PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1937 MANY BRAVE LAOS will be GOING PLACES this Friday night wearing as tokens of af fection, anything from fruits to flowers, from violets to vegetables. TURN ABOUT IS FAIR PLAY. Send him a corsage, funny, clever, impossible, or as nice a one as he sent you. See the corsages on display now at Danielson's. VIOLETS PERCHED ATOP A CORONET just above the brow of a chivalrous male: a KKG sends this one to give him regal emphasis. MISS AGNES styled the hair of our Honorary Colonel, Jane Walcott for the Ball Friday night. A change of hair styia will do wonders to your "for mal self" even if you do wear the same formal. With nil thi formal parties and vacation ahead, we suggest you visit Agnes Beaute Shoppe. Hotel Cornhusker. B3122 B6971. A CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE CAP nestled in a fluster of beer bottle caps is the contri bution of a Pi Phi. Could it be a touching reminder? Dance Causes Ruin of Fallen Girls, Arouses Men's Worst-Pas.-ion Swears Evangelist (Continued from Pago 1.) ' worldliness are the following "Forty Reasons Whv I Won't , Dance'' prepared by Evangelist Carl Bassett in an "'Enlistment of Youth for God" campaign: 1. I would not like to die danc ing, would you? 2. All churches except the Mor mons are against dancing. 3. Dancing church members are called hypocrites. 4. It brings shame on the Church and Christ. 5. Three-fourths of the fallen girls In America were ruined by the dance, according to the testi mony of dancing masters. 6. If dancing did not hurt me, my Influence might cause a weaker person to be lost. 7. Dancing Christians make A 0 Reserve Table for MORTAR BOARD PARTY Your selection of Private Dinina; Rooms or tables in the Capital Coffee Lounge. . nt the Hotel Capital Reservation before or after the party. Spvriul Mortar Itotiril Menu. ' Call B-1261 Reservations if:? m fat'Tix 3iaJL hi i !-! j s - 1 1 ( Group 1 Reg. 23.64 Tuxedo Suit 18.60 Aroow Dress Shirt. .2.50 Dress Tie 55o Studs and Links.... 1.00 Hon 25c Suspenders 59c Collar 25c w 23.64 1Q75 IF SOMEONE DANCED ON YOUR TRAIN at the Ball, have the dust taken off with a good dry cleaning by The Evans Cleaners. Don't show up at the Mortar Board party in a bedraggled formal. Call B69S1 for prompt service. A JULIET CAP OF CRAN BERRIES is the tender re membrance proposed by an Alpha Xi Delt. A LITTLE CARE will go a long way to keep a formal looking nice. Take your alter ation problems to The Fash ion Sewing Shop, 544 No. 14. L6309. A CACTUS PLANT, a Christ mas tree, lilies, pansies, sweet peas veils, nosegays, dime bottles of perfume, one lone pinsy in a super-huge box, dried fruit mixed unobtrus ively in fernery, the usual garlic camouflage'!. SEE A T'VSSEL or a Mortar Board today to buy your ticket for Friday night. Only $1.23 per couple. the poorest church workers. 8. Thousands of young people have chosen the dance in prefer ence to Jesus Christ. 9. Dancing is contrary to the spirit of the whole Bible. 10. The dance originated in a house of prostitution and was never danced outside of a house of prostitution for the first 500 years, and the steps they used then are tame compared to the steps they use now, 11. The dance is the only place where the vilest of men can em brace the purest of girls in the closest familiarity, with the ap proval of society. 12. Dancing Is tne only amuse ment in the world that depends for its existence upon the min gling of the sexes. Separate the sexes and you will kill the dance in 20 minute',. 13. The dance has been more deadly to the church than the Your Now the M t $uaL OpsmsxLl EX Urr.'i lira Out On The Lviro Cooncn J.