THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, TUESDAY. MAIM 111 1. V)M. PACE TIIKEE Football Worhouts egm Spring n QdJldu An IivdcjcL ficwdol First Call Brings 73 Grid Prospects to Practice Field anu now mkin; pkacthk The quiet in the rear of chem hull was broken yesterday as the staccato thuds produced by numer ous feet kicking numerous foot balls market! the beginning of spring practice. The beginning of spring practice is the signal for all the arm chair quarterbacks to look over the prospects for the full campaign. The usual result is that the easy chair generals look over the team, shake their several heads and predict a bad season ahead. This year the "advisors" arc a bit dubious about the line. They point out that Charles Brock Is the only man left In the forward wnll that was in the starting line tip last season. The backfield does not cause so much worry as there are several good combinations re maining from last year. During Bible's term as coach, two schools won over the Scarlet consistently. For the benefit of the newcomers their names are Minne sota and Pittsburgh. Last year Major Jones removed the Gophers from the always victorious list but ntt stooil its ground. During D. X.'s regime it was charged, and I suppose sulficlently proved, that the University of Pittsburgh made no bones about buying players to produce the superb juggernaughts for which the Smoky City school lias become famous. Recently Chancellor John G. Bowman announced a sweeping change in the control of athletics at the University of Pittsburgh, shifting the control from the old athletic council to an all fac ulty committee. At the same time, the chancellor announced that a new code of athletics would be adopted and it was promised that eligibility rules would be tightened until they compare "with any in effect at Harvard, Vale, Princeton, Cor nell or the Big Ten conference." Dr. Bowman said that the change was suggested by the old athletic board and has the ap proval of the head football coach Dr. Jock Sutherland. Most of the new rules are already In effect, but the now code is formally effec tive today, March 1. With the assurance that some thing is being done at Pittsburgh about the amateur status of the Panther players it makes the Bif fer's job less disheartening. From all indications, Major Jones is go ing to leave no stone unturned that will keep the Huskers from win ning that game with Pitt next fall. Wrestlers Come to Life. In view of their previous show ings on the home mat, the Husk er wrestlers made a brilliant comeback Friday night to tie the Hawkeye bone benders. The season so far has been char acterized by a certain listless ness but It seemed that the Adam men borrowed a spark of life from a place unknown to NUBBINS CAGERS DEFEAT WESLEYANJN LAST GAME 'B' Team Concludes Season With Record of 12 Wins, 4 Losses. ft: Linemen Work on Correct Stance ; Backfield, Ends on Passing. Seventy-three men checked out football suits yesterday afternoon, greeting Major Jones in the first day of spring football practice at Memorial sta dium.. Twenty one footballs flew about the field as the players came racing out from the dressing room. Coach Browne put the men thru a pre liminary line of setting up ex ercises. Taking a workout along with the rent were coaches "Link" W.H.BROWNE Lyman and Glen Presnell, the lat ter a new addition from the Kansas U. backfield coaching staff. A few group pictures were taken by press men and drill began in earnest. Taking the linemen off to one side, Roy Lyman showed them the correct stance and other funda mentals. The backfield and the ends worked on passing. Later the entire outfit worked on going down under and receiving punts. No actual scrimmage