r PAGE FOUR TI1E DAILY NEBRASKAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER It, 1937 6F, W. ' Goes Out on Limb To Predict Bright Years For Huskers of Future lucky. Much more so. Injuries riddled the backfieM. A bad break cost them the game at Pittsburgh. But, you ask, didn't luck pro duce that touchdown for Nebraska that seemed so sufficient until th contest was all but ended? Luck emphatically did not! Thai reverse-with-a-punt-return was de liberately planned. So was that opening play that licked Indiana With almost no qualification it can be said that every touchdown scored by Nebraska was the prod, uct of careful rehearsal and plan ning. Football at our state university is not just state university foot ball. It is state football Nebraska football played by Nebraska stu dents at the University of Ne braska. And in that fact lies one of the mightiest of all reasons for iu high success. o- World -Herald Sports Editor Muses Over Abacadabra System of Rating. BY FREDERIC WARE. World-Hrrsld KporU Editor. Sunday's sports sections carried the 1937 college football rankings as determined by the Dickinson system of mathematical hocus pocus. The Dickinson system placed the Cornhuskers fifth in the nation. The cerebral offspring of Dr Frank Dickinson of the University of Illinois faculty, it is widely ac cepted by footballoons as the most accurate in a field that during the past decade has been crashed by many competitors. Maybe this ac ceptance is based principally on priority it was the pioneer abra cadabra but I believe it is some thing more substantial than that, though I'd hesitate to regard any such listing as final. Other svstems have mnlrM tYi Huskers in other spots, about the lowest of which was twelfth. We have yet to hear from Dr. William F. Boand, whose product has come 10 rival Dr. Dickinson's in the mid lands, probably principally becauso Dr. Boand, like Dr. Dickinson, us ually has the Huskers among the top ten. PRESS HUTCH OBERVATIONS. Third semester high school alge bra almost stymied me. I don't understand the methods of any of these savants. I get my notions from first and second hand press hutch observations. They do not permit me to engage in arbitrary pigeon-holing. They only enable me to generalize. It's my opinion that the Corn huskers of 1937 belong somewhere between fourth and ninth in the national ratings. Generally speak ing, this notion was arrived at by comparisons, not just of records of games won and lost but also of the caliber of elevens against which the victories were achieved and the defeats suffered. RANKING FLABBERGASTS. That the Nebraska kids should rank so high is, to me, downright naDDergasung. Last fall there wasn't a lay nut among the state's thousands of lav nuts who wouldn't have been happy to settle for, say, fifteenth or eighteenth place. Nebraska had a new coach. Ne braska's material provided impos ing strength at some positions and little more than an anemic chal lenge at others. Nebraska's ma terial, in short, was spotty, and on the whole tue least likely in three or four seasons. WHOILL EVER FORGET? No one in this incnmnai-aMn state is going to forget what hap- ieneu. ine weakest material in several seasons lost one pm in nine, and lost that on a break and tied two others, one of which was played under the advantages and handicaps levierl hv ruin old equalizer. Nebraska finished somewhere between fourth and ninth in the national listings. Nebraska won its pipMh n; civ title in ten years. Nebraska was clearly the un official midwestern champion, as Dr. Dickinson showed by figures Sunday. All this happened in Major Jones first year. It happened to a team of which no one expected a great deal. It hapened and this should in terest Nebraska high school foot ball bucks to boys who were coached by a gentleman who knows how to make practice both productive and great fun. It hap pened to boys who seldom were drilled beyond 5:45 o'clock. It happened to these boys because they did what they were told and had a hell of a swell time doing it. NO LUCK INVOLVED. To what extent was luck an ally? We heard widely varied ex pressions on this subject. There are those who maintain that- thp Huskers didn't accomplish a thing by their own meritorious conduct. It should be obvious to anyone able to distinguish between an end run and a field goal that such a view is idiotic. The Huskers ac tually were more unlucky than THlUfi H IXT ffASON or Wf tM TOPCOAT -THANKS TO fANITOUf Yes Sir: You Can Get More Wear From ALL OF YOUR OAKMKXTS I5Y HAV ING TIIKM SAXITOXB CLEANED. Sanitone removes all soil to the very heart of the fabric. 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