The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Fascism in 11
Italian - German - Japanese
Anti-Communism Pact
Involves Brazil.
(Continued from Page 1).
gal by Cabral tn 1500. Following
European revolutions of 1S20,
Brazil threw off the Portugese
yoke to gain independence with a
Portugese prince as its own mon
arch. The last vestiges of slavery
were cast of in 1888, and in 1891
the country was declared a re
public with a constitution modeled
on that of the United States. A
federal system with 20 provinces
and one federal district was in
augurated. Full separation of
church and state freedom of
religion, altho the great majority
of Brazilians are Catholics, was
Seven-eighths of People Ignorant.
'Since the founding of the re
public Brazil has had its full share
of armed risings and civil wars,"
declared Lord James Bryce, emin
ent British historian in 1912.
"Democratic principles have been
proclaimed in the broadest terms
(in Brazil), but thinking men see,
and even unthinking men cannot
but dimly feel, that no govern
ment, however good its intentions,
can apply such principles in a
country where seven-eighths of
the people are ignorant, and one
half of them belong to backward
races, unfit to exorcise political
rights." When the last census was
taken in 1920 the percentage of
illiterates stood between 70 and
80. Assuming again the prophetic
role, Bryce stated, "it is vain to
expect a constitution closely mod
eled on that of the United States
to work smoothly in Brazil."
Remembering Bryec's words one
would not have been surprised to
hear last week the announcement
made by the Brazilian minister of
justice, Campos, that powers un
equaled in all Latin America were
to be given the president of Brazil
under a fascist form of govern
ment. Brazil's new government is
modeled closely on that of Portu
gal, which is now under a semi
dictatorship. President Vargas,
whose regular term under the old
constitution would expire next
July, announced shortly after the
change he would serve six years.
Hailed as Fascist Victory.
The governmental shake-up in
South America was hailed in Ger
many and Italy as a fascist vic
tory and served as a source of tin
official disappointment in W'ash
ii.gton. Immediately following the
disturbing, announcement observ
ers began to consider the possi
bility of Brazil going up with the
other fascist nations of the world,
and also the possibility of further
spread of fascism on the South
American continent. Natnaniil
Weyl in the Nation warned, "A
fascist Brazil, moreover, could ex
pand its political system outward
into the dictator ridden adjacent
countries and smash to pieces
President Roosevelt's ideal of a
Western Hemisphere living in
peace and democracy."
Wallace Deuel, Boston Evening
Transcript correspondent in Ber
lin, wrote, "In South America
their (Nazi) objective is to enlist
new recruits for Germany, Italy
and Japan in the crusade against
communism. Settinp up of a cor
porative regime In Brazil is looked
upon here as the first success in
9iv Uxsl (phsmai&nq. Winds. . . .
Individually Stvled
lonson ItVnukV Shoppo
408 Fed. Sec. B3442
Gold Kid
Silver Kid
Tintable Satin
Velvet pumps
Paisley cloth
High Heels Low Heels Medium Heels
Prices $5, s6, $650
w-mt .
this drive, and the Nazis count on
Brazil formally joining forces with
the fascist triple alliance in the
near future."
Neither Fascist Nor Integral.
President Vargas met these ac
cusations with a firm denial. He
even said that the new govern
ment was "neither fascist nor in
tegral." Kirke L. Simpson, Asso
ciated Press writer declared:
"There is no disposition to chal
lenge the Brazilian spokesmen
who describe the move of Presi
dent Vargas as neither fascist nor
communistic in trend, but designed
to restore ultimately a democratic
basis of ratification of the new
constitution. There is small fear
that any alignment of Brazil with
the Gcrman-Italian-Japancac anti
communism pact may lollow."
To quiet American fears Presi
dent Vargas pledged Ihfit "under
the new regime Brazil would
strive for further development ot
the traditional friendly relations
with the United States" "Mow
ever," he said, "there is not the
slightest doubt that the new re
gime gives battle without quarter
to the communistic threat both in
doctrine and in force." Chcptics re
called that Italy had pledged her
continiied friendship t" Britain
when Mussolini took over control
but that the Mediterranean crises
came nevertheless.
Germany Smuggles in Weapons.
