The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1938, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Jicw oj (lie Stores
We're in the mood for Spring
end store windows intrigue us. So
we go window shopping and "aisle
counter" shopping, but we don't
buy anything yet ... we want to
look around a bit and let ourselves
get saturated with all the bright
color of this year's spring.
We're just looking, and we
hope the store clerks don't mind
too much, for a little while at
least, if we toll them when they
want to help us, that we are just
"looking." It takes a lot of look
ing to put one's spring wardrobe
together in one's mind before one
gets down to the fine points of
Perfume for a Lift.
To get us in the mood to shop
around for the
quick change
things that spell
"Spring" wc stop
in first to sniff
around for a new
perfume scent to
match our mood.
Gone are the
heavy gardenia
and exotic scents
and in their place have come the
light floral scents . . . violet, lav
ender, carnation, honeysuckle, li
lac. Colognes are becoming more
and more popular, and besides
they are less expensive.
"Clear Sailing" from the house
of Worth is like the whiff of a
summer sea breeze, cool and re
freshing, a new light perfume for
any and all occasions. It has only
been on the maiKei ior a ycai mm
so is considered quite new.
For sports and general daytime
wear we suggest "Cuir de Russie"
by Chanel, which comes in a co
has more of a spicy, sturdy scent,
has more of a spicy, study scent.
Rock Garden" by Caron and
"Camelia du Marco" by Ciro are
typical of the light spring scents
in approval. These arc all at Ben
Simon's on first floor.
Something to remember ... co
lognes are fast taking the place of
scented bath powders and may be
found in very many well known
Blended Accessories are Musts.
We like the counter displays
that blend perfumes, purses,
gloves, handkerchiefs, and bouton
nieres so that they make glorious
splashes of color on our "winter
grayed" mind and make us want
to buy . . . anything, just so we
can buy. .
Flowers climb white trellises in
counter displays and flowers adorn
the Gibson Girl bonnet, the breton
sailor, and any other hat that has
room to tuck a posy in it. Bonnets
are veuen, nisvu-ri-ly,
like they were in
the good old days,
sailors are veiled,
some with the good
old motor veil, t oo.
There arc feathers
and bows as well us
flowers on milady's
hat. ami milady s
spring hat is either felt or straw
We are captivated with the adap
tation of the Tyrolean peak to the
new Snow White hat. You will
find all of these and many more
at Vera's Hat Shoppe, in a price
range from $1.98 to $5.00. You 1
find them in pavisianne, in bril
liant purple, in royal blue, and
copper sun. .. .any color to match
any ensemble.
We reallv don't intend to start
backwards in our buying or even
looking, altho we did when we
looked at accessories first. We
know that any new wardrobe be
gins with a suit or coat and then
a dress but we would rather skvp
formalities and look et the very
newest thing in women's wear
the Hopsacklng Dress. The ones
from Hollywood, that are being
shown exclusively in Lincoln at
Hovland Swanson's, have wide
bands of red quilted embroidery
Towers embroidered collars, brief
sleeves, sashes, wide embroidered
belts, with blue, green and yellow
enhancing the flowers. Of course,
not all in one dress, but in the dif
ferent styles at Hovlnnd's, authen
tics from Hollywood.
Hats At You Like Them.
With all the hue and cry for
matched accessories, we have
often wondered why we couldn't
have hats made to order here in
Lincoln at a reasonable price in
,., tvl w liked. Now we've
found juat the place, Rowland's,
who make sailors, poke bonnets,
the mannish suit type hat, all in
all 26 different styles that can
be made up In 39 colors. The hats
are made by Rowland's from the
finest quality felt body obtain
able and are only $5.00.
Well, here's good luck on your
looking and shopping tours! All
we ask is that you don't crowd the
aisles and elevators too much so
that we can get thru to buy our
ewn spring clothes.
P. 8. Our secret
ambition is to
own one of those
very new and ul
tra smart low
slung h a ndbags
that hang down
on a strap from
the shoulder and
have a resting
place for your
hand to tuck in at the side. Like
this one In the picture.
