The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 17, 1938, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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S-t Hews Pawns
Manning Kittlurt Morrte Llpp. Kama.
Se tdili ta Nrt,,
Karhara Kaioeiratrr. Marxm. I hnrrhill, Mrrrili
knilund. Inl Harm, ihra drHnma.
O N I his iv( k.
Night Editor
Desk Editor..
Lndei 4iirrm ul in ftlodrni nuHM-.ttn. Buara.
t.diKinal tMlira I imrreil Hall t.
Huftinraft otiice- nivrn Hull -v
li-lcphooe lla n;u. Hlln. twa-IS Uuarnall.
Bji. Maaaart .'. Jiiri, laaloa
Aaiialant Hb.immw Mauiw. ttmmk nlmana, An hat Hiu
Clrralalliw Manaarr. BUM,, Mlrhaal
(I.M a rrar kta( cop, SI .DO a armotfrf
SJ.SU a'M mu .M , wtiMrl
I-.ih.it4 ama-mM mallei al ibr puaivttica a
l.limtln. frbrk MoaVi an ul rwiirm. Marrk 1. IS?,
and al aurrtai rai al inlaitr vrmmnl lm w arrlin
llkX arl ul Ihrlunri S, II1, adlhunir 4nual l-X.
137 Member 1938
Pbsocided Cb!le6ia!e Press
Distributor of
Gollefciale Di6esl
mblluhe frn rea
d. KilUMtil,
lhurda. l-rida aad
Miiida morninga ul
the aradrniM- by
aludrnta at Ihr I ni
rrll ut .hraka
annri ih anprrvtvl- n
nf Ihr Hnant ol fu j-Uralkina.
Natioial,7Xdvertising Service, Inc
Ctll.-f tmklUktrt itpninutir
420 MADi.ON Ave NtwYORK. N.Y.
Cnioso oarsN raeiaco
boa anuui - Portia. attl-
. i I
All M '
L$ 2- . J
The Winner
As this m::. nj's misty ray
replace tfcs ;Yiio!;e-filled air of
last night's i i.v.-'srious shadows,
another day r::.'v to be sooted by
",c B,nu"L c I"'."" comes into want to be frce men wno hold
r. 5" .. . r,n nln- su" Clears our p,ace in Hfe witnollt tne rule
'.way i.ic .; ; ;u HIT H iu ur S5- ' Af ot 1 i:r e
Once more the politics come
round, but this time we can not
be found back in our hole within
the ground, where once the barbs
used to abound. This year now
we've left our lair to come out
in the open air and tell our might
and show fur power to those who
used to stmt and plower.
In years gone by barb votes
were lew, but this year we see
something new. Instead of
Greeks all wise and bold, fcy
whom the barbs are usually tola,
they'll take our choice and have
"o voice, we find upon our cards
today a party new. the I. S. A.
The Campus Candor man to
day, who has with fiat boys rone
astray, attributes our activity
now to what he terms a fraction
row. There's more than that to
this you see, for all we barbs do
in Time
And EEeciioii Time
"NYherras there is no further doubt that
fpriny is in the air. and whereas spring seems
t le thnt time of the year when certain people
Ct funny ideas, and whereas these people ;:nd
their ide;,s and spring et together, what hap
pens is railed elections, he it there fore know it
hy the university public that you should j.'0 '
the polls today and east your votes for new
student council ar.d publication board members.
In the speeches which the various factions
shouted up and down fraternity end sorority
row last night, students were constantly
urg-ed to "voti intellig-ent'y," meaning cf
course by "intellijent.y" to vote for tLi
members of the faction which at the moment
was the center cf attention on the rally stp.jc.
Along with this wore instructions oa "ho ;
to vote," but very little cmphads on actu
ally getting out to vote. The vote at th:
polls in last year's election did not even reac"t
the 50 percent mark, yet representatives cf
the student b:dy were supposedly b:inj
elected as true representatives.
