The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 22, 1938, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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U. Wild:
41 to
cats iaw
"9 1CI7,iC
Burnett Pulls Fast One,
Starts His Own Campaign
Whenever anyone wanted to
show what would happen when
you turn over your office an as
sistant, one needed only to point
to Theodore Roosevelt when he
was assistant secretary of the
navy. When Secretary Long left
the office one week end to take
a much needed vacation, Roosevelt
got down the maps and decided
that the ships were not in the right
places and so he sent the famous
order to Admiral Dewey which re
sulted in the acquisition of the
Philippine islands. Little did I
think that we had an ambitious
assistant right here on the Rag.
Par exemplar, Emory Burnett, a
regular member of the sports staff.
While I was out having a brief
enforced vacation Burnett was
having a field day with the column
promoting an intramural all-star
team which has advanced so far
that the Greek cagers arc sched
uled to meet the B team Saturday
night as a prelim to the K. U.
fray. When Secretary Long found
out what Roosevelt had done he
was furious and immediately sent
a recall to Dewey but we are well
pleased with Burnett's ambition
and think that his idea is a good
The reason given for this intra
mural all-star team is that the
material in Greek competition is
far superior to that seen on the
hoards in previous years. The pub
lic appearance of the all-star selec
tions may well bring to light some
man who can be developed into a
No. 1 eager for the reserve or
varsity squads. Of course that can
not be done now because the sea
son is practically over but a sys
tem could be developed next sea
son whereby a player who displays
talent on the intramural floor may
easily be advanced to the Nubbin
and varsity squads. Good idea Bur
nett, let's hope that the Greeks
will put their whole hearted sup
port behind the project.
We were still confined to the
proverbial four walls last Satur
day night when the Huskers def
initely defeated one of the eight
or ten best hoop clubs in the
country by tak
ing Loyola into
c a.m p . We
would have giv
en a Varsity
bargain hour
ticket to have
been in the
stands for that
one but had to
be c o n t e nted
with the excel
lent description
by Harry John
son via the
ether w a v .e s.
A c c o rding to
Sports An
nouncer John
son, Floyd
Lincoln Journal.
Ebaugh did yoeman's
guarding Rambler Mike
who ia a lot of center on any man s
team. Ebaugh held Novak score
less from the field during the en
tire first stanza and allowed the
Loyolan only two field goals all
evening. This is gome sort of a
record because Novak is the key
man of the team. He stands under
the basket while his teammates
make the opening. Then when
everything is get, they feed the
ball to Novak and ppft she is in
the basket clean as a whistle.
Those who saw the game will also
testify as to Novak's effectiveness
guarding the enemy hoop. I im
agine Wee Willie Kovamla was
slightly perturbed there for a
while to see go many of his shots
broken up by "Too High."
Tigers Stop K-State.
While Nebraska's cinder artists
were white-washing the Minnesota
Gophers in Minneapolis, the Mis
souri Tigers beat out K-State by
about nine points at Columbia.
Four existing records were wiped
from the boards and new ones
chalked up. Missouri's Munski
made a new meet record in the
mile run with the time of 4:23.7,
while Kuper of Nebraska won the
event in Minneapolis with a 4:33.3.
Gee of the Tigers set another rec
ord in the quarter mile with the
52.2 but Simons of the Huskers
beat out V'erran of Minnesota with
a 51.8. Other records were reg
istered in the pole vault by Ebrlglit
and Harkness of K-State who tied
for first at 12 feet 3 inches and
in the two mile run by Mitchell,
K-State, who negotiated the route
In 9 minutes 44.4 seconds. Three
Nebraskans tied for first in the
pole vault Hgainst the Gophers,
their height being 11 feet 6 inches,
and Husker Kuper did the two
mile circuit in 9:57.4. In comparing
these performances it looks like a
good stiff meet ahead when these
Big Six teams get together.
K. U. on Spot.
Phog Allen will bring his Kan
sas basketcers to Lincoln Satur
day night and attempt to remove
the last at least one of the tough
estobstacles standing in the way
of another Big
Six crown. If he
wins the game
his team has
the crown and
if Kansas loses
the Oklahoma
Sooners will
will have a
share of the di
adem. Nebraska
has nothing to
loae in the
e-am Tt mo v
I : 4 i d termlna
I Vril whner or not
tho Huskers are
rx.-punc ALLEN
third, tied for
third, or maybe
they'll be just
A-Llncoln Journsl.
fourth. That doesn't matter half
as much to Browne's charges aa
the championship does to the Jay
hawka. K. U. will be under a
r u
r a
Nebraskans Lag From Initial
Canto; Ebaugh Paces
(Special to thi: Nhm.kan.)
