The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 24, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Another Cornhusker issuing
forth... a crowd at the Student U.
peeking ever each other's shoul
ders for a glimpse of some of the
candid camera shots. . .Barbara
Meyer, Olive Speith, Eva Jane Sin
clair and Irene Seybold, four of
the six latest beauty queens, all
from Omaha. , .ever yone gasping
at the snap shots of Peggy Paseoe
and Margaret Munger in their
Coed Follies costumes. . .an e'eva
tor in Andrews hall, something we
never noticed before ... Mary Fis
l&r and Bev Finkle still blushing
(ver the pseudo announcement of
their engagement at the D. U.
party Saturday night... La Verne
Marcy, Kappa Delt, unsuccessful
in hiding her latest annexation,
George Gray's D. U. pin... Jim
mie de Wolfe as usual feeling very
low on Monday morning. . .the Sig
Alphas taking John "Rochester"
Hayward with them on a picnic as
bartender... and so much to look
forward to tomorrow.
Another day, another Phi Psi
pin astray. Sunday night Louise
Mackey lifted Thursty Phelps' fra
ternity hardware in the Theta li
brary, so now one more man about
the campus is off the fanrv free
Two D. U. pins left their owners
last week. Saturday night at the
D. U. shindig, the orchestra leader
announced the engagement of Bar
bara Huffaker and Dale Ganz. The
other deal is yet in the slip stage,
a well known couple very much
in the spotlight now, but we won't
tell. Nice work if you can find out.
Same time, same place, and we
find Bill Sachett asking all the
brothers for nickels to make s
phone call, until he had $1.35,
enough for refreshments for his
dates, proving it's the little things
that count.
One of the gala social events
took place Saturday afternoon in
back of Teachers college, for thei
the Ace Baseball Club, composed
of three Kappas, two Thetas, two
D. G.'s and a Chi O., triumphed
over the Betas in a hard struggle
for the title as champion baseball
club. All membprs of the team
have just completed a course in
baseball in the Physical Education
department, so it was known from
the start that they had the ad
vantage, and odds were against
the Betas until someone suggested
that the girls bat left-handed, use
no gloves, only have two outs, and
a ball hit over the fence was out.
To see that everything was fair
and square, Ada Dobson, served
as umpire. He certainly showed
his true Sigma Nu love for the
Betas as he cailed all Oolie Ander
son's perfectly pitched balls high
or outside, and Bob Stoddart,
whose pitching certainly showed a
mark of amateurishness had the
pleasure of seeing innocent vic
tims put aside w-ith the count of
three strikes. Despite the terrible
handicap, the Ace Baseball Club
won 12 to 10. For an excuse the
Betas claimed that their manager,
Bob Gannon, had to attend to some
"Coinhuskcr" business, and for
that reason couldn't be there, and
that he is their inspiration.
As a compensation for losing,
the girls allowed the boys to
take them over to the Stud Onion
for a coke and then on to the Beta
house for some rough treatment
such as a water fight with hoses,
and other minor things.
Candy passings are really com
ing into prominence as the year
is ending. At the Chi Phi house,
Gordon Uhri finally came across
with the sweets for the Tri Delts
in honor of Betty Van Home. At
the A. O. Pi house, Wilma Pulliam
and George Shackelford finally let
the cigars and candy loose, too.
Perhaps the periodic tubbings were
instrumental in bringing these
Theta Xi's have just taken the
me measures by passing the
candy at the Alpha Phi house. The
couple is joy Vallery and Bobette
Colton. Also Neil Jones and Betty
Lou Stringer, Alpha Delta Theta,
announced their engagement.
Another Sig Alph has broken
bonds with all the universities
fern's except one. Leonard Jacob
son and Betty Ray, of the Kappa
house, has decided to go steady
for the last few days before all
affairs break bonds for the sum
mer. Alumnae are doing their bit to
help along the social whirl at this
late date. At a recent meeting
Alpha alums elected officers. Mrs.