Investigators also found that
German weapons have been smug
pled in to Brazil hy fascists. The
strong fascist party, decked out
in their green shirts, has been
at ii ' VM
I t I
S, Front
Men's Vogue Adheres to
Rigid Formality in All
Functions of 1937.
Standards of fsrniality in after
dark appard for the well dressed
man have stiffened considerably
in the past few years, and strictly
speaking, the tailcoat is an abso
lute requirement for scores of so
cial functions. Defined more spe
cifically, the time when the tail
coat is strictly called for is "after
dark, when ladies are present."
The dinner jacket, or tuxedo as
it is often known, is generally ac
ceptable before the social season
is officially launched, and even
without dancing, or where only
men are to be present. Neither
the dinner jacket or topcoat is
correct before 6 o'clock, of course.
Tails Taper Gracefully.
Tailcoats this year tend toward
a lower front with a natural waist
line. Coats also have lower waist
line seams in the back allowing
the coats to fit more snugly, and
the tails taper away gracefully,
but not too abruptly, to fall not
more than a fraction of an inch
below the kjiees. The most pop
ular color tor this season's tail
coats seems to be midnight blue,
while lapels of black, fine ribbed
grosgrain are definitely meeting
with favor. Dull, fine barathea
silk lapels are also very good.
growing steadily in Brazil. Ger
many has been bidding strongly
for Brazilian trade by means of
subsidized exports. This move has
only recently been checked, and
then only partially, by Cordell
Hull's reciprocal trade treaty
with Brazil. Japan also has been
increasing its Brazilian trade
greatly, all at the expense of the
United States. A look at Ameri
can investments in Brazil showed
over one-half a billion dollars, of
which about f350,00O,OO0 is in
Rrazilian e-ovprnmnt Hinr1 Thi
Enelish investment is twice as I
The new constitution provides
for two houses. The lower house,
the remaining mainstay of democ
racy in Brazil is to be chosen by
a system of indirect election
through electors. Its functions are
limited to passing on laws pro
posed by the president. The upper
house may veto laws passed by
the lower house. No longer are
members of the legislature immune
to arrest for criticizing the gov
ernment from the assembly floor.
The state and local governments
are brought under control of the
central government. Newspapers
and publications are to be put un
der a strict system of supervision
and foreign banks have been given
a specific time in which to settle
their affairs and leave the coun
try. II Duce Defines Fascism.
Now that fascism has come so
close to the United Stales it might
be well to inquire "what is fas
cism?" We have turned to Benito
Mussolini's statement of fascism
published in the Political Quarter
ly. (This is a brief restatement of
the main principles stated in his
lengthy article, i Fascism believes
neither in the possibility nor the
utility of perpetual peace, repudi
ates the equation 'well being equals
happiness," which would reduce
men to the level of animals, de
nies that the majority, simply be
cause it is the majority, can di
rect human society, denies the un
truth of political equality dressed
out in the garb of collective ir
responsibility, opposes absolute
monarchy, demands a party which
entirely governs the Mate, con
ceived of the state as an absolute,
in comparison with which all in
dividuals or groups are relative,
only to be conceived of in their
relation to the state, meets prob
lems of economic nature by a sys
tem of syndicalism (which is in
short economic government by
means of trade unions.) and holds
Lucy'i on the Loote
In the funniest picture
ever mode . . . Briny
the boy Friend I Bring
the Girl Friend! It's
good fnr whM ailr you I
mm Mi
mm i?a
Yard Challenges Monroe Doctrine
" " 1111 . , A
Covered silk buttons will be
found on the majority of tailcoats,
usually made in a checked design.
Trousers, in most cases, carry two
narrow braids set closely at the
sides. The most popular models of
coats have extra fullness in the
shoulder blades and backs, as well
as over the chest, the former fea
ture being an incorporation of the
British Blade style. Incidentally,
the breast pocket has been elim
inated, contributing to a better fit
and avoiding the possibility of the
coat standing away from the chest.
Long Roll Lapel.
