p.u;i: fouk THE DAILY NKItlUSkAN. IlKSDAY. ll.BIUlAUY 22. lO.IB. 7 ft II 11 kJ J X THE 1IAIM EN U was l'i Mela l'lii in the rail this week! Willi their big format fvitntday night, tilings really hap pened Their band, Hob Throe k oiton, from fit alio university l.noilu-d the populace out on the down beat. Incidentally, the entire proup belongs to A TO ami thus stayed with the local chapter and slept on the prize inner-spring maltrcf.ses three deep. - r.es-'t of all the tales is the one concerning Bob Wadhams' and Klinor Kickel's dinner party. They find all the guests used milk bottle cups for the ladies' place cards and beer openers for the menu. Hiekel, who was prohesied to he the gal who would not show at nil. received a priie selected by the sorority for being the fir.t one on the floor. It was a bit difficult to tell who bought the corsage for Margaret Burke at the arrow formal, for she spent half of the evening with Bill Shuck anil the other oil per cent with Boh Kdgren, both Sig Alphs. Such popularity must be deserved. Vi Gillian, prominent Pi Phi of, last year, returned to the fold Bath Night for the sole impose of annexing Van Alexander's .Sig Kp pin. ! When Marcel Davis arrived at 1 the function with a Grand Island ! escort 2 hours late, the chanter! scraped their noses on the floor shouting "Allah, Allah," as she de-' seendid. : Preceding the iar.ee. the Pi' This had a dinner r.t the University Club. During the meal, as at ad dinners of that house, the group, bepan playing the calestheniie game called "Who put the overalls; in Mrs. Murphy's chowder?'' When ' the stage of the game came where everyone is supposed to climb un der the table, all was well. But, when the group cnn rye 1 from1 un ler the table, one. Peg- Weaver ling's date, was missing. Where he went, we still don't k-.u.'v. ; i Marjorie O.rrir.cton. pledge, ha i the S'lUghl-aficr Bob Adams for a date at the annua! affair, but much to hr ciiatrin. she found his er-n- dilion none to good for dancing. Last week v as ATO hell week. . Little did Pat Peterson know what her slick looking entrained foiT.ird would tuse. As the eve ning prof.rc-s.- d. i.K.re an I more couples took its name litrraby and rode on raid train the fitil length of the dance floor. When its sta bility became doubtful and the flowing gK:':r.ent bcrar. to become frayed, the activity came to nr. end. "If 1 hoi charged them 1 ride. 1 would have been wealthy," declared, p.it. Marga-ct !; s;erw,n took laad Sloane, v'.io not only (ill r.ished her f.!:e ("ur.r.ar.y f..r ti.e veninc. hut idso Joun.l dates 1:.: n even half dei?en ed' h'-r friends Then there is i.gain Joe Pilling Sigma Nil. This tim". he had a Sunday tcte-a-t'te with Helen Burnhan,. Delta Gamma. and doiibl" dated Bob Fiichs, Phi Psi, ind Marj llouser. Th'-'.n and hii jthi r love. Knppa Kappa ' Gat,. loa i.-ceiv.l lis second candy passing in two years last night when Kd..' George. l)e!t. and V.my Aust.n. of K. V Kastle. (:. :c 1!.: i ; l't-r long, long hold eiff. The Sigma Nus liii.n.i'iy ;.! not come thru with tlf ttj,i-. but feeding that there were n.'.r.v who were eligible to preif.-r in-' smok'-s. Die fre-shrnen itinutiuiM'-d a uniioe tubbing system. "'!. v started with Harold" Le.lf.nd and Harry Hayr.ic. ".h" .;( prvnptly stripfied to th'' snorts cnrrif the front lawn i in full v-w the Knripasi. and t'in n.il. I i' of ii. "HADES" LADIES" FINAL TRY OUTS TO END TONIGHT ((Continued from Pugc 1 I muhical fantasy written by John Edwards, hnd concerning Die musing adventures of Klnier Smithers, a hen-fiecked husband who falls asleep and dreams that he has geine to the place where liis wife, lvv, had told him to go. . Hell. To be eligible tor parts in the nhow. students must meet uni versity ckgiblity recjuiremen' s which presenile that i;t !ra:vt 17 credit hemrs must have hei n earned in the university. 12 dur ing the last perni'SteT. i.nd that the student must be in good stand ing in all heiurs being carried at the pri-'nt time. The cejn.nleie cast e,f speaking characters n giv.'