PAGE FOUIt THE DAILY NEBKASKAN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30, 193a University Dental Clinic Works Away From Public Eyes Though 72 Students Labor There Daily 1 U f!ft BY THE HAUNTER Jane Cook, DG, arrived yes terday morning In the campus drug adorned in a pink bonnet and leading a small youngster by the hand, Jane nicely informed the gathering crowd that she was grooming the bright child for the beat dressed girl on our campus for 1940. The bright little girl kept the drug patrons in stitches the rest of he morning. BEWARE GIRLS!!!! We have In our mldat some handsome gents who are gracing our fair campus with their cream colored jitnies. Their main objective is to sell to the sororities and fraternities mag azine subscriptions in wholesale lots, but the girls seem to be find ing theV gentlemen and their cars very nice company. Maybe one or two of them will go to school here if our Nebraska girls are fair enough. Ask Jane Bell. She was seen talking to one of them yes terday and the conversation seemed interesting. Howard Marshall, Jack Cole, Sigma Nus, and Marges Barnett and Corrington, PI Phis, went on a trip to Wenthworth Military Academy a while back for the Military Ball down there. It seems that after the ball was over and the dates were safely abed, the boys said that they would split up and go their own ways for the rest of the wee hours. Cole said he needed a coke, Marshall said he had to talk to a friend so they parted ways. . Twenty minutes later they met on the steps of a girl whom they had seen at the ball and who hap pened to be from Kansas City. Some fun because their dates knew all about it. The girl was their friend too. The A. P. A., D. G.-Z. N. club for bachlors and spinsters are go ing to have their joint meeting sometime this week. Probably Wednesday night. Some of the girls tell me that there has to be a reorganization. Some of the boys, the traitors, have hung their pins. Oh, well there are more to till in they hope. Last Saturday night the cats were away and the mice played What boys won't do when their trals are busy or out or town. jacK Simmons was seen on a picnic with another girl, and the boys who go steady with the girls at the D. G. house had their mng too. The D. F. had an anniversary with the boys excluded. Cedrlc Johnson, Pick Herman, Ben Janus, Dean Mohr, Bill Ryan, Herbert Stewart, Bob Stuart, Bill Williams and Dan Hyrens. Prize saying of spring: Mar garet Jane Pylc, Chi O asked if Easter would come while were were gone (spring vacation) and Erma Motl promptly replied, "No, you'll get to see it." BY THE HAUNTRESS Principally Students Bring Oral Ailments to Clinic In Andrews Hall. SOCIETY By Dixie Davis. Members and alumns of Sigma Kappa will celebrate the founding of Alpha Kappa chapter by a birthday party at the chapter house this evening. It will be on the order of April Fools dinner. No news can be obtained, for everything is being kept under cover, even from the girls, but there will no doubt be quite a few surprises during the evening. Be tween courses, Miss Gertrude Beers will give a short talk. Pi K. A. new officers have been elected and installed. They are: S. M. C. (which in our language means president), William Horn: S. C, Allan Frel; I. M. C. Wil liam Haworth; T. H. C, Donald Derr; M. S..' Dwight Burney; house manager, Gerald Lockhart; and social chairman, Carl "Bud" Rapp. Gamma Phi Beta had another candy passing Monday ivght. Francis Dilger of Omaha and Her man Esshen of Sterling announced their engagement in a unique and very seasonal way. A large Easter bunny was brought in and pre sented. There was a scroll inside announcing their engagement. Later a five pound box of candy was passed. At that time also, Frances displayed a beautiful dia mond which she now wears. Bob Luther, Delta Oops, has turned author by planning to write a book from the garden of his memories. The manuscript is to be called, "On and Off the Grid iron." The book will bo Illustrated with pictures from Bob's famed scrapbook. His manager for the promotion of the book Is a frat brother, Lloyd Grimm. Beef Nucrn bcrger, another D. U., will be the publicity agent. When asking for the Inspiration to put such a re vealing thing before the public, we found there was no inspira tion, it Just happened. Alpha Sig new pledges are: