PAGE THREE Husker Record Challenged Tomorrow THE DAILY NERRASKAN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29. 197 HOOSe ELEVEN NTACT FOR TILT HERE TOMORROW Game Captain E. Dohrmann Still Injured; May Not Start. ' K, 1 I J Jw'v;ii pmm&M BY JOE ZELLEY. Color ind razzle-dazzle perform ing will abound aplenty tomorrow afternoon on the Memorial sta dium greensward as Coach Bo McMillin brings his highly-touted and spectacular Indiana Hoo siers here to avenge their 13 9 loss handed them Inst fall by the Huskers. ' More than 36.000 fans arc expected to pass thru the turnstiles to sec this grid classic. This will be the second largest '37 home turn out, some 37,- 000 having HUGO HOFFMAN watched Ne- from jjncin journal, hraska snatch a nation-startling 14-9 victory from Minnesota. Missives from Bloomington are to the effect that Indiana will be at full strength for the first time since the Gopher fight. ' The con test should be a battle of lines, with Nebraska holding the edge because of such stars as Charley Brock, Fred Shirey, Bob Mehring, Lowell English and Theo Doyle. The Huskers will not be fully girded since Game Captain Elmer Dohrmann, who injured his leg in the Mizzou game will not start the Jilt, and will be replaced by the ever-reliable Lloyd Grimm of Omaha. Mather, Plock, Injured. Jim Mather and Marvin Plock. also hurt in the Tiger battle, will see little, if ar.y, play as they are still suffering from leg injuries. Roy Petsch and Hugo Hoffman will be in their stead. When an irreslstlbleforce meets an immovable obiect, wmiethlng has to give way. This will be the case as the undefeated but tied Huskers tangle with the Hoo- siers, who have dropped only one verdict this season, a 6-0 loss to the Golden Gophers of Minnesota Lad by Capt. Bob Benderdine. the invaders come to Huskerland with an Imposing record, holding back wins over Centre College, Illinois! and Cincinnati. It took the aid of Lady Luck to bring Minnesota its b-o triumph over Indiana. Sev eral times the Bloomington squad was within pay territory, only to have its scoring machine falter. Huskers' Slate Impressive. Equally impressive is the record compiled by Coach Bift Jones' hearlet and Cream eleven. The Jonesmen vanquished Minnesota, 14-9; Iowa State, 20-7. and Mis souri, 7-0. A mud battle resulted in a scoreless stalemate with Okla homa, for the only stain on the Huskers' slate. Ostensibly from what has been taking place at both practice camps mere a snappy workout yesterday on pass offense and were dismissed. A cursory practice is on the books for this afternoon. Kickoff is slated for two o'clock tomorrow afternoon anil the fol lowing Huskers will probably take the field for the opening boot: Amen and Grimm, ends; Doyle and Shirey, tackles; Mehring and Eng lish, guards; Brock, center; How ell, quarterback; Dodd and And rews, halfbacks, and Caliihan, tun- IN Calling ROY PETCH Courtv Lincoln Journal. Student Lunch 1227 R St. BREAKFASTS LUNCHES DINNERS Sandwiches Soupi Pie PRICES VERY REASONABLE will be passing galore. Each' squad has real ized that the other has a po tent f o r w ard wall, so it has taken totheun p a t ro lied air lanes to fetch its scores. Deception is Indiana's strong point. Odd line and backfield for mations, ouick kicks and fast snapbacks may oc enr unexpectedly in tomorrow s clash. The Southwest conference is noted for its open style of foot hnii hut it has nothine on the Hoosiers in this phase of play. Rice Favors Indiana. Snorts seers favor Indiana to con this battle. Gi antland Rice dean of sports serines, expects- m see the Hoo$iers leave the game with their flae flying at full mast Halsev Hall, Minneapolis writer unA Whitnev Martin. Associate! Prae rrivener. tae- alone with Indiana Since Nebraska squelched Min nesota, grid devotees at Blooming' ton are inclined to select the Husk. ers. An excerpt from me inaiand News Service savs. "Nebraska will be the decided favorite for the tilt, possessing superior man power, re serve strength and ipecd, as the Indiana team has net been able to work together as a umt for the past two weeks, owing to injuries to key men." Since they labored far into the dusk Wednesday, the Huskers took Middle of the gridiron season to- morrow finds most American teams in peak form despite early season reverses. Teams touted for