took place. The practice field was used, al thn still a little soft. Major Jones had estimated that there were about BO loads of snow on the field, yet after being scraped up, some BOO loads were hauled off, weigh ing 50 tons. The field has also been limed. Thif lllrn Who rhiM'krtt nut mHh 111 flmt day nrf: Wnrrrn AMmiii, Jara Aah hnrn, lllll Anriiraiitt, Huhrrl Hurl-fun, (hnrllr Hrnrk, frrrenl Hrhm, Maurice llriuiitiiii'h. Knylnp ItuxrhiiM, William (alllhnn, Hud nlhi-r. Wrtmn uuhitll, Mirlly Condon, John Hnron, Arlna ln nn, Jink DmM, rtlnrllhf lliihhi, Prank r.litni, Lrlloy rarmrr, Ylk l-'rnnriR, Jnrk I ailhlr, Hat-ulit toy, John (iaylrr, Mtiyd Orlmm, r.foimrd Oantrr, 'ay tun Hahn, Hum Holfmnn, Hill Mcminn, lllrk Hitchcock, Hnnn, Marry Hopn, William Irvln, Bill Ivprann, Rohtrt hah Irr. Ornrvr Kuliht, Herb Knlrkrrhm, Walter l.iither, rerrtt """a. Genre l.yon, Hnhrrt Mill. Hohrrl Mitchell,, rrfid .Meier, l-eonnrd Munkln, ernnn Vfprud, Mdon Nucnihrricr, Hrnrv over take, (lark l'innlon, rrlli Olmnted, r.llirrl rhrlna, Hnrrv I'lanilieck, Jhnrn ton I'hclpn, WUIInm I'fclM. Marvin I'lork, Roy Hclch, iintrgr rnrter, linn I'pornk, Krrd l'retnn, Rny Prnhanka, Frank I'fo haftkn, John I'rlcnl, Dale Kimer, Verne RcynnldMin, Herman Rohnir, Unane Heed. Nhiii Mclmart-iknpf, Kenneth Nhtndn, John Stoddard. Kenneth Mminnna, Holph Shook, Oenrgr Herman, Thro. ThompKon, Krisnr Thnmpnnn, ( harlrn Warrall, and l.ii.rl Wlhlirla. The men expected In turn nut that have not reported at yel are; (an llnniton, Rniec Corn, Will Krwtn, Don Mir, (leortie Hnldon, Koherl Morrln, ahelly Condon, rnnl floHtomakl, Klnrery, Itollle Mmllh, Hurry I'ltralthley, and t.lrn Hehlerkrhler, Coach Wilbur Knight's "B" team finished its 1938 schedule Saturday with a 60 to 37 victory over VVes leyan U. on the Ag college court. The- win gave the Nubbins a sea sons record ol twelve wins and four losses. Only one team defeated the Nub bins twice, Wayne winning both games by close scores. Peru Hnd Midland also deefated the Ne braska "BV once but lost the other game. The season's record: Nrh. H Opponent Opp. more 41 I.iilher 4A Kearney 1 Midland It I'eru t Dnnt t Hebron J1 liana Kearney 41 SCKULTE GROOMS CINDER ARTISTS FOR BIG SIX TILT Texas Tankers Swamp Huskers to Score 58-2 l K-Agg'lCS, Tiger Squad Loom Dick Leask Takes Only First tn.uc The i. si t n, As Strong Contenders For League Crown. !,l ..... For Nebraska Squad In Dual Meet. Welrsn I'eru .... .Wayne .. I. ut her .. .Hrhrnn . .Wayna . . .Midland Wealeyan pile up 11 points on the Hawks before the lowans scored. Fred die Webster started the fire works by turning in one of the most sparkling exhibitions of his career defeating Vernon Ekfelt In a bout that was crammed full of action. Freddie was working hard for a fall and on several occasions nearly had one, but Ekfelt managed to worm his way out of danger each time. Schulte Feted. Pa Schulte will be feted at Columbia, Mo., this Saturday by the Tiger athletic department In honor of his achievements as a track coach. Schulte was head mentor at the Missouri school be fore coming to Nebraska in 1919. From Sooner way we hear that Verne Long, stubby sophomore anchor man of the Norman tank team, spotted his Oklahoma Aggie opponent a full lap in the medley relay, and beat him by a yard to give the Sooners a 42-33 victory. Clocked In 58.4 seconds. Long swam 100 yards while his oppon ent swam 74. PHI GAM QUINTET DEFEATS A. G. R.'S IN MONDAY'S TILT Semi-Finals Slated Tonight With Two Meets On Schedule. FRIDAY. SATURDAY Huskers Defend Two Titles Out of Three With Best Chance on Cinders. i'tlffiBMTUcara(irmj... CENUME FILTERS PACKED ONLY IN THIS RED ASD BLACK BOX MADE MEDICO WORLD'S SMOOTHEST SlOXE rUTtR-COOLCD MD!CO SOMCTHINS