Bob Mitchell, Omaha; Norbert Gross crhode, Dodge; Ralph Ogle, Lin coln; Carl Hansen, Kansas City, Mo.; and Manly Hawks and Bill Mores of Bcngelman. Zeta Beta Tau. Ed Wittenberg, Leonard Muskin, Paul Krasne, George Frischer, Stuart Can and Samuel Darrdoon, Alpha Sigma Phi. Robert May, Dalo Tinstman, John Geyer, Charles Dandall, Jack Jackson, and Dick Simon. Phi Delta Theta. Dick Hlatt. Jim Kane, Al Ash worth. Bill Barbour, Bruce Bleber, Brandon Backlund, Fred Fairman, Now that Ed Stceves has given up his Haunter column, another Sigma Nu (or maybe youve guessed it) is carrying on just to keep things in the family. And Bob Metz bears the torch with renewed vigor. The choice Item about Frances Goodwin needed a bit of explana tion. Contrary to the information given out, Frannie does suspect the Uonner of the daily floral offer ings. It couldn't by any chance be Ed Stecves could it? There has been something brewing along that line for some time now. And just to confirm one of yes terday's rumors, Mary Mullen did get her Thcta kite back and Mon day night wore it chained to Or ville Hager's Beta diamond. We've also heard tell that some little Kappa freshman tearfully picks up the pieces of a badly smashed heart. It seems they both bid hearts. The one was trumped by a diamond, but she's a queen any how. A sophomore just knows more tricks.. Forgot to mention that Marv Janice Meneray, of the huuse of A. O. Pi, surprised everyone by sending round the sweets with a man imported from Ames just for the occasion. ' The footer of the bill was Wayne Farabay. Another Alpha 0 who should be treating the gals pretty soon is Wilma Pulliam whose monopoly on George Shackelford, Chi Phi, has not been broken for nigh onto two years now. Something should be done about this, thought the pledges, so Monday night some thing was. Sure enough, Wilma was sentenced to a tub of icy water, minus most of her wearing apparel. Could anyone tell us the straight deal on Betty Anne Clarke? Not lnnrt asrn she accented a Pi K A pin. Now she spends most of her time with Sie ED. U sucKiey who yesterday brought her a red, red rose as evidence or nis anec tion. Adna Dobson and Bob Raroey have turned dance cromoters Anyway that book of 50 dance tiricpt for lust two of Uncle Sam's . . ... j a , cartwheels loons one a gooa uem to us. However, we aouoi n Anie lone Park will need much oromot ing with spring again mourns young men's thoughts turn. FRENCH CIRCLE STUDIES FAMOUS ARTIST TONIGHT Most students go in and out of their English classes in Andrews hall never suspecting that Just above them young dentists are busily engaged performing ex periments in dental laboratories and working upon the teeth of clinic patients. The third floor of Andrews has long been the home of the dental clinic altho many people seem to be unaware that It exists. At present there are 72 students registered In the college of dent istry. Surprisingly enough, this seems to be one college that the coeds of Nebraska have not in vaded. Only two girls have grad uated from the school since 1925, and it has been three years since member of the weaker sex has been enrolled in the dental school altho there was one who took prc- dental work last year. The clinic is the most Interesting phare of the department. Here the future dentists first work on liv ing tissue after three years . of study and practice working with Inanimate forms. Approximately one-third of the patients that go to the clinic are students at the university. There they may receive any kind of dental work that they need from having their teeth cleaned to dent al surgery. The student dentist takes charge of the patient and is responsible for the full recovery of his mouth which emphasizes to the student the value of com plete service to the patient. At the clinic, which is open every afternoon between the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock, the dental students receive at least two pa tients every day. During their two years in the clinic, they have prac tice doing many types of work. cavity filling, orthodontia or straightening of the teeth, pros thctics or making complete new sets of teeth, and the treatment for all kinds of diseased teeth which are termed "diseased organs of mastication" in the dental lab oratories. Each student has a dental unit. He is held