PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER U, 1937 I Societu By Johnny Howell Quarterback am Mary Anna Cockle JOHN MOWf LL AS JOHNNY SEES IT. On his way to Austin, Tex., yes terday afternoon was Willard Burney, managing editor of the Daily Nebraskan. Burney recently accepted a position as editor of a paper in Van Horn, Tex. President of Sigma Delta Chi who is spon soring this edition of the "rag," president of Corn Cobs, Innocent, member of the student council and managing editor of the Nebraskan are some of. the accomplishments of Burney on the campus. Wid didn't go for society life and would exchange a good bull session for a supersnooty formal any time. That he could have been a social flash is proved by the number of coeds who beefed when he announced his intention of hitting for the sunny south. One charmer, who must have thought he needed tak ing care of, went S' far as to see that he packed c ctl". Second six weeks down slips a limed mail boxes yesterday uisrng no small amount of nttim liiing of oat,hs about professors. Some of the boys even gut mixed Jin and thought it was the lust ol the month. Mill outers seriously began to wonder if there really is an Oakie college. There seems nothing like a curt ultimatum from the dean to he up in at least nine hours or don't be here next 8 iin'sti'i'. This presents a tough problem for some students. They il ni t know whether il is worth the t.'.iin fare bark from horn.- after Vacation. , We ovei Meant an enlightening conversation yesterday. A student, obviously a freshmen seemed to be having trouble finding the admin istration building. Spying an elder ly gentleman, he stepped tip and asked for advice. "P.'inl in me. sir." lie said, "are you an instructor?'' "No. I'm not," said the gentleman sadly. "I'm just convalescing from a severe attack of typhoid fever." Well, it wasn't a bad story even if it didn't h iopcn. - Krom the .nt Yorker - one of the fixed items on our list of pre scribed reading is Dean Hawkes' annual report to Dr. Butler about what has been going on at Co lombia. Last week the dean as sured the doctor that "rapid ad vances were being made in widen ing the students' social program" and that "the variety and exter.t of dances, parties, exhibitions and the like have grown to a remark able degree." We aren't quite sure what it is the boys have been do ing but the report leaves us with the comfortable feeling and it doubtless leaves Dr. Butler that vay too, that no matter what the boys may be up to all's well on Morningside as long as it's Dean Hawkes who reports the campus news items. Ditto Dean Thompson. house from 4 to 5 during an open house which they held from 2:30 ' tn -n r.n The girl at the Delta Gamma house celebrated, the season last night with a formal dinner, fol lowing which the children of Lin coln alunmae were entertained at a party. Gifts were provided for the youngsters, and later in the evening, the chapter gathered about the tree to exchange pres ents. Out at the D. U. domicile ex citement ran high last night for 30 little boys who were invited from the social welfare. Can't you just imagine some of the more haughty Delta ITpsilons stooping to play with choo choo trains? At 7:15 last night Theta's were all in readiness for the children of the alums. There were presents for all of them and what could be more fun than playing Santa Claus to a kindergartener. The Alpha Xi Delts met after dinner last night to exchange gifts from their huge tree. It turned out to be one of these affairs where everybody got something that wound up. Before the evening was over, there were lots of broken toys and a few bruised knees from following the things around on the floor. People tell me, and this is on good authority, that the Sig Alphs really let themselves go at their house party Saturday night. At lenst the pledges did while actives looked on with disapproving glances. You see, up until now, the Big Apple has been forbidden. I can't tell you why. It may be that the boys have 40 pood reasons. Anwhow. Web Mills was the first to discover the goings on. He nudged Stan Brewster, but the dance went on, and now the fresh men have gained just a little more territory. Some day the boys may even be smoking. At 6 o'clock last night the Al pha Chi's honored sisters and daughters at dinner, with presents around the tree for the younger girls. Later the chapter had their own celebration where all received a gift with a little verse, some of them most original, too. The Christmas spirit was evi dent at the Gamma Phi house last night when they, too, celebrated the coming season. Presents were distributed from the tree. Would hate to tell you who played Santa Claus. 130G "0' NEW DEAL BARBER SHOP 35c HAIRCUT !WKY AN SEES IT With Christmas only ten shop- pin? days away (this isn t an ad- , vertisement the center of activity j ypmi to nave movel a lew mocks from the campus. Met practically eveiyone yesterday dashing franti cally frm one dime store to ;he pert to pick tip a few of those nonsensical gifts we exchange at c.iapter parties. Saw Dottie Larson deliberating between the purchase of a huge bottle of "Romance of Sweet pea" j.Tfume, about half a quart for 10 ents. and a mechanical Mickey Mouse. Flora Albin was just about to break down and shell out two bits for a mammoth signet ring, while Bill Gray wandered tj the j:exl counter to rad a few rnatihes from "Jumbo th Kin- phant Come Home" and "Bibo the 1 1'ig Is Good and Bad " i luwn tv street a ways at the t.ext five and ten, bumped into i Jaw W'a!cott who evidently w;ih ' it tii- market for strearn-hned race cms. The little colonel his ' ! of those red wool hoods to j l.eep her warm. Just across the aisle from hr was Clayton An keny discarding all dignity to shop for n toy sled. t The 'in Delts h i I their annual 1 rnr!il Christ m is turkey dinner (it the house last night, and aft-r-. wards gathered about the fireplace t i exchange gifts from their huge tree, I Sunday they received Tn Idt j laughters and sister at tci al Uie I ' mm a X ! a'K Ma