The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1938, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Missouri Nips Brownemen, 38 to 30
IwodiL Randal
To the Sport Editor:
"And the glories of the past
returned again."
Oftentimes you have meditated
upon the possible combinations of
ex-Cornhuskcr greats in the field
of nthletics. Many times you have
spoken of invincible, although
mythical teams, composed of stars
of other times. A football team
with Lyman, Weir, Ely, Debus,
Kostcr and others in the line, with
a back field of Card well, Presnoll,
Blue" Howell, and "Jug"' Brown;
tmakpthfill outfit of Tipton,
TIshcr. Wltte. Walnulst and Fisher;
a truck combination including
Francis, Locke, Ayres, Rhodes,
Wlrsig; these outfits would be
unbeatable, but they were merely
nivthiml combinations.
But perhaps soon now we may
see those teams in action, a reality
mull of dreams. The rieht step
in that direction (disregarding
such minor factors as eligibility
rules urn! rlirht of participation )
has been made by an ex-cheerleader,
who deigns to again parade
in front of delighted fans the tac
tics that made him a Yell King
two years aro.
What does it matter that the
man has no right to participation,
that his activities detract from the
attempts of those chosen for the
task, that eligibility rulings are
not enforced in his case. He is
one of the "greats" of the past,
who wishes to supplement his
three, years of participation in ac
tivities with possibly a decade
If only others could feel his
guiding spirit, could show as little
regard for propriety with respect
to participation in student activi
ties, shining stars of college life
of other years might again return
to bless the student populace with
their presence. Perhaps, this man
should be immortalized as one
who showed Nebraska how to ob
tain unbeatable athletic comblna
t i o n s, unchanging publications
staffs, and maybe an unchanging
student populace.
With best wishes, until the day
when Bill McCleery again heads
the Nebraskan, George Farley cap
tains football. Sam Waugh coaches
basketball, and the like. D. T.
Parsons, Ebaugh, Werner
Pace Husker Scorers;
Harvey Gets 15.
(Special to the Nebraskan.)
COLUMBIA, Mo., Feb. 12. Ne
braska university's hopes for a
comeback in the race for Big Six
basketball supremacy faded here
tonight when they bowed to the
U n 1 versity or
Schultemen Drub Jayhawks
Biff Jones Ends Stale-Wide
Tour of Football Banquets
N. U. Mentor Back for Spring
Practice After Visiting
Over 30 Towns.
Husk or Garner All Firsts
at Manhattan Swim
Mert Friday.
Cornhusker mermen swam all
around Kansas State's human fish
Friday night and tossed them up
to shore to the tune of 65 to 10,
capturing every first place and
every second save one.
Resume of events:
Medley relay: Won by Netraa Da
TMnn, Smith, ami I.e. 3:33.
220 yd. trea atyle: Spieer INI, flint;
Vurr (Ni, ncrunii, Ingram (KH, Kuril;
lime, 7:3 .
40 yd. free atyle: Rrdh-k IN), flrmt:
Young (N), aerond; Brown (Kit), third;
lime. :21 5.
Iimr: f.eak (K). flrat: Johngrr (N),
aevond; Pattiaon IKS), third.
loo yd. Im atyle: Rrdirk (N), flrat:
Slier N, aeeond; Brown (K8), third;
time. :. 4.
IV) yd. haraatmke: Pavldaon N),
tint; I-ake N, gerund; Krtrkaoo (KB),
third; tune. on.
200 yd. breaniKtroke: Smith (Nt. flrrt.
Carl iKSI, aeratid; Ita (KS), third;
time. 1 NS &.
40 yd. Irea atyl: Purr (N). flrat:
lake IN), aeeond; Jonnant (KB), third;
time, ft Ml.
40 yd. frea atyla rey: Won by Ne
brankal Iaak, hi.lrer, Young, and Had
lea); time. 4:43.
(Continued From Page 4.)