.'i in Ldwards' script is h feillow.-: I'l.OT-AM mill .Ti l - M . Ihii .lrli. u. pint ri. I I Ml l( -Ml 1 .11 !:.. Ini.hjl.il. I. IiM'iIiiiihI- rn. Ill Mlll'lll lln, ii lf.. u Mi' en. Jl Mi.ll Mll llll lis, n luiv. n. Iin.a f., I IHItllS, IIH nld Ii rrymlill ml llii-Illn- Mil. s14, On rillr llw Nilli.l MiirlU. .IISOO. n riHlt'-iil itei II. Ill l l un It, i r iirlm r nf dprllii. Ml IPlll.MI H, (Tllr Old Mrki. unitlr BtMn'a K-ir'tlcnmu, Hitd Mniui,', ritint. JOII,TIIO UIIUI PI'l.IKI.h. fcfinittr himliHi'd. IH HOI, II kMiiMH, a vuni nun. yiiiins rpi vu. I-MII V(l: HAKI.IM,, nivrrt yninu llil'ir. rt ItsJI'llOM.. h In.li i.f limit-., mid flip IMifH ttt lhr Kffhfr Hitrltl. A I'll 1 1.. Mil, and Jl M Ihrrr ludln 11 llHlllW. (11,11 M'llATI II, Hiillill, liulllll. "5 ,T o till ft ...... THE UAUMKESS I This time your hauntrcss cov- , ered the classroom, perhaps not I 1 i with a mind for studies, but any-! child, students from any iicpart how the spook does go to school, j ment may enter papers, and spe. you know. The first person seen ! eial interest will be found in the on our haunt was Jane ualcott who invariably dashes in the last minute in snow togs, looking very much like a little girl. Then there's Dorothy Van Pat ton who man ages the most alert look in teacher's direction, while all the time she's probably wondering what she'll wear to the Beta house party. And wo mustn't neglect the Knglish prof. Mr. Gettniann, win) remarked while calling the roll the other day, "Fern Steuteville and Mary Steutevillc. I've always wanted twins." But now he.'s hav ing his difficulties when he calls on them and they both answer by mistake. Maybe you've seen the promi- mB conducted in several univcrsi nent member of Innocents w ho ties thruout the country, sucks his thumb in absent-minded 1 An original typewritten copy moments or another of that order, ' 0f M(.n prize winning paper and Web Mills w ho does a heck of a the right to publish the same ii lot of bulling And Leonard Dun-1 r e q u i r e d by the foundation. ker asking where that new country Eurasia is. If wou'd just take the time to wander over to law library sjme evening you might chance upon Clayton Ankeny already looking too' too professional, or Ray Cal vert, another D. U. who usually brings Helen Rothcry along to combine business with pleasure. Incidentally out of the six law st u lent s who were on the condi tion list in code pleadings, five of them cover the Tri Pelt house pretty regularly. Hugh Kisenhart, president of Fiji, and also a fre- qucnter of law college has even i declared ii,s intentions of going, steady w.lh Pinky Burt, and she! loo likes the idea. J If you stepped out on the cam pus between classes you would, probably see Boh Hunt, D. I", pledge, gooning about in his fmooth Cord, which by the way is mostly reserved for Alpha Phi pledge. Jeannette Hedelund. Or you might even run across that Thcta freshman, Mary Cline, on tl.e lookout for a tall red-headed ' man. Must he good looking and din.ples could be thrown into the bargain, which is really no bargain after all fs Mary is ottering a j to the Farm House parly afler $10 reward for anyone by that i wards. Bill? description. The last paragraph I utll Arn Sheldon and Lola' obtained from th? unclassified ad-1 Emke arc plenty glad that there ' vertismg department. Rates cheap., aren't more leapyear parties in a cpsy terms.) i school year than there are. I im- " 1 acine. H:cht at the last minute the ! Perhaps we're getting a little bit off the subject but Betty Kllen Kuhns bas pretty well taken over r:'o ol r.'.i'.h Minor's men, Howie l-'i.he r of 1he Sigma JCu house. And another Alpha Chi combination.1 and this time a Sigma Chi figures: into the deal, is that of Carl Cleve- )!"' I 1 Kunica Halms who heat, path between their respective 'w- xiEn, Ey Dixie Davis. Events Today. Chi Phi auxiliary will meet 1 r dessert luncheon at the heiir.e 'if Mis. Raymeind S. pool, ii 4 ." South 27th sl. 