The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1938, Image 1

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5 :
k 11 7
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebrask
7" A 'fkT
I on "-ri
1 &MJUJL cuiipbsdL
I L 1
Convo Lecturer
Speaks Monday
on Oriental War
PROM 11 1
Approximately a year ago, ptu-j Grover Clark, Noted Writer,
ilonts In nn eastern university ' i0l.pc i.-
formed an organization known as oOlllCS TO IMCDraSKd
the Veterans of Future Wars. The1 FrOIll DGnVGT U.
treasurer collected duos, the move- j
ment collected attention, and now Grover Clark, considered one of
Current Survey - Poll
to Show Actual Value
of Extra - Curriculars
the organization files are collect-1 the few Americans who know the
J ing dust. I real problems underlying the far
i But progress Is constantly pro-; eastern struggle, will appear JUon- :
i gressing. the show must go on, i day morning at 11 in the Temple j
s vouth must he served, and other ! theater. Clark will address the!
) similar expressions. What we university convocation, which is j
i mean is that an organization simi-lP0I to the public, on the suhject
h lnr to the Veterans of Future Wars ' "The Conflict Between China and !
Group Selects Campbell's
Presentation Plai r;
For his clever impression of how
me iius prom girl should hi? pre-
U.S. Civilization of Today
Likened to Era of Plato
Educators Will Query Seniors
to Determine Merits
of Activities.
What happens to the cniipus
lias been founded at the University
of Georgia in Atlanta.
It's An III Will.
"The Institute of International
lllwill" is the name of the' new
society and its announced pur
pose is to be burlesque war and
sented. Caroll L. Garey. 3800 Or- Late Prof. Frye S Manuscript ; lniI'st for novelty and distraction. Have his university activities aided
card st.. will he awarded the $10, j . p.lhi;.llpj inoe ; self-indulgent, materially minded. 1 in forming his life's work? How
prize offered by the Junior-Senior " rUDllS led 111 Jib , thr-mselv-s. with " high school affect
prom committee for the best pres-j University Scries. w(rds t0 any cvtPnt skeptical ar- activities of higher education?
entat.on plot. Bruce Campbell, jun-1 ;rogant. self-conceited, and- super-, These are the questions which
lor and Awgwan editor, composed , "Twentieth century civilization I stuious " ! the IVparement of Secondary Ed-
the alternate winner, to be used in here in the United States is after! "nmcrn... i3ri. ucatinp is asking more than 200
the event Caroll's plan should all not so much different from that ' uangerous similarity. graduating seniors in an effort to
not only in this country but also, Uai,ca 4n rAmnMa i., Tin' In.. .... '7 .' , J? lno T,e r'0; nre kI, V ' 1 l",7. I Pxnm,np tn" ivity set-up of the
I I I UUOO LU UVIMtJtlV lit I f 1 V , "i c J'lfrt.i nr fulHllil H'l in i lilt. Ul OI lilt In LI I 1(H fSWU , ' --"vtit i i ine.n-
ail, many of wnirh were usahie.
The speaker is widely recognized
. abroad as one of the leading au
I thorities in two fields of great
international interest, particularly
at the present development in the
j far east and the problems center
ing around the colonies in that
Divisions for Ivy Day
! However. Caroll's plan smacked
of impressiveness, originality and
university. The survey is beinc
rrusser Fi ve whose philosophy tion and that of today which bodes conducted by this department in
and wit has touched the lives of ill 'or us. "Tho I may be mistaken cooperation ' with the student
hundreds of Nebraska men and in thinking for my own part that ; council. It is the fust real attempt
Membership in his brain-child is for more than a century
fast Increasing, according to At-1 self was born in Japan and after an announce ment released yester-
I kinson, and other chapters will he j getting his formal education here Ulay by Winfield Klias. president
sopnisucauon. ciei iareu mo com- women ana wnose principal work. I " ik-iih-kim ui me ninnna whs 0 investigate the merits of the
Intei-fratcrnity sing competition, ! I'11UP'- 1 " winning auinnr is ar'I'lato," left behind him at his I'oiuu.s, as u is iiko to prove our ; extra-curriculars.