Frank E. Dar '
r,ui.l.,n Bearer Charlea P. Hurlbert
Oirporala Vema Keyn'ildron
A. J. Andreaen
Harold Krhudel
llnrley Hold
Hrrhert Johnaon
1'aul llnbertenn
Kenneth W. Telch
Joi,n J. r;aver
t'.torKa Illettrtrkaen
Charlea I. Hiulheit
' ' Henry W.'Mcddr .
Missouri 38 - 30
before 4,000
spectators. It
was the second
defeat of the
season for Ne
braska at the
hands of the
The game re
sulted in Mis
souri hopping
Into thjrd plncc
and shoving the
Huskers Into
BOB PARSONS in the Big Six
l.lnroln Journal, standings.
The Huskers held their own with
the Tigers during the first half.
Altho they fired time after time
at the hoop, they failed to con
nect consistently. The Tigers
functioned effectively on defense,
hurrying the Scarlet's shots but
were unable to penetrate Nebras
ka's defense. The Huskers were
out in front by a one point margin
as the half ended, 15-14.
The Tigers turned on the b'.at
in the second half. Led by Jill
Harvey, Tiger
sophomore for
ward, who top
ped the scoring
with 15 mark
ers, the Missou
rians forged
ahead of the
HusHers and
held the lead
during the last
ten minutes of
the game. With
Paul Amen,
high scoring
Nebraska for-
wnrri hnnFinET
up a blank in F. EBAUGH
the Scoring COl- Lincoln ... I.
umn, the Huskers were force to
depend on Bob Parsons, clever
Scarlet guard, to keep them in the
tame. Parsons accounted for
8 points ami
was high man
for the Husk
ers. He was
thrown out of
the game via
the foul route
in the second
Bill Harvey,
Missouri for
ward, was high
point man with
15 counters, the
same amount
that he ran up
np-ninst the
A.WERNER. Huskers in Lin
Linroin journal, coin. Brown, Ti
gers' center, was next with 9
points and was followed by Ne
braska Parsons.
The box score:
t 2
By John Stuart.
Major "Biff" Jones is back from
touring the state. Unable to fill
every request, the "Biffcr'' at
tended as many football banquets
during these winter months in as
many towns as he was able.
Starting after the football sea
son closed last November, Major
Jones has attended banquets in
over 30 towns while the rest of
the sports staff visited as many
other towns as they were able.
Often he attended banquets as
high as five nights a week.
Visits West Coast.
Since the "Biffcr" was out on
the west coast from Pec. 19 to
Jan. 10, coaching the West team
in preparation for the East-West
annual charity game, this cut
down on the number of towns
which he was able to visit. When
he came up here from Oklahoma
last spring, he made a tour of
some of the towns over the state,
and he did not revisit those towns
on this last trip but went to those
towns where he hadn t been before.
Taking motion pictures along,
Biff ran the reels of those games
requested by banqueteers In the
various towns. Shots of the Min
nesota. Indiana, and Pittsburgh
games were very popular as well
as a reel showing the highlights
of every game.
Commenting on the high Inter
est which those out in the state
took in football, Jones said that
Nebraska had only one state uni
versity as compared to many
states' two, and thus this Institu
tion had the advantage of the un
divided attention of the entire
Outstate Material a Puzzle.
Although he talked to many
high school senior football men,
Jones could say nothing as to
whether the material looked prom-
C-::J n
Nebrafka fir ft fl MlMourl
Amen f 0 0 01 hooper f
Tollman f 0 1 OlKelraeyf
Knranria f 2 0 S' Harvey f
linmm I 0 2 0! Kttlnrer f
Kbaugh 2 12' Brown c
Paranna It 4 0 4 Uihelgrr r
Mrnunn g 1 1 2i Currence s
Werner f i 4 1 Halated (
Th imal I 0 1 0i
Totala 10 10 12 Total!
fa ft
0 0 2
10 2
3 0
0 0 0
3 3 J
2 2 0
0 0 0
3 2
it i ' ' " i
II ' I
VICTORY, 81-23,
Ray Baxter Chalks Up New
Indoor High Jump Mark
In Saturday Fray.