'ldrs. Howard Hadley v ill be i.ss.slinq hostess. Fvents Tuesday. i;a:r.:,,a Phi Beta Moih- is . h.b will rni'i t f"t a 1 ei'cloi 1: luncheuji Tuesday at the chapter liousi . Mrs. K. E. Cory will he heist. ss and Mrs. W. K. Simpson :.nd Mrs. T. K. Mil!T assisting ho.st(Ssis. Postponement. Ti.e 1 o'ciork luncheon tf have b. . :. gi'.in by the lu It a I'ps.loi: moibi i s cbib today, has been nw-!. pee-.!". I te, y. b :'. It wiil I " l'( Id at the e 'riTder bouse, nr. I t! c on. r eh; rge i.u luies Met '''.lies ?,!:(': pierce. C. O 111 l"e.. 'A'. T And. rsuii. and V. (". l'':n'.;. r. A group of Air!ia .'i l. "as aial their d.-te 1, ,,i a si i g. ' 1 id:i:g , ;!.). l-VCIlir.g. Alt ' I' plfl ''' i:.'t 11. in t'.ie snoiv for an hour or f. they f.fiisr.eil with tatlnp lit'd darcing at the chapter hoitu?. Sigma Alpha Mu aiinounc"' 'h reivnt fledging of F.r'.'ine Riches , of flinaha. and Phillip Enbendure. of Kreiiiurit. The Tri belt di.'U'ict uelviaoi . Mrs. H. !:. Mdls t.t Der.vei. has been paying a visit to the local chapter. She arrived Friday eve ning and will h-ave Wednesday Five Ae acias and their dales had quite a snow ride lust night c peri they ti;ed to (dear three railroad trnckf The tracks instead ol be ing cleared, cleared the people off the rled. and and also the riuini in. The little irn idetit only b'-ouglit abeiiit n b,H of $2! which was Ji ll d'y reduced to $1,1 after pleas a.id a co-i:adeii tion fit the age of the tnefins of tnin.'iiiortation Those Holering bruises from the Incident were Hut hie Stephens and Jim Minnie!:; Irene Seyhold anu Jack MiKinzie; Tiona P.ullis am; i Fil Shei-v.'ood: Gopecif ve Huff rrd I-dbeit Sd.iniijt. Ilutii Johns un d ' Fred f.hirry. A new bidimensional cameia. which will show the path the eyes take over a written or printed page, baa been develetped by a Drake university profesaui of ptycholog-y. Advertisers are mik ing use of it. he says, to tell how well their copy claims atten'uon and what part of it the average person doesn't bother to read. Seventy-five percent of thr males nt Kent State university. pHfttclpnting In h pedl tiy the cam pus humor magitsine, prefer bru- Entries Required by May 1, Open to All Students In University. i The (leorge Pavis Bivin foun dation is awarding prizes for pa ! pers submitted by graduate and undergraduate students on some phase of the relationship of emo- lion to the mental health of the i departments of psychology, edu cation, sociology, home economics, physiology, nursinp, and public health. All papers must he sub mitted to the committee on or be fore May 1. Forty dollars will he the first prize awarded to a graduate stu dent and the second prize will be $2.r. The undergraduate awards will be S'.T) and $10. The total amount of the prizes will be di vided between the contestants in case of a tie. If only a very few contestants enter papers, only one award will be given, and the com mittee may reject all papers if. in their opinion, none mci a prize. Separate prizes are being awarded in each university par- : ticinatir.c with similar contests be- Awards will be announsed about 1 June 1. Any student desiring to com-1 pete may secure information from , the following: Dr. D. A. VCor- cestci, chairman, Dr. D. W. Dy singer. Mr. K. H. Lewis. Dr. J. M. Reinhardt. Dr. Ruth Stapes. anS Miss Alice Tavlor. SEEN ON AG CAMIH S Ey Bob Rupp. The Phi V leapyear p'rty brought out a few new origina tions in the line of heart-throbs, on the girls' parts, last week. The fel- lows got the low d.iwn en just how tliev stood among the members of the fairer rex too. One of the surprise combina tions was Ramona Wood without Bill Hartnell. Bill has been ruslW ing Ramona every since scho7 started last fall and then just when things seemed to bo coming along beautifully and everybody had hopes of a nice lor.g friend ship. Ramona goes and asks Roger Cunningham. Bill's frat brother to the party. "But." 1:11 says, "it was mv own' fault that she idn't ask me." Was it also you're fault that Roger had Ramona to the basket ball came Saturday right and then girls found 'iit that the car tiny, had line'. up to rail the "man .f the memient" around in couldn't b' had. And Ted Johnson. Ruth Ann's dale, couldn't get his car and the girls had to hire a cab. Tlnv ,a, t j.n fnf;. 