TWO THE NEBRASKAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 193&. By MARY ANNA COCKLE Cheer up, you summer schoolers. There are a few bright lights on the horizon. Activity seems to center at the Student U these days where people gather over break fast just as they lingered over cokes. Eob and Chuck Pillsbury, jan Daugherty, Dons Von Bergen, find just loads of others continue to haunt the place. Then there's the Friday night get-together in the ballroom with s. not bad orchestra, and the price (we blush to mention it) is only ten cents a person. Saturday will pee the first matinee tea dance from 4:30 to 6:30 and Thursday the cafeteria opens. You might try dropping in on the reading room to thumb through the stack of new magazines or spend some of your leisure in the lounge lis tening to the radio in an air con ditioned atmosphere. Of course, the park continues its popularity. Tuesday night lound Grant Thomas, Ed Steeves and Margaret McKay, Leonard Dunker With a little high school palsy Valsy, Houghton Furr, the inevit able Pillsbury boys, Larry Lansing and Bill Herd and Lulubelle Em erson. In fact, we're quite amazed at the number of people who are tak ing to the books this summer. At the Sigma Chi house are at least twelve of the boys, among them Carl Cleveland, whose presence may have something to do with Eunice Holms. Bob Howe, A. T. O. is enduring the summer heat in Lincoln, we suspect, because Marjorie Dirks happens to be here. Wildon Ster ner and Edie Philpot coinci dentally registered for a few hours. Then there's Max Home, whose summer school record last year looks mighty suspicious. 'Tis ru mored there was some love lost for a visiting school teacher. Inci dentally Zipper Zeis ought to be me answer to any school marm's prayer as he likes to take young ladies to dinner, he says. No. things don't look quite as K'my as iney might be. And there are just lots and loLq mnrr things to tell you about people in me iwxi eauion 01 tne rag. Kearney, chaplain of the Ne braska department of the Ameri can Legion, will conduct religious services. There will be filing lor offices, campaigning, an address by Dr. George E. Condra, chair man of the department of con servation, and political speeches of the candidates to occupy the rest of the day. Monday's program includes a lecture by Robert C. Simmons, and T'Hriy conventions with their attendant caucuses and button holing of voters and electors. In the evening the student governor of the boys' state will be inaug urated, and Gov. Roy Cochran will speak. The public is invited to at tend this as well as all sessions of the week. Other governmental procedure, legislative, judicial, and executive, will be followed during the rest of the week, with the program concluding on Saturday, June 18. At that time, Major Jones will award diplomas and trophies. Judge E. F. Carter of the Ne braska supreme court is director of the educational program. Gen eral advisers are Roger V. Shu mate, John E. Cuitiss, Dean F. E. Hcnzlik of the teachers college, C. F. Dienst, and Homer V. An derson of Omaha. l vifl i Svim and Play Enjoy the Sun and the Salt Water in Lincoln's Finest Pool Capitol Beach i IP BOYS II L m 49TH STATE SATURDAY 254 Take Practical Course in Government Study on Ag Campus. High school boys, 254 strong mm representing 160 Nebraska towns, will take over the agricul tural college campus Saturday to fo.rn the initial Cornhusker Boys' Btate sponsored by the Nebraska department of the American Le gion. They will remain in Lincoln ell of next week going thru the motions of modern state govern ment and thereby learning its various functions in a way they are not likely to forget. Upon their arrivaj in the city, the boys will attend a brief pro gram of welcome in which Major L. McC. "Biff" Jones, Husker football coach. Mayor Oren S. Copeland, Col. C. J. Frankforter of the chemistry department, and Robert C. Simmons will summar ize the week's purposes. They will then be divided into cities and Counties governed according to the laws and procedure of Nebraska, and be assigned to political par ties, the Nationals or Federals. Sunday Rev. J. T. Fritsch of RENT-A-CARS Are Eiy And Quirk Te Get At Tfct Motor Out Company 1120 p st Alwsys Open tte mwlrln, mndprate prices. Reduced price on long trips. B6819. Learn to Dance Only two block from University 138 No. 12th Luella Williams Private Lessons by Appointment Studio D4252 Res. B4258 BiseoE ASRTON i ? W At . 4 v. VIA fcrvA-.'.-j . Xfxl ft I K :X- -y s I V i 1 in the miracle cloth Palm Beach $11 7 7C 3 AIETONE SLACKS .. $5.60 Airtones, as the name suggests, are breezy colors distinctively different unusual ly smart ... But far more than that they present a new Palm Beach superb ly light with fit and form that will omaze you. You've never seen such fresh and pleasing shades Bamboo Tan, Cabana Blue, Ash Green, Brittany Brown and Gull Gray. Shown in sport models, of course, and no more costly than our handsome Palm Beach Whites. ' - rili, -HTMTBIIIII ill II t r 0- 0 0