Findings Aid Student Council.
Questionnaires have been sent
rm n,i,lv iitinwniethppnm. hnnienw inrb' -r,,ii Uac 1 cnnncnw.1 ouch lw inv hv Knsmet I suuier.L in mo university, navinc deain in in,",4 has lust been pub- "'. .vei uieie can ne mue iionm
mander and father of the idea. I been' active in' China and Japan ! Klub. will he conducted in two I formerly been enrolled in a Min- j lished as the first number in the of the danger in both cases from
. . ... u: i;.. t1 ne sol a si hon . w Here ne ha, i-naiee l niversM v stu hoc fnr in chiousv oi duiiiic ie. a (antrer so
a ceniury. nc mm- un uu . ........ w - " . i . . '."' ." ... '..,. tn or m.i,nBt .ni,..- i..i,,..-i
oi sue n prcseniaiions. i ne auinor points out me like- , "" :.efm-i in sociei.v - "f ..
Worthy Presentation : nesses of the modern Americans ; lro"i the fact that even the women , at random. It is hoped that 200
,. . . land the ancient Greeks: "It would iarp no longer exempt from its se- I replies will he received. About five
on. t- e . mn,i,.ui,K u m -. . , . . literature, 'luctions." : years later, Ihen. this years rec-
l if y the position of prom girl this
formed in colleges all over the returned there in 191S.
world. Two of his books. "A Place in The divis:ons will be made upon
Cablegram for Adolph. ,the Sun" an.l "The Balance Sheets j the. basis of size of the competing yrar liy a student election
The first constructs art of 1 1 -""-", nc n u. ii.i.ucu....... i . ,. .... .-.-. we will certainly give her a prcs-
V.: "nP ,PSUIt ot Hn esnausuve stufiy large memnersnips competing in (,ntation of which she is worthv.
the I. I. I. was a cablegram to
Adolph Hitler. The first draft
advised Hitler to "quit stalling
and fiqht Austria" but was re
fused by two telegraphic com
panies who said it might lead to
international complications.
"That's just what e wanted
including Shakesnenro it-lf a There are some who would call i ords will be compared with those
clearer mirror of the times than th" Athenians intellectual su-, in hp alumni office in an effort to
that which this early Greek holds periors to people of today. In no i trace extra-curricular activities
up before our own civilization. The one is this clarity of mind dis- in, a lif(,'s wr"'k- Sonic of the
nennle nmnnr- u-hnm ho livori and PlaVPd better than in riato. writes , findings will be used by the
wnicn nc macie lor tne uarnegie ; one division, tnose wnn compara- jn 0hrr words we have selected 1
n 935 an, 1 :C He ha ' " : TlfZ I ! 1 I With whom he colonized his W,t-Mr. Krye. The Greek had a.ready indent council in 1939 for its
. ' . irt . r .i.iiiii. ii iniir, (.mm. i.u
c. mi.. iinji hi me i.iuiiH iiiieun iai
eastern affairs at the University
I of Virginia's Institute of Public
I Affairs and lias given special
courses -in this field at the Wil
ines are not s.o dissimilar frnm ' abandoned the st udv of nature for i study of the activities, set-up.
our own. the study of men. He was no lover "The last complete inventory of
Like us. the Athenians were j of tho country and landscape: he i activities was taken about ten
wara i wo cups. Steeves. co-chairman.