Winter, spring, summer and
fall driving hint; Don't drive so
damn fast.
Sport Togs Set
Pace for Attire
of College Men
Color is gnllnpinp five lengths in the load of the sprint;
fashion race leaving plain navy blues, Macks, and browns in
the dust. As men's clothes approach 1 he spring; lap, colors
have become the long shot of the day. Green, the dark horse,
is a nose ahead of her nearest rivals, gray, blue and browns
wnich are running this spring in
deep tones which blend with
lighter shades of the same color
or with contrasting colors.
For suit materials, the betting
is heavy on herringbone for suits
and sports jackets also made of
light weight fabrics of Palm beach
cloth, Bermuda cloth, Congo cloth
and gabardine. Noticeable this
spring is the return of the chalk
stripe which reappears again after
an absence of two years. Plaids
are gradually falling back. Small
checks, overplaids, and the box
check are. holding their own.
Place your money on sports
jackets or the new bush coats and
slacks for campus wear. One of
the favorite outfits consists of a
green herringbone sports jacket
with plain brown, light green or
contrasting green alternating strip
slacks. The shoes are natural col
ored oxfords, pigskin being a
popular contender, appearing with
three hucd green sport socks.
Chalk Talk.
Another combination for the
campus is a dark blue, box check
sports jacket worn with gray
slacks. The shirt is gray with a
blue vertical stripe worn with a
harmonizing blue tie. Oxfords in
the new two-toned blue and white
set the combination off to the
best advantage. The recent inova
tion of bush jackets in gay sum
mer weight fabrics or the bright
hucd sport shirts worn outside the
trouser is another entrant.
For Easter Sunday and spring
parties, the pearl gray gabardine
or gray chalk stripe suit is com
ing to the fore. White shirts are
always for dressup occasions, this
time worn with a light blue tie.
Plain white shoes are good for
every occasion. One can wear a
white coat with either blue or
brown flannel trousers for spring
So when buying spring clothes,
don't forget that the best be is
color, lots of it.
Nets to You, as
Lace Reappears
Romance is the trend in spring
formal fashioils as evidenced by
bodices fitted and fancy, oy skirts
full and gauzy, and by sho-jlit..
lines with ruffles and ruches.
While the romantic movement has
been apparent for several seasons
its interpretation seems to have
reached new estimates now.
It is the off-shoulder decollatage
that gives the season's evening
gowns their newest look, and this
flattering line appears in many
versions in ruffles, ruches, bands,
tiny sleeves, ami fichu drapes.
Gowns with these off-shoulder
lines and gowns with the newer
milded and strapless dccolletagc
are musts in formal dress.
Waistlines Lengthen.
The long waistline is another of
the leading trends in evening fash
inns, and one that is strong in
collections. Pans gave the lower
waistline generous endorsement.
Often the lower edge of the bodice
reaches to the top of the hips and
the waistline is indented but not
necessarily belted.
The fancy bodice gaily orna
mented in feminine ways and
fitted bodices with ruches or ruf
fles or flowers at the neck and
with free appliques and embroider
ies five a light touch and show a
new interest in decoration.
Lace Returns.
An evening style of more inter
est to American universities is the
revived chiffon and lace dinner
gown. Most of them are short
sleeved shirtwaist types, with the
lace of matching black, dark blue,
or white to the chiffon, which may
be pleated and which makes the
dress with the lace always delicate
and sheer.
The romantic vein must have its
effection on evening wraps for
when the fckirts of the dress are
full, Jong ones would crush them
while too short ones would be too
modern to harmonize. Capcleta or
shawls are the solution, of fabrics,
fur, or feathers.
Daytime Dresses
Up Two Points
Daytime dresses are short, 14 to
17 inches, even shorter than last
year. But you must consider your
figure, your height, and the shape
of your legs before determining
the length of your dresses.
One noticeable trend of the day
time dress is the lowered lines.