their high scoring are beginning to live un to expectations and ballyhooed defensive squads are holding admirably. That old grid adage," a good offense is the best defense," is being followed by the top-notchers who play for the breaks and don't consider it mere luck when they cash in on their scoring opportunities. Pass From Townley to Munn Wins Hardfought Game Thursday Night. Sigma Nu lived up to expecta tions last night out at the "flats" by defeating a scrappy Sigma Alpha Mu team to advance into the intramural touch footba", play off. The Sigma Nu margin was 6 to 0 and fully Indicates the tightness of the game. The win ners' touchdown came in the third quarter when Townley completed a 20 yard pass to Munn. This win enahled the winners to keep their slate clear of defeat in league, competition and to win the right to compete with Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Phi Epsilon for the cham pionship honors. In the onlv other game played :. aT W iiim' jJft. f mill TO STEEl ES IWATKINS EDITS CIRCULAR FACULTY MEMBERS TRAVEL TO M'COOK 0UTSTATE PROGRAM ! , ' . . .continued from P.go M j Extension Forester Issues senior field man for the museum. Bulletin on Tl'CCa. Rehultz will tell his audience that McCook is practically the center of the state's fossil beds and that the first fossil hunters visited that part of the statu in the early '70s. As another feature of the eve ning program, Prof. O. K. Edison tu it ..!.... i A..;,.v . ui tin trill i ti u t Mfc ii n i I ii i int.- j Clayton W. Watkins. cxleosiop forester at the agricultural rolN . has edited a circular on "U to I'se Water on Trees." which being distributed by the .Alctw service at the a 1 It -. Since all ivuts of NVhra-dia Ii. Slll'CkS SAVS HISKKUS SO EVERYONE BKTS OX 1100SIEKS I uity win give an aauress on "Aim- i suffered great tree losses m ible Light." The speec h will be vt,als and all citizens are anxi j essentially a demonstration of the , i0 SHVe the balance of then .; mysteries oi tne puoto-cieciric t i , hoped that the cn culai wi;i cell. i,,r valiio to them One niav l.v Last night we had a vision. A vision of two pickled, very pickled, herrings playing squat tag along fraternity row. They were met in the middle of the game by a razor back hog, who viewed them for a mimitft nnil Ihon dnvnorpil thorn quickly. It was only a few seconds mcnt Bml M' S' Gi,1!im,rP f lh1 hcfnvp th hPrrinoR' rnnditinn hari department of the classics will On Wednesday the university programs will be held in the jun ior college, the Kox theater, the junior high school auditorium, the, Temple, and in the McCook li brary. Miss Marjoric Shanafelt and her puppets will give an ex hibition and Prof. Dwight Kirsch, Nebraska artist, will present an illustrated lecture on "Seeing Col or Around You." Profs. Joseph Alexis of the Germanics denart- gonc not to his head, but to his feet, so lie dleil of a severe case of pickled pig's feet. This we translated carefully and Beta Theta Pi defeated Alpha could see no other solution than I fjt " ft J L,m A 9I 1 ' V5" V I f . , 111 p,' w.vw 1 ,-'- M Gowns Pictured at left . petal pink French blue. turquoise. . In ft colors sun orange. flame, black, and $p5 Pajamas Pictured below . . . with v-neck and young turn-back collar . . . In petal pink and zure . . . also two-tone comb I n a 1 1 o n of French blue with sky blue . . peasant red with coral . . . and nile green with emerald. 13 HSA fit' I:,.' M- 1 J ''- . Biggest football news of the week wat Pitt's announcement that "it would put its house in order" by quitting the subsidiza tion practices that have placed the Cathedral of Learning in an unwelcomed light as far as Intercollegiate athletics are con cerned. Lincoln and Omaha sports editors who flayed former Ne braskan editor Arnie Levin for his editorials challenging Pitt's relationship with Nebraska might pad out their columns one of these dull days by giving Arnie an editorial pat on the bark for his courageous stand despite overwhelming opposi tion. The largest share of the opposition, incidently, came from these scribes who lacked the fortitude to chime in with the Nebraskan editor whose views coincided with their own silent opinions. Here's Saturday's predicted grid outcomes: NEBRASKA-INDIANA: Second to the Gopher game, the Huskers hardest home tilt. . .Hoosiers