The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Everybody imitating Flotsam
and Jetsam of Kosmct fame...
Kuthic Stephens blossoming out in
a cunning two piece brown linen
...The D. U's holding song prac
tice in the wee hours. .. Eleanor
l.utz never showing up at class
without licr lesson... A new Phi
(.Jam plaque covering the crest
that once hung above their door
...Doty Doll again on the fancy
free list... A row of overturned
porch chairs on the A. T. O. front
porch. . .Marian Brcmers looking
liigh-schoolish in hair ribbons to
match her pastel sweaters and
anklets. . .Grant Thomas playing
Casanova as no one else could...
Ginny Ueister airing her views on
women, and showing a really fem
inine point of view... Bob Arm
strong truly minus a Beta pin...
A pair of Sigma Chi breeches de
livered nt the Alpha Chi house by
mistake. . .And still more plans go
ing forward for Ivy Day.
Hell broke loose at the Delta
Gamma house Wednesday night
when the gals discovered that Jane
Cook has a candid camera which
she has been making the most of.
Armed with her precious recorder
she invaded the darkest closets and
really brought out skeletons. The
sisters have threatened her very
life is she has them developed, so
they must be good.
John Bishop, titian-topped Sig
Kp. and a first rate perennial
bachelor, claims a deep dark love
affair in his past. This quite an
unexpected development because
everyone just naturally supposed
Johnnie was a woman hater of
the first waters. To add to their
surprise, this enterprising young
man has been frequenting the PI
Phi house and all on account of
Mildred Weber.
Perhaps someone should explain
to Stanley Peterson the meaning
of a fraternity .pin. Maybe some
of the A. T. O's could enlighten
The Zcta Beta Tau Circus at the
Cornhusker is certainly turning
out to be a big blow out, from the
comments heard on campus. The
ballroom will be fixed up as the
inside of a circus tent and it will
have all the airs of being under a
big top. A fortune teller will be
there in all her glory to tell those
curious about the mysterious fu
ture what it holds in store for
The party was first announced
by hand bills which told of the
circus coming to town and later
Annie Oakleys were sent around
to those invited. They were in the
form of tickets with different
divisions good for different things.
But probably you could make
them good for most anything.
It ought to be a jolly good party
and plenty good fun.
Thota Xi is having its Founders
Day banquet the Cornhusker
Saturday evening at 6:30. Russell
Lindkog will be Toastmaster.
After the banquet there will be
some entertainment at the house.
The Delta Upsilon Mothers club
is givln? a buffet supper for the
chapter this Sunday at the chapter
house. Unlike their other buffet
suppers when they have just one
sorority, this one will have indi
vidual guests invited.
Don't forget for entertainment
tonight ,the Scabbard and Blade
party, and for tomorrow night,
the Phi Gam, Tri Delt, Alpha Xi
Delt and Phi Psi house parties, or
the. Kosmet Kltib show.
Pallu'iian Literary society la
having a progressive banquet Sat
urday evening at 6:15. First
course will be at the Y. W. C. A.
Second course will be at the home
of Marie Piazza, and the final
one wi'l be at the home of Prof.
J. K. Alexis.
Thcta Chi Initiated Ben Foster,
George McMuitey, and Ralph Stal
baum Sunday at the chapter house.
Following the ceremony the chap
ter entertained at a dinner. A re
cent election in the chapter placed
Oeorge .Cameron as president and
Joy Ballery as vice president.
All Tassels are required to be
present to usher at the annual mu
sic festival at 7:30 o'clock Satur
day evening in the coliseum. The
members are expected to wear the
iassci uniform.
Saturday, April 30
8 p. m., Coliseum
Tickets at Schmoller
Mueller, Walt's and
Mary Jane Wilson, Pi Phi, and
Jerry Adams, Sig Ep, have cut
the ties that bind. We are not
sure of this. It is on the word of
the snoopers who double dated
with them the other night.
The Kappas are really studying
at last. With the help of the boy
friends, they work out their prob
lems every night. ' They really
study, so they tell me.
' f
The story that Mary Anna had
the other day was partly right.
Virginia Clemens, Pi Phi, has
taken Bob Armstrong's Beta pin
but nhe didn't get it after the Tri
Ad party but at 5 p. m. on Tues
day of the following time. Ha! Ha!
Bus Knicht. the he man of
football, came into the Campus
Inn yesterday. No sooner had he
stepped across the threshold than
he was mobbed by three dames
who seemed eager for a coke or
his bright shining face to stare
at. What a personality!