Reflecting a shift in public fa
vor, lapels of tailcoats are no long
er the short and stubby things
of a few seasons past. Instead the
preference of most men for a lapel
that rolls with an easy naturalness
in a graceful curve has been fol
lowed. And the opening in the
front of the tailcoats now forms an
almost straight line in contrast to
the short, close V of the tailcoats
of a few seasons ago, while the
coats come down in front far
enough to cover completely the
waistcoat. Sleeves strike a new
note with false cuffs.
Single breasted dinner packets
with ribbed peak lapels are being
shown this year for the tuxedo
outfit. With a slightly lesser de
gree of formality, one may also
wear a double breasted midnight
blue dinner jacket with satin fac
ing. an attitude of complete opposition
to the doctrines of liberalism and
respects religion as it exists.
Explaining further, Mussolini
says "if democracy means a state
of society in which the populace
are not reduced to impotence in
the state, then fascism may write
itself down as an 'organized, cen
tralized and authorative democ
racy'. Under fascism the individual
is deprived of all useless and pos
sibly harmful freedom, but re
tains what is essential." In the
interest of the individual the "state
guarantees security both internal
and external."
Sunday Concert
To Offer Many
Unique Numbers
Severn of the compositions to
be performed at Sunday's sym
phony concert are unique among
the works of their composers. The
first number on the program, the
"Overture to rromethcus," by Bee-
VAttiyy Show",
15c Any Seat 15c
2 Biff Hits 2
V ink ittmr
killer nut nf thr
drivrr'n i , .
una put m un
the hut Hint
ilk. .waaahte
Thrlllt and Aitkin
Except Sunday
from 12 Noon
r .
X -
HH Nm. t
thoven. is a good example of this.
Beethoven is better known for his
more formal music for symphony
and quartette, but this overture,
taken from his only ballet, is
graceful and charming, more after
the manner of Mozart.
The Brahms "Symphony in D
major" is one of a series which
represent th first successful us
age of symphonic form by a ro
mantic composer. Tho most stu
dents of music consider Brahms'
compositions anything but ro
mantic in their formality, yet this
symphony has such a cheerful
mood as to earn the name of "Sun
shine Symphony." It was this par
! m : r
iv-vj.. . !, v mi.! ; ' k .('
i f4
lo WaL Ijou
Formal Wraps and Capes 16.95
22.75 2-thread Artcraft Hosiery 1.15 .
Rhinestone Ornaments for your
hair 1.95
Lame Handbags 2.95
Elaborate glamorous gold jew
elry 1.95 to 4.95
ticular composition which ean.ed
for Brahms his first general rec
ognition thruout Europe.
"Espaha" presents the unusual
combination of a Spanish type
song by a French composer Cha
brier. Its steady, rhythmical con
struction will appeal to every
music lover, holding the attention
from the first note till the last
staccato chord.
Two students of New York uni
versity claim an eastern altitude
record for their weather observing
balloon, which stayed aloft four
hours and reached a peak of 67,500
ut s4rrhcl a
Wool: tjour jCovliesl
A new collection ready for your choosing in one complete
showing on our second floor. Sequines and rhinestones glitter
and dazzle on luxurious high shade fabrics And there are
plenty of lovely all white models. Sizes 9-11-13-15-17. See them
today for best selection.
A group of coeds at one of our
better known eastern schools has
started wearing the cotton stock
ings instead of the customary silk
leg adornment. The reason well,
as one of them said when inter
viewed, "We're doing it as a boy
cott against Japanese made goods,
as a protest against Japanese in
vasion of China. Besides, altho the
cotton socks don't look so well,
they're cheaper."
mw colic clion oj
iL IfujU of ll
77 50
RhLnestone bracelets, clips 1.95
Evening Sandals Multicolor vel
vets, satins tinied to match
your gown without charge,
Flower and feather headbands
Mny with tiny veils.
I Small church colleges, by bring
ing together young men and wo-
men of the same cultural level, ara
j indispensible allies of Mr. Cupid.
Nude students riding up and
jdown the main street of Golden,
Colo., on an automobile running
board shocked the entire commu
nity. Thev were taking part in
freshman hazing activities of the
Colorado School of Mines.
Pop Warner, the "old fox" of in
tercollegiate football, won his 300th
victory in 43 years cf coaching
when his Temple university team
beat Virginia Military institute. 18
to 7.
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