MANHATTAN, Kas., Feb. 21.
Nebraska's rangy Cornhuskers
went down before a fighting band
of Kansas State Wildcats here to
night in a rough and tumble ball
The Wildcats
turned on the
heat in their
last conference
game and pick
ed themselves
out of the cel-
ler to fifth
place above the
luckless Iowa
State quintet
whom Nebras-1
ka trounced
last Monday,!
The Huskers
eot awav to an
PAUL AMEN early lead as I
-i.incnm .Tmirnei.the game grew I
older. After the first few minutes i
the Huskers lost "their lead and
never regained it tne remainder or ,
the tilt. At the half the Kansas 1
State team had the advantage by 1
ft points 21-16.
The Wildcats came back early
in the second half with a scoring
streak which kept the
Huskers ,
safely behind. Led by Forward
Klimek. the Aggies built up a
lead which they held until the end
of the contest.
The Huskers, after their con
quest over the Loyola quintet Wed
nesday night suffered a let-down
8nd missed shot
after shot with
in easy range
of the hoop.
Bob Klimek
Wildcat for
ward, led the
scoring for the
evening chalk
ing up 11 points
fog his team.
Bob Parsrtns,
veteran Husker
guard, contin
ued to lead the
Scarlet in the
scoring with
o.Knn nninli n
his credit. Floyd E. DOHRMANN
Ebaugh, lanky -.Lincoln Journal.
Husker center, followed Parsons
with six points.
Coach W. H. Browne used eleven
men, his whole traveling squad in
an attempt to stop the persistent
attack of the victory-bent Kan
sans. The Box Score:
A nfn t
Thnmais f
Knvalifla f
nohrman t
Khaut-'h c
Tnllman f
Pnrmns g
Werner k
Orimm k
Wileon 1
1 K. Slate
2 Burnt f
1 Fulltoti t
1 Klimek f
1 Wesrhe e
1 Kramer r
0 Cleveland g
0 Pop'nhouse g
10 6 Totals
0 JJ
strain. They have been under it
i, , ,ui.
record to stay in the running. Ne-
kra.,1,0 fcUH ihoi r-in iiiveH
inn sh h- nn u-r.rri. n,i
the Huskers should be able to
click better. If the Javhawks want
to win
Saturday they will have to
juard against the jitters.
. r r ...
be on guard
forecast but is not meant to be
1 h. annul maw iniinit Mr a
because we're in
very good friend
riraiiu tahpn 1
asked our candid opinion about 1
the outcome of the second Sooner!1"''""' .,. . , , , , .
. Thu fiifiiiul Mchpi ulp h'AR not as
L': ,"!L .w ?. , .u
2 to 1. Well, as you all know, It
wa Nehra. ftn tn i
that we predicted that the Husk-
ers would topple the Mizzou Ti-
K V..onBVtther
that our policy shall be wait and
I am informed that at the Iowa
State game gome girls from Wy
more were on hand to do some of
the stuff first and second year
men ha' been cussing for more
lhan a decade around this school,
namely, drilling. Whether or not
one likes to drill, a lot of girls j Roy N. Towl, consulting en
dressed in red doing squads left, ! gineer on bridges and river work
right and about makes nice watch- i in Omaha, will speii on the sub
lug while wailing for the "faty- ject of "Behavior of the Missouri
gued" to recnerate in the j River" at a general engineering
dressinc !' i . ; .rsliing Rifles i convocation to be held this eve-
gave the fans soiiie more during
the Loyola intermission. These be
tween the half 'shows are a. great
idea and have more point than
some of the spontaneous enter
tainment the audience provided for
itsolf earlier in the season. Why
th Corn Cobs and Tassels over
in the "organized" cheering sec
tion didn't think of aomethlng like
that is beyond us.
