PACE FOUR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 23. 1938 BY THE HAUNTER We stand corrected. The gal that exposed Nate Holman to the swollen jowls was Ann Steven seon, not Ann Stewart. Then there is Firman Samuel son, Sigma Nu, who has found the one gal, just who we are not sure. He wants to do the affair up right, but he fears the con stant tubbing that usually ensues when a man hangs his pin. So. for weeks he has been pondering over the situation. Now he has de cided that a way out will be to hang his Gamma Lambda, band Take advantage of this ... Student Special Beautiful DESK LAMPS Very $ri 19 Special ii THIS study I .imp It not only useful but highly decorative. It has a practical bate with compartment for dipt, rubber bands, etc., and grooves to hold pent and pencilt. It's a remark, able value at this ex tremely low price I CHEAPPER SYSTEM fraternity pin, and retain the white star, Soon Harry Prouty, DXJ, should be offering the boys smokes as a result of his long standing affair with June Stebbins, Pi Phi. But knowing Harry and his yen to do things in the ultra ultra manner, we believe that he will not stop with the traditional stogies. His offering will probably be kay woodie pipes. Young Prouty pos sesses over 30 tobacco burners, we are told. Yesterday Ruthie Huston, ki owe, was ill and was given hypos by the doc. Hypos, it seems, have strange effects on little Ruthie. This time she was a bit delirious and swore she was holding a tete a tete with the seven dwarfs. She talked to them in a falsetto most of the afternoon and finally rose and procured cigarettes for all her mythical friends. We don't know who really smoked them. Her prize antic of the afternoon was gazing into her hand mirror, eyes closed, and saying, "They're going to make me just as pretty as Snow White." Today she remembers nothing. Wednesday night there was a picnic on the Tri Delt lawn, one of the first intra-campus picnics of which we have heard. Gordon Uhri, Ki Fl, and Betty Van Home, Triple Delt, and a couple of com rades were the outdoor lovers. The affair was surprisingly successful in spite of the proximity of things, we understand. The Sig Eps have always had trouble raising a good lawn. After an Informal meeting, they agreed to hold all their little sessions on the front lawn to stimulate the tender foliage, If you know what we mean, Theta situation doing well. The Delts sent their pledges to respective sorority houses as a phase of hell week. Chet Brown was delegated to the kite kastle. Since that time Brown has hound ed the actives for another hell week. SOCIETY 1325 0 St. Lincoln, Nebraska J By Dixie Davis. More Initiates came from the Acacia and Pi K. A. houses Acacia Hllligass, and last but not least, Omar Qualset, Gene Beck, Cliff has Jimmy Minnick, Elton Wiley, Ed "Odd' Sherwood. PI K. A. boasts of six new ac tives, namely, Wilbur Simmons, Allan Frel, Don Wery, Dwight Burncy, Herbert Dow, and Bill Randall. A little story has come to pass, as to how Ed Sherwood got his name, "Odd." It all came about last Sunday when he and Olive Williams, Tri Delt, and Dot Card Chi O, with her date Herbie Heiu- man went on a picnic. Evidently the ground was a wee dab wet, so they couldn't find a suitable place. Finally they decided to a wheat field, and since then Ed make camp out in the middle of has taken on the name "Odd." Apologies to Virginia Stalder and Lucille Cox whose names were omitted in the list of Chi O offi cers. Virginia is the state rush chairman and Lucille the herald. ROSA BOUTON HALL WINS SILVER CUP FOR FOLLIES SKIT (Continued from Page 1.) of pink roses by Jane Barbour, re tiring president of the A. W. S. board, which sponsors the annual affair. Miss Rehlaender is a junior from Lincoln in Teachers college and a member of Delta Gamma so rority. She was chosen by the A. W. S. board from 15 candidates entered by their respective or ganized houses. Carrie Belle Raymond opened the Follies revue with a "Japanese Garden" where . colorful kimonas and mincing shuffles gave atmos phere to a trio, a toe dancer and a solo from "Madame Butterfly." A rhythmic take off on an ac tive chapter meeting of a soror ity was next chanted thru by Sig ma Delta Tau's. In the hop-jumping "Marriage of Little Nell," lanky Nellie, the hero, Ma, Pa, villain and preacher swayed from beginning to end in the Alpha Chi Omega act. "Cuckoo Carnival," "Who?" Chi Omega's followed the Bou- ton hall skit with a "Cuckoo Car nival," starring a human calliope and Jo-Jo, the Monkey Boy. witn tap-dancing, acrobatic dancing, singing and sawing to an Imitation of Tommy Dorsey, the PI Beta Phi's decided "Who?" to put in their Coed Follies skit. Mellcrdrammer at Its height was staged by the Frankie and Johnny of the Barb A. W. S. League's act. Frankie, a red-kimonoed ver sion of Joan Crawford, emoted over her love affair, while the barbershop quartet rendered a running account of the story. "Manhattan in Rhythm' in