Now here Is a bit of news from
Grinnell, that school in Iowa. The
stu's go in for picnics in a big
way and every effort on the part
of the school is done to make their
parties a success. Lunches are
put up for nothing and blankets
are furnished. Why can't we have
that kind of co-operation?
Irene "Baby" Neville, Kappa,
put the big pin on the sweater.
Bud Voder's Phi Psi pin is the one
in question.
Three of the Kappas have gone
for a little vacation and during
the week. Tsk Tsk. Betty Ray.
Susie "He Man" Bradford, and
Sue "Bucket" Hcsbacker have
taken a little jaunt to Des Moines
to find Bucket a job teaching the
young ones how to be good in
kindergarten. The other two girls
went for the ride, supposedly.
The Farmers' Fair Board put on
a parade yesterday that was really
something, xney wouna arounu
most of downtown Lincoln all fore
noon and ended up on sorority row
serenading the girls houses and
booing the boys. Melvin Beerman
looked plenty all right on a cream
colored pony, but it is lucky mat
Lois Llchliter was in class at the
time because Mel's rope got foxy
and snaked around some pretty
girls here and there. W c re won
dering if that is the way he got
Lois in the first place.
Major Bowes was named the
honorary president of the Farm
er's Fair board last night at the
big rally held in Ag hall. W e agree
that he would make a swell presi
dent, but here's hoping that he
doesn't ring the gong on our fair
until after May 7.
Wc finally have found the rea
son why Vinton Hester rates so
well with the women. We were
fooling around with a hand lens in
Botany Lab yesterday morning
and his upper lip happened to
come into focus. Lo and behold.
upon that manly lip was the be
ginning of what may be in time a
big black mustache.
Kampus Kapers. the big indoor
show of the Farmer s Fair, put on
their preview last night and it
looked pretty good. Arnold Peter
son is directing the show and is
supposed to know all about it. but
even he was open mouthed in ad
miration at the way Kampus Kou
quettes put on the swine number.
Pessimist Eric Thor, who Is gen
eral manager, claims to be going
gray fast from trying to keep the
coeds from ganging the Messer
smith brothers as they rehearse
the Pony Chorus act. Harriet
Stearns is doing a tap routine that
is worth writing home about. Yow
sah, folks, the Indoors show is
bound to be one of the best fea
tures of the whole Farmer's Fair.
With Five
A schedule of hour dances to
be given for Barb men has been
announced by Earle Constable of
the Barb Interclub Council. April
30 a dance will be held at the
Kappa Alpha Theta house. May
6 at the Kappa Delta, May 13 at
the Alphi Phi, May 14 at the
Alpha XI Delta, and May 20 at
the Alpha Omicron Pi.
Na I 1
iiri f" Ii proud lo be
rj Jr holt lo
i I Banquet
(1 TAU
j Dinner-Daihce
'VC Banquet
Jr 8at" Evenin8
.... J
CBS Opens New
Hollywood Station
The Columbia Broadcasting sys
The Columbia Broadcasting
system will celebrate the open
ing of Its $1,750,000 KNX Co
lumbia Square Gtudios In Holly
wood tomorrow with the long
est continuous broadcast in ra
dio history.
The dedicatory programs will
occupy eighteen and three-quarters
hours from 6:00 a. m., P.S.T.,
to 12:45 a. m. the following Sun
day morning. Besides being pre
sented over the complete CBS net
work or portions of it, several of
the features are to be picked up
by the Canadian Broadcasting
corporation and many will be
short-waved to Europe and South
The climax of the inaugural
celebration will be a two hour
program to be broadcast over the
nationwide CBS network tenta
tively announced as 12:00 p. m.
to 2:00 a. m., C.S.T. Hollywood's
leading' radio, stage, and screen
stars will participate in this salute
to the new Paciiic coast neau
quarters of CBS.
Among the stars wno win neip
dedicate the new station will be
Al Jolson, Martha Rayc, Edward
G. Robinson, Claire Trevor, Ray
mond Paige, Cecil B. DeMille,
Eddie Cantor, Joe Tenner, Park-
yakarkus, Jean Herscholt, Frances
Langford. Frank r-arKer, miuy
Elzy, and many others.
Altogether, seven special pro
grams will be presented during
the day from the new studios.
Among the tsars appearing as
guests on the programs during
the afternoon and curly evening
will be the Raymond Scott quintet,
Frank Trombar's orchestra,
Johnny Mercer, Johnny Davis,
Buddy Rogers, Mark Hellinger,
and movie executives Louis B.
