THE DAILY NKBRASKAN. TUKSmY. DLCKMRKK II. 137 r.vr.K two We Call Him Kins; Biff, ITiiskerlaml Monarch Mm ' a s. BY ED STEEVES. An infernal mar of criticism rose from ihe state of Nebraska last spring when a sudden 1 1 1 1 1 l; of football coaches laid t lie institution's ledgers open to public auditing:. At llie time ..Major "Piff" .hums replaced 1). X. Uilile iis director of atliletics here, the populace was shocked to learn that the little colonel 1 1 . i 1 received a larger salary for his tutorial services on the gridiron than had Chan cellor Hurnett, (iahricl of the university. In defense of the univer sity's action, metropolitan newspapers over the niid . west lieu a n easting valleys 'of lead explaining the situ alion. In spite of this help, there arc s! ill many who be grudge the pecuniary out put to .loues for siieh frivol ity as footltall. Many are unable to por ccive why a "mere" coach should receive more llian a n m m o n professor, who teaches the sterner and more valuahle stuff of the aca demic educational program. AKove all, the comparison of the mentor's salary to that of the chancellor seems fantastic to these disapproving individ uals They charge that this university and other eniii schools have no sense of evaluation. They infer that rewarding a common teacher of the ilouhle wingbaek and punt formations more than a tutor of Caesar or lioyle's law is i.iialo'.'ous with a small hoy trading; his father's watch for a piece of led string. Ill other v ords. it is plain treason ! Tim ihe Kilter's salary has never been of ficially announced, I have been given to un derstand I iy memlicrs of the athletic hoard of control that he is paid on the graduating scale, receiving $1(1.1 Km the first year ami a .tl.OOO increase for each of the two ensuing.' years. The chancellor is paid .Hl,OU(l. In other words, Hurnett 's yearly income can compare favor ably with .lones' this year only. (Ither pro lessors of the school arc paid enough to drive a second hand car and have dessert one meal ii week, if they scrimp. Is it just? 1 believe it is. and I have ihroc i vy definite reasons to hack my conv ictions. First of all. .lones' hand is not the omni present hand lhat is inserted into the tavpay- rs' pocket. Tho the il foot 4 inch major was officially made a member of the university faculty, he is not state paid in the same sense as other members of the staff. His salary is stipulated hy memlicrs of the athletic hoard, of which several numbers arc professors them selves, and drawn from the coffers of the ath letic fund. This condition compares to a hypothetical case in which you work for "A" company and I work for "P.". Coaches am teachers are not i.t all on the same payroll. If there are still dissenting.' people ill face of this argument, they shoiih observe the fact lhat. as mentioned ahovc. representative pro fessors are directly responsible for the price paid the foot hall coach. Thus if the teachers themselves do ti"f resent their suhord mat ion. v l y should outsiders ' Another criterion for the indicted .loios is. Who is the most fame. of all Fiiivcrsity of i braska employes'" Tho it may not he ihe answer we li sire. "Coach '.iff' .lons" is 1 tie inevitable reply. His name is spread from -.,;. st 1o coast. Fvcrv dav this fall l is- praises v J I ' & tm pliant fossils is fine, and paleontologists all over the world recognize it as one of the hest, yet does it have the hoxoffiee appeal that the 11 usher foot hall team has ? Of course not ! In other words, our coach and many other coaches are merely reaping; the crop limy havT.' sown. Jones has hnilt a team that fans are eager to see each Saturday; one that they will pay to see. Py packing; 40.00(1 fans into the stadium, as he did a few Saturdays ago. the Puffer not only pays his own salary, hut also gives, the university a tidy sum for j other expenditures. A jiood coach has hoxof fiee appeal, something; that a professor obviously cannot have. If a trigonometry in structor could get a capacity ! crowd .luring; three hours a day at 2" cents admission, j perhaps he could amass an i astounding; income also. Jones' task is no simple : one. It is one of constant , study and research. It is one j of p a i n f u 1 anxiety at ! t imes. He deals with men ; BiFF" JONES ,en of all kinds. For ; this reason he must he a leader, a diplomat, and a pent leniail. Iiesnles a scholar of football. Should he slip from any of the named standards, his football clubs would undoubtedly also slip -and thus his Sat-ui-l'iy crowds would dwindle. Then he would he unworthy of his salary. To