When John Pesek thinks that he
is the only rightful champion in
the mat world he makes no bones
about it. To the several "world
champions" ha has issued a chal
lenge and a reward. If any of them
canthrow him they not only get
the belt but In addition Peaek will
give them a personal check for
& thousand smackers. Pesek will
meet Bhu Pinder tonight at the
fair grounds in a world's cham
pionship bout, two falls to a f Inlsh.
Acocrdlng to a recent atudy,
summer jobs paid Vassar girls
$7,187. Twenty-four percent of the
girls had paid jobs and 11 percent
engaged in volunteer work.
New Deal
Barber Chop
1306 "O"
J. I
jjUWtWX .
kO?N HoeBL. -FaMdll
Loren Florcll, 6 foot 4 inch for-
wara, is me lanesi man on me i
University of Kansas, basketball !
squad which will close' the Nc-'
hraska schedule in the coliseum
Qtu..Q., ...h.n. ,-,u,cii in.ii u-; receiving the most votes will eom
mental in the Jayhawk defeat of : the sonad which will n,ru,.o
the Oklahoma Sooners a week ago
when Kansas toppled the Boy
Scats 41-38 to lead the conference !
ince. ne 1.1 unc ui ine suomK re- ,
Bfl VCS 11. f . L .Kl Alieil Will
bring to Lincoln to meet the Scar
let and Cream cagcrs.
Plenty of Vets, Prospects
Make Future Season
Look Bright.
Coach Wilbur Knight will
gather his Mseball prospects to
gether for le first time in a
meeting to be held Feb. 23. The
first practice session Is scheduled
for March 1 but weather condi-
tions will Drobablv keen them in-
doors for a while.
f I
a, ien veterans irom lasi years
I varsity backed by several very
1 nromisinp- rookies, should rive the
2! Huskers a snerrlv well-rounded'
1 1 ball club. The returning include:
iFitcshers, Kube Denning, Harris
I Andrews, and Lloyd Schmadeke.
The infielders. Paul Amen, Eddie
: Georce. Dell Harris, and the out-
. ii.i-. y-w.t 1, u .i
1 H'lue 1 a. L'cijiia juiijimmi, o uu ciiii--i
Dohrmann. The catching berths
are well filled with Clem Sund -
strom. and Ivan Borman com
ivan Borman com -
! PleUnC the list of last years major
! a ward winners.
! Dow Wilson Reports
Among the rookies we linu iow
Wilson a shorlstop and a member
." "K " "
bHl' fuart- ,u,er . mn, wh,0v, wlU
nimh tlm r..milure inpln. Wthnnv
! Howell catcher Russel B.-hr
iwen r.niiMi, I'uu v. ui iiurit; nani.
J'k, and Bill Kovamla. out-
!vet been relense.l but games have
'?". ' '-
Baylor, Oklahoma Aggies,
-.1 1.. L ..U...l..t..l
,nes - .ta, and California,
ROY Towl. Omaha Consulting
Engineer, to Speak
This Evening.
ning at 7:30 o'clock in social aci
ences auditorium
Mr. Towl is expected to discuss,
in his talk, the various vagaries
of the river in its frequent and
drastic changes of course. The
convocation has been arranged for
by the engineering executive
Your hometown is no longer
"podunk" but mol-e probably a
"crack in the track." A teacher
In the University of Nebraska Eng
lish department has made a atudy
of the synonyms for "Podunk."
They include Toonerville, Plcolo
Town, Sunkyville, Pruneville, Flag
Station, Alfalfa Center, Sagebrush
Center, Pumpkin Center and
Skunk Center.
That Love Bug's Here Agalnl
- . what -
a -
ap aai
Jnhmr Dawim, Kleanora Waltaer. Krra
OnkklM, Uef Erlrkaaa,, VarM cih ara.
TH ranrhonette f.rli
X Mm Keamedr S
Tlaa Orr, (lerald ra
Fraternity Cagemen Vote
In Nebraskan Office;
All Ballots Signed.
Members of fraternity basket
ball teams may cast their ballots
for players on the all-star fra
ternity team by writing their
choices on a ballot printed each
dav in the Nebraska n nnrl sub
mitting the ballot to either the Coach Jones will pick the mate-' Robert Mills, Vernon Neprud. Wil
sports editor at the Nebraskan Hal for his 1938 squad. !ham Pfeiff, Thurston Phelps,
office or depositing it at the
paper stand in Social Science doors for their first workouts due
where a box is provided for them. ' to weather conditions. The squad
It is not necessary to mail the will hold regular workouts starling
ballots to the sports staff of the ' Monday despite the weather.