The lowered waistline is especially
flattering when it Is coupled with
the skirt accenting width by
pleating A popular model has
bloused waist, fitted girdle, and
full pleated skirt.
Besides the one piece version of
the lower waistline, there are
others in two piece forms, fre
quently without a belt and fre
quently suggested in double belts
and bands, in embroideries and
seamings and lndraped girdles.
The bolero costume are used
in late spring and early summer.
Some of the tiny jackets are
fitted zipping or buttoning up the
front. The dress might be a
short sleeved dark blue wool,
maybe checked in a tiny plaid, or
a small dark print design.
Nebraska Males
To Go in Green
Store clerks say Nebraska men
have gone green conscious. For
suits, green is the popular fancy
cither in herringbone or gabar
dine. Herringbone is found in self
or two-tone fabrics, and the new
n'ote is for the stripes to run
diagonally instead of vertical.
Practically any style suit is
popular including both single and
double breasted with the semi
draped front effect. The new
three button, single breasted suit
is found with a vent back. Shirred
backs and the half belt back with
three soft inverted pleats come
with the double breasted suits.
Clerks say that a rather long
jacket is in demand and welt
pockets are almost universal.
Mixed suits are rapidly catching
popular interestt. The models are
simplified and the accent is color.
Jackets are three buttoned with
a roomy chest, plain back, and
center vent. Or backs may be
loose and comfortable with full
bellows pleats, pinch backs, or
the belted with pleats style.
Men Seek Comfort.
Slacks are also being designed
to insure more comfort. The knee
is full, there usually being a four
inch difference between the knee
and the smaller cuff. The front is
pleated to the outside. When the
slacks contrast with the jacket,
they are usually gray, but seR
weave trousers in small herring
bones of a lighter tone to match
the jacket are also being sold.
With plain colored jackets, slacks
are showing a trend to stripes.
Prevailing colors in men's suits
are browns, tans, bluish-gray, bluish-green,
and gray. White Congo
cloth, Bermuda cloth and Palm
beach cloth will be found for most
of the summer suits while for ear
lier this spring broad herring
bones, a plain brown and blue flan
nels, chalk stripes and gabardine
will be the leaders.
New Spring Sport
Shirts Go African
Wearing sport shirts outside
your trousers is the newest sug
gestion from Monsieur Fashion,
they're vastly more comfortable
and cooler for the humid summer
air. The newest note in this type
arc pullovers wh'ch have two or
three buttons. Gussets at the
side add a touch of style.
In all stylos of sports shirts,
comfort and freedom of action
are the by-lines. Jacket models
are also found with two chest
patch pockets, worn either inside
or outside your slacks. Bush jack
ets are increasingly popular for
campus wear. Thesa are fashioned
with four pockets, shirred back,
button down front and full belt.
Color dominates the field of the
sport shirt with solid colors the
most popular, hut medium sized
checks, overplaids, and stripes are
also being bought. The mesh
weave will be the coolest for sum
mer while for spring, rough fab
rics in linens and cottons will be
the leaders. Bush jackets are
featured in white linen crash.
Somebody could get rich selling
cotton stockings if he would ad
vertise them thus: "Cotton stock
ings are more durable, economical
and comfortable than stockings
made of silk, but they are not
flattering. They are recommended
only for girls with trim and shape
ly iegs."
Gibson girl effect (
dress with an adap- (
tation of the Mexican
sombrero. j
Spring is a new way of looking at things . . . fashion is a point of view on spring. Stylos
are meant to be adapted, not. copied. "Dress up'' 1his spring, to your own type, and not. down
to sonic decreed style. You're an individual, and 1 he success you have in adapting the current
mode to your own type will make you that much more a distinctive personality.
The best Ionic in the world for "Spring 1'over'' is . . . Got Some New Clolhos!
The Whole World Cooperates
lo Produce 'Feminine Fluff
If you've the idea that Paris i
fashions are truly Parisian, delve
with us into the lives of today's
designers and become one of the
"knowing" persons. For although
"chic," and "Schiaparelli" seem to
be just too Frenchy, you may be
surprised to learn the true facts.