have everything plus a weight average, but Nebraska will rise to the oc casion to win bv 6 points. PITT-CARNEGIE TECH: Pan thers have this game sewed up. . . they might even make It a breather before they tussle with IOWA-PURDUE: Boilermakers will add another loss to Tubbs' defeat string that stretches as the season marches on. MICHIGAN STATE-KANSAS: Hopped-up' Jayhawkers, basking in their Sooner upset, will lose to the Spartans. . .but they'll give the Huskers a close shave. OKLAHOMA-KANSAS STATE: One of the valley's closest tilts. . . nod goes to Sooners to win on rebound. MISSOUI-IOWA STATE: An other close Big Six match. . .if Kischer is out, Iowa State will fail and even if he plays, the come-back Tigers will weather the Cvclrnes. Manama hmtnrk): Mtama U l"P wifilnc, hat nvbhe an e-l. Arttafijt-lriBa A. A M . : Kauirftarki ran't h lamd ni Ihr ck. rm-V. M. I... nl Tirtnlfn Kill pa ra dr anmnd Ihr lrainianv dattorlr a (hrlMlan: ! ht th ftnuthFt with Ka)lnr to aYhoni th HtmNl Frtifv Hrnwn-lafu: ftrfmn ftrar Ui nil Tafia. alirnmla-l . I. I.. A ; Wrat aal al- trarllnn thai atomM Iralnrt "w Onla ara In at-nrHii nl. I nM-acn-Ohlo latr: Shr f hi kaa all Ihr v41 atalaal M la a lame that bi4 llkt latr atrflfal. I nicalr-v, ) I.; ( oil air In ahatf lh VlnlHa. otimihla- nnwll: l Mar, fcul aav tlumhla. iiannMHiia-i ah i Marr trunk' t.lla farr. Inkr-Mahlnclm A l-r: nalkanav for Ihr ninr Drill.. r nr4ham.-.Nrth fMlllna: Kjtma IM hat Imtrh hiKkinK bin h.nl1 aniah Ihm n. k. l.rMrala Irch-i annrrltill : I ttmnutanm will fttilamart Ihr Kanihlln' Hrrrka. Maranl-rrlnrri,n: loash ane to ' tat fanr fnnrrtHl. Marar-Innrrifrii: Tnalgb an to rail, hat fatr Ir1nrrtnn. Mnl, rnaa-lrmntr; Hat to W, hut lakr 'Irmnlr. Illlnul. MlfH'rani llllnl in tain. inaha-tAathlficlata: Mral rnat.trra f ritm Uaahlnctnn to wanilr ml a aln. Ihlih-Kaltrra: lakr Huiirra. I., ft. l.-LaroU- Kinffitbrn la rrhan4 to flrtory. Maraartlr-yanU i attrai RrraUhr lr lr Gamma Rho by a 12 to 0 margin Delta Vpsilon won the other game scheduled from Theta Xi by for feit. The only game remaining on the schedule is a postponed game between Beta Theta" Ti and Theta XI which will be played tonight. CORN COB-TASSEL CARNIVAL ROUSES CAMPUS INTEREST (Continued from Page 1.) right, truck to the left. Swing your partners;" Preliminary eliminations will be made here hy the three dance in structors while nimhle-fooled stu- "Nebraska will lick the Indiana Hoosiers 13-7." we hope. Though our little visionary method of prediction came as a result of an overdose of radishes, we are convinced that this time we have hit the nail on the noggin. This time we have guessed the score exactly right (definition of exactly: Within 20 points). Nebraska is undefeated, one of her conquests being Minne sota. Indiana has lost one game to Minnesota. So there! Going into the game with a crippled lineup. Nebraska will de pend on her reinforcements who discuss the European situation. Another highlight of the Wednes day program will he the art ex hibit and educational tour of the various pictures on display, con ducted by Professor Kirsch in the public library. At the men's luncheon Wednesday noon at the Keystone hotel, ( haneellor Bur nett will talk on "The University and the People." tained at any local aprie"i';n agent's office. In his pamphlet Mi. Walk' states that a few bands of walei properly applied to trees may saw the expense of replanting. .Soak.:"; the soil under the tree to a depth of richt to ten fed three or foul Urns a year, during October May and July, is more effective than surface watering at more frequent intervals. dents are enjoying the mass dance j have been plenty good. The Hoos rraze. Then the real competition j iers will bring their eleven intact, for which the campus has been ' including Coiby Davis. However, holding its breath, will get under (the Huskers will have things Way. : mostly on their side; it will be Dark Horse Truckers. ! played on their field, with their Dark horses whom the fraterni-, c 'n.l them and they will ties have been grooming these , over the invaders from the oast weeks will come into the, ' .1 Van Raalto Stryps Both teams have passing at tacks good enough to fill the stadium air so full of footballs that it will look like a herd of grasshoppers out for a bite of corn field. The Huskers