The Nebraska trackmen started
their defense of the Big Six indoor
championship by winning a dual
moot with Kansas U here Satur
day by amassing nn overwhelming
total of 81 ,
points to 23 for
the Kansas
men. Nebraska
was oiitNooroil
in only three
events, the pole
vault, the OHO,
nnd the two
mile run, while
s h u 1 1 ing out
Kansas in four
events, the
low hurdles, the
mile relny, and
shot put.
Hav niixler.
ising for the university. Ho even of N e b r n.ska, RAY BAXTER
Mated that it was hard to tell a l sot a new In
player's talents until he was a j door high Jump Ftom 1'""'oln ,""rn"1'
sophomore In college. That is, the record when he cleared 6 feet 3'i
freshman year In college gave the ! inches. Baxter failed In an attempt
football player experience but no to push the record up on 6 feet 4
one could say definitely until the I inches. Cox of Kansas was second
- Lincoln Journal.
Coach Lawrence "Biff" Jones.
i U
next year how such a man would
stand up In varsity competition.
"Biff" could recall no amusing
Incidents which he had on the trip
but he was especially pleased with
a box of cigars presented to him
by one group of admirers. The
"Biffcr" likes the state, the peo
ple, and he was pleased with the
turn-outs nt the bnnquets which
he attended throughout the state.
He said that he found the people
on his trip highly "cordial, hos
pitable, and inspiring."
Backhand, Bill Anderson, Harry
Seagren, Jack Rohrbaugh, and
Gordon Johnston will take part
in the drill. Lieut. Harry Epper
son is the director. The perform
ance of the squad will be in con
nection with a banquet sponsored
by the Lincoln chamber of commerce.
Webster, Knight Win Falls
In Meet Friday Night
Against State.
Kree thrcma mined: Mlaaourl T, Nc
brnka 3.
8er at half: Mlaaourl 1. Nebraska 15.
IXIielaU: J"ark Carroll, Kansaa City;
Loula llouae, William Jewell.
Military Group Celebrates
National Defense Week
At Monday Dinner.
The Pershing Rifles will give a
drill of their manual at the Lincoln
hotel in observation of National
Defense Week, Monday at 7:30
p. m.
Bob Bernstein, Bob Nelson,
.Clyde Martz, Bill Milch, Brandon
The Nebraska matmen dropped
a 154 to 14H match to Colorado
State Friday night Nebraska lost
to the Colorado U. grapplers 2 to
6 Thursday night.
In Friday's match, Nebraska
won two falls, Fred Webster
throwing Puleston and Jim Knight
throwing Stone. Only one fall was
scored against the Huskers, Devit
pinning Jerry Adams.
The summary of the' Colorado
State meet:
WetMter M 1H threw rtilratnai lit
laer (N) ltf drew with Ilodni y.
fcalaht (N) ISS threw Htone 4:M.
Ilinherrer C. 8.) 14 vutpolnted I-"1
Crenard if. 8.) 1.V1 outpointed Toniea.
I.iirhtl ('. N.) las oulH,lnlc Kldlee.
Iterltt C. S.) lift threw Adania :.
Johfwoa (C. H.) heavywelfht ootpolntr
Jakaaaa (N.I.
President Roosevelt and Norman
Thomas were rated highest as
American statesmen In a mock
election held by a politics class at
Reed college. The balloting was
held to show the method of count
ing votes under proportional representation.
perfectly grilled to pre
aerva all their extra
flavor and tenderneaa.
:! on 77. j:
; Open All Winter Warm lualda j;
Hulbert Leads Point List
With 13 Counters
Friday Night.
The Wayne State Teachers kept
their two year home winning
streak unbroken, by taking the
measure of the Nebraska Nubbins
by a 6 to 39 score Friday night.
Nebraska never led except early
In the first half and was down, 27
to 18, at the half.