further justify the major's larur sti pend, let me ask, "To what does ihe Univer sity of Nebraska owe its fame? With what is ihe name of the school associated?" Is it law? Is it art? Is it engineering'? No. it is none of these nor any of the oilier col leges of this institution. Tho Nebraska may rank high in various academic categories, none of her colleges appears with the leaders as rated in the Carncpic research statistics. This school of the plains is one of versa tility, but one of mediocrity, in educational measures. It has a food business administra tion college, a good arts and sciences college, and is food in many phases, but exceptional in none. No one treks across the nation to get a specialized training; at Nebraska. I maintain that football is the symbol of the Cornhusker university. .Mention in the fall that you hail from Nebraska and imme diately a stranper will slrike up a conversation '-. :.-. "sr - r... -a ( I I OT ""J NEWS PARADE i fcy CAMPUS STUDIO Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1937. 12:00 Ag. Eoarding Club. 5:00 Home Economics Club. Daily Nebraskan t.,'nim Churchill IT, s. lt.t,l.l.v.- 4 IT'S l)OM WHAT AKK WK (;oi(; to do vnoin it? The American gunboat, Panay is at the bottom of the Yangtze river, sent there by bombs dropped ,rom J.ipanese airplanes Sunday. Eleven persons remain unaccounted tor. One seaman is dead as a result of wounds suf fered in the bombing. Japan follows up the incident Willi most profuse apolopiis. laltes full Maine for the damape, and promises full reparation. The very and smoothness of the apol oj;y following; immediately after the incident, almost as if timed, pives one the feelinp of whlchinp a well planned scries of events which are poinj off pretty much on si hedtile. Japan "Oismayed." Fnt'Tefl r s f' oinl-rliiss mitt?r at the tn.ttwtu'c in Linoiln, Nchraskit. uniur n conrts. Mjin-ft 3. IlitH. Mil at h spt clal ral) ut tuuiK lluvili'tl lot in S0v!l n llo:l. act of Vtor 3, 117. ntl)ori?u lanuarv 2". W.2. of foreign policy is entirely up to the administration. Congress Apprehensive. Statements of several senators give a rather accurate slant n their views: Senator MeCSirran: "We should have been out of Oiinese w-teis loop apo." Senator Phistead: "What vvete they doinp over there anyway?" Senator Borah: "I don't see any thing; in the situation that calls for drastic action." Senators from inland states are most vehement in their in sistence that we stay out of the embroglio. They do not see that protection of the some 100 mil lion dollars of private industry's investr.-ents in China are worth the farce of seeing hundreds of American men again dashing off to a foreign war, to be blown to bits by shells which, ironically enough, were vary likely manu factured in the United States. WILLARD BURNEY TAKES EDITOR'S JOB IN TEXAS (Continued from Tape l.t dent representative on the athletic boar.l of control, member of the Fluent explanations are offered memb,.r (lf tnp student council, and that the Japanese fly. is were tin-; , pr(.si(1(,nt f)f tn men-s professional able to see the foreign flaps and an1 nonornry journalistic society, they did not know that they had filed upon an American' vessel until Monday morning; when "found to their dismay'" where the Panay ano the Stand ard Oil eiaft were located coin cided with the scene of the air at lark. Japan's purpose in the attacks is seen as a rather direct warn ing to foreign nations to keep out of her war. That she does not wish to draw them into the struggle is seen in her immedi ate apologies for attacks. Yet there is no doubt about her in tent to keep them on their own side of the fence. Speculation runs riot as to what the United States will do. What About Neutrality Law? The administration's policy is so far one of ignoring; the neutrality Sip ma Delta Chi. As his reasons for leaving (hat school, Biimey stated that the of- rer or a K'D wa oi prime mi 1 port a nee. He decl!red that he ws ! uncertain as to what he would !o j upon graduation in the spring, and ! that th incentive of a job now i was sufficient to cause him to j forego his A. B. drpree. Having : sufficient houis to enter the law J school, he hinted that he may re i turn latir to enter the study of I the legal profession. al'out vour gridiron prospects. It is the eleven . . - , . , . ir oiif oi ignoring llie neuiiHiiiv men who pound the Saturday sod who gam ,aw )if kavjnR rn;ress out of the llie recognition lor .Nei.raska ly piaving' liner- pu-ture and undei taking a deter sectional games. They are the amliassalors of r.nrtiett's establishment, traveling.' east to Pittsburgh, west to Oregon, north to Minne sota, and south to Oklahoma. Where the railroads di not carry the fame of the lluskers. newsprint and radio f.n. Ne braska and its football are universal. You may say, "Is ihis not true of all 'foot bailie' iiislilutioiis?" say no. for Har vard's gridiiien share fame with the mhryonic attorneys of that school. So do the footballers c u sun'.' in m 1 1 ),i r w av es. bv the . V II lib t .b'lyes 4. Ho W ! c (. is las-room tutor. liven tho.