-si iiocjiiro Y u Have T ' - T, ..1 A t J I li.! Chooso Your "TUX" Outfit Now at GOLD'S 'J'tn It' 1 the VI I, nli- ,-n llln'.u) of von. I'erfedly t.iilnicd Tux- '! Ill ml.jjle or (loll'ile lnc '! itlyl. i Him k nr midnight blof, Kvry Hem is ftirm reg t inr oi h iir.d olf'end at Huh combination gioiii j.nie for a hmited (inn . "r ni, i f hizh f;.t Tux now and le i. adv I'.r Hie Mm tar Hoard Tarty. Group 2 Reg. 34.3S Tuxedo Suit 27.50 Arrow Dress Shirt. .2.50 Arrow Dress Tie 1.00 Studs and Links. . . .1.50 Suspenders 1.00 Hose 50c Collar .35c Re? 34.35 n FOR YOUR ONE ANDONLY. have your portrait done in an oil miniature for the perfect, lasting Christmas gift. Har old Cox will make this regular size miniature complete with gold frame, for only $5. Make an appointment now at the Harold Cox Studios. 1125 0. B1988. Allow one week for completion of portrait. DON'T RUN TO YOUR ONE O'CLOCK! No need to if you eat at the College Inn Grill where service is extra-prompt. 13th and Que. III iho Infirmary Charles Kenworthy,' Shenan doah, la. Richard Drendel, Lincoln. Betty Lamphere, Aurora. saloon. 14. There are no soul winning dancing Christians. 15. I couldn't pray at a dance, could you? 16. I wouldn't enjoy reading my Bible after the dance. 17. I couldn't speak to anyone about Christ at the dance. 18. The girl with the most modesty makes the poorest dancer, and vice versa. The best dancer is the girl who yields herself to the embrace of her partner. 20. I would be miserable if ' knew God were watching me while dancing. 21. The dance is a barrier be tween thousands and Christ. 22. Dancing destroys a Chris tian's influence, testimony and usefulness. 23. I can't think of one good reason why a Christian should dance. 24. Men do not care to dance with their sisters or wives. Why not? 25. Dancing would not be tol erated in a minister of the gos pel, and there are not two dif ferent standards of Christianity. What is wrong for a minister is wrong for any Christian. 26. Thousands of. men have used the dance as the surest and best way to trap girl. 27. Dancing arouses the worst passions in men. 28. A girl who dances cheap ens herself in the eyes of tne finest men in town. 29. Dancing is considered a doubtful indulgence and incon sistent with real Christianity. 30. Dancing duiis and deadens the spiritual life of a Christian. 31. Dancing is the favorite pastime of the red light district. 32. A man can embrace a girl while the orchestra pl3ys, but if he did it when the orchestra stops playing, it would Lt wrong. Can music make something right that is wrong without music? 3J. If a girl heard the ordi nary conversation of men be tween dances, at they discuss her, that girl's cheeks would blaie with mortification and she would run home and never dance again. 34. The Roman Catholic con fessional revc.Vs the sad fact that 19 out of 20 girls who go wrong, attribute their fall to the dance. 35. Dancing has frequently been used as a last but success ful means of ruininq a girl when all other methods fail. 36. The dance has secret language, by which the man can silently learn If the girl in his arms is pure or not, without one word being uttered. 37. Dancing has created a condition In the public schools that Is almost as bad as the white slave traffic. 38. The attraction of the dance Is the thrill of the embrace that ; is permitted nowhere else in decent society, ! 39. If man embraced his ! neighbor's wife in the ordinary ' dance attitude when there was no music, he would get a load i of buck-shot. 40. I would not dance because i Jrsus Christ would not? Would ' He? GET AHEAD FASTER New Koyal will help! Kler, eiiMer limn wnllnic liy Immll tnvnne can u U! MKiuNmie, Sturdy. Sr It irv II -('(IN-VI('R Mil Ilsr;,KICmu only few crnli l day. LOWI1T MONTHLY llial l'il 1 V A 1 Societu By Johnny Howell Quarterback ami Mary Anna Cockle JOHN HOWELL- Radiatel Sparkle! Campus Emily Post Advises Romeos This hit of advice is not to be found in etiquette books. Even the indisputable Emily Post has nothing to say on