Lingcnfelter and Retzlaff of
Wayne and Hulbert of Nebraska,
led the scoring with 13 points
apiece. Campbell and Hulbert led
the Nubbins. The box score:
Neb. B fa ft t' Uavne fc ft f
WIHim I 2 1 4 Cii' hum f 4 0 2
.Inffef 0 0 Vl'alvertt 4 1 1
Fdrhanl'nn f 0 0 II Mnr.hal t 4 11
Diin-n t 3 I tl Line f.-ller c S 1 .1
Thenen C .10 1 Itilrl.lft K 4 5 2
Hulhrrt k I 3 llrul(orl r 0 II 2
Campbell (32 2'IIuiitcmer g 001
Tnl.ili 17 ft Ul Tcllla 19 8 12 at ti.ilf: H.nne a7. Neh. B. 18.
Ofltrlaia: Kredntiom, Mutlanl; Vt'alden,
The B team will play the frosh
Monday night in a prelim to the
Ncbraska-lowit State mix. Tues
day the B's play Luther here,
Thursday they go to Hebron, and
on Saturday they have a return
game with Wayne here.
in the high jump, and Maxcy of
Nebraska took third.
Bird Sails 13 Feet.
The pole vault was won by Bird
of Kansas, who cleared 13 feet
even. He tried to set a new indoor
record of 13 feet 5 inches, but
failed. Bob Neumann and Veil
A they, both of Nebraska, were sec
ond and third, respectively, in the
The two mile run was the only
event In which Kansas placed two
men. It was won by Ryan of Kan
sas, with Roy Gatch of Nebraska
second, and Toberon of Kansas,
third. The time was 10:45.
Simmons Paces Huskers.
The Nebraska scoring was quite
evenly diviiled, with Bob Simmons
loading with 9'A points. He scored
l first in the 440, second in the
60 yard dash, and was a member
of the winning mile relay team.
Kldon Frank was second high for
Nchraska, winning the high hur
dles and running second in the
lows for 8 points. Klann led the
Kansas scorers with 6 points, rep-"
resenting a first In the 880 and a
third in the mile.
Ward Haylrtt, roach at Kansas
State, whose Aggies will meet the
Huskers here Feb. 26, was at the
meet scouting the Nebraska and
Kansas teams.
The summaries:
Mile- Amtrent, IV, an.? Kaneir, N, tleit
f-r 'l"t; third, Mian, K. Wranlna time,
4411; Slmmona, N, flrt; tanknnln, N.
ei-ond; hrejel, N, third. (Vlnnlng time.
Ml yard dmh! Iiit, N, 'lent; Slmmnn,
, Heronri ; MuMinee, H, third. Winning
time, ;im;. 2.
HKil; Klu ii n. K. tlrnfs 0en. N, aeranit;
Hfl. . thlnl. lVinnlna time. 1:02.11.
CM yard lm: tank, NT, lh-t; Krimk. N.
M-mnd; lliMlri. N, third. Winning- time, :".
Illl yrd hlrha: I rnl(, N, llrnt; (ilh. .
eniail ; ( lark, K, third. Winning lime,
Tnn mile nin: K. Ural: Ontrh,
, WH-nnri; 1'nhere.n, M, llrd, Wlnnlni
lime. 10:tft.
Mile relnt : Won by Wehrn.lia IKreJrl.
PnKMin, I'ankuwln, HlmnwMisl. Winning
lime. S:.T!.S.
Hlth Jtii: Halter. V, flrat tax. K.
erand: Mniey. V. third. Height, I ft I
3i inihe Inew Indone reewrd).
Itnmd JiimiM Ikawaaw, N, first ; Nen
nmnn, N, neiitml; 4 hwna. K, third. IH-talM-e.
22 feet inekea.
Maxwell Anderson'i
Latest Comedy and Broadway Hit
Preiented by the University of Nebraska
Temple Theatre 12th and R Sts.
Evenlnqt at 7:30 Sat. Mstince at 2:30