sparkling black and chromium, gave Delta Gamma singing and dancing talent a chance to shine. Last skit on the revue schedule, Gamma Phi Beta won honorable mention from the judges with a fashion parade from a Gay Nine ties girl to a flapper of '28. As mistress of ceremonies of the style . show, Sarah Louise Meyer described the models' wearables as they appeared, from morning robes, to evening gowns, the lat ter modeled by the Best-Dressed Girl candidates. Irene Sellers was in charge of the style revue and Velma Ekwall In charge of skits. A Sigma Alpha Iota string quar tet composed of Frances Spencer, Vee Louise Marshall, Constance Baker, and Selma Hill also sang In the show. On Most Assuredly, It's a Lie! Gabriel Heatter, conductor of the "We, the People" program broadcast over CBS on Thursday evenings states that housewives and students have the most in teresting lives. I'm not one to say whether or not he is right, but here's some more of what he says. The Listener's Committee of "We, the People" strives to pick individuals with the most inter esting experiences to talk about on the program, and since the broadcast started last fall, house wives have led all other occupa tions on the program. There have been no sailors, policemen, or even motorcycle cops. Students rank second in num bers of persons interviewed, but that remains a matter of opinion, that is, as to whether or not a student's life is interesting. Cowboys, firemen, engineers, explorers, farmers, and everything from button hole makers to west ern union boys and pretzel manu facturers, not to mention a pro prietor for country club dogs. Lot of work, Little play. Don Voorhecs' orchestra plays some five or six minutes during the half-hour "Calvalcade of America" program, a CBS feature. Don spends, however, a whole day looking up arrangements for his 35 piece band to use during the program, then has his musicians rehearse their five or six minute part for two hours. The band plays three minutes for the over ture and two or three minutes altogether for the musical bridges between scenes. McCormack: Singer And Politician John McCormack, beloved Irish tenor, has announced thru the me dium of the radio that he would accept the presidency of Ireland if he is eligible under the new Irish constitution and "if the people of Ireland want me." Appearing as guest on Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour over NBC, the great singer said, "I have not had any official invitation, but so many of my friends in Ireland had written me to throw my hat into the ring I cabled to my son Cyril in Dublin to find out of I am eligi ble for the position under the new constitution. Of course I would be . . . honored and proud ... to be considered for the exalted position. If the people of Ireland want me, I will jrn." Today's Radio Highlights. KFAB. Kdln . Hll. noaUr t arter orchestra Paul W'hlteman's I I Ml AM 1 I I Ml AM SOPOJtTrfiA J 5 i Organised Union Bands Brck-JiinKhllllh-Cilbrinn, U2 So, 25th. F21!f,8, B404II, t-WU lohn (J. Vmx Varsity Club Orrn. 210 No. 28th I.V728 (lay Felttner, S10 e). ?sth R2H6I tarl Hill, tl2 N Bt BM21 Dave Haun, IH)M go. nth. ..R2(MIH Krn Nrlarn, 82(10 K Ht., BJOIW, L62M limy Nichols, 1117 L Mt...BI341 Mrl rtT. 240 N. 81th M18I0 tit Sheffert, 2122 Ererett F165 1 mimmmmmmmmmm i.i in WW yvyiiwE llio" I!: mAnieriran Srhool of the Air. S:Sn p. 1:00 p. 1:30 p. m. and rHt. H:0o Hollrwood Hotel. II:M i. ni. Mntj and Andrews KHters. 10:411 p. m. eienrrr Ol.rn . "" 1 1 :(Hl p. m. Kimmy Kaye orrhr.tra. 11:30 p. m. Ted Florllo's orrhestra. KFOR. ,, Siiulrrrl !mlitrr. m i , s. Marine hand. ,', athrdral I'hnlr. ll..llvnnl HlthlllthU. m. Buddy R"K'riT nrrhenlra. 12:15 2:00 2:45 A:I0 11:1(1 111:15 11:00 KOI1.. 5:00 Maurlre Siiltalney's orrhrttra. ' m.lltmniv llnrwy's nrrhr.tra. n), (iny Iimbarilo's orchestra. 1:0n p. m. Grand Central Stall; 1:.H0 p. m. Death allry Days. :00 p. m. Ttm and Irrne, 10:. W P. m. Henry Bllxf'i lrhelra 11:30 p. m. Kay Kyw-r'a orchestra. ' wow. S:!tn p. ni. Hiljhfiree., :lft P. m. 1 lirle rir.m. 1:110 p. m. ('Hie Service Concert. R:.Hn p. ni. True StorleH. 0:00 p. nt. Flrnt NlKhter. 0:30 p. ni. .Mmmy I-Idler, 10:45 p. ni. Oanre Muilc. "The good die young." How old are you? Our table trays fit DOWN INSIDE your ear, front and back seat for Curb Service. The White House N. E. 77. Beautiful Dining Room Tool ;:jji;;j:j::::::::;:::;:::;:::;::::;;:::::::::::j;jjj:j-fl CARBURETOR U.S. Pat. No. 2,013,106 vtci i n f SZ UPDRAFT BOLE New way of bum ins tobacco better, cooler, cleaner. Car- buret or-Action cools smoke. Keeps bottom of bowl absolutely dry. Caked with'honey. At dealers' now. LATEST DISCOVERY IN PIPES Have more fun pay leaa (or the trip going borne for spring vacation by Super Coach I It's th last word in smart, smooth highway travel. Frequent schedules, con venient depots, low fares. UNION BUS DEPOT 320 So. 13th B7071 mm mm mB Based on a survey which no one has made, It is