Two cups will be awaided. (.ir The rules which govern the con-
to the winner ot ca. n division. R , test were that an author of a plan . . ,1,mnrrati. preferred humanity and cities. He years ago. according to Trof. E. tv.
is nopc.l mat tms new plan win must be a s u.lcnt in the Mnvw-' t , k t , f.R no fascination for obscurity ; Lntz. At that time several extra-
,nid gimrtermasteenoia, Tolbert hamstowi, Institute of Politics. Chi-! tirularIy moro snial, Rr;mps. 'into , fr ,ho anTthe aesttic : !!i?!;a.rr,i!ici!:i,!,: "C ,OUn" rrfUm"ty C ne Z
of tho I. I. I., refprrinfc to "inter-1 rao univprsity. Northwestern, t .ha c:' Kait.,i "i-w
nuiivuni ituiij'iii nLitnt.-.. i imi i i - i i:v i ill n uiu t l Wily (IS WCIl HS
mill rif tirviinloc Acniti1 iVAn
P.o-innii,P- thi vmv v.-ith the h.. o '. ,.,l.,..ti,, . miauhuui.
mark seems contradictory tn the manv other lcadin" schools. . ". k"1 ui..' ,r,,,.i i,... ,io.. ! r. . i .' extravagant with an insatiable1
, ,. . . , ,, , . , .tili; "L- Ji.-ni iiuiiiif, ii ,,n I,.'MU. .miry HJI'l V. rl 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1. 1 1,
purpose of the poup (lark has .,pokcn numerous fpstivities on Mav 1 .a new rRU-1 ideas were also submitted bv Alio ;
since when a real war starts and, times on the program of the for- hatmn . tn b '..h,! hv ihc n.Jh iwi,.'w:mi ti
Millets start whizzing the whole eign political associations in New ; KIl)h whcr.,,y no r.-ateri.ily- mayjihv San.lfnrt.' Francis tlCU tflll iUC 111,
affair looc the asr.rcl r.f n l.iir-1 1 .irk an. nKowhoro an, hAfnrA ... .... 7
' . ...... . slMo ,,,,, yiime M,nR uvo years in , h.i.iou Mcllravv and Manoric,
lesque upon war. : such o. camaHons as the Amen- a row T)lat js , K5Uiizil, i(ls nmv . fhtirrh.ll ' I
Another message was drafted. can Bankers association. National i nnt offer the same or sonc's 1 e-amti ',. ui .i a,,.i r.,,..
Credit Men's association, the Na- this ..- ,ilat hr., mn on last I .t.. hi. ,io. ,..hi..fc tho i
t ir?m l ("ii .nfi 1 fen P.nrt inn . .' - ' ." '
however, and given a more sub
tle wording. The second one
read: "We are all behind you
and the eight ball. We recom
mend Austria for your growing
pains." This was accepted by
one company and should make
very good reading for the seventh
assistant secretary under the
vice-president in charge of ca
blegrams in Hitlers cabinet. I
The Institute of International I
lllwill also wishes to reward those !
who do good wnrlt along the line
r.f kibitzing, ridiculing, and the j
fostering of inhannnny. Com- 1
mander Atkinson announced that
a beautifully painted plaque would
be awarded to uenoral Rmedley
mittec promises will surpass them I
But Wd Am 1-
The Library Leaks
riato. writes Prof Five has their purpose and usefulness were
(Continued on Page'3.) q;Mioned
I The questionnaire is organized
. )tiat m,nire little time
I for filling out. Students receiving
I blanks arc asked to fill them out
at their earliest convenience and
drop them in the campus mail box
located on the first floor of any
: building on the campus.
He joined the staff at Denver
university as professor of eco
nomics in the fall of 1937.
to abolish the custom of fome
Hiitlcr. V. S. Army, retire I, for
It tit ineni tViml cfMM'if 'i-. TVtiu tilQrnti n i
,. ;,; . :j "' ccora - breakinq urowa mter. The Kiub win
awards for conspicuous setTie.' i CaStS HCaVV Ballot Kane's into the two groups c
The 1 1 t i i,.t infant; r. ,., ' j cording to s,ze a ft er the dea dime
- ' J'- i-nr wmnpr
fraternities of using the same !
songs year after year. Now at '
least one year must elapse before
a song may bo. repented.