the subject, but to most of the men on the campus, there comes once a year an opportunity to turn the tables, the opportunity of course being no less than the Mortar Board Party. Boys, this is your night to howl, so maybe you should be practising up a few days beforehand. Some of you haven't the time for much thought on the subject, so to you I dedicate my findings along that line. First, as a matter of policy, O never be nice to the girl who doesn't hold a meal ticket in her hand. What does she take you for, a sucker? What have you been taking her for? Well, what have you been taking her for? Of course, we must never be so crass as to advocate gold-digging. It just isn't being done in the better circles. Fun-digging is all the rage nowadays. Radiate! Sparkle! You too can be the beau of the ball like Thursty Phelps, if you will practice a few fundamentals. You might try dramatizing your self. When you enter room, always look ns if you htw everything under control, as Smith Davis does. Radiate! In other words, sparkle! Kerniit Hansen does it. You can, too. Take a lesson from Fred Shirey. Gaze wistfully into the lit tle gal's eyes. There's a little trick that never fails. Kmphasize your personality by your clothes. Could anyone resist Johnny Bass in soup and fish or impeccably attired Ben Bushman who sports a collapsible top hat? If you are the timid type like Web Mills you'd better stick to the more conservative tux. To give your appearance that desired chic ilon one of the new maroon colored boutonnnieres with matching tie, as Tlinv Moodie. Elwood Pankonin, Frank Vette and a host of others do. Mad Money. Take example from Bob Wad hams and carry a few extra shek els in your pockets in case your girl friend runs out of cash, or just in case. Follow Ed Seagrist's advice and don't let your date park at Robert's without leaving the car lights on, or at least be sure that the girl can talk as fast as he did to keep from making a trip to the calaboose. Don't let Dal Tassie get ahead of you. With a little practice on an eye lash curler you too can give them that natural upward swing. And for the final moment when your feminine escort dumps you on your doorstep, you'd better be in practice with those "kiss me quick'' looks. 'TIS RUMORED THAT Some enterprising young pho tographer climbed up the Kappa back fire escape and took a few candid camera shots at random What he didn't know was that the shower room opens on to the fire escape, so he was immediate ly forced to retrace his steps, and ever since has been rather bash ful about showing up at that nouse. INSIDE INFORMATION Yon may have seen several Minnuv j:im .-.i iiui)it i nip; nimui) the campus in this zero weather, I attired in ski suits, hut who would guess how convenient the outfits Great r WHAT'S DOING Wednesday. Alpha Omicron PI Founder's day buffet sunper, 6 o'clock, chapter house. Friday. Mortar Board party, Coli seum, 9 o'clock. Saturday. Beta Theta PI house party, 9 o'clock, chapter house. Phi Delta Theta house party, 9 o'clock, chapter house. Gamma Phi Beta formal, 9 o'clock, Hotel Cornhusker. Sigma Kappa formal, 9 o'clock, Lincoln hotel. Sigma Phi Epsilon dinner dance, 9 o'clock, University club. really are? The current vogue seems to be long woolen undies or balbriggan pajamas worn under neath the suits. Think how handy it must be to make an eight o'clock. CELEBRATE FOUNDER'S DAY Active, pledge and alumnae members of Alpha Omicron Pi will observe Founder's day with a buffet supper tonight at the chap ter house at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Mar garet Rasmussen, district superin tendent, will be among the guests. AS JOHNNIE SEES IT Preparations for the Mortar Board party are under way in i earnest today, now that csgy femmes have broken down and broken the glad tidings to the lucky lad. All the usual means