1(, He.idrege .,ni v,,.n to 4-st nn, Holdrege itnd U).n u, K!)rrn Hons" and tlw-n j ox,. t0 vr.i Place and 'hen back to the campus. That was just half e.f it because tiny had to get the date? borne again after the party. And take it from Ruth Ann and Lola, a trek like that in a cab may souial romantic but it's hard on papa's bank account! ' ENGLISH ACTION EAFFLES PROFESSORS i ( 'ont inuci f mm Page 1 . i the f.isctst pov.e.'S (loser te getlier." "It se, : ii.s as if the 1". n faction I. as wa!,'.e-. h strri!,git sl .nd: the (; b-r f.ntci w.,uld cive e -;r."cs- sio..s t'i H, rr.: 'y ar, 1 j'aiy that v.eiid i be a ce.i .tinuat ion of the nol:( v that to! iled the invasion of A by.- smia." Colonics Net So Valuable. Ki feriing to GiimaT.y's demar.il ' for lie i coliir.ies. In. MtNe.il s a'es thai th-y are i,i,t of any g i r t '"(,; oiTiie s.ciifieaic'e. but ..f ':( "di'l'tifi.l value to Kit b r as a m'-:. of kecpir the ( 'a . ref ', . lowai d the rri.'-.i.eis of the Ve-rsaiiies treaty. Return n. (.y bring about an iui 1! oveioe i.t tji international re!;;-tio'..-,. but it may only encourage Hitler to i.sk for i.'oie. . "The fundamental rt oti'-rrt t"i (jet iiia.ny lie- deeper tl.U! tii'- dis position O! ndile.td (filfC.ia1 liossesMons." Mv, M.Ne.ll. "'J:: of the chief d.flau'tie.c is l!;e e-.-kablishnicnt of a bas.s r pcac is to b" Jound ri the presence e.i jii fihi'oitive t:::iff t'uiiirs, not only as between Fumpeai eourtlie" but i.lsa in the Amiiiean taeil! which cut" the Fnreipcan ceamli'e'. off from the most i ripen tarit mar ket in tlie world for the high grade maniif 'o't urers that they export." "A f i'l ii V o) ceiojiei al lori In !". ei-t: nations calling for leduction ol tariff haiTicrs and icjuirntion ol normal trad- would probably earry more hope for tl.e iroidanc o! war than an" purely diplomatic re a lignrnent of Knrooeari iei-.eers.' 5'tud.nts I ei. liege can lined sidv.Wi t Oklahoma A w.lk or, dry !hi ( ven on ir ; f.i.p- fury davs. When CO geu tieelr desip.ed the- cndelg'-eiullO system of Jayitig steam liciiting lines be! ween bujidiegs tiny v.-eit place! underneath some- ol 1 bi rr, ain in!i"-con!:eot:r.g sidewalks The steam pipes keep ire ot vet spots from collecting on the walks The DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE "A Gnod TfiHCliff Atjrncy" 1913-1938 f rmir iii unii Si-r t M3 btuail Eltltj. Lincoln, Nebr. diiqixliqlxiA. On- UvL Gvl BY NORMAN HARRIS. Several major programs today and tonight will pay tribute to George Washington by including skits and quotations drawn from incidents in the life of Washing ton. A I .lolson's program will present Walter Connolly, prominent actor of stage and screen as a guest pei former tonight at 7:30 over KFAH . . . Connolly will pay an actor's tribute to the "Father of His County," incorporating quota tions from famous Washington speeches . . . Jolsun will sing songs, old and new, and engage in com edy exchanges with Martha' Raye and dialect -twister, Parkyitkarkns. "George Washington Today" will be the heading of a special Wash ington birthday broadcast today at 1 :;ii p. m. . . . KFAB . . . Bob Trout. CBS presidential announcer will read some of Washington's stalc ments and a group of noted edu cators will draw the parallel be tween the difficulties the United States faced in the 1Mb century and the present time. Benny Goodman swings out tonight at 9:00 following Jack Oakic's half hour Dcglnning at 8:30 on the Camel Caravan over KFAB. . . Two National Defense programs are scheduled for those politically minded persons today ... at 5:35 over KFAB, Brig. Gen. Walter Prosser will talk on national de fense, and tonight at S:30, over KFOR, Secretary of War Harry H. Woodring. Gov. A. Harry Moore of New Jersey, and Senator Rich ard Russell will conduct a sym posium on national defense. i MOIL will cany four of the leading dance orchestras of the nation tonight . . . here tiiey arc: 8:00 p. m. Horace Hcidt. 