The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 31, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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If rt tn 4-ui si
nv i m: II MIN I moss
By student poll taken yesterday
at Ellen Smith Hall ami practically
everywhere else on the campus
BOB BKGHTOL. Thctn and Beta,
were unanimously elected most
romantic couple.
Famous gridster from the Pelt
house, JOHNNY HOWELL, has
been scm flitting hither and von
with little MARY CLTNK, shrink
ing: violet from the D. G. house.
Said Johnny when one of his
friends congratulated him on win
ning: her affections. "I have al
ways liked the quiet simple souls.
Tt gives a man such a superior
feeling: to be able to talk about
himself to a good listener."
JUNK STFBBINS, lovelv bond
Pi Phi, and HARRY PROUTY. D.
U. go their separate ways. They
both feel that they're much too
young- to bo seeing so much of
each other.
Phi Psi's big activities man,
THURSTY P1IKLPS, has decided
to give up marriage for a career,
and he really has some excellent
offers. Just now he is debating be
tween a position as special adviser
to the Camp Fire Girls of Lincoln
and an opportunity to take to the
high roads as Fuller Brush sales
man. Bob Metz who has been doing
the Haunter column of late has
banned all Sigma Nu dirt. In fact
he declares, the Sigma Nil's just
aren't doing anything at present.
They're the biggest bunch of
woman haters on the campus.
V ii- i
Just to prove that the gay social
whirl has not completely caught
up all the coeds, FLORA ALBIN,
Tri Delt is giving up more trivial
affairs for the study of music. She
and BILL GRAY have attended
no less than 37 concerts in the past
month and spnd most of their
lime playing symphonic records
on the new viclrola they invested
in so that they might better enjoy
me nigner tilings of life.
D. U.'s lady's man. LEONARD
DUNKEK, has at lust found the
perfect girl, only until yesterday
he had to admire her from afar.
When he finally got a coke date
with her, he asked her to go
steady. Friday the gal takes pos
session of his pin. The girl in
question is tiny Mary Vogel. They
make such a perfect pair.
V. ,,
Sig Alph ROB WAUGH comes
to us with his troubles. Tt seems
that this young lad is a bit on the
bashful side. The girl he has been
dating for the past three years
would probably appreciate sonic
gesture of affection, but alas, Bob
scarcely knows what to do when
he takes her to the door. (He has
not, you see, ever kissed a girl.)
Could some of the brothers please
help him out?
pledge yet, finds the same difficul
ties as Bob. Only In his case, pitch
ing woo is against his principles.
He Is wondering if just holding
her hand in a show would satisfy.
Biggest scoop of the year! The
A. W. S. board announces 2:30
nights for heavy dates, 'I o'clock
for medium dates und 1:30 for
lightweight ones (they forgot to
mention whether they were refer
ring to mental capacity or that
measured by the scales). Yes,
rules are liberal at this, the white
spot of Nebraska.
Starts TODAY!
jnfl 11 IMP 335C rsw 11
ENEMY . f A I .11
AT 14
Is b hPadril for
wis 2 U
The Spawn
ing place
t h at breeds
t o m orrow's
P u b 1 ic Enemies!
We have just seen Jane Bell,
K. K. G., and one of the better
Betas wheeling down the street in
a baby buggy.
All the pledges in the fraterni
ties and sororities on the campus
have walked out on their unsus
pecting brothers and sisters be
cause o fthe twoo awful hell weeks
that were dished out to them.
Everybody is so happy that
yours truly has taken over this
column because it is going to be
kept so clean nnd we mean very
clean. There will be no dirt about
any certain persons in this column
from now on. Yea, if it were only
Listen my children, Two days
ago, a man entered all of the soro
rity houses and stole the silk
.stockings that were drying from
their evening wash. Even the ones
that had never been worn were
taken. Now, the femmes put up
an awful howl because the gents
don't like to have their dates come
out without leggings because their
knees glisten when the moon
shines down on. them. Well, our
young ladies didn't go out until the
viper brought back the necessary
articles. This is nil true if you caii
stand it but yet maybe it is a
We hope you have a perfectly
lousy time during spring vacation
and you don't do anything that
will get you into any trouble that
will get you into this column. It
would be terrible to have to tell
any secrets on any persons. April
Fool and stuff!
'Billy' Dc
Correvont Nibbles
At Cornhuskcr Inducements
Late dispatches from Chicago
this morning Indicate that Bill
DeCorrevont, Austin high football
star, who had previously said he
would attend Northwestern, has
definitely decided to accept Ne
braska's offer of room, board tui
tion, books, and spending money,
plus 100 per month for Incidentals,
and will enroll her next Septem
ber. ' - - '
DeCorrevont stated that it had
always been his secret ambition to
become a Whitespot competitor,
adding that it was not the athletic
offer which influenced him, but the
high scholastic standards of the
school whose departments of
study rank higher in every field
than those at Harvard, Chicago,
Johns Hopkins, Minnesota, Yale,
or such places.
