The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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-1 K
u u y t( i u y u t ;j y ff ii h i u li :i u u
Today is Alpha Chi Omega
Well, Rita Hist. Alpha Chi
pledge, pot her feet back on the
ground this week. Prank-playing
activities have consistantly raided
her wardrobe during the current
days and have confiscated all her
shoes. The only factor that kept
her from going to class a la no
shoe3 is the fact that she . had a
pair stowed away in Grant Me
morial. But those were only the
usual canvas gym-class variety
and have as much beauty as a two
cent stamp has flavor.
Personally, we'll be waiting for
the formal this weekend and like
wise, Miss Uist's appearance. Her
sisters must be n buncn of heels
and have no soul to pull a trick
like that. Wc think they should
bo given a good lacing and made
to toe the mark.
It seems the Greeks are doing
as the Romans did, for the gals
who wear the lyre, as all the
others, have their romances, fore
most of which is an infernal tri
angle among Betty Stewart, Alpha
Chi; Paul Munson, D, U., and Phil
Sutton, Farm House.
Pin hangings of that house in
the offing includo Bob Marquist,
Sig Chi, and Alice Svoboda. An
other is that of Bob King, Sigma
Nu, and Sally White. Elwood Fan
konin owes the gals over there
smokes and sweets because of
Dclors Bors, so they say.
Thoora Nye, the- Alpha Chi with
the fiery thatch, is still another
to whom tho ferns down that way
look to for the perfunctual choco
lates, but with Dick Fisher, her
Pi K A lovo in Ked Cloud, she
has taken up knitting.
Ruth Minor (take our personal
recommendation) is cligiblo again
as Howie Fisher is now going
steady with law school. In other
words, Ruth is "barred."
t v
A Gamma Phi Beta this time.
Rachael Aldrich, an upperclass
man of that club, has just hung
up an all time record for which
she will be awarded a complete
set of cellophane window shades.
She, so they tell us, has dated no
less than 15 Sig Eps. The present
Interest is Julian Bors. It's a case
of 15th down and S8 to go.
Over at tho Chi Omega house
there have been some strange go
ings on. Nightly Magaret Jayne
Pyle has been called by Dick
ciark, Phi Delt. Dick, each time,
claims he was informed that she
had called him, but each time
Marg denies it. Very queer. We
say "very queer," because wc
can't think of anything else to
In Doc Winibcrly's English 212
course yesterday he called the roll
(so you ;,ee it is no pipe? i. He
came upon the card of Fern Steu
tcville, half of the Alpha Xi Delt
two-peas-in-a-pod twins.
"Fern Steutevillc," he called.
"Here," answered the twin and
raised her hand.
Tne Prairie Schooner pater pro
ceeded on down the roll and a
few moments later came to Mary's
"Mary Steutevillc.''
"Here," retorted Mary, holding
up her hand.
You don t nceii two earns, Miss
Steutevillc," commented Wimberly
That is all.
Tri Dells will find Tri Delt news
under Hauntrcss Cockle's column.
As some of the hierarchies of
the Daily Ncbraskan staff have
preferred to demote, nic from the
society department, to rank of
hauntrcss, the haunting continues
and this lime strikes first at the
Sigma Chi house where wc find
one of the fellows spending two
hours on the telephone iu vain at
tempt to reach his lady fair of the
week end. After much expended
effort, said Sigma Chi proceeds to
convey the message via postal
telegraph. We'd always thought
that telegrams were something im
portant like word from home con
cerning overdrawn allowances ant!
While on the subject of tele
grams, we might let you m on a
very special one received by one
of the members of Delta Oopsiloh
last week. It seems that the D. U.
in question had been going rather
consistently with a Tn-Delt when
all of a sudden he decided to give
some of the other worthy gals a
break, so he whipped out with a
blonde queen to one of the formals.
When the young man arrived
at the house, a telegram awaited
him bearing the following: "How
do I rate in your study book after
your first heat with the Blond?