File Contest Entries.
Filings of entries in the liCS
sing are now being accepted by
the Jlub. and they may be made
fit nor with F.lias '.r with William I
Tenipel. Elias stated I hat the
' si hool of music has off. red to t
assist, without, obligation, any;
'fraternity reeiuesting aid in pr"-1
paring and practicing for the sing, j .
i Fraternities, in filing, will not ,
! state which division they wish to ; Uan'e Dnn P.liih Will P.hnnCP
. , , , ITIVII U I J VIUU Willi wi.VVUV
divide the: r
Group to Award Trophy Cup,
to Act That Receives j
Most Applause.
i organization and as such
stand a few suggestions as to the
correct antagonizing procedure.
How to Antagonize.
They could send an lllwill
messenger ts write slanderous
messages In the streets of Berlin
and ruin Hitler's prestige. Si&ns
. f.r f.liito au vet n no nnni mee, I hau
can, " w . .' -m.
i 1 wen rcacren.
l oitiine-tc llmg booths, photo
galleries, gambling concessions
were cast aside by the voting car- HASTINGS DEBATERS GIVE
nival-goers at the Coed Counselors
sponsoring the most popular booth
Members From Group
of Workers.
By A. Library Book.
Here I sit so lonely and sad.
frayed and worn and pretty darn
bad, covered with dust so thick ;
and black, gasping for breath on j
thic hnrie.l rl,l . & flt Tlnn T irot I
i happy, gay with youth, telling the)
i story of some fmper-sleuth, cle-.
mande.l by all - best seller w as 1 . Judging of Coed Follies skits is
travelii.g so fast 1 thot I should : scheduled to begin Tuesdav, Feb.
'fly. Those were the days, the 22 for the annual Coed 'Follies I SCniOT StudCfltS tO APPij 0?
- . ... , - ... - iiiiii III I 't II' II I III I N I 11 1 1 f W
I ioki cniy in rnymes. tne clays t h e a t e r March 24. The
: w hen horses were
lasle, ami
snout ner waist. t will visit the 13 sorority houses
But some how things have nn,i 4 v,nrh hs ii,.. 'i,BV. . I
. i ii n i i i n i c ii f. i ne
s were still in good : j(lf, inp committee, composed of!
a lady wore things ; seven A. W. S. board members
Research Stipends Until
March 1.
Applications for graduate schol-
turned for the worst and wicked i tc-red the contest and will review ! arships and fellowships in engi
peoplc came in like Hearst. There ; tn(.j,. f,cts. In accordance with . neering at Cornell university for
was one time that Hellish rain custom, five or six skits and sev-1 lV'-39 may be made at th office
' C..rn C(.bs men's renrinianded' ,hllt .'oaked ne thru and made me n.'.-tnin j...ts i,l he nirke.l to of the dean of the college of engi-
pep club, will take drastic steps P""'- They put me in an oven slot he pr.wntP( .luring the follies. 1 neering or at the office e.f the cean
...... .... .. . . V. .
ill the near future to rectify the
to drv mv bellv an"
' A
as "Hitler is a gooneypuss" or
"Yah, yah, Adolf's got girl."
Or the lllwill messenger could
start a whispering campaign,
bruiting it about that Hitler
does not like pork-pie. You can
see what a spot that would put
him on. Then, tos, if the I. I. I.
could persuade a philanthropist
to do a little phllanthroping,
they could take the money and
bribe Hitler's barber to shave i
off hit mustache. This would
doubtedly cause him
Then the lllwill messenger in
Italy could antagonize Mussolini
against Hitler, by wilting insult
ing messages and signing Hitler's
name. Such as: "The lhice ' a
goose Hitler." or "My wife can
lick your wife, 1 lietrhu Adolf."
Little Incidentals such as time
clockti, bombs and the like would
also tend to promote a healthy
spirit of friction.