For Schiaparelli herself is an
Italian. She has been designing
the world's leading fashions for
some fifteen years. This season she
has brought the circus into
fashion. Silly clown hats, suit
skirts gathered at the waistline,
and lady bareback rider's tops to
evening gows all bring the three
rings into our spring life. In after
noon prills the circus theme pre
dominates, with small clown-like
figures, acrobats, and animals on
navy, brown or black.
Italian Boleros.
The clothing novelty of this sea
son is the bolero and sash set, for
which Schiaparelli is partly re
sponsible. She also brought the
Chinese effect to evening wraps
by designing the long, slit sleeves
and straight bark lines. The color
which this Italian brings us is
typical of her native land and of
the theme she expresses Caliope
Red. This is a brilliant, circus-like
shade used throughout Schiaparcl
li's spring fashions.
Note also for her the origin of
the tall peaked hat, the partly
crushed high hats in felt, poke
bonnets, and pillboxes with scarfs.
English Evening Gowni.
Again we turn to a world
Glimpses o( familiar figures on
the campus in spring togs . . .
fellows have been brightening the
campus with bright jackets, there
I is A. T. O. Claude Wilson's wine
beer jacket. Dick Barkcs, Bill
Shock, Bill Buchanan of the S.
A. E. house wearing shades of
green, tan and blue . . . Jimmy
Pearson, Delt, has a white linen
crash Bunh Jacket, along with
: Leonard Dunker, D. U., who owns
! a gray gabardine . . . Houghton
Furr has kept Puzy Bradford wor
ried by donning a lmid plaid jacket
...Rut Bcb Thornton still clings
to his tattered winter cost, maybe
one of the fellows will loan him
one of his precious jackets...
The girls seem lo be ignoring
the artii-le In ycstenlHy's RAG
and are wearing sucks plus saddle
shoes. . .Corky Ashton, Alpha Thi.
is replacing her hnbit of haunting
the campus with jodphur boots
in favor of saddle shoes, as is
Theta's Bettv Brown . . . Jane Bell
and Peggy Durland. Kappa have
ankle socks of every hue...
Candy Stripe, Umm.
Alpha Chi Omega's best dressed
girl, Theora Nye, has a black net
formal embroidered with turquoise
flowers it is grand with her red
hair. . .Another formal which was
worn at the Alpha Sig party is
A. U. T. T. Inez Haney's candy
stripe organza Irene Seybold.
beauty queen candidate, looks
lovely in her lavender organza for
mal with boulonnier of violets
at the waist. . .At the Junior-Senior
Prom Theresa Stava, Gamma
rhi, wore a flowing peach chiffon.
Suits are without a doubt the
handiest things for a college girl,
and so suits are found anywhere,
anytime. . .Tri Delt Betty Van
Horn has a yellow-green gravel
knit ensemble, her coi;t is yellow,
and the accessories are earth
brown... Chi Omega, Pinky Kry
ger, looks girlish In her light blue
wool, contrasting are the navy
blue poke bonnet, purse. and
wedge heeled sandals. . .Margaret
Owen, Ti 1'hl, causes sighs of envy
fit M
famous designer; again he is not
French. This time we find Moly
neux, an Englishman. This year
Molyncux exalts the 19th century
charm in evening gowns in stiff
satins or sheer fabrics with under
crinoline. Quaintly, he uses the off
shoulder dccolletes to add to the
whimisical touch.
For daytime wear the English
man triumphs. By bringing com
fortable shirtwaists in sports
woolens, pleated skirts, loose fin
gertip length jackets with simple
short sleeves, he strikes the femin-
ne passion for simplicity.
Skirts, says Molyneaux, should
be 15 or 16 inches from the floor.
He advocates saucy 1iats, high,
C"i It a taH rn". L-1 i r i tr oil
and he adds that yellow is the big )
nuuiii W IllvnilllVO, fllliail L'l 1111.1, I
color this season. Use it with
brown or black, let it be a straw
colored yellow of 8- brilliant maize.