10:30 p. m. Henry Busse. 11:00 p. in. Bob Crosby. 11:33 p. m. Roger Pryor, Other leading programs over the two Lincoln stations today are: KFAB. 8:30 a. m. Master Singers. 2:30 p. m. Bill Miller, Songs Sacred. S:03 p. m. A Pearce's Ford Program with Tiz zie Lish and com pany. 10:00 p. m. Poetic Melodies. 11:00 p. m. Red NorvO's or chestra. KFOR. 3:00 p. m. Academy of Msd ecine program dis- Admvial. . The Il -Sl I" Jfilj I RICHARD, for hom prh fell 'P Meet 11 TAHEY match their wits against a lonely old lady's heart. You ' ft ' Il X will find them irresistible, this family of engaging fakers, s l who live by their charm and off their friends and chance acquain- I ? ''ftxt H tanccs. The author of "Furious Young Man" and "To the Van- feT2i Cl 11 quished" has written a truly lovely story of the four Carlyons. marmv. hh w Imy. t 11 Hung but bo appetite I id km 1 ! 1 ERO0KE KAKLOH lUJJ f J . " 1 llf " ' . . r-..U V II i 1 btiay.ns v,,...,.4 Ebrnton. .."" UuHCrtOOKSlA.cthc r j v.a-.ri - ut.ta it turd . V 1 I luu. i .utEler. t-oy tm rius . EcrtsJi ' Cdcsion on "Ton sils." 10:16 p. m. Abe Lyman's or chestra. 11:30 p. m. Isham Jones' or chestra. The Great Cathedral choir, ob ject of editorial and. student at tention the past few weeks will broadcast over a .CBS .national hookup March 11 from 2:45 to 3. . . .The program will originate here In Lincoln over KFAB Here's a story.... A 10 year old boy, determined to find out what Beetle, Phil Baker's radio heckler, looks like, waited outside the stage door of the CBS playhouse and asked every person who emerged if he was Beetle. A cop watched him for n while until Mrs. Baker came out with her 4 year old son, Stuart. The 10 year old was about to turn away when the policeman said to him, pointing to Stuart, "That little boy there is Beetle." The youngster snarled, and with a quick thrust kicked the policeman in the shin and scampered into the crowd.. . . Edward MacHugh, .the Gospel singer of NBC. reports that in ten years of broadcasting, he has re ceived mail spelling his name 147 different ways, including McHucy, McHuis, Macuc, McKew, and M. Kute Radio stars get unusual gifts just ns well as the movie stars... Barbara Luddy, star of Campana's First Nighter says the most un usual gift she has ever received was a hula skirt sent her by a dar ing young man from Hawaii She also has a boomerang given her by a member of the Australian parliament Read over any of the radio col umns for the past week and send in your entry to the contest which has been explained in them First prire, two free tickets to the junior-senior prom; second prize, one free ticket adios. infonia Music Group Holds Dinner at 7:30 Tonislit In Grand Hotel Preliminary to Wednesday's Phi Mu Alpha Pinfonia convocation, a Sinfonia charter day dinner will be held in the Gland hotel tonight at 7:30 o'ciork. Contributing to the program are Don A. Lentz, Pill Taylor and August Molzer. who will give short talks. Dick Douglas and Clyde Shonnerd will sing and rii'tlip Heller will present a cello solo. Katharine Hepburn, when she visited the campus of Randolph Macon college, was wellnigh mobbed by the college boys. uT fOX'.' A'1" ;ni-iaer.t that -HunlCiub.iy A MonsrU' 1 . ,l . .i i - ...r.t BKOO- ' out thertory- - . - KtsaVftl Nl IV. rX. cartoonl. Gov. R.L.Cochran Addresses Military Fraternity at Banquet Tonight. Thirty-three men will be initi ated into Nebraska chapter of Scabbard and Blade, honorary j military fraternity, tonight at a banquet at the Hotel Lincoln. Gov ernor Roy L. Cochran will address the group and their guests. Colonel Oury will speak on Washington's birt inlay. Guests at the initiation will in-j elude, Colonel Frankfortor, Major i Speer, Major Barkalow, Major Horan, Major Ayotte, Major Green, Major Shaw, Major Wood, Major Gist, Major