Mayer, Darryl Zanuck. Adolph
Zukor, Jack Warner, Jesse Lasky.
Benny Primes
Car for Hack
Race Classic.
Jack Benny's Maxwell will take
curves on two wheels, with Roch
ester eating lunch and driving at
the same time. So predict Holly
woodites in anticipation of the an
nual Fresno State College Hack
Race, in which Benny's famous old
jillopy will take part. This mighty
test of mechanical speed and en
durance will be broadcast over a
coast to coast national hookup
over NBC stations at 6:45 p. m.
e. s. t., today.
Jack's car will be piloted by the
redoubtable Rochester. Jack's
valet. Benny' car qualified with
ease, as the only qualification was
that the car be of '25 vintage or
before and not worth more than
The race course over which
Rochester will have to drive the
Maxwell Is a mile track laid out
In a deserted cactus patch. A few
hazards, such as an irrigation
ditch, a 50 foot stretch of plowed
ground, and a few odd tree
stumps, have been distributed over
the grounds.
All Jack's car needed in the line
of repairs for the race was a new
set of tires, a new rear end, a re
conditioned steering knuckle, and
three men to push it.
Benny says he will not enter the
car in the Indianapolis Memorial
i i
Paul Whiteman will take his
program "Southern Collegiate"
for five shows during the prom
season, starting May 13 The
stout fellow, whose program is
heard over CBS outlet KFAB
every Friday nilght from 6:30 to
7:00, will invade the Duke Uni
versity Campus the evening of
May 13, and the following week
will play from the Spring Dance
of the University of Tennessee
in Knoxville.
May 27 will find the jazz-master
and his group back in New oYrk
for a regular broadcast, but th
following week they hit the trail
for the t'nivei.sity of North Car
olina, where they will help dedicate
a new gymnasium.
June 10. Whiteman will cart his
10c ptR L,N
LO.ST- JuviI.mI .SiKiua KU Ch' pin
TiiMtlny Hufl E. Mcit' on back.
Call L73S3.
M Oraunizoil
K. Union ISunds
Itrrk-JmittUlutli-litlKMH. tlv.'A
mi. I-hm. Ilium. 4-.'ir.4
Inlin I:. Cut arlt ( lub llrrn.
Jill Nh. tHtli I.lirill
t lint r'rlntnrr, KM S. :ilh ll'.'Kill
l.nrl Hill, IVir, H Ml. .. KM!
iW llnv Hiinn. mm mi. nth , H2H0
Krn Nrlnin, KJII0 K HI..
It 'iiiim. i.frjM
It llmj Mrhnlt, 1117 L M...HIXO
IjMfl Outer. Mil) N t'lh MIMIU
Kit Rhrffrrt. T.'t t.vrrrlt f"!R.V.'
Combined Open House, Art
Carnival to Feature
Variety Exhibit.
All pictures and paintings on
the second floor of Morrill hall
will be auctioned to the general
public at a combined open house
and art carnival to be sponsored
by Delta Phi Delta, art honorary,
on the evening of May 5, from
7:30 to 10.
Best selections of student work
will also be sold, as well as the
hall collection, and exhibits from
the Nebraska Art association. For
this carnival there will be exhibi
tions of art work which will be
educational to all. It will consist
of oil paintings, lettering, charcoal
drawings, water colors, sculptur
ing and design.
A professional nude model will
pose for an artist. Spectators may
watch the artist draw the model
by paying an admission charge of
10 cents.
Booths will line the walls for
this carnival, sketch artists will
do portraits of the customers, and
refreshments will be served. No
admission will be charged, accord
ing to Jeanette Osborne, chairman
of the entertainment committee.
band to the Johns Hopkins Uni
versity senior prom in the Alcazar
ballroom in Baltimore, Md. On
June 17, the headmaster of jazz
closes his southern tour at the
Rhododendron Festivnl in Ashc-
ville, N. C.
Today's Radio Highlights:
hi-A It.
I n : no . ni. Mary Margaret MrKrldr.
t :Mll p. in Kill Miller, N'lik'n Snrrtd,
2:0(1 i, m. ( urnhuskrr .Inmborrc,
3:1111 ). ni. ItHPM'hiill frnnie.
0:15 p. ni. Houkr (nrtrr.