Am I runner-up or also ran ? and
this was signed "The Dark Horse."
Rather racy conversation, that.
You can always tell a fraternity
or sorority pledge about this time
of year by the worried expression
on "his or her countenance which
will probably not be wiped off un
til after initiation. It all started
during exams when those who
had to make an 80 or a 72 or
whatever the case might be took
on that do-it-or-die attitude. Now
there are ever so many post
mortems to be indulged in by
even the best of pledges, for who
knows what teacher will do in one
of her more cruel moments, and
they all have them I guess.
Anyhow, the first person I met
on my sleuthing for nonplussed
freshmen was Sig Alph Jimmie
de Wolf who confessed rather
sadly that the only thing he
learned last semester (and this
is not to be underrated) is what
women wear under their ski siiits.
Most of us could have told him
that in a few words at the be
ginning of the year and saved a
lot of time and energy.
Beta Bob Kube seemed not in
the least perturbed with the im
pending disaster, but cheerfully
countered that there was always
next semester, which is the right
attitude at this stage of the game,
when shiny apples faze not the
most receptive instructor.
We must congratulate Tri Delt
Flora Albin and Billle Gray of
Delt fame on the avoidance of
eminent disaster one night last
week. They were invited to a wed
ding so Flo called a friend to find
out where the event was to be
staged (this ten minutes before
the affair of course). The friend
directed them to the Congrega
tional church. The wedding, how
ever, turned out to be at the First
Later the friend discovered that
the Congregational church was to
be the scene of another wedding,
so everyone suffered qualms at the
thought of Flora and Billic sitting
through! a strange wedding, and
knowing those two, that's about
all that could bo expected. But
miracles will happen, and this time
Flo happened to meet someone else
also bound for the Presbyterian
which set them on the right track.
Speaking of weddings, did it
ever seem a coincidence that Miss
Polly Gellatcly married an engi
neer named "Fonda Rock." An
even better pun might be made on
Marian Byrd's father's name,
which is "Forres Byrd" and he a
nursery owner.
See you tonight at the Thi Psl
and Acacia formals and tomorrow
evening at the Tri Delt party. And
if you must hang on chandeliers,
do it discreetly.
By Dixie Davis.
Events Today.
Phi Kappa Psi dinner dance at
the Lincoln hotel at 7:00, followed
by the formal at 9:00.
Acacia dinner at the University
club followed by a formal at the
Events Saturday.
Ti Beta Phi alumnae luncheon
at the home of Mrs. Jean Kinder
at 12:30.
The marriage of Katherine Fos
ter, Gamma Phi and Al Todd at
the Gamma Phi Beta house at
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae
luncheon at the home of Mrs. W.
Miller, jr., at 1:00.
Delta Delta Delta formal at the
Lorraine B a r 1 1 1 n g recently
pledged Sigma Kappa and Doro
thy Heumann has just pledged Al
pha Omicron Pi.
Mrs. Irene Barber of Oklahoma
City, province president of Alpha
XI Delta will arrive in Lincoln
Monday morning for a stay of
three days. She is coming for nn
inspection of the local chapter.
Tuesday afternoon, the active
chapter will entertain house moth
ers, sorority presidents, and sev
eral members of the faculty with
a tea in honor of Mrs. Barber.
Also Mrs. Ralph Theisen will be
hostess to the alumnae group at
her home Tuesday evening.
(Continued from Page 1.)
tions which will keep one up-to-date
on the rapidly developing
"What Is a Picture?" queries
Prof. W. F. Weiland in an article
describing how an ordinary photo
graph can, through manipulations
in developing, be made into a pic
ture which himply. but definitely,
tells a complete story. Prof Wei
land provides several pictures with
his story to show the va
rious steps that are necessary to
bring out the maximum of beauty
and effectiveness in an otherwise
ordinary and jumbled photograph.
Features Candid Shots.