predicted that by 1950 the world will be completely cellophaned and zlpperized. Knowledge Is power but only wisdom can harness it. LASSIFIED ADVERTISING IOC PH UNE 1 Stop at HAF'S for a cold glass of fresh buttermilk. All you can drink for 5c. LOST Brown key holder containing car and house kevs. Lost between library and Temple Theater. Mrs. Ethel Bartley. I'hone F2725 or Grad uate School of Social Work. LIBKRAL REWARD for Information leading to recovery of diploma of Reglna Holromb. B35M. 1035 So. 17th. "Coy, l'rr Wee, how did you do it? I thought only girls wore allowed in that show. You certainly pulled a fast one to get this ntwjj out." "Aw Khuckx, chum, it wasn't anything at nil. Even Smith Davis was there, and Bill Clayton with hl.s camera. Think nothing of it. I told you 1 would yet you the news, didn't I?" Well, the it'Ht of the conversation is tin norcssaiy, c.xrpt for us to outline for you follows the mil low down on the Follies of tost evening u.s Too Wee saw them from the rafter on the west Fide. Hush Boutrm Hall won the cup for the best skit, but Cl'.t Omeii would have won the mug for the best rrmaik of the hIiow. They were staging a mock Hide how Prime among the attractions on display in front of the big tent were the .Siamese twins. They were hltrhed together in the usual manner when the haiker announced " thai a their tnln (tail) and they're nttirk with it." Not bad for s hunch f KlrlH. Peg Prwuo an a mermaid really knocked your eyes nut. Pc Wee nays he is gf.lng to buy a pair of water wings next pay day and see If there are any more where Peg came from. We Hlways wondered whv Margaret Munger was so small and we Just fennel out. It seems that she has been train ing on "nails and glue" to ful fill her role as Atlas. And before we tell you more, here's a real tip to you fellows. There are some of the latest lounge model suits at GOLD'S that you should see pronto. They're single breasted and have four buttons on the coats. You can step out with any of these Follies girls in these swell numbprs. To get back to the girls. The winning nklt showed moments In the lives of college girls that tended to make life worth living. Of course the Campus Cop always showed at the wrong time but the girls were ccrtRlnly having fun. Pee Wee snys that If you could have seen Barbara- Vlnlng and Marjorle Horton pitching woo they would be the most popular girls em the campus. They really know how to do It. Pee Wee thinks that If you could split the couple up, there would be t coup! of dates par excellence. Bird's Eye View of the Co-ed Follies Pat Peterson must have it pretty bad. She couldn't even leave the boy friend's picture at home while she appeared in the Pi Phi act, but carried Jim's picture on the stage to be ad mired by all. Jim Is from Holdrege and is pretty gejod looking, Pee Wee says. Too bad for all Pat's suiters here. I guess they Just don't rate. Another fine date would be Fran Dilger of the Gamma Phi Beta house who was attired as a flapper of a few years past. Short skirt, wiggle walk, and trimmlns completed her cos tunic. Thais Haley was no slouch cither In her gown of the nineties. Only one thing is bothering Pec Wee. He says he can't figure out what the winners of the skit contest arc going to do with the big rup they won. He says It's almost large enough for him to take a bath In. The style show whs pretty good too. The girls would romo out and take off their coats while the audi ence applauded. Pec Wee says he beat his wings together too, but they didn't take any more off. He was pretty disappointed. He says he guesses Gipsy Rote Lee was not among the per formers. There were some swell look ing formals on ellsplay, to say nothing of what was In them. You could tell that some of the better looking ones had come from GOLD'8 new stock of spring formals In pastel shades, They are plenty fancy. The PI Phi chapter turned out en masse and must have been the first ones there for they got all the front seats where their ap plause could be best heard by the Judges. Next time you girls may be abft ' j get special reser vations In the orchestra pit. And that Just about polishes off Pee Wee's Impression of a swell show. Congratulations Jane Barbour and all your crew. But you bet ter watch out for Pee Wen, See you Sunday, Panned by Rudge'spashion Salute A universal favorite! Navy is the one safe color to buy for second season wearing. Navy is twice as important this spring because it is the perfect foil for accessories in baroque tints. Chanpc tlio small, important details of your costume from Parisand to wood violet and you transform the en tire appearance of your smart navy dress. Wight now, our as sortment of navy dresses is most extensive. P To NAVY to Th v A Navy sheers or crepes Navy with cool white iV'j H f Navy with Parma violet - vT f V V; l, Navy with Baroque pastels Ifwjr S f t" J . .... i: iy v M 4 I M V , (iur ) If I !5 ' lA it A eV'V? WW RUDCE S FASHIONS Floor Two.