If the members of the I. I. I.
a . a f..l.Htllu mam th.u .in.
i"doubtedlv know ouite a few
ways of making ill will. We are
afraid, however, that one or two
more cablegrams will make a
pretty deep hole In the trea-ury
of the I. I. I. and that publicity
for members of the organization
It about all that will be accomplished.
'were piescnted with a .silver lov
ing cup bearing the engraved
name of their sorority.
I Receiving second place in the .
me hot.; i f,.n.,. vfam th. ik ii a huvr. of the graduate college before
lull in activity of the club. It was ; 11 dried me. yes, and boded my nol Wn ju,1(,',.j at the final show- March 1.
decided at a "recent meeting that ".!'- H"(i niH'ic " Unk- 'k , ing. hut this year the A. W. S.l Th.-sw! scholarships awarded by
c orncn uiiiversuy consisc hi u
Mr.vullen graiiuate scnoiar-
an annual value, of $1,000
a plan should lie attempted where-. Swinnle'a huts. And then one tiin. j bo.;n, wi s(.,- H I,rP(.,,1,.nt
'"""""" "K r:.,nV"?' '""""It. rr ... e. hv new initiates will be accepted," ""iginng Ki ne. kc.i me cm - , . winilir.l, 8hit with a Jonn
on the sidewalk and fences such meniDcis of Aipna ui umega ; i ort'iibio icanib incta otven tn ... ub only or. a competitive ;,s lf I'al -and read me some , ,r..hv ,... h,.HIinP" ,h(. hips of a
basis. " ' tben the phone: she tossed me ; f ...mniri(. The for students interested in pursuing
Times in Two - Day
The significant rcl sweaters. ' far and made me moan.
which have h..en worn mum. ' n'" K was nroKe
On Thursday and Friday two , modirally during the recent weeks, f8''1- 1 "''flfl 'rc
cup is to be awarded on the basis research and working for an ad.
concession competition was Kappa tU. ,at(1 t(.(inis 0f the fnivcrsitv of ' will now be worn on all days pre- ! I1' - hospital c lean and pretty
Alpha Theta for their shooting ( Nebraska engaged in a series of (.,jng athletic e vents on days 0f i the first I'd s.v-n that had
gallery and third place was : seven discussions with students eif , the events and on .lavs of " club i 8 h'H'1 I;"t that was so long
awarded to last year's victor, ' Hastings college. Forrest Wilkc , nicctiti-s If adopted 'this mea- i "P" v-'hen books vrre never known
inillllia l 111 LQ. il JUn I- ,
the doctor f)f ,i)ivUusp ,, ,1Mm the jU(Ifrn),:nt yanced degree, as well as the- Kloti
but first 1 cf ti,!- board its. If Hnnt ngton Hooker fellowship in
land Leo Turkel upheld the affirm a-! sure will be enforced by a fine'" ,u,0'v "f riiin fin(" r"'1 pop'o Helen Tasc'ie and Kathenne '
itive of the "compulsory arbitra-! irvy. it was announced by the lh' usl 1hf,t niake our lives so Kj. ' . ' j
ingHii(. 'tive of the "compulsory arbitra-! levy.
ii,r , n. ni jon- q,.M ion. and Kugcne H. ' chairman in last Wednesday's as
annually by the Coed Counselor , r.,r,is, Bm, F-rn,.,t Wintrnuh tin- i ...i.i.
.ould un- .Kroup. was attended by a larger n,.,,, tne n(.gntjvc of the "unicam- The. Corn v.h rlso made ar
to lose "r ' , .r f l epiestion. i tangcrnents for then annual dm
,V0 students attended and at times
the space in the Armory was
taxed. Co-chairmen for the cent
much unblest. But now the build-
in no liul ur utfttx a nil tiiilrA ,e .
frightened books ' t.. pray for j JU,,PB
weianer lair aim warm and clean
i...... .....v. ..KA..i ..t e ii
Heading the judging committee "."""". " n""- " V"
is Velma Kkwall. The committee V" Pen
itself is composed of Martha Mor-! ni) hydraulics in F.urope or
row. Hetty Cherny, Janet Lau. rati Amonra'
Tuition Fellowship;..