Nebraskan as was previously an-' Frosh Look Strong,
nounced, unless the voter esperi-1 With a promising crop of fresh
ally desires to submit his ballot in men on hand for the spring work
that manner. Until the close of outs. Jones indicated that nlentv
the ballotint. the Dailv Nebiaskan
will runa ballot each day. Mem-!
bers of fiat teams who played
intramural "A league basketball; Not returning to the squad this 1 Knight, Everett Lomax, vt alter
are eligible to vote for the new j year arc Johnny Howell, Fred j Luther, Fred Meier, leonaivl Mus-ail-star
squad. Shirey. Elmer Dohrmann, Harris j kin, Robert Morris, Kldon Nuern-
Choose Two Tteams.
T1, ,. r , . ,
The name of eacn player's fra-
must be listed after his
no m' ..v. ..... ..,... ;' i
must sign
his name, along
the name i
0f his fraternity. The ten plavers
tht B team and nerhar.s the fresh-
man quint.
Participants in the intramural
basketball program at the.
versity this year will be given
an opportunity for the first time
to select an all-star intramural
basketball squad. This squad will
play the B team, and possibly the
freshman team, probably before
the Kansas-Nebraska Big Six
game to be held here.
This new team is being chosen
because the material in intramural
basketball competition this year is
of c
, ball.
alioer superior to that in the
other years of intramural basket-
! Huskers Land on Short End
j Of 75V2 to 2314 Score, Take
One First Place.
only one first place in their dual
telegraphic track meet against I
Minnesota frosh last Thursday aft-
'?n ins pole vault
to save Nebraska from a total
; n3L fmic nnuLuui. aauuiesoia won
j me meel vu' to Z3'i. Nebraska
j also took four seconds, six thirds
! and one ti fnr thirrl
Th fnm-th tri-l-li. r,,ot tu
: season will be held nn j.Vi,ia,.
February 2."5. In that met the
: times will be compared with the
j times recorded by Minnesota in
the teleeranhic " meet Wnltpr
' t ...1 . . .1
- l,uiiht, tinier Aden, anrj r reu
j Walker will captain the P.ed
, Orange, and Green teams respec -
1 lively in t ndav s meet
niipirn lllTlirn nn Tn a
H KhK Mfl MFN JA Til fi
DcLos Johnson Scores Fall
, In Heavyweight Class
For Lone First
. ,u.. ...t. i . match was marked up on
the debit side of the Husker mat-
! n' as they dropped one
i me jowa Mate Jeachers team
j Saturday night. Nebraska lost
lour matches by decision, two by
1 1
iaws, goi a uraw in one and a
fall in the final to make the aroi
23'. to in favor of the tutors
The victory was the fifth of
! the year for ihe teachers and the
i loss the sixth for the Huskers.
! Nebraska wag down 22 points to
i none tort Paul Fidler scored the '
1 rival nnint. . Jr.., I
In the 175 pound class. DcLos '
Johnson accounted for the other
ic iici'iBoan j'uiniB uy pinning advancement of teaching, issuing : mi ne landscape me enire cam
Kagan in the heavyweight divi-ithe institution's 32nd annual re-1 P"- which was in a bad state of
I sion. The results:
I 11 poundi: Stewtrt
1 12 pmind-: N.ti (IKTi threw Mih
1 In nne minute tnd ten neindn.
i l.'tfi pnundl: Mnure llhTl defeated
lnlK jh;iiiiii in ji-t-i uic I UII1JM-LII lll 1UI
J4 'poundi. Bahim, irTi defeated tuition paying students.
