TWO THE NEBKAsKAN, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1938 i J, it li t i-.S ', J . ! ! ' .-1 1 V 5 nn Nebra 1 HE STATION A, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 1938 SUMMER SCHOOL SESSION Published every Thursday morn ing during the summer school ses sion and circulated free to summer rchool students and faculty mem ters from boxesin campus build ings. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Richard de Brown Big Sticks Still Speak Capt. R. F. Welltr of the state highway patrol reports that for the first six months of this year there have been only 88 traffic fatalities in the state as compared to 127 during the same period last year. That means that the careless auto- mobile driver has been killing someone only about every two days instead of every day and R naf Although the figure is still grettably high, no one can uJ 7j ui regrettably deny that considerable prog ress has been made. This trend toward fewer Traffic fatalities is noted all over the nation, and one cannot help feeling that a campaign of education backed up by rigorous enforce- And 00 oOOU-by tnent of safety regulations has with this issue, the Nebras turned the tide. kan concludes publication for Tn Nebraska, for example, the summer session of 1938. It trie state highway patrol came has been pleasant and interest ing existence this year. Law ing work providing this cen violators are usually fully tral medium of communication aware of the fact that they are and announcement for the not acting in accordance with some 2300 students and faculty a prescribed safety code, but members on the campus for the as long as they think they can warm weather term. In fare outwit the authorities they will well, we only can hope that continue in their thoughtless, our readers have enjoyed re dnngerous ways. They may ceiving this paper and that give an involuntary shudder they will all obtain a maxi yvhen they read of the appall- mum of pleasure from their mg number of accidents re- somewhat ahbreviated vaca portcd in their daily papers, tions during the remainder of but very seldom are they suffi- the summer. CHILD STUDY SCHOOL (Continued from Page 1.) to share in a mid-morning lunch. Each morning's schedule began with an inspection by the doctor. Outside, a special playground set aside, with trees and grass, furnished plenty of opportunity for big muscle de velopment. Miss Clara Evans of Yl HOLEPROOF i Smart . . , yel economical these Penny Wise Chiffons will put glamour in your budget. Sturdy enough for workaday hours . . . sheer flat tery for evening. Three or four-thread shad owless construction. Sl-Srvlc lio ol Ik as lew j 1 CVohty Dovbly C.rtidd by J S Good Houikplng and J1 i BnrFabficiTttlngBraau. ft SKAN Bring news and advertising to Student Union. Room 18. BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Arthur Hill Asst. Bus. Mgr Ed Segnst iently aroused to try conscien tiously to improve their driving. But when patrolmen begin picking: up violators of the law t A u rtfi n.4 4 n AV?1 lo (T "uwilaws,9fc""" on .big fines, a man is going to Jink twice before be pushes fe accelerator to , the floor- board'. When a ,sae .d.nv" campaign is coupled with sa e curving emorcemeui, icsuito are inevitable. Ihe late Iheodore Koosevcii once described the best foreign Policy for he country as to if T rryfa f stick." The best policy for the policy tor the driver of today to remember hi be 've carefully JUKI renifiniMT m ink mivi. li. de B. the university faculty took charge of this group. A visit to the ground floor brought one into a model baby clinic, where six-year-olds of Group A demonstrated with dolls how the well-managed baby clinic should be con ducted. On the same floor in a special class for speech correc tion children with every type of speech defect stuttering, lisping, mispronunciation of letters were given individual treatment by students in the class under Mrs. Bessie Rasmus Peterson of Iowa university. A reading clinic in the same room at a later hour gave children with reading difficulties indi vidual attention and "remedial work. The circus came to town one day last week in the Group B room upstairs, where children seven and eight years old were learning all about what the city provides for recreation. Their particular circus was a back yard circus, the kind suitable for entry in the Lincoln back yard contest On the floor of the room was a miniature lay out of the recreational spots of Lincoln. Farmers of