The five other Austin high play
ers who were to enroll with Bill
at Northwestern will also accept
Whitespot offers, preferring to
follow DeCorrevont through thick
and thin, and from Northwestern
to Nebraska.
thli It our BIGGEST, FINEST Program!
The "NAVY BLUE & GOLD'' Sweet
heart Are Together Again in
Robert YOUNG Florence RICE t 'Ks. " :j ;j
Frank Morgan Edna Mae Oliver jr w
Mary Astor Reginald Owen - -r' -fi
Get Ready for the ittlfliVSA
Gayeit Show of the nY1''
Easter Season! " 1
t ! vi ' r
" .a. a.. 1
1 'llffiM
p ')
7 nu tra
One Week
(Continued from Page 1.)
report of Mr. James Watchem,
state accountant, as he completed
a thorough checkup of the book
store on the Nebraska campus.
"As near as we can ascertain,
the bookstore is running on the
usual 40 percent profit basis,"
Watchem declared. "We found
only 43 cases where bookstore em
ployes received their books cheaper
than the student public. This is
indeed a clear record."
Burying the Hatchet.
The audit and investigation by
Watchem has settled a long dis
pute between members on the in
side of the bookstore and members
of the student council committee
of bookstore investigation. A It ho
no member of the state auditing
department has ever been allowed
to delve into the records of the
university, Mr. Watchem was
made an exception because of the
Members of the committee
maintained that they were unable
even to "go behind the counter in
the bookstore." When inside book
store members consented, the state
accountant was called in.
What! In Good Condition?
Mr. Watchem was indeed grati
fied to find the bookstore in such
good condition. He said that he
had heard many nasty rumors
nbout the organization and that
he expected to find more corrup
tion and graft than he did. He
has suggested, however, that the
bookstore books be audited once
every month.
"It is not in my scope to .say
whether or not I believe the book
store is setting its medium of ex
change too high," Mr. Watchem
said. "But I certainly do believe
that students of the future should
keep their eyes open toward the
bookstore. It'3 an interesting
The university purchasing agent
who has complete charge of the
student bookstore could not be
reached for a statement.
(Continued from Page 1.)
fifth, Wun Lung Woo, escaped
with over JISO.OOO,
They money had been collected
on the campus Wednesday by 100
universiy students working thru
the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. and os
tensibly was to be used to aid
oriental students in war torn areas
of the far east.
Police declared they had estab
lished beyond reasonable doubt
that the culprits (meaning the
orientals'! were expropriating the
monies to finance a Barber's
school in Suchaw. Only mystery
yet to be cleared up was how the
"China Clippers" had established
connections with the university
"Y" offices.
Burdock Shomes in Case.
Burdock Shomes, expert linguist
from the department of justice
who has snared more than one
glib-tongued felon, said that the
pilfering of the 150 grand was un
doubtedly an inside job and that
it was not in any way connected
with recent moral lapses on Wall
Shomes said that subversive
foreign elements (representatives
of the Chinese Barber's school)
had propagandized local religious
leaders into promulgating the
campaign for funds. "Above all,
students who contributed to the
little circular cheese boxes yester
day should not be put out," he
said. "Such a thing could happen
to all of us."
Let Us Be Cubtle.
Instead of taking a blood test
to determine the racial purity of
all who participated in the cam
paign and who may have been in
cahoots with the swindlers, Bur
dock Shomes will employ a much
subtler method of apprehending.
All students participating in the
drive will be required to learn and
recite the Gettysburg address
backwards. Those who do so with
most facility will be under strong
suspicion, Shomes asserted. "It is
a well known fact that Chinese
people do things best backwards."
J a the sprint,', young men's fancies
tut'ii to love mill s forth. At least that's
what 1'ee Wca said when lie. saw (.icorjre
Shackelford at the Koynl Grove Tuesday
li it e. And lie wasn't with liis true love,
Wilma l'ulliam cither. Oh well, as we
said, in the spring young men's fancies
turn to etc.
And here is another liltle newsy hit
before we all take a well earned rest " ?"
fro:., our heavy curricula r tvork. Jean
Howe of the Lincoln Oneral Hospital and
the Kappa House seems to liavc at least
one true love. While she was walking on
a cane, recuperating from lier recent in
jury, this suitor was at her dhow at every
step. Of course we couldn't lell what
went on between steps, hut it is said that
one of her former good friends approached
Bill Williams, the white slave driver, ami
asked him how he was progressing with
Miss Howe. Bill retorted, "Well, 1 have
her car, don't I?" Pec Wee says he
wishes he knew a girl with a car.
