The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Is The Easter Month
Gay Jeweled Accents
A. Three Strand Pearls
Simulated pearls, triple strung
to wear with your low necked
spring print... your sweaters.
Lapel Ornaments
Rhinestone studded fruit
groups, animals . . , carelully
made copies of expensive
C. Gold Filagree Pieces
Fragile clips In gold to accent
the pastel shades o! your
spring dress. Delicately made.
fit" &iCv
r. jh
Sheer crepes, printed chiffons,
laces, Bemberg sheers. The
gay spring frock you'll wear
Easter Sunday... and the rest
of the season, too. Navy,
black, luggage, rose, powder
blue. Sizes 12 to 20.
Casual Jackets
The loose hanging, casual jacket
you'll wear to class these spring
days. Of twill or basket weave cot
ton .. . natural or aqua. You'll like
the full pockets, the wooden buttons.
00 ssa
I 4V .
Sure enough mobs of people did
turn up at the Pop Patch Hoe
Down. Ruth Anna Russell went
as a Kentucky mountaineer, pipe
and all, rnd her date who was
rigged up beyond recognition did
credit to the spirit of the affair.
Triscilla Chain, not knowing just
where Bu'ky had planned to take
her that evening appeared looking
too smooth to be dancing with the
red plaid shirt ard old cords Mr.
Prime had cooked up for the oc
casion. Mildred Holland, who has been
taken off the fancy free list by
Hub Allaway was warned by Betty
Cherny and some of her fellow
conspirators that when the Farm
House came for their hour dance
with the Alpha Xi Dclt's, Hub
would be waylaid. The partners in
crime further admonished Mil that
she needn't expect him to turn up
for her until at least 11:30, but all
turned out all right which cer
tainly shows which way the wind
blows in that deal.
Rather on the same line as the
ag party was the Corn and Cotton
shindig that the Alpha Chi's throw
annually. Bob Wadhams arrived
with Helen Jennings in tow. Bob
panning everyone as usual for dirt
for that column cf his. We might
almost say that he's the only male
gold digger we've met up with on
this campus.
Turning back the years were the
Phi Mu's, who last night let down
their jiair, got into Shirley Temple
dresses and played children's
games at their house party. Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs fur
nished some of the inspiration for
the decorations.
We're wondering what Colie An
derson and Mary Austin do when
Dow Wilson and Eddie George
take those frequent jaunts about
the country all for the sake of the
good old athletic department. It
may be all right to be going r.teady
with a real he-man, but when he
takes to running off during week
ends for a mere game of baseball,
that ought to be a different story.
Both gals are being , pretty good
sports about it though. Neither
one has staged a strike or done
ar.ythig rash.
Another of the spring parties
was held at the Cornhusker last
night, and this time the A. G. R.'s
played host. About 48 of their
outstate alum were here especially
for the occasion.
One of the better shindigs of the
season came off last night when
the Chi Omega's threw their
spring houseparty, complete with
orchestra and lots and lots of
spring flowers. Some couples
there who have been seen together
more than a little lately were
Betty Widener and Bob Leadley,
Edie Houston and Gordon Hanie,
Peggie Pascoe and Butch Larson,
and Ruth Stevens and Jim Min-nick.
Fostvacation social life started
on the upgrade last night with
four house parties and a swing
session. Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Sigma Alpha Mu and Phi Mu en
tertained at their respective chap
ter houses with open house parties,
and Chi Omegas started the eve
ning with a Founders day banquet
at the University club and cli
maxed the celebration with a
house party. A tthe banquet Miss
Amanda Heppner and Mrs. Roy
Cochran were guest speakers.
At the Cornhusker hotel, Alpha
Gamma Rho presented their spring
party, and at the Sigma Kappa
house, Sigma Kappas held initia
tion and a banquet.
Before we start on the dirt for :
today, we wish to explain that
... ,!. nnt uiah to hurt BIlVOMC'Sl
feelings in any way but the truth
must be printed and only the
truth. So my children, don't fret
and frown if your name appears
in this column because you your
self put it there.