Nebraska need no longer see their valuable top soil eroded during the spring rains, the pupils of Group C believe. These nine and ten SEE! SEE WALTER euEnr. TONITE LIQUID AIR DEMONSTRATION UNION BALLROOM 8 P. M. NO CHARGE TO COMPLETE UNION LANDSCAPING BY FALL Work began this week on the new double-width eidewalks in front of the Student Union building. Complete plans for improvements include a service drive to the back door and the grading down and landscaping of the land around the building, according to announcement by L. F. Seaton. The work will be completed by the beginning of the f all semester. "GAMMER GURTON" (Continued from Page 1.) ters of the cast included Inez j Thompson, Jane Keefer, Mary Hib- I bard, Maxine Titler and Mildred I Uurnham Leila Massie, Eloise Otto, Ruth j McDuffie and Maxine Titler ap- j peared in a pleasant little ciutain j raiser sketch, entitled "All On a I Summers Day." Costuming ap- peared well, and the speeches and I pcatures of the action, all done in rhythm, was carried off in fine style by the cast. DORMITORY BUILDING (Continued from Page 1.) does not have adequate housing facilities for the boys in attendance at the School of Agriculture, a sec ondary school under the supervi sion of the board of regents. The building will contain 44 dormitory rooms housing 88 boys, and will match the girls' dormitory erected in 1929. The addition to the latter will add 20 dormitory rooms and provide facilities for 40 more girls. year old children made a tour to the farm of a "really smart farmer," us one boy ex plained, and they now know all about terracing, strip cropping, contour farming and the like. At the west end of the building a typical rural school was held, with grades from first to eighth holding their classes in reading, spelling, arithmetic and all other subjects of the Nebraska rural course of study. To this laboratory school at 14th and Vine go teachers, principals and superintendents of the elementary department of the university to see the working out of newer and bet ter theories and practices in education, to receive inspira tion which may be carried to schools throughout the state. And in addition visitors from out in the state and from other states come, more than 8000 having visited during the last summer school session. The rooms used in the sum mer classes were newly deco rated this spring by an expert who planned the decoration scheme for each room individ ually. Attractive bookcases of harmonizing colors have been Irunished by L. L. Coryell, jr. Miss Clara Wilson, head of the elementary department, is responsible for the working out of the units for the summer work and with Miss Maude Rousseau, principal of the school, helps to direct the activ ities. Dean F. E. Henzlik of the teachers college and Prof. R. D. Moritz, director of the summer session, supervise the work of the school. Summer Students Send your garment clean ing to this old reliable firm that has senred N. U. Students for more than 33 years. Modern Cleaners SO UK UP A WESTOVER Coll F2377 Service (DANCE To DAVE HAUN'S ORCHESTRA Friday, July 22 10c Per Person Men Wear Neckties Identification Card Required r Union Ball Room Cool and Dainty GOWNS Of wert printed totton Ixttistv. 85 C THKSE art- a SPECIAL PURCHASE GROUP that are excellent values, an1 just lit a time when H want cool, comfort able gonn to defy hot leather. TRUER (DonL Stand $dl Uisl J&atl Sit in a Theater Seat, Where the Mountain Breezes STARTS TODAY! Meet A Lovely New Star . . . A glamorous new "Find" that will set your pulse going like a trip-hammer! Danielle Darrieux (Pan-yell Dare-yoa) with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. IN THE RAGE OF PARIS LINCOLN'S FAVORITE STAR, BACK IN A GRAND NEW LAUGH SHOW! "Hold That Kiss 1 z fl v STARTS FRIDAY! THE BRIGHTEST LITTLE STAR THAT EVER SPILLED LIGHT UPON LINCOLN . . . IN HER GRANDEST ROLEI "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm with Jack Haley Gloria Stuart Plua "MR. MOTO TAKES A CHANCE" STARTS TODAY! , Thrilling Action, Laughable Comedy In "WHEN WERE YOU BORN" with Margaret Lindsy Anna May Wong plus TOM TYLER "MYSTERY RANGE" Till C:00 LIBERTY Each Lingerie Srnd floor. LMflE Blow! HISKI ) fc:7 STARTS TODAY! Only Brave Men Dared Face Its Terrifying Mystery! "Yellow Jack" with Robert Montgomery Virginia Bruce PLUS MICKEY ROONEY $ Kill 130 G V mm STARTS TODAY I TWO BIG HITS! Jack London's "White Fang" PLUS JOEL McCREA MIRIAM HOPKINS in Splendor' ri i ji 10c TILL 6:01 SUN