Lu,".'; . . . ,,,. . , "We are familiar with the 'in-
Hft pud: Iitnd MSTi di'fetied Tntnp. i , . , , , ...
lr. pound.: B' .1ST) threm Horn j UUCCIIieiil s of filed to pronilsirig
in nn minute m erond ; athletes,'' he declares, "but we may
4rJ fo'"",' y"s,rr ,NI ,nd Tvl"be astonished by the fact that
Heavyweight: jnhmon rvi threw Knuan ' drum majors and tuba players now
In three mitmieii :i7 eecnmts '
Hrferee: Buy Lnokaiiaut.h, Oklahomi
A. M.
Plans to operate typical Iowa
farms are under way at Iowa State
college. Each of the farms will be
under the supervision of a local
county commissioner. An "agricul
tural foundation" gift of an
anonymous donor, was established
for the "Improvement of Iowa ag
riculture." George Vaihinglim nrver Ud t
Ire. . , . IimI here $ n gat
who in ah et up for It!
t Mora
Days I
V with
John Bsrrymore
Jones Anticipates Much
From Weir's Frosh
Squad This Year.
Candidates for Coach Lawrence
"Biff" Jones 193S football squad
will climb into their togs Monday
afternoon for the first day of
spring practice, Coach Jones an
nounced yesterday.
About 58 candidates will per
form before the "Biffer" during
spring session. Out of this number
The aspirants may be forced in-1
of time will be taken for individual
performances after the group had !
preliminary conditioning exercises, i
Andrews, Ted Doyle, Paul Amen, ;
Bob Mehring, Lowell English, Gus
., V. .. D:..,r.., ' ,,
""mly i1111""1""". ""i1"-'""11 ""ul6. '"T" u-.vwn.,
lettermen who
w ill lie nisi, uv
graduation and ineligibility. Jim
Mather, back, and Bob Ramey, two ;
members of last year's squad will 1
Intra mural All-Stars .
Use this ballot in submitting your choices for placet on the
all-star fraternity basketball team. Do not vote for members of
your own team. Mail this ballot to the sports staff of the Daily
Nebraskan after you have made your selections. Also tell to
which fraternity the players belong.
First team
, ... center
.... guard
, ... guard
Signature. . .
'B' Squad to Conclude Hoop
Itinerary in Wesleyan
Game Saturday.
The last dual meet of tne Husker
' Schedule will be
nein nere nexi
University of
i Friday with the
1 . t - t: c:.. ,.u......! .u; -
' lu " D1 ",A -"o"'i'"-"'""i
1 wiU be n('ld al Mlssoul'i 0,1 March,
4 and 5.
Only two more games are left
nn tht "R hufcUpthul Ipam s
schedule. Tonight the team goes
: to Fremont for a game with Mid-
11 J
land college, an.i Saturday the
Nubbins will be hosts to the Wes
leyan cagers on the Ag college
court. Bolh of these teams have
dropped a game to the Nubbins
this year.
The "B" team has lost only
three games this year. The fiist
lo.s.s was a thriller with Peru go
ing out in front in the closing
minutes. The other two losses were
to Wayne, who barely edged out
. .. . ... ... ...
I first victory kept intact the ayne
llie .iiiiuijib ill Ml'lll Edillt n. I ur:
j record of not having lost a home
; game in two yearsand the sec
I ond game was the first setback
i which the Nubbins have suffered
; on the home court this year.
a ;
I Colleges Reeruit
Tuba Players as
Well as Athletes
.r inten-oiircmie Hre, i
lif Wnitr.r .Tocsin nrettwii'iit nf
the Carnegie foundation for the
i port, levels a broadside blast at
an educational standard which tol-
'tp bait dangling to a point
where college presidents, are be- ... t i
AriultB Kiddira
5 jer"-.
A Hit No. 2 k
f Madeleine Carroll
t Herbert Marshall 1
not be on hand for spring work
outs. Mather failed to make the
scholastic requirements last sem
ester and Ramey will not appear
because of a conflicting job.
Plenty of Vets.
Last year s squad members who
win reuirn lo spring practice are
Jack Ashburn, Warren Alfson,
William Andreson, Charles Brock,
Robert Burress, William Callihan,
Bud father, Adna Dobson, Jack
Dodd, Lloyd Grimm, Hugo Hoff
man, Robert Kahler. Arlo Klnm
George Porter. Man-in Plock, Roy
Pftsch, Sam Swartskopf, Kenneth I from the Kansas Staters, who. he
i Shindo, Rolyne Boschult. cording to pre-season ratings, were
Men reporting for varsity try- doped as being very weak. Kansas
outs for the first time are: For- lost to the strong Missouri team hy
rest Behin, Maurice Breunsback, narrow 56'i to 4"' margin last
. Shellev Condon. Vernon futshall, ' Saturday. Missouri was behind un
i Don Fitz, Jack Faubel. Vike Fran-! 'he last event had been run off.