Jane Barbour. D. G., has at last
received John Howell's pin. Ac
cording to my stooge in that house
Jane is very happy over the whole
Betty Hedstrom, D. G has re
ceived an appointment to a school
in Rushville when she gets out of
Teachers college this spring, if she
does. Her sisters wonder how she
will get along with the Indians
out in the west.
Gwen Orr, Theta, has had open
house at her house since her folks
went out of town a few days ago.
One night she came home from
school to find Herb Glover and
John Stoddard, Betas, had taken
over the house and had told the
maid to fix dinner for them. When
Gwen walked in, the gentlemen
were clad in their robes with their
feet propped up on the best sofa.
It looks like the Betas have found
a good thing.
Flash! George Binger, Sig Chi,
walked home from a ride. The girl
wouldn't co-operate with George
so he got out and walked. The
girl was a high school one to boot.
It seems that he is losing his grip.
Marje Dirks, Ti Phi, has been
seen quite a bit with Bob Howe,
A. T. O. If anyone wants a date
with the cute one he has to call
weeks ahead of time. Is it worth
The Dog Patch Hoe Down FrL
day night saw all of the hillbillies
nd most of the rest of the people
out for a litle frolic. Leading all
of the rest were Ruthanna Russell
and Loo Cook.iley. They got along
quiteall right until the pipe Miss
Russell was carrying took over the
offensive and came out the winner.
La Donna Gutridge decided to
give the Ag people a break ones
and came out. That didn't do the
Ag boys any good tno oecause sue
was there with Bud Cather, A.
T. O.
The jug carried by Gordon Jones
went to the head of Adrian Lynn
and Ward Bauder and tney pro
ceeded to divide up all of the girls
there. Method used was to shoot
craps Roller of the lucky seven
picked out one for himself. If
he rolled anything else the other
picked out one for him. That was
fair enough except that Ward
threw all of the sevens.
The low-landers there included
Tom Aiken and Lillard Pratt. They
were all dolled up in white shirts
and store clothes. They had some
thing to celebrate tho. Gossip has
that they are going to pass the
cigars come Monday night. Sun
day afternoon they are going to
pass out a little teaser in the form
of Easter eggs. Wonder if they
will be the well-aged variety?
The Aggravator.
Don't forget that the Turnpike
opens soon, so get that money to
gether because it won't be a cheap
The weather man say it's goin;
to be fair and warmer. That's good
news, for with the Park featuring;
Antelope's best band in many a
year, it's our guess that sign-outs
to the library will be many these
1250 A
"Gabby Lee" Cotton
Gabardine Skirts
CM Whitman's fine cottin gab
ardine . . . gored or belted . . .
navy, beige, powder bin.
They're "sanforized shrunk,"
guaranteed washable.
Silk Shirt-waists
Pure dye silk.-. ... in tillered
shirtwaist styles . . . with ri
tachable studs. Du:;ty pir.k,
nqua, white, melon, mair.
Sues 32 to 40.
S "V v' - -'
Gay paisley or floral prints
. . . pert young polka dots . . .
pl'iin nilk or woo! squares.
Color accents lor spring
Costume Flowers
Boulnnnir for your suit
lapel . . . bouquets lo tuck in
the throat of your dress.
, Or
f t
Italian inspired . . . copied (rem the
beach sandals of famous French de
signer YouH like Wedgiei. They
flatter your ieet , . , ease your walk.
Caliskin or suede . . . Parisani,
blue, white, white with tan.
J'ote the pert leather thong
tie at your ankle. Sizrs
to 6.
Ntf V !
frttt l.xnrt
Bright puraes end gloves that contrast
or match the re it of your costume.
You'll not try to match leathers this
spring , . . but colon . , , bright enet.
firm-lalf" rallskin or patrr.t
pur.-T . . enormous tires . . .
navy, block, brown, grern,
red, rorrberry, Fanr,and
TVen i.kinned daoi.Vin gloves
. . . washable if you're care
ful. Dusty pink, white, marine
blue, roneberry, natural, navy,
Indo caly, sulphur. Zrt 6
lo 74.
S t' ky
UuiiQ. is fennel Co.
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