of creating a sensation are being used here and there by novice freshmen. The younsters huddle in comers of the house concentrat ing on something that will really slay the gals. Suddenly a thought stings one and the impact sends him swooping upon some upper classman. The grin on the frosh's face falls about three inches most of the time when some heartless senior flatly tells him that Brother How About It? ( hrislmas trill noon he here We hiip many beautiful Gifts in Jewelry, Leather Goods and Silver that will niako someone hnppy. g a 5 5AK1UK JtVYLLKT tU. 2 - ! (J 1301 0 St. ej&IL-mmTS UOVLAMD-WANSON news for you fashion-wise, thrifty Nebraska Q AT T?f 71 BRAND NEW Regular 10.95-12.50-16.95 $? 95 Firif Bill did that back in '25. Ideas for originality are at a premium which affords an out for some of the gals who ' find the sheckles are way down in the toe of the old sock. A good idea should be worth a couple of cartwheels any time. The much publicized Powell-Cain-Gellatly triangle simmered quietly down to a steady duet re cently with the two first men tioned still clinging for dear life. Gellatly has checked out in favor of a five foot bundle of love named La Donna, they tell me. Whether the D. G. who monopol ized the World Herald rotos Sun day last and Jack got together and decided to pass' quietly out of each other's picture, still seems a mystery. Another young D. G., Pat Rice, and Doug "cattle train" Taylor are binding up a good deal this week. It's another one of those deals ripened by steady sessions at the University library. Both parties are probably not aware that there is a reserve room on the second floor. Or is there? FACULTY VIOLINIST ENTERTAINS TODAY (Continued from Page 1.) formance of "Poeme," a composi tion by Chausson. "Air for the G String," by Fiorillo-Vidas, "Beau Soir," by De-bussy-Heifetz, "Nigun," by Bloch, "Piece en forme de habanera," by Ravel, composer of the more popularly known "Bolero," and "Zapateado (The Cobbler's Dance)," by Sarasate, who first introduced Lalo's "Symphonle Es pagnole" to the world, constitute the third portion of the recital. HEBREW PROPHET CAR RIES WILL TO CHOSEN PEOPLE , (Continued from Page 1.) trying to save Israel from defeat and capture by Assyria, but all was in vain. Sargon II took the capital Samaria and the northern kingdom fell. Preached Neutrality In Vain, The prophet Isaiah appeared upon the scene just before the northern kingdom began a disas trous series of revolts against powerful Assyria. Isaiah preached against joining Judah, his king' dom, to the alliance against As syria, but fate was adverse and his advocacy of neutrality came to nought. His great triumph, however, was the saving of Jer usalem from massacre and spoil. Aiioiner social propnet was Micah who preached judgment and doom, finding hope only in a small number of sufferers purified by their grief. Micah was the last of the four great prophets, Amos Hosea, Isaih and Micah. Their sue cess preserved and developed the Hebrew religion. 75 Years of Silence. Following a 75 year period of silence prophets again appeared Sephaniah, probably a prince of the royal blood, told of the "day of Jehovah" and urged reform before the day of judgment. Nahum gloried over the prospect of the fall of Mneveh, capital of decay ing Assyria. Habakkuk consoled the Israelites who had expected that Judah would become free at 2 Lincoln $ Lincoln's Fashion Center T, Sizes: 941 - 1345 - s Floor A spoqjal purchase from our best junior dress designers brings these clever frocks to you at real bargain pricer.. One and two piece bright wools gay velveteens and crepes. Just the types for campus afternoon and im portant "heavy dates." (31 formals are priced at 11.00). On Sale Wednesday. 