8:00 . ru. licit. I'lillln IjiI nllotlr ttpraklng
fmm Hf Mnlnrfl.
r,::lll i. m. Paul Whltrnmn'. or-liclra.
7:110 p. in. Hnllnoiid Hntrl.
R:IM p. ni. 1Ih Sour; Hhoi.
4:00 . in .liiNt Knlt-rtnlnmrnf.
10:00 . ni. Mh-p I'lr-lrtV nrt'hmlm.
10:911 p. ni. Oiilr Ndmin'i nrrnrnlra.
fl:IA a. ni.
1 :.10 p. m
2:00 ni.
H:lo p. in
M: p. in
:: p. in.
10 MO p. ni
-!d,l,h I nl. Mrr ( luh.
Kalr Smith, minnicnliilitr.
-I'rnn ltrl;i)ri. via. Tl lluftlnv
ll..lko(l lllchllltlllv HlrMiinn'ii nrrhr.tra.
KHdlp llorhln'i, nrrlir.trn,
. lloli I ruftliy'ft orchfHin.
Nrn Tnnrr.
Man on llifi Mrrrl.
15:H p. in
12:4.1 p. ni
2:.iu p. ni
1.:ol p, ni
(1:dO p. m.
1:00 p. in.
MM'O p. m
:;I0 n. ni
( lirMi-rrirld Spnrln I rogram.
( lllrt Sr-rvlci' prourain,
Wall l Hmr.
, Hrt Mthlir.
Hnnlynnnfj linflslp, Via. Jim-
I tnirr.
A "war and peace'' lihrary num
bering approximately 1,00 volumes
has been given to Iowa State col
lege by Carrie Chapman Catt,
world famous suffragist.
H W 1 u
for more smoking pleasure everywhere
Chesterfield is the right cigarette . . .
Seniors Arrange Talks
With Hoiul Companies
Seniors who wish to meet the
representatives of Halsey Stuart,
Hormel and other bond firms next
week, should schedule interviews
in social science 306 Monday
morning, according to T. T. Bull
ock of the economics department.
The office will be open from 9:30
to noon.
Cadets March for Sponsors
Tuesday; Inspection
Held Ivy Day.
The annual R. O. T. C. spring
parade in honor of the Honorary
Colonel and the P. O. T. C spon
sors will be held next Tuesday,
May 3. All military science stu
dents will take part and Colonel
Oury has asked that all the spon
sors will be present.
An administrative . inspection
will come May 5 checking the
grounds, equipment and records
of the local R. O. T. C. unit. Fol
lowing the May 5 inspection there
will come May 5, checking the
rude before Federal inspection on
May 18-19-20.
127 North 12th
..Follow the Wise Men t-JU
L-6988 CAFE 2355 0 St.
Dinners 35
Is Worth
Any Meal
Box Lunches Delivered
Fred Hawkin, Mgr.
Off v&im-'M,
4 & " ' 4
I J f 7
vt XWv
.wj:- ; .r
v;i, i
Plii Upsilon Oniicron
Sponsors Japanese
Wood Print Display
An exhibit of Japanese prints
open to home economics students
and faculty is being shown in
Room 206 of the home economics
bulldinir. Phi Upsilon Omicron,
home ec professional fraternity, is
sponsoring the exhibit and sale.
Prices range from 13 cents to
T5. Anyone wishing to obtain a
Sho' nuff. Right in our own Temple Hall
the hottest little spot in the world. Minsky's
charm girls are ice-cubes compared with
I 3Lsi(fc
With 40 Marx Bros, under one roof, some
thing will happen. It did! It has! It
will! What a show!
Only 2 Days Left!
Box Office
Music Store
Ticket to
Cecil B.
Chesterfield and
Paul Whiteman bring you
preview coast-to-coast broadcast
from New York '39 World's Fair
"Rhapsody in Blue". . . thousands
of happy dancers ... a blaze of
color . . . flags and costumes of
every nation . . .
Light up your Chesterfield mid
join us in the preview of the
New York 1939 World's Fair.
When it's Swing time at this great
opening ball it'll be Chesterfield
Time all over the country.
,sfc r i ...
. V Ml
print should see a Phi Tj member
before Wednesday, May 4, in or
der to have one saved.
"A Good Teaehert Agency"
Com in and See V$
643 Stuart Bldfl. Lincoln, Nebr,
The 'White
Heat Spot'
of the Nation
Friday and
rM, SiW
As 1
Adulti 530
(undtr 12)
Copyright 191. Lim.iu & Mviu Totu Co,