Kilburk. i Other scholarships ani ieilov,-
The schedule for the preliminary ships offered by the school in en
gineering nrp. in civil engineering.
th MrCraw Feiiowrhip. $4ii( ;t
Debates on the first subject were . per dance, tentatively scheduled ; fi'l'nts who don't drink beer.
held at Hastings coll. ge, before for May Vt. The place of the event
the Itotarv club: at Hoi. liege, tie-i and the band have nrit vet been
were Virginia Fleetwood and Vir- j fr(. ,ho (.'las, of ,h,. AuylH , ,u., ir,0l). Th mnv proposal of com-
ginia Nolle.
Tomorrow's tun will thaw out
the frozen ears and noses that
have been taking a beating the
past week. The forecast is
mostly cloudy with rising temperature.
Yes. here I sit so lonely and
shy. just an old Uiok that looks
"damn dry.' dirty and crippled,
broken and sad that conies from
an age was "awful bad." A
Prof. Hill WsiriiH AainM British
Naval Alliances Asks Kalionalism
in Far Eastern Diplomatic Policy
hifch HrhrKil, ftmi before a student mtitivit enti aiicc into th club
UwtlfliitiWf tit Sl.'Yl'HI'il fit) the lllli- , mntt tir. lutif lr,tfti In Til'f Tifl I'd t If ill
earner. .(f subject, the tiegative team , for'this parly, the pledges' interest ! "" tones have me thru;
i .....u u. i I .... ';-.. i... ii.. over successes hriclits I flew. Hut
iilfe.!'-.' null j iri.'i nip imh.i,- n . jn uir in (Iiiiaii . inn ii-iiij; j...t...iiiv .
general assembly of students of 1 nrc it iined by then- work don.'. M,'"'; the y know ine not.
Aurora high school, bif.iic a group; other duties 'lo be assigned to ''"l '' 'v'' 'ne im this dust to r..t.
at Hastings college on Thursday i H.-p.ring members will include i ,!l ""'I-' MlWil.VK i! tll(' wi
evening, and before a general a.-.-, t k.t sales and gencial assign- "' bun.d un.iei. so die I must:, ,.r thr Ktn.l.nts Yolk n.,l ., !,!.. bv acllve N, Where I go I can not tell; I
Initiation will I postponed imtil ""w 1 vusi...
such a plan can be carried out.! - - - - -
Corn Cobs' next meeting v.ill he
WediK sday, February
high school Friday aflcrnooii.
.!. I v..
d-.m M,l.a Itmlin.n I'l
S:l Kh.m Ml.ha Thi-tii.
A-.HM itrrtr Hi-llr Rii.imiin.l
:4A Ml. ha l llilln
:IM. l.ha 4 1.1 Omi-icti.
1 . h Mkm.n li'-tla 1ii.
l.miinia l-i.i H.t.i
'. ft llrlla Irlln O.I.K
W r.lni-ii.liiy , I , l.r "':
I', fill Mil.
Vmi I'l.i
I'l l-l..
1 ::u. llarn hull
1 l.iir.l,M . I . '.. . i
r.r.Ml fl.IlN ...i u.
A: 111 .ki..ii Kh..h
b-Mi ll:.rl. . . . .
: :IH. I lii (iiiti-aa.
,:I1 Kmimih Kimin ;iiii.i.
1 : .HI! H.n II......... I.i.ll.
Candy Kid Tells
Of Experiences
And Competition
Political Scientist Says U. S.
Has Nothing to Conserve
by War in Orient.