Prof. F.dwin A. Grone has writ
ten about "The Effect of the Stop
Opening on the Picture." and
John Mueller, junior in electrical
engineering, explains the construc
tion of "A Home-made Enlargrr."
Tho middle of this month's Blue
Print features two pages of va
rious shots made around the en
gineering college, including views
of "tanking" unwilling victims.
Engineers' Week activities, and
scenes taken in the various lab
oratories. "Calendar Reform" is taken up
by Dean O. J. Ferguson in his
monthly corner. Describing pre
vious changes in the calendar, the
article provides a background to
tho present attempts to revise the
system of measuring time.
Milton Mohr and Norman Stout
are sketched in this month's Ne
braska's Engineers. An unusual
and amusing poem entitled
"Tho Hippocratic Oath of a
Photigrapher" forms a fronti
piecc for this suue. Written
Engincws, Aumnews, Engine
Chatter and Sledge, jr., complete
the contents of the February Blue
Clarence Mock Named New
President of Club
Last Week.
Games, original stunts, and
short talks will make up the pro
gram at the Delian-Union party to
be held nt tho hall on the third
floor of Temple, at 8:45 Saturday
John Pease and Donna Will
mann arc in charge of the games
while lona Ellis will serve the re
freshments. All unaffiliated uni
versity students are welcome to at
tend. Election and Insinuation of of
ficers for this semester was held
at the last business meeting. Clar
ence Mock won out as president,
Marie Willey will take over the
duties of vice president, Dick Ker
lin, retiring president, was elected
secretary, while Chester Ander
son was held over as treasurer
from last semester.
Plans were also discussed for a
banquet which will be held at the
Lincoln hotel Feb. 20. Ed Fischer
was chosen toastmaslcr.
(Continued from Page l.i
son, Audrey Mabeus, Nadine Whit,
nak, Clarissa Wicks, Lorrine Trox
ell, Mary Madison, Esther Davis.
Eleven of tho 20 girls receiving
pins were members of one of the
three co-operative houses. From
Howard hall, for Juniors and sen
iors, five girls received awards.
Five from Rosa Bouton hall, the
sophomore house, and one mini
Wilson hall, freshman house, were
among; those to whom pins were
7 Tri
has the answer!
Starts Sunday!
A free Informal dance will be
held for all barbs who belong to
any barb club, Saturday evening!
from 8:00 until 11:30 in Gallery B,
second floor of Morrill hall.
Music will be furnished thru a
public address system by Howard
Wright. Cookies and punch will
be served. Rev1, and Mrs. Robert
E. Drew, and Mr. and Mrs. Har
old K. Wise will chaperon the
The affair is sponsored by the
barb intercluh council.
JL.s OL lU-d io-
K L. Wilbur, Manager.
Phi Kappa Psi
Pretty cold outside
but our beautiful din.
Inq room It warm and
cozy. No fooling.
Come on out. The
White Houe.
is i
1 I 1f U
i M
hSoMty Sun- I
The new shirtwaist frock
with stud front that
young collegians adore.
Comes in navy, luggage,
B(iia, beige and white.
Exactly as illustrated.
See the many new Ideas
Sassy Hue has concocted
for spring't- In the
Younger Set Shop, First
'Somjjl. Sill,
Spring Coats -Suits -10.95 16.95
A mixed assortment of 2, 3 and 4
thread stockings regularly priced
1.00 to 165. Fill your stocking needs
from this Falc Friday and Saturday.
'."",,.... good reason
jor smoking
I find they give me
more pleasure than any
cigarette I ever smoked.
And if a man isn't get
ting pleasure from his
cigarette he might as
well quit smoking.
Chesterfields are milder
. . . they've got a taste that
smokers like . . . they have
everything to give a man
Radio Features
Lawrence Tmnrrr
Andre Kostelanltz
Deems Taylor
Paul Douglas
.f n
OrjrW" W. t icr.rr . Mvm ToMtco Co.