responsible for the proper care for his patient's chair and his equipment which he con siders as his own while he is work ing in the clinic. The greatest step in the educa tion of the dentist is going from his work in the laboratory to work in the clinic. After three years of dealing with idcalic situations, he starts working with real patients all of whom have molars and in cisors almost alike but different. Here the student must modify what he has learned In the lab oratory to the individual case of his patient and take into consid eration his nerves and feelings. POULTRY CLUB PLANS .16 Bing Miller's Eleven-Piece All-University Band To Furnish Music. Cornhusker Poultry Science club will sponsor an Easter Dance to be held in the student activities building on the ag campus Satur day, April 16. Bing Miller's 11-piece all uni versity orchestra will play for the event. This orchestra Is composed entirely of university students and has been well received wherever it has played. Tho Easter motif will bo used In decorations and favors. The dance will be open to all students on the downtown and ag campuses. Advance tickets will sell for 50 cents per couple. . A special meeting of the club will be held in Poultry Husbandry nan 200 at 7:30 Tnursday, April 7, to complete arrangements for the dance. AG-GRAVATIONS The Ag Spring Party went across in a really big way. One and all who were there, and everyone was there, thought It was the best Swing-aroo ever held on ag campus. The decorations were pretty swell and Judging from the rain Monday they must have had a good effect. Miss Nila Spader looked every bit the God dess as she broke through the cellophane to be presented to the assembled guests. Incidentally she was escorted by Don Magdanz, Farm House President and promi nent activity man. He seemed to be even more proud of her honors than she was. Can anyone blame him? Among others present were Carol Gerry and Edith Fillcy; Bill Dungan and Elsie Bernasek. Mar ian Gushing looked very lovely In a blue gown. Wearing orchids too. Were other girls envious! Her date was a down town heart breaker whom no one seemed to know. Ted Doyle and Harriet Stearns had a big time although they didn't dance very much. Dayton Kllngman and Denver Grey took time out long enough to carry a big can of punch up the stairs. The can was some lighter at the top "For crying out loud," Tec "Wee. You must learn that there arc times to talk and then BRain there arc times to listen. oil don't want to get that poor girl in trouble jvist for a good story, do you?" "You're n fine one 1o talk about keep ing still. Who do you suppose llirew 1hnt cinder thru the back window of your ear Friday night?" And so it went for 40 minutes while we tried to deeide just how much we could print. Wo finally compromised and de cided to leave names out, but it's still a good story. It concerns Miss X. Last Friday evening she bad a date with a prominent alumnus of our law school; Twelve-thirty came as twelve thirties have a habit of doing and this happy pair were wont to part. Well, the belter judgment of Ibis Jliss X won out and she went in the Kappa house right on the dot. Then like a ghost, in the night, she stealthily was lowered over the balcony with the assistance of n few of her sisters. To complete the scene, the nfore mentioned Beta alum was waiting on the ground for his Juliet, and they gaily tripped off to gether for nn encore of the earlier date. You should have pledged Theta, Miss X. They just leave the door open over there and find it much more convenient. And speaking of convenience. You girls will find it n real pleasure shopping in GOLD'S campus section on 1he third floor. The store has done everything pos sible to please you by providing the very latest in style. 