"There have Ix-cn rumors re
cently of an Informal understand
ing between the navies of Great
I-t it inn ft Hi I the United States, in
"I've been selling candy on this (hp luaurp (f un ..(.mive
ri.mpua f.r four years, which '! mt.t, ma.e under the iillimate u
longer than anyone else." tvt.ttcH j , h,,rl,y ,)f the president," Mates
Kay Spun, one of the little candy ly, y1(lmHM u lilt, student of
u,y- , internal loiial affairs. "Whether
Coiupetlilon Is stiff In the candy Sll(.h ft) Bre(.n,,.nt oxs or not
lr.4il.iess. llenides lwivln." to gel ' ,c n. , m, wfly ,)f nowng as
to the rumpus Immediately after V(. :iJ j 8m thnt there Is
By John Stuart.
a. Inn. 1 Is let out, the hoys have
to keep intruders out of their busi
ness. Each boy sells his candy in
nnly one e.r two buildings. Hay Is
limited to "IJ" hull and hhares
honors with his friend in gelling to
the R. O. T. C. soldiers.
Ray sellt candy throughout the
nine montht of school. On year
cIurLiit; summer session ha tried to
sell ice cream but 1t was a poor
business proposition and turned
out to be a fizzle.
The randy boys who tell candy
on the campus probably have the
sans sentlmenls as Rsy f.psn who
remarked simply to ths epiesllon of
whether tic liked to sell candy, "I
tike It."
no formal alliance Vlth Great
Britain in treaty form. Certainly
no such treaty has been before
the senate,"
This question of an alliance with
Great Britain recently brought
Senators William E. Borah of
lduho and Hiram Johnson of Cali
fornia, two of the smalt band of
"irreeoncllabjes" who opponed
declaration of war in 1017, on to
the floor of congress demanding of
Secretary of State Hull whether or
nnt we had nn alliance. The an
swer was "no." However, the ques
tion of existence of such an al
liance has made many wonder
about the wisdom that such an
agreement would contain.
' ' '
j r; :-'- ;
. r" ; " '
' ' , ' ';
,Ai '
IVnnics Huv Kisses. Dances, Yiov
of Charlie McCarthy. Telegrams.
year and free tuition, and a I"n,
versity Graduate Scholarship, 20u
a year and free tuition; in ir.t--chanical
enginef-ring. th1 Ril.ley
Fellowship, $100 a yea:- and free
tuition, and the I'.iga- .1. Meyer
Memorial Fellowship. $100 f. yeir
and free tuition: and in electrical
' ligliiecring. the Charles Hud F,a: ie
Meii:orial Fellowship of Moo a
viar .m'i frnc tu.ti. -..
Prof. White to Choose Tef.m
Tuesday After Hcanr."
at (Jala Coed Counselors Canmal Mai Spfrrius.
Physicist Gives Illustrated
Address on 'Waves'
Monday Night.
Deiate tryouts on '.he .i!.y. t of
Alpha Chi Omega Wins Prize;, ih.- purchaser .. variety of -.-hon th c. 1.6 uiii he held .i ..."
' , , ., and sweet," "hot" and "cold" con- Andrews hall on Tuesday eve r.i.ig,
TllCta S, Gamma Fhl S f,.rtlonrry wares. Kappa Alpha ' Fob. 22, beginning at 7:30. Euch
RunnerS-Up ITheta s. runners-up for the prize, man will have one epecrh of eight
managed a shooting gallery, and minutes in length, except the first
Gamma ri.l Beta, who came out in i affirmative who will have twn
one cent for a dance, one penny third place, had a prosperous bimi- speeches, one of five, and a rcfu
f..r a kiss, one-li nth of a dime for n. ss at tin ir bowling alii y j tation of fe.ur minutes. Order of
a vlaion of Charlie McCarthy, and Carrie Belle Raymond hall en- ; speaking will be determined by lot
i one-hundredth nl a dollar for a tnvd what tiny called a 'Peep
bowling line wi re the cut-throat Show. ' boxes with miniature
f.nccR off. ied yevti tdiiy at the an- sci lies ai rangi'd inside of them,
mini Co. ,1 Counselor IVnny Car- j Delta Gamma fostered a fish lion. I,
nivr.l. " Sigma I. lta Tun took and de
Llmiln Junriial.
