The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1938, Image 1

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Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
.VOL. XXXVII, NO. 9ii.
mm: ( KMS
Faculty, Lincoln
Celebrities Laud
Cathedral Choir
111 i
Cathedral Choir
To Present Series
Of NBC Programs
Vesper Guests, Students
Endorse Affiliation
With University.
To the Editor:
Since the Student Council expressed its good
faith and sponsorship of the affiliation of the Lin
coln cathedral choir to the university a number of
pertinent questions have arisen. In as much as the
council is the recognized voice of the students.
Prominent Lincolnites and mem- the position that it should rightfully hold on this
hers of the university faculty I campus demands that it should know the facts be
highly lauded the v ork of the Lin- j '"re not only voting on an issue, but especially af
coln Cathedral choir yesterday fixing the individual signatures of the members to
when asked their opinions about : a resolution of any kind. The special meeting that
1 was duly called to vote on the choir issue and to
find out more about the issue was no exception to
j the sound rule of acquaintance with the facta and
i the people involved behind these facts.
The resolution that was presented to the rc
i Rents, either in content or meaning has not changed
since the day it was approved but misunderstanding
: and hurried judgment has given birth to much of
i the opposition that has expressed itself in anony
mous letters to the Nebraskan and various student
; comments in general. It is only rcgretable that the
I dignity and high character of the issue has taken
I the form of mysterious phone calls to fraternities,
and printed malicious sheets posted in the Temple
; building, as well as the valuable classroom time de
voted to opposition of the affiliation.
This is not a personal issue and I am deeply
sorry that it has sometimes been misconstrued to
be that.
The good faith, intentions, and knowledge of
i the facts, by the leading proponents of the affilia
tion will be clarified and I sincerely believe will
! be highly justified and affirmed if the facts now
i in the hands of the regents and in the hands of
the Student Council representative would be gen
erally known. I choose to make a sincere ef
fort to clear up the essential issues and point out
in the best way I can, how many points of little
I consequence have been allowed to overshadow the
j proposition at hand.
The Affiliation: The purpose of the affiliation
is to ally the Lincoln Cathedral Choir with its alma
mater ,the University of Nebraska and by so doing
share the ultimate values, the aims and the promi
nence of the Choir with the solidarity and good
! faith of the University.
This has always been true yet it is miscon-
i strueii more than any other part of the issue. The
attachment does not involve regular departmental
Singers Open First of Six
National Broadcasts
Friday Afternoon.
The Lincoln Cathedral choir will
present a series of six programs,
nil typical of the choir's ideal
ia Cathedral where all mankind
gathers as brothers in a worship
I.inceln Jam a il.
Mayor 0. S. Cspeland.
5 V .
annexation. This was stipulated for two reasons
only. First: This is necessary to continue the choir
in its present form. Secondly: It is the original
wish of the council and the choir, since it has been
approached, that the affiliation shall not interfere
with the work of any department either in the au
ricular or extra-curricular activities. Any agree
ment, contracts or even hopes of existing faculty
members shall in no way be touched any more after
the affiliation than at the present time.
Before presenting the resolution before the
Council, the possible contents of this resolution and
the subsequent affiliation were studied and here
are probably the most pertinent facts: i
The NAME of the Lincoln Cathedral Choir will
be changed to "The Nebraska Cathedral Choir" ot
the University of Nebraska. 1
In matters of publicity, the name of the I'm-
versify of Nebraska will appear on all programs i
of the choir and in all appearances on radio, ami .
on any publications of the choir.
The choir definitely assumes the COST of its
music, any fees or salaries, library, robes ami tours.
The members agree to take part in the rhoir
without university CREDIT. As it has no other mo
tives such as offering credit to members, salaries
for directors or assistants, or activity ambitions to
the future Innocents or Mortar Boards, the choir
will not be subject to the usual activity eligibility
ruiil ri el irn Th.i iil'ttratnis isf the tnem tip ll M -i here- ,
tofore been a source of credit to the erouo but be- to;;,!.; . id
ealise the 27 hour and 12 hour rules would be in- ;
volved. the students taking special work now in the
choir would not be eligible, and as there are no !
substitutes trained for the choir, some other agree- i
ment would have to be worked out. All members of , "
the choir are alumni of the university and over 90 WC ' Vv 1
percent of the present members are enrolled in the jJ J t h
university. Some older members ot the cnoir nave ; i.Mnn.n
always been retained for the refinement of more jonn M. Rosborough.
mature voices and they act also in the capacity of .dirccts nationally famous choir.
chaperons on choir trips. ' , ... ...
The ONLY physical equipment and assistance before God - over the Columbia
the choir asks is in the matter of permanent quar- 'Broadcasting system beginning on
ters of such size and worth as to warrant expense Friday afternoon, at 2:15 p. m.'h"
of suitable furnishings financed by the choir. The national network broadcast during
present alumni office in the Temple Building is con- the Lenten season is one of the
sidered to fill the needs of the choir adequately, tirst nationwide broadcasts fiom
This choir, that has already attained an enviable Lincoln for some time,
national reputation among critics and prominent ! Titling the series. "Whither
(Continued on Page 2).