7 ill loe it ml rer tited only in tht you 'ml choice thru Campus WEDNESDAY. A. W. S. Board 12:00 noon Student Convocation Rabbi Shusterman, Speaker 3:00 P. M Music Convocation .4:00 P. M Frosh A.W.S 5:00 P. M Orchesis 7:f0 P. M Y. W. C. A. Board... 7:00 P.M... University Players ..7:30 P. M Infantry Cadet Ass'n 7:30 P. M THURSDAY. Teachers meet 3:00 P. M Sosh Auditorium Broadcast 4:15 P. M KOIL Barbara Hart soprano Merlene Tatro pianist Sigma Delta Chi 12:00 noon Forum Cafe University Players ..7:30 P. M Temple Circle Francais ....7:30 P. M Temple FRIDAY. Tassels 5:00 P. M Ellen Smith University Players ..7:30 P. M Temple SATURDAY. University Players ..2:30 P.M. 7:30 P. M Temple SUNDAY. Messiah 2:30 P. M Coliseum the fall of Assyria with the epi gram "Wickedness contains witn in itself the germ of its own de struction, and righteousness con tains within itself the assurance of its final triumph." Out of the aristocracy came the prophet Jeremiah to advise neu trality. He strove to keep Judah from entering into revolts against the Babylonians, who had gained the ascendancy. As Isaiah he was persecuted as a traitor, as tne "gloomv prophet" foretold, Baby lon lost patience and finally blotted out the lower kingdom. The Judeans were carried away into captivity. Prophesied Restoration. The disciple of Jeremiah, "Eze- kiel, worked among the captives in Babylon. He taught that God was existent and powerful even outside of the nation's kingdom. He preached that God would finally restore the kingdom and that faith should be continued in full vigor. The writer of Second Isaiah is known as the Second Isaiah or the Great Unknown. He sees in the risine Mcdo-Persian hopes for a restoration of the kingdom of Judah. In his time Babylon falls before that rising power and the Jews are allowed to return to Jerusalem. People Become Dissatisfied. The returning people had all been born in Babylon and knew little of the home country. Their enthusiasm was not so great and the difficulties loomed large. Hag gai and Zechariah urged that the temple be rebuilt. Obadiah sees that the hereditary enemy of Judah, Edom, is about to fall and he rejoices. The prophecies of Hag gai and Zechariah that revolutions and triumph would come to Israel and that glory of the temple would be great did not meet immediate fulfillment and the people became dissatisfied. Malachi attacked the corruption of the time and urged return to the law. He sees judg OFF TO THE MORTAR BOARD PARTY IT vnu mint to nuke sure h npiri'iiiiip ymi It lhi UnyiuK "I flowerit pleml your h --. FREY 6928 ME, 17 - 19 125 BRAND NEW diuajl Wjulliqan, Regular 16.95-22.75-29.75 00 Second Floor Daily ISrbratkan In gir drnt hargaini. Calendar Ellen Smith Temple T?.mpl , Ellen Smith Gym Ellen Smith Temple .Neb. Hall 210 ment day following a great prophet ?: i 3 will lift them out of their discouragement. Joel emphasizes the day of judgment and sees only the fa vored people, the Hebrews, win ning favorable attention at that time. Joel's place, chronologically, among the prophets is subject to much controversy. He either came very early or very late. COEDS WILL PLAY ESCORTS AT 1937 LEAP YEAR PARTY (Continued from Page 1.) Miss Nellie Eastburn and Miss Le nore Alway. Invitations have also been given to alumni of Mortar Board who are members of the faculty, in cluding: Miss Mathilda Shelby, Miss Kate Field, Miss Eliza Gam ble, Miss Pauline Gellatly, Miss Alice Howell, Miss Mabel Hayes, Miss Mabel Lee, Miss Marguerite McPhee, Miss Laura Pfeiffcr, Miss Elsie Ford Piper and Miss Louise Pound. c LASSIFIED ADVERTISING 10C PER LINE WANTKI): 2 paneiiKora to Khare ex penses travi'lln;: to Oilumhiis, Ohio. Irving Dec. 18 & rfturnliiR Jan. 2. Cull K-1M71. Your Watches efficiently re paired at prices you will be pleased to pay. IHWIXS 237 So. 13 & FREY 1338 0 Street Coeds! f - 4 A tU A . r;:" ' & I t , ' " NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. I3Q No. 12 Stratt , B 2151