The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1938, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Huskers, Kansas
Corn Cohn Select New
Member Wednesday
Corn Cobi will select the new
members and make plant for
the Initiation at a meeting
Wednesday at 7:30 In In room
108, Social Science.
Make Good Tim
I I I VfcaW I II W Wl
kooocL RandoL
On Muddy Track
Last Saturday Pa Sohulte'a boys
removed all doubts as to their su
periority on the track when the
Scarlet cinder artists downed the
K. U. Jayhawks in no uncertain
terms. The win comes after the
Huskers dropped the opener to the
Oklahoma Sooncrs more than a
week ago.
Despite the fact that the en
tire meet was held In the rain,
one meet record fell when Bob
Simmons, quarter miler, posted
a new mark in the 440 with the
time of 49.5. All of the times
turned in were unusually high
for the wet condition of the
Tn winning the meet, the Hunk
ers swept nine first places, an
equal number of second places, five
third spots and a tie for one fourth
The Schultemen placed 1-2 in the
two mile run, the 120 highs, the
220 lows and the broad Jump.
Brownlee and Kuper swept the two
mile event, and Gish and Frank
made it unanimous in the high and
low sticks. This marks the fi-it
time this season that Gish has
topped Frank in both hurdle
events. Last week at Norman they
split the board events with Fruik
taking the 120's and Gish the 220.
In the broad jump; Dawson and
Neuman came thru to control first
and second places.
Coach Imis Menzc, basketball
mentor at Iowa State, will have
lettermen available for every posi
tion of his 1938-9 cage squad
which gives him no end of pleas
ure. Besides the veterans from this
year's team. Menze will have the
services of three freshmen who
showed up extremely well in this
apring's practice drills.
John Munski of Missouri may
run in the feature mile at the
Kansas relays next Saturday. He
will anchor the Tiger 880 relay
team and he may run in the mile
or as the anchor for the dis
tance medley relay team. Should
he decide to run In the feature
mile he will meet with four of
the best runners In the country
as Gene Venzke, Glenn Cunning
ham, Archie San Roman! and
Don Lash. If Munski makes a
showing against this field he will
indeed be a gre?t miler.
Simmons Sets New Record
For Quarter Mile Run
In Saturday Meet.
By emery Burnett.
A wet truck wasn't enough to
keep the Hnsker and Jayhawk
trackmen from turning in some
very good time in their dual meet
held at Lawrence last Saturday.
Only one meet record was broken,
but the times were all exceptional
considering the condition of the
track. A liRht rain had fallen
Saturday morning, and during the
meet, there was an intermittent
Bob Simmons, hard pushed by
Cox of Kansas, ran a :49.5 quarto
mile for a new meet standard.
Simmons finished only about a
yard in front of Cox, who made &
desperate attempt for victory on
the final stretch. Klwood Pan
konin did the same distance in
:50.9, the beit time which he has
ever run.
Klann Caps Mile Run.
Wilron Andrews went below two
minutes for the first time this
year, as he registered a mark of
1 :f9.7 to beat out Heckendorn of
Kansas and Paul Owens of Ne
braska. The mile run went to
Klann, of Kansas in 4:31.9, which
is good enough time when running
against anyone but Cunningham
and the rest of the top notchers.
The two mile run was won by
John Brownlee in 10:16. Foy of
Kansas scored a double in the
sprints, winning the 100 yard dash
in ten seconds flat and the 220 in
:21.7. Darwin Dawson was off id
ally placed second in the 220, but
many thought that he had won the
Dawson Speeds Up Start.
Dawson has been troubled this
year by his start, which has been
slow. Last night Coach Schulte
advised him to change his start,
and put his right foot back instead
of the left one, as he is accustomed
to doing. The results of this move
were excellent, Dawson coming
out faster than formerly.
The close of the spring football
season brought out many additions
to the track squad. Included in
tthe new group of aspirants were
Jack Dodd, Charley Brock, Bill
Callihan and Roy Petsch, all of
whom are eligible for the varsity
and Vike Francis. Harry Hopp,
Rdsel Wibbels and Bob Kahler, all
freshmen. Dodd, Brock and Wib
bels have been working out some
with the track team, but have de
voted most of their time lately to
football. Francis and Kahler were
out during the indoor track season.
while Hopp is new to the cinder
Lose "Hard Luck" Man.
Callihan heaved lh discus a
few times last night, getting off
one throw of about 125 feet. He
hasn't thrown the discus for two
years, but after a few days prac
tice, should be up with the Hus-
ker'a best, Dodd and Brock both
scored In indoor meets, but have
taken part In none of the outdoor
duals so far. Brock will work in
the weights and Dodd In the
sprints and broad jumps.