All year, as every year, there have ben
numerous complaints about the marancment of
smite of the major campus organisations, the
student council not heinj: excluded. These
complaints were for the most part justified,
yet observations have shown that many of the
students making the eomplainls had made no
effort 10 vote at the time of the elections. Ob
viously it wouM 1 e better to set out and vole
for the most competent candidates in the first
place and smother ihe cause of inefficiency j.t
lis source. That portion of the student body
which fails to vote at the time of election has
tio r'r.'ht to criticize the representatives elected
by a majority vote of only about one-half of
the student body. I'util students condescend
to participate in campus elections, the set-up
cannot possibly i.chieve its purpose that of be
L'1.? a representative student jjovernment.
7e mijht alro suggest, as has been done
eo often, that students not only vote, but also
select the candidates which present the bet
ter qualifications. Naturally the hue and cry
of the political parties are to vote a straight
ticket, but this does not always result in the
election cf the better candidates. All three
tickets bear the names of some well qualified
men this year and students should take note
of this fact in casting their votes. At the
time it may appear like disloyalty to one
faction or another to put one's approval on
another faction's candidate, but it would save
a lot of future gTief, which naturally attends
the election of incompetent representatives.
Thus, it would merely be choosing between
loyalty to an everlasting faction or general
campus welfare h the future. And the latter,
after all, is the important thing.
Almost all elections have something in
common petty politics and vague qualifica
tions of candidates. Perhaps the latter is not
strictly true, because one can select certain re
iuiiements that a ;:ood candidate must have,
but very often candidates are chosen, not on
the basis of their (nullifications, hut rather on
the basis of their popularity rating in social
life or some other phase of campus activity.
In mentioning the qualifications of can-'
t.idates we are keeping in mind the duties of
the bodies for which membership is elective.
If we must go thru the usual rigamarole,
re must find out the purpose for which
members are elected. Student council is, with
out doubt, a valuable part of campus organ
isation provided it does something. Too
much time has been spent in the past in harp
hg on old themes, or ia pursuing some new,
but trivial gor.1. It u indeed an unfortunate
thing that it is necessary to suggest a change
u council activities.
Such a body supposedly represents a cross-;
F-ctioii of student .'overniir ability. Kven if'
they don't, they can do something. There are;
plenty of ; :f fairs on the campus that could '
profitably ' the concern of the student coun-
cil. Il" it is so hampered by restrictions or
caution, it could at least investigate. For ex-!
ample, there are many clubs and societies on
the campus at the pre sent time which have no '
either purpose of existence than the fact that
t-iey are another club. If the student council beca-ise o.' th? voting regulations
could bring aWut the aholitiem of some of 'on '-uden:s in the various col
these clubs and societies which merely clutter JveclZ
up the campus, usurp the studenls' time and ! ck-ction is s'.iil' true, we believe
energies, and accomplish no purpose, the nres-1 Following in the same deduction
tut inactive setup wouid be worth Mimething.
With the opening of the Student Union,
the council should ard could be able to do
much toward the bringing about of better
faculty-student relations, in addition to be
ing a body which offers recommendations ai
to how the Union might be used to better ad
vantage. After all, the council is supposed
to consist of student representatives, and who
would be better to bring these recommenda
tions to the attention of the necessary offi
cials man the student council
band clatter o !inating in two
political raIli-3 last ni-rht. That
rime old Sol brings into crea
tion t:iat day that SO candidates
have spent the night worrying
The light ef the morning
casts its bc.-irrj across the ta
bles of two fraternity houses
t!ie two housei in whic"i the
identification cards of members
of two opposing factions have
been collected. The rally torches
have cone out. V't h'js'c-vc'ed
ine3ap:ione.-s le tired in their
beds, a new batc of election
leaders go ot duty, ready to
tell everyone and see that
everyone votes their way. That
same clean, rure air is pierced
by th 8 o'clock bell. Again it
begins to be polluted by elec
tioneering, dirty politics, and
every eoncrivabe method of
getting to the ballot box.
Noon time comes and the vote.