-e 1 I'. I , " are well not ball eleven l,e v.Mrie as the llil to e hi- ilaMy iievv -pajti r or J an mail cones tu the agfull. Tins, we oiiist liable in the 'I I, i- i hi M.., ril ' . , Jjuitl P.: II Oil -a t . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; j -itl, his I'a.v Work . h is milselllil s colli et lo I ot .1 U I i II :. I .'i u v. oik Prof, f . ! halve honors with engineers at Georgia Teh. the journalists at Columbia, and the soldiei-s at West Point. Nebraska lias but one press agent and that is football! If this school were suddenly stripped of its college of football." what would its reputa tion be in five gears' Would it still be a na tionally known ins! it ul ion of pnstigc Would its eiiiollmi n1 st,J be propoi t innately large' Pil'sonaliy. I doubt It. I believe ;f ihe lluskir gridiron were allowed to grow tall ttitli needs and the stadium allowed to crum ble with inaetii ily. that ihe uiiiv i rsil y's name would drop from 1h- nation's tongue. Thus we must vow the situaltoti here in Lincoln somewhat as tic comedian. .Iimmo- lliitantc. i v.-.rds I. is oviigrown olfactory nri-an: it is not pnttv. but he eapitaliis on il. It is not com tort mg for us to know that seholasl n a ii v t l.e I i,nrsit v of Nebraska does not rank high, but let us iecognie football as our present s;. I . a1 ion. and not begrudge Major .lorn s the sal;, iv which l.e li'jhtlv earns! . mined stand in the Kar F.ast. Con gress is in a turmoil, with the ever present fear that an unwis I juggling of troops and naval forces I hy the commander in chief may involve the United Stats in the Oiint:il fiachs. i The Ludlow war referendum re ' mains in congress, with 23 signa ! tures required of the 21.V before ; the lull can be biought l.efoie the i house. Slow moving as are most procedures of such magnitude, it GET AHEAD FASTER ea-iT 1 1-ill Mriitni )T nl! t;i ntvi b Hi nannnmr. M.trtlv. m f v ii t twltT M9HTNLT TKMt A SI mm mmm is unlikely that action on the bill.: so vitally necessary in the present inn rpeney, will lie forthcoming.; As matters st;ind. determination , NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. IV) 1 ifrtt E2 COMPOCERS FILE FOK K0SMET SONG CONTEST TONICHT i 'o.t .fjijeii from I :::i 1 i t m the 'hi iMinait holidays. This give Cot:!, staf,'h ihe H'lVHIit t.-.i of us.r.g tl.e v.'o .ilc.n pi rind tu uiixh to work op tfe ii i nl M'-s f.g wiitirs k'iouI'1 eof,i r,'r' I'".! e'Jnrtc jainly on tui.ts f.nci that if Hie ba'is on vilJ' ti tin y a ill 1 J J' .gcl Wnldf V. ill not tie I . d i, ol 1 1 ltr f tec ti.n of fe f l.;,l U, t use.g !i ol.J.-r lhat 'lc-5 j.i'iy l- a; pi op i late to the p!.,t Al V'OIH- (oniielled 1 h t h- urn rrsilv in any rajiaeity u e!igitl f f tiling 'Ihir may I- dode i; a,, t Kli.b off n. c ;;. f - .u 1 1 of the t.afa riiet t of the hool Music building, or dirotly with film- merulM r of tl Kluh. 14 SPEAKERS VIE FOR DEEATE TEAM POSTS TOMORROW, inritimi d from Cage J by lot. but will not te annouiKed utitil uaidialily In fine 11, f try outs. Ju.igii.g will It- basi'l i,u d livery aid leg a of ar guri.i r.t . ai. I the jijdgii. w.ll l,e thri-i-laiial i;iiiveiMly l "j; bt n ,' uli will t- h. c..i h fi-agif i..,t ,. f ji it t tu iio-.t iv-. Mis ar'n will ' pit S" tiled in i.w- Jive r'il"i''e core .l 'K'l'.e . i li. JoJIowi J I y .1 four minute rebuttal, to U Iivered afler the dilivny ,f two rn-gative Sfn -tVers I MLhters must I"- present al 7 l.Y Anyone wishing to attend the tryouts is invited. ni i u i ai. lu i.i.i: i in Kotmrt Klub. All ailive im-rrilji-rs of Kosnie! Kluh W'll meet in the rvniety s ronir.s Hi Ihe hool of ri.usK at .' p rn today for an oi,-.ilai.t s -i- ion. and Blade. Ail pledge of Sabbard and 111; il.' w.ll ne for a vi iv irn- La l ".-ar t reei'ir.g thin vi rung at J ; at Me l'J,t vla Tln-ta Imu' Lounging Rjobes for tin' ymiii'j 2 95 .Ml ItV fellow a Hiirm robe to r-lin am in t lie morning, or when lir'n hludv. Uig at nigbl. I lie l or plains, in brown, Itlur or maroon, (iood rpialilv of eolliiii liljri keting. Mes 6 In 2(1. Oilier anil Tt) V is t & Y V ( . - i 'A 7 A i 74