WONDftnH GOES ON INSIM: II Iks the only Pat'd filter combining niilnrr proof Ol lopli ane r lerinr and 66 Italllr abnorhent rreenitilrnnr; lting in great- arirntilic pipe oking inven tion ever known. Prevents tongue bite, raw mouth. wet berl, bid odor, frequent erpefioration. No breaking in. Improve theuateand aromaofnny tobacco. nm,HiiUviVn (srfi f ClOARITri 1 ) VpOAR MOIDIKS BIFF SHOWS EAST-WEST FILMS TO RED GUIDON Military Group to Change Name at Regular Meet Wednesday Night. Maj. Biff Jones, professor of football tactics, will speak and show pictures of the East-West football game to members of the Red Guidon association, military honorary, at the association's semi monthly meeting Wednesday, Mar. 2. Guests invited to the meeting Include Mrs. Biff Jones, Maj. and Mrs. Barkalow, Mr. and Mrs. Phllp, Captain Grove and the Field Ar tilery sponsors. Special business to be passed on is the changing the name of the organization from Association of the Red Guidon to Order of the Red Guidon. Also, a group of jun ior members will be picked to-plan the next meeting. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p. m. in the Motor Truck laboratory on the Ag campus. RED SQUAD ANNEXES WIN IN COLOR MEET Scarlet TraeKsters Take Third Consecutive Frohh Victory. Nebraska's freshman trl-color track meet waa won for the third time in four weeks by the Red squad, on the Inside stadium track, Friday afternoon. The Scarlet rerasentatlvei gar nered 93 pi! . "ending the Orange squad by 13, with the Green team drawing B0 points out of the fire. Scoring by events: Redi Oranct Onm M y. 4aih . Mil ran 440 ri. oaah M t. "! I mil ran . . aft yd. loot . role vault .. Hlth Jump ,. Brnn1 Jump Stmt put javelin IS 14 14 10 11 it s s list sue s s it a so so Sensible Saving Shirts finished for Only 10c with Bachalor Rush Dry Strvlct It pays to buy good clothes even though they cost a little more. They look better so much longer. It pays to send them to The Evana for Dry Cleaning; for th afn reason and this cosU you no morel Three Big Six crowns will be at stake this week end when the loop teams meet at Columbia, Norman, and Ames on March 4 and 5 to de cide the championship indoor track, swimming, and wrestling teams. Nebraska teams will be defend ing two crowns track and swim ming with a strong chance to re capture the track diadem, but not even considered a long shot In swimming or wrestling. Iowa State is a heavy favorite to retain the loop laurels won on the mat at Lincoln last year and the gate is wide open In the splash tourney altho Coach McCaffree's Cyclones seem to hold the edge. Competition Strong. Henry Schulte's cinder artists will meet some strong Individual competition in the persons of Don Bird, Kansas, pole vault champion, Kddie Tonbio, Oklahoma, 60 yard dash Incumbent and Granville Barret, Sooner 440 and 880 cham pion of two years ago. Besides Barrett, the Huskers quarteV- miler, Bob Simmons will meet Toribio and Thlm Flnley, an Okla homa sophomore, who have been clocked in the 440 at :50.8 and :51 respectively. Bob Mills should have little trouble in annexing the No. 1 spot vacated by Nebraska's Sam Fran cis. Mills haa been pushing the iron ball out around 49 and 49 feet all score a shutout in the shot. The for the meet Saturday. Should Bill Pfeiff and Charley Brock luck up on a heat wave, the Huskers make score a shout out in the shot. The strongest team to threaten Ne braska supremacy will be the strong Kansas State squad that gave the Huskers a long afternoon last Saturday in the stadium. I-State to Repeat. Wrestling should be dominated by the Iowa State crew. The Cy clones kept the Oklahoma Sooners from the crown last year by win outscore the Norman squad. Coach nlng