Nebraska Silhouette.
Nebraska's own Mainbocher is
America's contribution to the "Big
Three" of designers. He is quoted
this season as recommending the
"School girl," bloused, full skirted
silhouette. To Mainbocher color is
a big feature, and he combines
yellows, navies and browns in
striking effects. He uses warm
nut-browns, lively rose, yellow
beige, porcelcin blue and British
tan in his styles.
And so you see, your Paris fash
ions may come to you with cloths
made in Japan and England, de
signed by an Italian, British, or
American stylist, and manufac
tured anyplace from Brooklyn to
when she is seen at the T. P. in
an English tweed walking suit of
brown, yellow and beige. . .Dusty
Here is one of the new plaid
sport jackets that are so popular
when worn with plain colored
skirts for campus attire. The crew
necked sweater and the beanie
match one of the many shades
used in the plaid.
pink and rcseberry are the shades
chosen by Marjorie Melville, Kap
pa, for her two-piece soft wool en
semble. . .Helen Able, Alpha Phi,
chosea a three piece suit of pale
gold and dusty blue; the lop coat
has a red fox collar, her accessor
ies are Italian tan with purse and
shoes of alligator. . .
Twin Outfits.
Those Delta. 'Gamma favorites,
Betty Mumford and Margaret
Krause choose matching jackets
and skirts in contrasting colors,
navy and british-tan Hokie
Weaver, Alpha Chi, favors slate
blue and rasbcrry which she. wore
last week-end to the S. A. E....
Finger - tip bright
I plaid box coat worn (
I with the pill-box hat.
Ears have come into their own.
Dame Fashion this year features
dramatic jewelled clips to outline
the natural curve of the ear. For
a daring innovation try clipping
pearls on top of your ears instead
of the lobes. Get clips to match
the color of your dress.
the Coed Follies, has a matching
coat and dress of dusty blue, the
coat is trimmed with a white fox
collar, she shoes, hat, gloves and
bag are parisanne. . . .N a t a 1 i e
Rehlacnder's blue olive printed
dress and navy wool coat are stun
ning with her red hair.... In try
out for best dressed girl. Henrietta
Wilson, Gamma Phi, wore a three
piece biege dressmaker suit, the
coat and ascot are of rose, the
cape and accessories in black....
The fellows seem to be waiting
a while before donning their new
spring togs. .. .Although Hal Hal
sted, Alpha Sig presirlen. has
some calfskin shoes with heavy
soles and blocked tors which are
okay.... And Boh Sandburg A. T.
O. has a green sport coat that
rivals Smith Davis'. D. U.. Es
quire clothes. .Johnny Wolcott and
Kermit Hansen, of the Beta house,
promise to forget about their
motheaten horse blanket Jackets
and wear store-boughten clothes..
Dwarf iet?
Mary Anna Cockle is the first
to introduce the little dwarf caps
from "Snowwhite," she has a belt
of matching red suede. .. .Other
girls wearing caps and bolero
jackets are Betty Hillyer, Frances
Williams, Ellen Anderson, Dclorcs
Bors, and Mcp Wagner....
Dresses for the afternoon are
still best.... Lucy Jane Williams,
D. G., has a black and white silk
with contrasting accessories....
The popular jumper shirt and
blouse are worn by Betty Ann
Patton, Tri Delt, to the informal
dances Dixie Davis, Chi
Omega, has a brown silk print
trimmed in bright green collar
sash, and zipper., she chooses
clever british tan shoes, hat,
gloves, and bag Walking down
toward the campus yesterday was
Lois Hamster. A. O. Pi. with a
hyacinth blue dress
Lucky Margaret Beatty, Chi
Omega, has a silver and henatlte
bracelet which her father brought
to her from rails Doe Young
has a belt of D. G. anchors woven
in Indian Means liny Alpine
dolls decorate Mary Ruth Rhoades'
sport dresses, a gift of her sorority
I mother, Slim Meyer
Brilliant Colors
Liven Milady's
Spring Outfits
Hosto man.juana! Look what's here! Bolero's, sombrero's,
loud colors, and hieraches. That little glamorous and colorful
country below the Rio Grande is going to influence the smart
wardrobe, of the campus coed this spring.