Boschult, Major Wil-j bur, Captain Hough. Captain Grove and Captain Gardner. Jolitz in Charge. Charles Jolitz. captain of the local chapter, will be in charge of the ceremonies. The following pledges are to be initiated: Wilson Allilrrws TVn M.ilin John Brow nice Arthur .Ni-whrty .lolin t'AMIe Hernnrrt llnltnn Tern K1vhi"I Uniry KppeiMm r.i'licrt c.Hnnon Pnn (lorw.alrs Hnwanl Knplnn Hurnlil LrrUnnl KrfiiH'! l.ibprshal .Tolin l.oo KrJtnr. InMOMlc llor. Ml' ,f't-h!!l Marnn Ofiruh Ua.le Jtniwr ul I nn Iliiland Stmilry Sl'htiri; Kirhinl smi!t' ,1 r.o Slrphrng Jnhn T"l K.'nt TillM'T Korl Vii-kfrv Hill jl r'orrc5l Wilk KrnrM Wintronb J.ihn W.i,'oll Mark Wo,wi i Uul-oit Molzor MELETIN Chemical Engineers. Theie will lie a meeting of the Chemical Engineering Society Thursday, February 24. at 5 p. in. in room 102 Avery Laboratory of Chemistry. This special meeting is called to decide whether the local organi zation shall become affiliated with the American Society of Chemical Engineers. Tassels. There will be no Tassel meeting, as regularly scheduled, this week. Phalanx. Thalanx will meet tonight at 7:30 in room 202 in Nebraska hall. Last minute details of a dance party, to be held February 26 must be discussed. It is important that all members be there for particulars. A New Novel vl. A. R. WYLIE Start it in this week's Post A New Novel HE SHOT THE VQRLD'S MOST DAHGERQUS RAPIDS ...alone In a homemade boit, young Buzz Holmstrom ihoved f.fi last fall to drj what net man ever did before: run the Cf dorado River fclonc, frorn U'yemiing to Eoulde-r Dam-and live! It took him 52 days to cover those UOO miles, and an accident meant death by drownin; or slow star-ation. Here is the story of that incredible trip. by ROBERT ORM0ND CASE V-.. i ''; 'L' IL"""" ' : I'. "'.' ;' v '.'::- Educators to Chart Success of Campus Activities Students Five years from now studenu will know the value of extra rur licular activities for they will b.e able to see charted in black and white at the Department of Sec ondary Education the progress that this year's activity men and women have made since graduat ing. Prof. K. W, Lantz has sent 205 questionnaires to seniors picked Rt random which, when returned, will be charted according to activity, age. school, sex. and position, in five years the charts will be dug out of the-files and compared with tho alumni office information. The findings'will then be used by later student councils for study of ac tivity set-ups. Returns Come In. Many of the questionnaires have already been returned to Mr. Lantz. Ho urges that any student receiving one hasten to fill it out and drop it in any campus mail box. The poll is being conducted by the secondary education de partment in co-operation with the student coniu il. JAP AN.CHINaT NEED ARTICLES ONLY U. S. CAN SUPPLY CLARK (Continued from Page 1.) preserve world harmony, the speaker believed. Bungled Diplomacy. CI. nk aimed some scothing barbs at America's bungling of her diplomatic relationships in the past. Although he did not defi nitely say so, the Denver profes sor suggested rather pointedly that the failure of the world court an I league of nations could l.i laid almost directly at our door, and lliat future world methods of arbitration could not succeed with out the aggressive participation of the I'nited States. Above all else, the convocation speaker stressed that the I'nited States should not go to war to protect her investments in China. Japan, and the Malay states which amount to less than SS.000.000. "Wc would spend more than that in a slncle day of actual fighting." Likewise he termed "absurd" the fears voiced by certain ele ments of the populace that Japan micht invade this countiy, and discounted the belief that the I'nited States needs a greatly ex panded navy. For ten years a University of Alabama sophomore has been pur suing the cleanest hobby on rec ord. He has sample bars of soap garnered from 20 states. CPTIM CARLVON, "tate of tl.c-a-brntkl Laaccn." i '1 ii k .: J iu;tte women. L