enough seconds and thirds to Otopalik's mat men have an Im pressive dual meet record behind them and should experience little difficulty in retaining the title. Jim Knight of Nebraska has a very good chance to win his weight but will meet strong competition. Fred Webster, 118, Deloi Johnson, heavy, and Bill Luke, 145, may go a long way before being defeated. The Cyclmea will be strong m swimming, too, with George Hal deman, Big Six record holder in the 200 yard breast stroke, Don Allen, sophomore dash man, Gene Armstrong, varsity record holder in the back stroke, and Capt. Harry Harris and Jim Noland, ace divers, bearing the brunt of the attack. Fletch Spicer,. Nebraska dash man, is expected to turn in a good performance. A new institute for consumer education has been formed at Stephens college by the Alfred P. Sloan foundation. Phi Gamma Delta gained the semifinals of the intramural bas ketball playoff last night by com lng from behind In the last half to defeat a hard fighting Alpha Gam ma Rho quintet 22-12. Overcom ing an early Phi Gam lead, the A. G. R.'s started to hit the basket from all angles to hold a 10-5 lead at the half. Three rapid fire baskets within the first two minutes of the sec ond half sent the Phi Gams into an 11-10 lead which the A. G. R.'s never managed to overcome. Ber nie Schcrer again led the scoring parade for the Phi Gams by gar nering 9 points. Reed, A. G. R. forward, scored 5 points to lead the losers while the all around play of Daft at guard also stood out. Tonight the semifinals are slated to get under way, with Alpha Tau Omega slated to meet Kappa Sig ma. This game is regarded as a tossup, with any possible edge go ing to the A. T. O.'s. In the other bracket, the Phi Gams are sched uled to play Phi Delta Theta, champions of league five, but there lsa possibility of a postponement because the Phi Gams would be forced to play two successive games. With three victories in dual competition behind him, Couch Homy Schulte started grooming his Indoor track squad yesterday In preparation for the Big Six moot at Columbia next Saturday. The Hunker cinder men havi downed Kansas V, Minnesota V anil Kansas State without a single loss. Last year Nebraska hung up a new scoring record to win the conference Indoor championship. The meet this year should he a three cornered dog fight, with any one of three teams very likely to come out on top of the heap. Mis souri anil Kansas State will fur nish the strongest competition for the title defending Huskers. Mis souri downed Kansas State by a slender margin, and Nebraska in turn won from the Aggies with about the same margin as did the Tigers. Both Missouri and Ne braska needed to win the last event of the program, the mile relay, to take their meets with the Wildcats. Second Division Fight. Another three way fight is in prospect for the second division. Towa State, Oklahoma and Kan sas U are all about even and should put on just as fierce a bat tle for fourth place as the leading trio will for first. The conference clash will be the last meet for the Huskers until April 3, the opening of the outdoor season. The Texas relays are scheduled for April 3 at Austin, Tex. The outdoor schedule includes the following meets: points were confined to thinly Last Dual Meet. Tins is I he last dual nn'i'1 lm , ' Huskers. Friday and Saturday Hi ,: The Texas university splash: will go to Norman. OKI., to o:.i team literally drowned the. Hunk-1 Pn,p 1,1 I'11' '5iK ix meet, wlm :i era in the dual meet last night. , winds up the swimming iicliedule briiiKlnir them down with a score! The Texans arc making a nan :i ! this part of the country. 