'prices Hint nppenl at the first of the month, and service that you will appreciate. Wanted: Road maps, compasses, field glasses, and n guide who can find his way around in the cloudy jungles of eastern Nebraska and western lown. Call Jex Patterson or J-ou Lipman. As they tell it, they started out W Ames, la., Inst evening. Omaha vns reached without difficulty, but they do. eided that the evening was yet young, so why not just skip down to I'.nton Ilouge, Ln., to sec Hex's girl. Naturally there was not, n dissenting vote in the house, so off they went. Well, things went, from bad In worse. The atmosphere got cloudier and darker and soon the boys were lost. They finally arrived at the lllnir bridge, quite n.dis Innec from lhe beaten track to Hntou Kongo. The rest of the story is probably unnecessary, because you all know bow tired one gets after one has been travel, ing. The bo,s returned to their trundel beds about 7'n. hi. Tut. lut, tut. And now it might be well lo lell you about Hie Harrel Sale being held at GOLD'S starting today and carrying thru the rest of the week. Come in a barrel and go nway fully clothed in up to 1li(. minute style. You get a complete nev out fit from the skin out for only G.fiO. The cost of this outfit, if bought separately would be .t'i:i.".'. It is really n fine chnncu to get decked out. for spring. And by the way, you might check with Annabel Lee. on the bet. she won from Dave Kramer. It seenis she bet him that he wouldn't got n certain grade in a certain course. When she won, he had to buy a certain thing for her, but. it turned out that she had to consume it. It all seems very confusing, if you get what J mean. Panned by than at the bottom. Oh, well, good deeds must be rewarded. More dope on the Spring Party. All of the Farm House pledges were there with Ag college girls. That was sure swell of them, be cause we hear that quite a few had to break a down town date to do it. That is about like Bob Cor nelius who didn't take his old girl to the affair because he likes va riety. As things turned out tho he will stay at home forever more rather than take a blind date anywhere. Saturday night at the Dramatics club affair those present were fronted to the sicht of Rex Brown dancing with two girls at the same time. Who says mat Doy aoesn i rate. Pete Burns proved to be a true master of ceremonies, but Marjorie Runkel was some peeved because he was too busy to dance with her over three-fourths of the time. Romona Woods chalked up another one by being seen there with Jim Dixon. What does that gal have on the ball? Billy Kei;ter and Mary Bricn went old fashioned last Sunday and rode bicycles out in thi coun try for a picnic. They sure must pine for the wide open spaces to want to rlJe a bike out that far. The Poultry Mixer coming up next month is one at which you will sure get your money's worth. Not only Will you dance to the music of Bing Miller but we hear that Russel Bierman is going to give an exhibition on the proper way to hatch eggs. He is going to start setting any day now so the hatch will be ready for the big night. 'Life and Works of Cezanne' Form Theme for Club's Regular Session. The French artist Cezanne, his life and works, will be the theme of a meeting of L Cercle Fran cais tonight at 7:30 in room 219 of Morrill hall. Philip Romlegh and Arlo Mun ioe, students in the romance lan guage department, are to give short talks about the artist. The latter half of the program will be musical, the "Bolero" by Kavcl being played. At the next meeting of the club. April 13, a special program of Easter music will feature Bach's "Passion of Our Lord According to St. Matthew." Eighty percent of Villanova college students would not fight for the U. S. in a European war. Most of the students there be lieve President Roosevelt is most popular man In the U. S. Th DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE "A Good Tochers Agtney" 1918-1938 Coma in end Ste V$ (43 Btuirt Bldfl. Lincoln, Nbr. You Will Always Look Your Best In Saiiitone Cleaned Garments Send Spring Clothes NOW -COATS, HATS, KNITS, SUITS. Just Phono 12377 MODERN CLEANERS Soukup & Westover 21 and O Streets "34th Year in Lincoln" Mild ripe tobaccos. . and r & pure cigarette paper J .... these Chesterfield 4 V ingredients are the best a cigarette can have 8 if J? " Q -V ' o i ' ,1 x s f : " v A ' rffTir ' IF A J t J r . r 1mm- ; i tat j . yjj fo,VSL"S r t I , Ui Jsv. S , Iff y fatypu:etyoy in Chesterfields . . the reason they give so many smokers more pleasure... is the full flavor and aroma of mild ripe home-grown and aromatic Turk ish tobaccos, blended like no other cigarette. The Champagne cigarette paper used in making Chesterfields is pure burns without taste or odor... it's the best cigarette paper money can buy.'ll find MORE PLEASURE in Chesterfield's milder better taste Coryiiiht 19)1, Ligoitt Myim Tmacco Co.