The bolero's will be short full, pleated, flared, and tailored.'
Suits to Match
Female Whims
The suits the thing.... to suit.
In the portfolio of the Paris de
signers suits are c o 1 a r 1 e s s
trimmed with grotesque ribbon,
buttoned at the waistline, always
pleated, softly teilored like the
school-girl's, and- often times
trimmed in fur.
Reefers capture the carefully
trained eye and capes swirl in
the April breezes. Tailored suits
topped by a cape, loosely swinging
coat, or a pleated coat takes care
of the coat problem.
A woolen suit of mulberry, with
a china-pink crepe blouse and a
sulphur yellow turban glows like a
tray full of precious gems. It also
shows you what you can get away
with in this spring of color and
variety. Never forget those flat
tering shades of blue that look so
masterful with crisp white blouses.
Black with a vertical chalk stripe
of white lends dignity and chic to
your ensemble.
Pleats Are the Rage.
Short, short bolero suits with
front pleated skirts, below the hip
jacket with the new tapered drape
silhoutte, the hip-length peplum
jacket, a reefer suit, and the
finger-tip length furred, and the
tuxedo suits are being shown in
the best on 5th Avenue. Never
forget the saucy boxy swaggers
still hold a certain amount of
prestige, and that the designers
cry pleats, pleats, and more pleats.
Bound suits, cardigan suits, coat
suits, pocket suits, and bolero
suits form the basic factor in this
spring wardrobe.
But seen on the campus mostly
this spring will be plain skirts
with bright gay plaid jackets. All
of which is smartly tailored and
suited to the college girls ideas and
needs. One checked or striped top
per to add that bit of change so
many co-eds wish for the class
room. Then of course the plain
jacket, to match for the dressier
occasions. Gay colors, blues or
blacks in a becoming style is the
advice from those who know. Take
a dash of feminity, a splash of
color, and a new outlook for your
spring wardrobe.
Pigskin Is Back,
But to Remain?
Perforated for coolness, two
toned for contrast. Men's shoes
are slowly becoming more indi
vidual as shown by the new nat
ural colored pigskin trimmed in
brown, but the conventional oxford
with wing tips, straight tips,
bluchers, French toes still lead
sales. Crepe soles are definitely in
for campus wear along with saddle
shoes in combinations of white
with blue, brown or black.
For something different in cam
pus wear, try reverse calf bluchers
with crepe soles or brown and
white saddle shoes with a smooth
red crepe sole. A faddish note is
brown calf monk front shoes
which buckle at the side instead
fFd wi"J orTi8ai fll"1 Ji
another popular shoe. Moccasin
styled oxfords lead the way for
An unusual but interesting con
trast is made with two-tone gray
shoes worn with your green her
ringbone suit or brown slacks.
Brown combinations can be found
in British tan and brown or
medium tan and bark brown. For
dress shoes plain white or white
with the wing tip outlined in blue.
shoe experts suggest brown or
bl&ck for city or business; gray
for spring and summer flannels:
white for all around vacation use;
tan with white or ecru for informal
sport clothes; and blue and white
for dance and promenade.
Familiar College MaU'f
Plaid Top Coal.
All in gay prmts, loud stripes, and
a bit of Mexican fire, and then too ,
for the sake of femininity there '
are white and pastels in blta of
lace and silks of many varieties
which give that dainty touch to "
any dress. 1
Minus the hot sting of the sun
the influence of the Mexican peon
has hit the fashion files with full
steam ahead.
Femininity Returns.
Along the line of influence th
Gibson Girl of 1890 is putting in
her bit this spring? The" full blouse
and the pleated skirt, are bring
ing the naive sophistication back
to glorify these crisp spring days.