1 ihikh m: The L o n g- 'm v S splash In tin- Kans.n horns took the Ci'y Athletic Club pool. The Long lead from the' horns have won then- fird two first, setting: meets, which were with the Tulsa two new pool : and Forth Worth Y. M. (.'. A s, as records dining' well as defeating Nebraska. Texas the course of was winner of the South west con- the meet. Sojkaj ference last year, suffering only ' Of Texas Cl't ' one defeat at the hands of the three wiTonds! Huskers. off the 200 vard; The summary: b r e a s tstroke, of fi8 to 27 If' I It l! 8 . W April X Tpxhi. rrinf. Aii1tn. April 1ft Hannat l' l-Awrrnrf, April T.S Hanati rrlHyii, l.aivmir, April 21 Hit Drak relny,, Motrin. May 1 I rlanffiilftr, Ijiwrrnrt. Mny 14 Oklahoma, nniWMM. May V I 4 on f rrnr rhampMtnuhlnn, Lin coln, lnnf 19 MA champtoiiKhlpt. Minneapolis. AST HO vdrtt tnHlrv rffit' : Wall le 'levn T:H ll..n ..ln ft i I'.m. 'J(i the record for- -u r,i iwmhh Wun i, miif rr; merlv b e 1 n g i HP""1t. splc-cr iNi: third, NiMiili-il IT). Pivihk: Won tv I.nuk N: Rrrun.1 rrninii iTi; thtril. YounM'r (Ni. IVmiN NS lint viird f i i'oit vlt-: Won hv t'rmirh iT: iM'ninl. T.illf iTi; Ihirii, Spurt INi. Time .Yt , 4tn firil frffntylc: Won hv Nnirlrll lT; Hvnntl. Blakf i'I'; thiol, Kuir iNi. Time ,v:t7 I. 1MI vamI ltnrktr.'Up: Won t,y Tnrl!"ti iTi; ntvnnrl. tiuvlMin iNi: ttilnl. Lak t.Ni. Time l-ll. i Now renin!.! ,'tn yuril friM'Mvli' ii hv Tftlkv iTt; Humid, HriKlt'ld (Ti; lliiM. YonnKT (Ni. Time VI a Vim anl tirca-l!' t ifci'- Wan hv S-nka (Ti; ni'i iiiHl. HnfMi hli'l- (Ti : third. Smilli iNi, Tane Mil (i. tNew ,int lemrrt i Inn ymit f r,-eMt I,. i,:hv: hv 1 iTalli-v, Tallten. Ht'iKMd, Creiuhi. Tim held hv Thorn ton of Ncbras- i.inram jnurnai.ka. Carlton, aii frta Hamlin. Mher Longhom, reduced by four seconds the pool record in the 1,10 yard backstroke event, set by Pete Hagelin of Ne braska. Nebraska was able to garner only one first in the entire meet, Dick Leask, the only senior on the squad, the rest of which are tiopho mores, took first in the diving event by a good margin. Spicer was able to get a second in the 220 yard free style and Davidson;3 ''','' . J .... , , or in goi a second m me ion yarn pbck- i Hnnmi l lie C.llt I'uimlnuhiini. r!iu1rr; ever Gene tells me he lost six Miss Donaldson participated In a pounds alone studying for final I case discussion. An invitation lo examinations late in January, a conduct an institute at the annual period when basketball Is shelved, j meeting of the Missouri conference so we can't charge his half-pound , of social work has been received, loss entirely to sports. j The institute will center discussion I around the subject of public wel fare and its administration. Miss Agnes Donaldson and Dr. Wltte took part in the annual meeting of the Family Welfare Association of Omaha. Dr. Wilte gave a short talk on "The Need for Social Service in the State." The New York City board of education has ruled that aliens may not be admitted free lo the city's colleges. Knight Tosses Out First Ball To Open Season; Vets Fail to Show. WRESTLERS PREPARE I Iowa State Appears Capable Of Repeating Victory Of Last Year. "Let The Evans Be Your Valet 9 Only three more days of prac tice remain for the Husker wres tlers tn which to prepare for the Big Six championship meet, which will be held at Ames on March 4 and 5. Iowa State is the defending champion, and s expected to re peat this year. Jim Knight, 135, and Bill Luke, 145, are the Husker s most likely to place. Knight and Luke both placed third last year. Since then they have both been moved up one division, but are still considered most likely to score. Knight has defeated both of the two confer ence opponents whom he has met this year, including Carl Warner of Kansas State, who ruled the Big Six in 1934. Other Huskers who are likely to place include Fred Webster, 118, and DeLos Johnson, heavyweight. Coach Jer ry Adams probable entry list in cludes: US pnnndii: Irtd Wrhtr. I.lnroln. 