Norman L. Hill.
"I do not believe that an nil 1
anca of any kind, formal or In
formal, with Great Britain and
(Continued on Tugc i.)
In . II. K. Schilling. prolcMur of
physics at l!iiloil ec.lli.;:e, will ad
dress the University of Ncbraalui
fhi.rilf.i- t( si.n.f VI .vi.
ning ul 7.3(1 in the lecture riom o, ! Taliins advunlace the un- vi loped photographs. Kappa cants In the following or.l.-r as l.t
r.m. e i.tivm. m ..hor..loiv on the I heard r,i i;i. ut imitli K, inure than i Gamma inn a g. lf links, and t hi . si.ies: Artirmaiive, .mihop i.iimiim
snblect "The Piot.ertles of Waves." i "" "'" l. i arilved on the gala Iomega tindi rtewik the task of le
on Tuesday evening. As usual tin
judging, by former debaters, will
lie on the basis of material, treat
ment and sp.aking.
Drawings have placed the uppii-
I son. Pon Nemetz, Otto Voci:
Tin. mliliTK te.ll he In the form scene tin. I ...slcl ail e.r tne sorori-
of a demonstration lecture, Illus
trated by means of high pitch
sound waves, including the funda
mentals of wave theory as applied
particularly to the phenomena of
reflection, Interference ond diffrac
tion The meeting Is open tn the
Infantry Offioern St
Movie on Gas DcfYnsr
" Defense and Troop Ac
tion," will be the title of the mov-
llvenng telegrams, elihcr love or
business messages, tn anyone
within the building.
Turtles raced fur the A O Ti'a
ties' cm.. ( (..ii. ns, ambling thru the
crowd in true festival spirit with
hot dog in one hand and cokes In
the other.
The low prices for (he priceless
goods f each concesalon rained
competition for the moat popular
booth to a high peak, und each
hous? vied with all others for the
rilvcr loving cup. held last vear bv ; lug booth, and Phi M I had a
Gamma I'hi Eta. One 15 cent i "beany" giiiiie. A Charlie McCar-.
and Merl Shoemaker: negative,
Charles Spnnn. Philip Weaver,
Harold Gurske and L-o Turkel.
tic ket, besides admitting the holder
to 13 concessions, gave him one
vote for the booth he liked best. In
lug picture lecture to be shown st consequence, each carnival-goer
the meeting of the Infantry (i't
re'V association, Wednesday eve
ning at 7:110 in room 110 of Ne
braska hull.
beseiged the ticket table more
and more tickets.
The winning booth, the Alpha
Chi Omega's "Kisses," offered to
who presented make-believe turtles , i p..,,.,.! Siw.k
to holders of -a inner' tickets of the ,,r' IUIM" " !Mlik
dei by, PI Thl noon sored a Bingo . to Kuiltttl Orglinizalioil
game. Alnha Ni Delta feercrses
told futures from grain of nand, Dr. Louise pound of the Englitm
Sigma Kippa had a weight guess-1 department was a guest speai:ei
buturciay at a nincneon in ino
Jnyhawk hotel at Topekv Kas
Speaking on "The AAirW. Hast
and Present." Dr. Pound talked to
the local chapter of the American
Association of University Women.
She has been a member of the
fellowship award committee of the
organisation and Is st present Hi
national vice president
thv show i presented by the
Trt-D. Ita gins. Wilson hall gave
the celebraters a chance to make
million at their penny pitch con
cession, Kappa Delta had a rou
lette wheel, and the organized barb
group had a nightmare booth of
contortionist mirrors
- V.
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