Milton Anderson was elected presi
dent; Mrs. Harry Pecha, vice
president; Mrs. John Wynkoop,
treasurer, and Mrs. George Eager,
Phi Mu alums entertained the
active chapter with a tea from 4
to 6 Sunday.
Chi Omega alumnae entertained
the seniors at a buffet supper
Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. R. L. Cochran at 6:30. The
committee in charge includes Mrs.
Robert Chase, Mrs. Karl Arndt,
Mrs. A. M. Gaddis, Mrs. J. A. Mc
Eachen, Mrs. John Mohr, Mrs. Ted
Barger and Mrs. C. C. Wiggins.
Candy passing really took fra
ternity row by storm last night.
At the Gamma Phi house, Marion
Bradstreet and Bill Buchanan
passed the candy in their own
littfe way. Bill, being quite a cam
era fiend, had their names on a
scroll in a film box to announce
the event which wasn't a surprise,
for the girls all put on a extra lot
of lipstick just to add a little color
to the festivities. It seems that the
boys got right in there too, for the
Sig Alph's had a contest as to who
could kiss Marion the longest. Also
Lloyd Wright was in line about
four times. No doubt but what
he made it a business.
Jpne Barbour and Johnny How
ell came across for the D. G.'s last
night, too. They had a very festive
box in the shape of an anchor.
Kappa Delta's had two candy
passings. One was that of Lor
raine McCauley and Willie An
drew of Farm House. The other
was that of Billie Suing and Lowell
Jackson, Alpha Theta Pi.
Alpha Chi Omega was host to
the D. U.'s again when Ruth Minor
and Plinty Moody passed the stog
ies and sweets. Also Betty Stew
art and Phil Sutton, Farm House,
did their share.
At the Alpha Phi house, Vir
ginia Pedcrson and Ray Elliot, a
Delt from California, treated the
Phi girls to some of the better
things of life.
Among others, there were two
other candy passings, which altho
not legal, kept me giu n
vation. At the Gamma Phi house
it is a custom for all seniors who
have not passed the candy, re
gardless of prospects or not, to
... .o,., rcr T.ast Mondav night
all seniors were forced to except
Henrietta Wilson, who fatefully
promised to pass it last night.
Monday arrived and so am
candy, but they were suckers witn
the note attached to them: "Suck
ers, do you thing I'd eat those
The Sigma Kappa's had their
annual senior breakfast Sunday,
May 22 at the chapter house, oen
evieve Hoff, former prexy, read
the last will and testiment. Bar
bara Marston read the prophesises.
Each senior was presented with a
crested spoon.
nf tho more important
events during the breakfast was
Ross, Lincoln, and Glenn Kling
mor, rhnnnei Neb. Little match
book's tied with 1 ttle bows of the
sorority colors were passed arounc
to each girl. Matcn or uie oca
son" was engraved on the cover,
anu on i"13 iiii" .a me an
nouncement of the engagement.
After that, tne canay was Drought
Na( nrer nro. the Junior Cham.
bcr of commerce took the Gamma
I 111 (jc.o -
mont for presentation. Afterwards
at a dance, me crowa got mien
Kovanda to truck with the or
chestra. The mayor, a rather sober
and sedate man, asKea Meien to
dance with him after the exhibi
tion. Believe it or not, within a
short time, Helen had the mayor
trucking with her. ;
fiOLD Hamilton watch lost night 1
v TT . D . .1
Gridiron dinner m.
"A Good Teacheri Agency
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MS Stuart Bids.' Lincoln, Ntfer.
Nat Touie Playing
The "Big Man from the South" will
entertain you Friday night at
King's ISallroom
All University Students are to be our special guests
Friday night. Come out and enjoy an evening of
fun Shoot Swim Skate Play Games. Thrill on
the rides Come early. And remember the gate is
Present this coupon at main offiot
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