Today a Dream: Tomorrow a Reality
- lanr'iln J'iunci.
Dr. C. H. Patterson.
. . . they praise the choir.
it, and students on the campus
decisively endorsed the suggested
affiliation of th" choir with the
university. Last Sunday was spe
cial guest day at the Lincoln .';
th'd::il rhoir vesper .service and
people asked for interviews Were
cho ;cn mainly from those who at
tended the vespers then.
The wonl.s ol Mrs. Co. br an, the
wile of Gov. It. L. Cochran, were:
"I think the Lincoln CaMiediil
choir is doing splendid work and
I :i!ii proud that su h a group
roni-s from .N'ern and Lin
coln" Mayor Praises Spiritual Quality.
M iyi,r (''ipela'i l was equally
pi ml of tiie choir as an institu
ted of Liumlri "Tie- hoir offcis
wnn.'ei f i, limbic, i le-aiUly en
iloi -e joj, li an " f i ' i j 1 1 1 s 1 1 e; org in
iz a' on I ir ofler u,r ., Lincoln
sp:,:u,,l advantage,.- , ; r X i Hf X li i' ft 'Mi .fpr.3. ' fr 1S '
ii U 1 I have been ad,,,,.. is ut !, . JJ ' tr4r Vf-"f
wo-k. in te..-i.., . lie- -iifiii- '-f -;; 1-.i:iJki-!t4.'(.,.-iU'' X:r-'.." -mv "-
nine ol
I caoed
it is involved."
Devoted ti
hr f. II. I'attei.soii. ul the phi
1 .. ;ihy ili partniciit, s nd, I g n l
iii' the choir and lis af I ill il ioi. .
"Tie- Lincoln Calln-dial rhoir is an
institution that lias liecoue- C'-al
be, HIM' (if its dcVollOM lo H WOI I liy
ileal The organization is charac
terized t,y mm pillp'ise
(f Vintinucd on l'a;;e T!
A puiuie o the c ,l li'di al the.lral. which looms in the buk-
V.llllfl Will KOIIM-I'lV l" built as Ihi ion of tiie die im of Hie
Li, i n In C.ith - liil Coir nppears
idove In the f ii egioiin I njipearx
a Hiru tu:e which will b known as
the hoi, , o oin.i, 'ml vluc'i will
s-tvc- hi u chi'c'l until the :i
"round, can he built.
Should the Calhedral Choir he
come affiliated with the Uni-v-rily,
the cathedral would serve
on ti center for campus religious
aid ivil h-s. Provision is made in the
pl.itin for division of the cathedral
become Hie nnlividii il .si
every faith.
The designer, Arne Kngbeig, ".',2,
has borrowed from all slyl -s of tin
pist, Inventing new forms where
the past fails, in order t i present
in stone arid steel tin- id-il that
into hi nailer chapels which will , inspli "d d' 'esign.
Youth," the great choir and its di-
i rector. John M. Rosborough, will
portray youth's pilgrimage for the
i realization of a dream a great
Cathedral. Youth will view the
Bible story of Kuth portrayed as
a series of pictuies.
Pilgrimage of Youth,
lie will sing on his way. and as
he sings he will draw a spiritual
, interpretation from these pictures,
and he uill find himstdl nearer to
the realization of hi-: drcm in
-ai.h successive nrnurani. At las!.
he will come to the portals if his
Great Cathedra: on entering which
he joins in the I'roc.-ssional in i
,-sotig of priis . and th i i'; -i'ivin::.
Titles of Hi. si broad. -a -Is 'A, 'I
' I)-:
1. Youth begins his pilgrim.ig-i.
2. Ruth's renunciation.
3. Ruth gleans in the fidd.
4. Ruth's scng of happiness.
5. Naomi's prayer of thiniiscjiv
inq. 6. Youth sings his song of res
urrection. The Lincoln (Vthclial choir has
ben oiganicd for 1 'I v-ais under
the direct: ei ol .1 .hi, Kosliorouh.
It has COlUe to I) ' : s ile of
Americ'i's nio.! bcau'.ii'ul choirs.
It has received naiioi.-d ie, .igni
tion during th" past five vm
with its appearance, in Ne-v V nk
i Continued on Page i
Professor Talks on;?f
In Youth Eeforo Choir
In' r.
'Min ;:t eian-!( oli li'k on
")i.-be!;,.viiiu in You:ir' al I li
Gi-al Ci'h.di i cM er v-.-, it
.".) o'clock ! !,!.-. al'ler I al I h
I 'ir-r:h'is:.-r hotel. Sn. e i!,e , loir
will tot present anv Vesper V-lv-iceS
alter the en l 1. 1 ilii. nioriHi.
today's vcspci h mi will be one of
; Ib-ir last.
i The Lincoln stiing or chest r a will
'.play I he rece-Mioiial and proces
sional and the choir will s rig t
, lumbers.
Tin- vesper service will be op.-m
lo the public as always, in lhl
ballioom of the hotel.