11 INinntfi; harirv Mrllrl. I.lnroln or Ttt4 Mann. I.lnroln. 1st pound! i 41m Knliat, (aunrll Bluffi, la. US aoanai: BIU I.uka, Lincoln. la anunai: Ray Tmt, I tlt. I at pnaadat Jarry Aaama, Omaha. Ml amutdat fan! Kldlrr. Mrlrtwr, Mnnt. Hav)-waiht i ilaLaa Johnson, ewmaa Orov. Thirty-seven candidates answer-! ed Coach Wilbur Knight's first call for baseball practice. Only seven i major lettcrmen and three minor lettermen wer in that group. Reg-' ular- practice will begin tomorrow j in the coliseum. Next, week, dur ing the state high school basket- ball tournament, the team w-ill j move out to Ag college. Practice will be held indoors until Knight is able to take the men outdoors. The lettermen around whom this year's team will be built are Ivan Borman and Clem Sundstrom, catchers; Harris Andrews, Keuben Denning and Lloyd Schmadeke, pitchers; Paul Amen, Edwin George, Dell Harris, infielders; and Klmer Dohrmann, DeLos Johnson, outfielders. Other men reporting for the first practice are Bill Anderson, John Howell, Sumner West, and Kenneth Worland, catchers; Rus sell Behr and James Galyen, pitch ers: Fred Hawkins, John McDer raott, Floyd Mecham, Harlan Muth, George Porter, Randall Sims. Stewart Wiley, Dale Ganz and George Jackson, infielders; Don dunntngham. Dean Kdeal, Lowell English, Ray Griffin, Phil Grant, Hugo Hoffman, Jean Jack, Russell Jacohsen, Bill Kovanda, Charles Wade and Keith McGraw, outfielders. The New York City Principals association has passed , a resolir tion asking that chapters of the American Student union be barred from the city's schools. Wesleyan college In Macon, Ga., will be sold at aucti"' to satisfy bonds totaling $998,000. TYPEWRITERS All atandird mikta far ult er rent, Uaad and rabullt machinal en euy Itrmi. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1J0 No. 1t St. B215T Lincoln, Nibr. Men have more musical abili ties than women, according to a recent study made at Miami university. There is a new Ice cream eating champ at Harvard. He clinched the title for the championship by putting away 24 plates four vanilla, 18 chocolate and a sundae of particularly veno mous appearance. The previous tltleholder, a fresh man (yielded to fatigue or frigi dity) at 19 plates. TOl (;il SCHKDI I K ADDS POUMUr.K TO OKLAHOMAIVS NORMAN, Feb. 28.-Hugh Mc Dermott, veteran basketball tutor of the Big Six's surprise team of 1938- the University of Oklahoma Boy Scates declared today that the new rules, which have been pretty generally condemned haven't hurt his boys physically or any other way and cited figures to provie it. "Seven of the ten Oklahoma players have actually gained weight through our gruelling schedule," the Scotchman declared. "Marvin Mesch has gained from 153',! to 159 pounds, a pick-up of five and one-halt pounds. Vernon Mullen has gained two pounds, Jimmy McNatt one, Roscoe W al ker a quarter of a pound, Marvin Snodgrass four pounds, Ben Kerr two, and Bill Haugh two while Bill Martin has neither gained nor lost. "Only two of our boys, both re serves, have lost weight, John Grayson dropping one pound and Gene Roop one-half pound. How- 10 students to sell advertising; for The Daily Nebraskan ? O Chuck Tonton us. Mgr. Hours 2-5 5 rz5$ Wffl C i "lb TO AT THE Junior-Sensor From FRI. 4 MARCH Tlie maestro who is . . , V 'tops IN RHYTHM Heard On the Airlines Nightly From Peacock Court . llualc Corporation of Amtriea rrtionti mm jr. - m ,mX ' 1 - jj- aiN PERSON! uuu artd-AU OUCM EST RA Tickets U0 o Presentation of 19S8 Prom Girl Who will it be? ? ? Vote today for your favorite In Temple