJ f? "WW X I" ' f. x in and Up to $45 That's a strong statement, but it's true!. . .'cfiii nev fall .. clothes have got everything! There are new coverts . . . and plenty of rough cheviots and homespuns.. There are extreme Hollywood models... and styles with plonty of "swing." In fact there is just about every' land of suit or coat a young man would like to wear. CAMPUS HATS New rough fabrics to team up with the rest el your clothes Styled with just the snap you fellows demand. No excuse tor "bare heads" this year. $350 New ARROW SHIRTS What would school opening be like with out stocking up with some new Arrow Shirts. We've got the newest patterns collar styles and oi course all sizes. 2 M -A - ' Campus Shoes Taylor-Made for Magee's There's the Tugboat, ff new square toe ; stylo ... a rugged pigskin with crepe sole . . . and plenty of smart dress shoes., end p. j 1 r Our Campus Shop is in a "Jam Session" J JAm h M -r V '' , i 1 ' It's been "rush week" in our campus shop for days. . with all the little "jitter-bugs" puzzling over the score of smart clothes for campus occasions. But the thrill comes when you step out completely outfitted ... in clothes that will keep the campus talking for months. Campus and Date Dresses . . . S12.95 and up Coats and Suits . . . $16.95 and up And you'll be simply thrilled with oar NEW Co-ordinated Accessory Shop "" niia-"i il nil an -nTi.mi"iffrir-inn . "tI.ll JJi.Vg. " Hats S3.95up Shoes ... .$3.50 up Bags $1.95 up Belts $1 up Jewelry $1 up Hosiery ,...79cup No need now to worry or fuss over matching your accessories, . .our newly enlarged accessory department features completely harmonized accessories. Visit Mary Mullin in this new section. MOTOR CO. 14th end M 1709 0