5 it always eiots, seen.s very
close. Force.- i and predictions
are bjginnirg to find their way to
our ears. Worried candidates and
dazej electioneers begin to figure
their pc:ren".a;e3 on paper. Many
wonder how the new barb Inde
pendent.'? a:-; e'oing. Others wonder
if the Rei'ji'. 'in of the Betas to the
Liberal fact on has given that fac
tion eJiouph power to swing, or
it let thc-.n hang. Still others
guess whether or not the Pro
gressive.? have set up enough of
a precedent to a;ain make a clean
sweep of thgs.
There -re thor? who have
ofien wondricd about the poten
tial voting ftiencth of the two
Greek fattiors. There is little in
the way of forecasting the winner
we in meet
ing open gathered, and got our
selves all hot and lathered over
our slavery to the foe who's
kicked us around with booted toe.
And so we're Independent Stu
dents, tee? A national organ
ization, great, has lent to us its
name and fate. We're joined
with groups from other schools,
to show them all that we're not
loo's. We're young and bright
and full of life, and soon you'll
fee. us in the strif. ng
for you and all that's g'ol, and
when we're thru you'll know
we've stood right beside you
thru the fray; so go, youse BUX
and vote today.
A vote for us is the one right
way, so In your party preference
say. I'll cast my lot with the I.
S. A. We're starting out with a
ticket full; they're all good men
and that's no bull. We're honest
and above the board, below the
decks there is no hoaid of fac
tion diplomats Oo try to cover
with the wool your eve.
There is no deal cf secret mien
to hang on us a party lien. We
work alone and for the throng.
In that, of course, there's sure
no wrong, for we're the barbs, and
we will sting with our ballots
those who sling the bull at us
and rsv. "You haven't g"t a
chance today."
Now go out. boys, and do your
stuff, and remember that you
sure won't muff our chance to
get good government you'll
think the barbs are heaven
sent. We'll do our stuff, we are
no bums, and we won't govern
with our thumbs. I really mean
this now, my friend, but said I
fear that I must end this talk
upon my party's merits. You
won't need a bunch of ferrets
to discover what I mean. I am,
BARB 717.
There are numerous other tasks which the ! phf fa rDef-!.0 l tornP!' chanP- h
council might accomplish if it saw fit to do Eeta Th'rta Pi. . . . . a m" Only after
so. cinu ji n contained a progressive, inter
ested, and cspable membership. The point
which we wish to make is that in spite of its
shortcomings, the council could easily attain
the authoritative position it thould hold. If it
cannot take definite actions, it could still per
form valuable functions. With this in mind,
and only this, should the students cast their
votes for the most qualified candidates todav.
(Continued From Page I t
such, they will be abl to avail
themselves of every cr'portunity to
better campus life in general.
These men have already proven
their worth they are not an un-1
known quantity. Therefore, we can '
fel safe in putting our trust in
The liberal party has endeavored
to offer the campus these out
standing men for our Muderit go'-
ernnv-rt because we feel that a
the mort
T. stringent pressure by the student
"u V.. V...- i.J l -l.
then. election cf members of the
I Student Council u nothing more
than a popularity contest For the
j bnrfit of thrs? who do not know
J what faction they ere in e5S ou:
; of 100 in eveiy ho'ise do not
I kno'v until they are told how f
'vote i. we have listed the hour-
in the two Greek factions. Firures.
i ba.sed on membership r.f the;
j hous;.. come fiom the resplenrnt
I ISCs Comh'isker.
I Acacia 43
Alpha Taj Omega 57
Zeta r :i
Sigma Chi 47
Lambc'i Chi Alpha 16
Delta Taj Delta
Sigma Phi Epsilon 41
Delta Upsilon $4
Phi Alpha Delta
Totals 49?