But you don't need a car if you have
one of Hiesc new Bush Jackets and a
new pair of slacks from GOLD'S. Of course
Harry Prouty has a swell far and shows
darn good taste in his clothes. Even at
that he was going to he on the safe side
when he bought a Bush Jacket at. Gold's.
You ought to have a permanent "in" at
the Pi Phi house with that swell campus
A very funny thing happened Tues
day evening at Way's Inn when Lou Lip
man was sitting with Bill Saeket. A small
hoy about four years old walked up 1o
the table and, after eyeing the occupants,
said, "Mi, Daddy P to Lou. You may
draw your own conclusions, but Pee Wee
isn't saying.
Pec Wee tells a good tale about .John
Stoddart, Herb Glover and Lou Pordgrren
with their dates on a picnic not so long
ago. It seems that they found the desired
spot and hi: fellows proceded to lay out
the site for the parly, piling blankets in
three definite and distinct, piles. The girls
sat in the car, watching the proceed in us
and when all arrangements had finally
been made, they refused to get out of
The fellows, so Pee Wee said, sat on
their respective piles of blankets and con
sumed the refreshments while the feminine
members of the parly looked on. "When
the re fresh in cut containers were empty,
they all went back home. Perhaps that, is
what is called a good picnic. At least the
dales didn't cost much.
And it doesn't cost much to take ad
vantage of the marvelous barrel sale that
is being held at GOLD'S the rest of this
week, A great saving is available to you
felows who have been waiting to get that,
new spring outfit. You call be fitted from
the skin out at the greatest savings in years
by dropping into GOLD'S men's section
this week.
It is rumored I hat A T O George l'n.
thank has an inside track to the girls in
the house just north of the Pi Phi house.
If any of you fellows arc curious, just ask
We wonder why the Tri Chi sign was
painted on the walk leading up to Helm
McLaughlin's residence. Have you friends
in 1he dental college or do they just want
you to keep them in mind?
Overheard at the drug, "Now that 11.
Mc is president at the Kappa house nnd
has taken her tribe out of here at. noon,
a fellow can hear himself drink his own
soup."' Maybe they don't have soup at
the Kappa Imiise, D. K.
Love to all and we will be seeing you
after vacation. In the meantime, h. go,,,.
Panned hy
fr:ndii Tonjtrl
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Addrd ,
irr drums'
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1 1
Nebraska University's publicity
program, dubbed at Its inception
as the Kampus Kalendar, will
make its debut over the IBS, (In
ternational Broadcasting System I,
starting June 17. this year. The
shining talent and versatility of
the characters who have partici
pated in the broadcasts this year
have merited the progrhin consid
eration by officials of the Inter
national system. Edward F.
Burke, head of the association be
lieves that the program will pro
mote the welfare and pood will of
foreign nations as far as Nebras
ka is concerned. The Kampus
Kalendar has been TAKING the
air for the past few weeks, and
will continue to take it up until its
new series.
Awgwan to Sponsor
Radio Program.
"Well, ah'll tell ya," drawled
Bros Kamul, hillbilly editor of the
Awgdan, "Ah've had invitations
from Benny, Bergen, Allen, and
even McCarthy, (his came on
wood pulp i to go on the air, so
ah guess ah msnght as well.
Shucks, taint no fun jist musin'
roun down here in the office all
Yep. the Awgwan. with Amer
ica's foremost humorist, A. Bruce
Campbell, will take the air, to in
crease the number of Nebraska
activities on nationaTandlntcnia
i tlonal hook-ups to four, starting
tomorrow at 1 :,10 a. m.
Hurry! Last 2 days.
Ili-ldl, ;mi IVIrr unit nil
Ihr ImRhlt folk tinmcht
In lnuhlti, Imliit life::
riTTtnT titt
s "HFTnT
.Irnn Hrrthull Arthur Trmrhrr
tVhrr Hill hry trllit rwit
nmi irrrrl II their ,
Mt nn the In. Mr
Minium Hull
Jnrm H)mnn
wit? ... I
Frank H.iwks
'Mytnoui Pilrt
NO. i
Y.Hir Hrlrrn klnr nf nng tlnil
nitfll rmh littn M ml
fkritinc rimer nriwiltiirr.
Gene Autry
Judith Allen
We'll Stake a Steak!
and wager that here
U the kind of a
comedy y o u'v e
been hunger
ing for!
(1 VARSITY Starts Sunday fcjIC jArf l
p onto MiiMii v, V. $$r rRVT-fr
f ' JI bride ,ho,c. 6'NWl AnC VH J
W-Llf II T Helgh-Yo Silver crt .JT'' rZZT"LA .
MAW Vnlll T',"a "LONE RANGER" 1 0ld y.a fS""1"" 1 n
WfiSlU'Iiti Ch.pter No. 7 1 f IH rTT- HURRYl ENDS TONIGHT!
JL3i2UfcW5. Color Cart00n ymw v ' t. u mamsmmaBmaaMma