Things are getting feminine too.
Frilly additions to floating skirts,
ruffly organdy collars and cuffs
in pastel shades, dainty bodices,
and snug waistlines emphasize the
streamlined figure. Accordion
pleats, ruffles, lace, full waisted
frocks with full skirts and high
and low waitlines definitely tend
to the early years, which is hav
ing much influence on this gay
modern life. The college male likes
his coed feminine.
Happy Blue Year.
Banana-pink, canary-yellow, lip
stick red, pansy purple, complex
ion pink, and champagne (it
sparkles) are the new colors which
influence the wardrobe of many
a 'girl this spring. Those are only
a few of the new shades, but to
doll up and look like your smart
est it's blue. Molyneux, Main
bocher, and Lelong emphasize
navy blue. As one New York
newspaper puts it. "The biggest
blue spring since 1929 indicated aa
Paris rediscovers the great Amer
ican standby color." Blue is being"
done up with a fresh thrill crisp
white, candy stripes as snappy as
peppermint, and that devastating
jonquil shade. Saks Firth Ave
nue, Bonwit Teller, and McCreery
say "navy and white, blended
blues, navy with print, sky blue,
navy with pink, and two blues."
Through the haze of color this
year black still means sophistica
tion, white still stands for purity,
and they are still a favored com
bination with many people. Spring
may flaunt the new gaudjf or .
rather subdued colors but remem
ber those flattering stand-bys,
navy blue, black, and white.
Lace !s In Again.
In view of the fact that the
modern coed is going feminir.s, the
material of the clothes she wears
must be in tune with the type.
Lace, marquisettes, organzas, and
starched or unstarched chiffons
show clearly the filmy loveliness
that Is desired. These materials '
are very transparent which lends
to their frothy exquisitness. One
can wear these over satin or a
shiny material in bright pink over
dark pink, white over green, or
pink over blue to carry out the
contrasting colors that are so pop
ular this season.
Talking about cont"-asting col
ors the "fashion coiners" have
brought forth something new and
dashing concerning contrasting
colors. It works better with these
new frosty and waltzy materials.
Start at the top and work to the
hemline with different shades of
color, or if you wish a rainbow
of color. The shell pirk bodice
graduating to the darker shades
of pink will show evening coque
try. Gunny Sack Incognito.
That hopsacklng with heavy
yarn embroidery means originality
and chic. It may be sacking but
it doesn't fit like a sack. Coarse
materials in the bright colors are
the thing for the peasant dresses
which are still in running this
spring and summet. On the cam
pus in early spring the striped
and plain jersies, the very sheer
woolens, for dress-up occasions
the pastel lacy knits, unusually
well tailored. Try the tailored
silks and be sure their skirts are
full and pleated. (Schiaparelli puts
clusters of pleats in front and
back, Mainborker flaunts boxy
front pleats, and ChaneL knife
pleats, i
In suits and coats tweeds, flan
nels, and tailored plain matertaL
Gabardine is holding its own in
suits that are man-tailored. Taf
ettaa, grosgrain ribbon and sheer
materials wind up the parade for
the fashion minded.
Take a dash of femininity, a
splash of color, and have a new
outlook for your spring wardrobe.
Clever Doodads
Perk Up Suits i
Here are some tip for the girls
who like to wear those silly sodej
doodads which make old things
look new and exdt-j. . .Try bou
tonnieres that bloom gayly In your
buttonhole.... violets, crocuses,
geraniums, popples and prim
roses. .. .wear bright gloves of
cherry red, copper, turquoise, or
olive tie your navy blue sport
oxfords with Britiah tan laces to
match the heels and soles wear
the striped ankle socks which are
slit down the front make suits
interesting by wearing a dirndl
blouse. .. .add peasant caps and
matching girdles to your accesso-
rlrs take time and tark three
or fo ' pansie.s or velvet or gauze
and tie them round your wrints. ..