PROGRESSIVES I ben acmplisheJ Progressive made without consideration of pol-
: suiuriu euuneu worKtris ouru;j
eContJrued From Pare I.) the past year,
it hss held office, end of iU out- Three great accomplishments
stn ding contributions toward a have been achieved by the efforts
tetter student governing body. j of Progressive women. These are:
tiirng any action from the in
cumbent progressivessives. And
even then, the action accomplish!
has. in all tas. bcn only half
hearted. Administration of evry
project attempted has reked of
political scheming and unfair gov
ernment Prefects which would
otherwise have Wen worthwhile
Sl9rn ,,u 61 have become political footballs in
Kappa Sinma 43 the hands of the corrupt, ineffi-
Sig-na Alp ia flu 24 cient Progrssives. i
Phi Kaora Psi
Pi Kappa Alpha
Eeta Ciina Psi
AlpKa S gna Phi
It is a dangerous thine to nut
tudents who are lary cr incompe
tent into responsible office. For
that reason, the Progressive Party
ha selected its candidates with ex
treme care, ehoosmf only those
"ho have .hown their ability and
v illingness to work.
That the Progressive Party haj. eel onnnallv conceived and soon
shown goo'3 judgment in selecting j sored by the Progressive Party.
Iti candidates may be proven by i AJ1 appointments to various
Ukinr a brief glance at what has ; boards and committees have been
3. Reorganization of Corn Cobs.
2. Adoption of a Wen's Activity
Point System which will make for
a more representative and more
efficient student activities adminis
tration. 3. P.eajtation f a Student
1 Union Building which was a pro)-
A Mighty Drama
of a bligbtj Age!
The FIRST Western '",
: TrrHMirni ne f
BP a v sr swsv t)
itics and only in the interest of the
acuvny oncemea. 1
The Progressive Party has not
find Will flr-it V-trstw lha
vested in It by the electorate. 1 r '
The Progressive Party boasts a , L.rnl !.euiJv : "
clean record which cannot be sul- !,.'' Tht,, 45
bed by any mud slinging tactics CJV 1
of an ppositit-n faction. '- : "r "". 3
Wu4 slinging is the last resort 1 'J m? 'P"s Epsilon 65
of a disease.!,! , .h pn' '9m Th
in throes of defeat !
The election today is not a choice , ,'.
between two Miii. j.ff.,.. L,,t n"v y is over
ties, but a choice between a party ,ir " !?iin, '1!1"1' ni Mciry
which ha proven Its efficiency. ! m""" the .Student O.uncil ,
the Pronessive Party, and nartiea I . ru,vr ln rxlr picotons
v . :.r. iv
" iwtc th ui pniT iifm-
Therefore, ty-caune the liberal
fsrty will give the Nebraska cam
pus a cleaner, more efficient stu
oent government : because it offers
for your election the most out-1
standing, most capable candidates;
and because the Progressive fac
tion, while m office, has not pro
duced a true reflection of campus
aims and desires, we f,f the Liber!
party offer this iJatforrr a the
(best possible ch'iie for the forth-
.523 : coming year's student government.
The !
Vote for the party which is Pro
gressive by name and in deed, pol
icy arid principle.
The Progressive Policy is to co
operate with the Student Council
to the fullest extent in making
today's election a fair one.
"Sure, we must g to Btrat
ford." said the American tourist
to his wife.
AD Outdoor Hit with
George 0-ent Olivs De HawiOtni
Margaret Lindse Claude Rains
Pius! COMEDY That's Swell!
... Get Set for te Durndest
' Pastel cf Fun You Ever Saw 11
r 7
i a fchnrjr
vy All-) Jlrin(
a Seat
"Submorine D-l"
win Pat O S'i
WSjr Mrrs
Cle TrtvK
Tk lrf.- mt IS
Mt4iJ rl4 ...
M StfM NuUu
f: inn i eit-cU'-n was on
the up and up. They will se
that whfct happened in the last
election, won't happen srain. But
the "have-rvAs" will again object
"Dirty jylitics." they will charge.
"We de r:nd the voting record."
they v.jii s-y. And now it is night
and ti e returns have been made
known. To the victor, goes ihe
spous the Student Council
P. S. This is In no way a pre.
diction of today's election. After
tl! the rallies, campaigns, pin
I forms, and charges of unfairness,
we have no way of making any
(prediction of the potential voting
strength of the new L B. A. fac
I tion. At thi lime the barb don't
! either.
HUERY! End Thurfday!
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