Anton krejei, hard luck man of
the squad, Is lost for the rest of
the season. Krejci has been kept
out most of the time up to now
wilh injuries and ineligibility, and
now has taken a job which will
equlre much of his time, H
hopes to turn out for track next
year though.
The Husker athletic department
will receive considerable five pub
licity within the next few weeks
Anton F. Baumann, noted German
photographer and lecturer has
been taking several color action
photos of the Nebraska athletes.
He expects to use these pictures
to illustrate his lectures. Among
those who he photographed yester
day were Wibbels in the discus,
Bill Gish in the hurdles, and Brock
and Callihan in a few football
drills. Several pictures of other
track men were also taken.
All Companies to Participate ;
Government Review
Planned in May.
The first of several military pa
rades to be held before the official
government inspection in May will
be held today on the University
Mall at 5 o'clock. All companies
will participate in the parade
which will form in front of Ne
braska hall and proceed to the pa
rade grounds in front of the coll
Fxcuses will be granted to those
with scheduled classes or with
work which necessitates the stu
dents' absence from the parade
The inspection had been scheduled
for last Friday, but was post
poned because of conflicting reli
gious sen-ices and athletic events.
Big Six Champs Husker Foe
In Friday, Saturday
Home Games.
Next opponent for Wilbur
Knight's baseball team is Mis
souri, Big Six champs, who will
meet the Huskers in a two game
series Friday and Saturday at
Muny Field. Joel Carr, hardhitting
captain, will lead the Tigers, who
won from Westminister, 9-3, in
their last game.
Ivan Borman, who held the
slugging Oklahoma Aggie team
to a pair of runs and eight hits in
Nebraska's 4-2 victory a week ago
Saturday, will start on the mound
for the Huskers. Dow Wilson,
shortstop, Kddie George, 3rd base
Lowell Knglish, left field; Paul
Amen, 1st base; Del Harris, cen
tei field; Klmer Dohrmann, right
field; Johnny McDermott, second
base, and Clem Sundstrom, catch
er, complete the starting lineup.
Friday's game at the 22nd and
L st. municipal diamond is ached
uled for 4 p. m. and Saturday's
tilt will got under way at 2 p. m.
Monday night's workout was
limited to batting practice because
of a muddy field, and a practice
game is tentatively scheduled for
Pi Mu Epsilon Offers Prizes
To Ranking Students
In Examinations.
Ray Ramsay to Address
Wednesday Session.
Ray Ramsey, secretary of tha
Alumni association, will speak at
Scabbard and Blade meeting Wed
nesday evening. The meeting will
begin at 7:30 p. in. at the Kappa
Sirma chapter house.
All members should be present,
as final plans for the dinner dance
at the chamber of commerce April
20 will be made.
Jr.niea D. Little has announced
that shoulder patches may be ob
tained from him.
Prelims End This Evening;
Eliminations to Begin
Late Next Week.
Mildred Knell will sneak on
"Comnutations of the Orbits of
Binary Stars" and Ray Hershner
on Kiiepitc integrals ' at tne next
meetinc of Ti Mu F.nsilon national
honorary mathematics fraternity
wnicn win be held tonight at 7:30
in .3orinl Sr-ionoe 101
The fraternitv is offering two $10
prives to high ranking students of
mainemaucs. one prize goes to me
person rankinp highest in a calcu
lus examination which will be
given for students taking mathe
matics 4 or 1G, or having taken
those subjects since the previous
examination given by I'i Mu Kpsi
lon. The second prize of $10 will be
awarded the student of mathe
matics 2 or 13 who scores the
highest in the examination given.
This evening the closing prelim
inary round of the Intei-fraternity
debate tournament will be held at
7 p. m. in the chapter houses of the
affirmative teams.
"Resolved, that the United
States should greatly enlarge the
navy," js the question to be dis
cussed. The constructive speeches
on this subject will be six minutes
in length Hnd the rebuttal four
minutes. Judges for these debates
are from the intercollegiate class.
Fraternities entering competi
tion in this round are:
Alpha Tau Omega vs. Sigma
Alpha Mu.
Phi Alpha Delta vs. Kappa
Sigma Alpha Epsilon va. Beta
Theta PI.
Zeta Beta Tau vs. Delta Theta
The first named team above up
holds the affirmative of the debates.
Today pome; Amazing and
strange and wholly incredible are
the things a bridge hostess classes
as edible.
Kills Teachers Agency
6. E. MIIK, A.M. '20, Manager
Specially needed:
Odd combinations of subjects.
855-56 Stuart Bldg, Lincoln, Nfbr.
Are Going Hellishly Fast
at WAirs music stoke
Call at
Temple Box-Office
APRIL 25-30