' cis. Fred Griffin, Richard Hitch- A victory in the mile relay gave
cock. Leo Hnnn. Paul Koetowski.
Leonard Ganger, Harry Hopp. Wil-1
ham Irwin, Royal Kaliler, George i
berger, hred Preston. Kay rrocn-
nzka, Don Prorock, Dale Ruser,
u oi,.; d.iu cwv
ucui rcrtiiauii, nrnuvui uwn
nions, John Stoddart. Edgar
Thompson, Theos Thompson, Edsel
Second team
Grefk Council Presents
Dance Reports Tonight
Intertraternity council mem
bers will meet for an important
session tonight at 7:30 in room
9 of Morrill hall. A complete
dance report is expected.
1 find themselves possessed of spe-
; cia talents with a remarkable
j . .... ,, , ,
! a,l't m
aiwe in ine coutge neiQ.
and scholarships are
dangled before the eyes of impe-
cunios hich gcnool DUPiis." the
report continued. "Fraternities and
sororities vie in recruiting students
nu nr. tt tk,.!.. Kill, r. J Vi .
1'"- L,,r" " u ,
f.'" ,1 111! 1 '1 V O.J IIVHV f) f W IIIC
chapter. The evil thread which
runs thru the fabric of recruit
ment devices is the attempt thru
them to exploit the student.
"One who talks ftften with col
lege executives listens to an amaz
ing amount of resentment over un
fair recruiting tactics of other in
stitutions. It is from the world of
business and industry that col-
i . '
adopting these methods
Diiuiii'i train uini unntus.
..Mlinv h.1(.in(,,r8 have
ruined by short sighted practices.
Cut rates, rebates, extravagant
claims, unfairness in competition
have brought to business its own
punishment. Just as surely, 'cut
ting coiners' will ruin a college."
A student at Adrian college has
earned his way thru school by
landscaping the college campus.
Coming to Adrian after financial
' stress forced him to forego his
educational pursuits at the Univer-
1 sit.V of Illinois, he approached the
; college authorities and proposed
neglect, in lieu of his tuition,
FRIDAY, Feb. 26
'' ' I
- I
B -
t VS.. .v :
Gopher Win Preludes Stiff
Opposition in Clash
With Wildcats.
Back from a successful invjisiwi
of Minnesota, the Huski-r truck
team negan worn yesterday 1:1
preparation for the last mdooi
meet of the season, which will liv
held next Saturday, when the
Wildcats of Kansas State come
here. Nebraska trimmed the Mm
nesota tracksters 64 to 35 last
Saturday, taking a clean sweep of
two events.
Stroncr onnosition is exneeted
nP nieet to Missouri
The Wildcats set two new meet,
records Saturday, Elbi ight and
Harness of Kansas and Gordon
and Bearce of Missouri tv'ne at 12
feet 3 in the vault, and Mitchel
of Kansas State turning in a new
two mile record of 9:44.4. Several
of the Kansas State times bettered
the best efforts of the Husker
squad this year.
SEE the inside of the world
most inhuman racket!
SEE Humans bartered 1r
gold in tropic honky-tonkt :
SEE wholesale slaughter of
human cargo.
cr- f with
' Anna May Wonp
iarry "Busier" Crabbe
" Charles Bickford
Guy Kibbee
Sum Surrniprvilte
A man beating the law
. . . what he'll do for his
woman . . .
Dorothy Lanour
Jon Kail
Mary Acter
C. Aubrsy Smith
Alio Added Unitt
Starts Friday!
i' ,"t 'n Million",
tweefheort, rodionfl
re -uni ted f
4 L -
'if iuh hTrshoit I
Coming! "Snow Wfute and
the Seven Dwarfs'
r .sk
ou've VJ
Heard Them On
Air. J
MCA Praamta
and fiL&
Thlt fnmmf rrhifr mmJiic Mftiw
iircrMful vngHtrnwfttn the
Edgewatrr Bach Hotfl
Vragon and Tnmon Ballroom
hints ti
Twkt ?fr ihiw tn Kulft m
Hrluttitllfr A- Miirllrr.
ii m. ii ..-jv : -lit i t - at i