are still on the rebound and wanting blood. Though the Scarlet lads won last week, they did It none too handily, so will attempt to take it out on the McMillinmen. Remember, our slogan is "Husk the Hoosiers." so let's not have the Indianans saying "who's yer Huskers?" Ihr mm Ilk lint public. ey to truck for the t ni- j versity title against such recog-j nized artists as the Delis' Johnny Howell, Gayle Tait from the Sigma Nu house, Irv Yaffe from the S.A.M. house, Virginia Wheeler of the Delta Gammas. Theta Hillyer and Kidd. D. U. Stephens. Claudine Burt and Flora Albin of the Tri Delts, A.T.O.'s Francis Lederly and Tom Horn, Sigma Chi. Along with the University truekin' title will go a grand prize which will be shroulded in mystery until its actual presentation. When the winner has been an- Am, MW cgn ,nsu).e nounced and congratulated, he sp)f A bunking a course! At crowa win scauer .c o,. , K university in Geoigia two tmnct.- iio.ii t,. .t, t, '" '-' i students have started an agency booths to try their skill. Knocking that wi ins,lre passinK a course over milk bottles (wooden), throw- or even nlaklng an ..A- in it ing darts and hoops, hurling base balls at paper facsimiles of favor- ite instructors mouths, having for-; tunes told these will be only a : few of the attractions offered in the carnival side shows. Paper streamers, confetti and "snakes" will he plentifully supplied to add to the gaiety. Chaperons for the party will be rrof. Karl Arndt of the economics department and Mrs. Arndt, Pauline Gellatly, speech instructor, and Dr. Farl H. Bell of the de partment of anthropology. Tassels and Corn Cobs plan to make their carnival an annual af fair following a big game each year. Co-chairmen are Virginia Fleetwood, Tassels, and Frank Kudrna and Howard Kaplan. Corn Cobs. Other Corn Cobs on the committee are Morris Lipp, Horol.l Niemann, George llosen and vice President Kd Steeves. FRENCH CLUB SHOWS j FIRST PRIZE CINEMA AT VARSITY THEATER (Continued from Page l.i , battallion of Philip of Spam, on ; the march thru Flandeis. nnnounc- j ing that the Spanish soldiers will pass the night in the town Th,' good city lathers are panic stricken. The burgomaster, Rub ers de Witte, harangues his men; the town will be devastated. He proposes to save the citizens by giving up his life! That is, he will feign his decease; there will he an nil night vigil at his bedside. Sure ly the Duke will -espect the grief of the citizens for their beloved burgomaster and will not impose his soldiers upon the stricken city. ; But the women of the Boom will j have none of this cowai 'tlv subter ; fuge. Led bv Cornelia, the re ! sourcelul. capable wile of the bu'- gomaster. rill the wives of the al itlermcn clad in their most sr.mptu tous mourning garments march out of the city gates to welcome the ! Spani.-h soldiers, for after all the I Duke had only asked the privilege of passing tne night within the walls. Cornelia, with gracious dig nity, proffers the golden key ot the city to the gallant Duke Oh vares. He and his Spanish bat talion are cniv.plet.ely won over by this cordial reception, and, instead of perpetrating the horrors pre dicted by the burgomaster, they pass the night in n-veliy and song. The next morning at dawn the Spanish drum beats the "reassem blemenl." On the threshholds of all the houses adieux are exchanged. The Duke on horseback salutes with his sword, and Cornelia, deep ly moved returns the salute from 'lier balcony. Then with a proud gesture she announces that the i Duke, touched by the cordial r eep'ion, has accorded the city ex emption from taxes for one year. I'allailinn lhm'ack IJidi to KihI at Broad Yirw ( lull llalloviM'ii NiIir On Hallowe'en night the mem bers of Palladia!! Literary society will go for a hayrack ride. Starting at Glen Hedge's home at T : r.0. the menibeis will ride to the Broad View Country chili where there refreshments. will he and game lancing, Our Rental Department , Features SAFETY-RENT-A-CARS Reasonable prices. Always open. Fords, Chevs., Willys. MOTOR OUT COMPANY B6819 1120 P 6L c LASSIFIED ADVERTISING 10c PER LINE LOST: Case et krys en Tleiiaa return in unit crsit y fmiml" in west tinliiim. Whs thi-bnskr-t fi.ll? Cum Saturday if it c.-.---n t net) tv i ill n.irni. Vmy O tn. Mer piiiMiny MlaiM'ania-.NoIrr Iunr; Hard l rail lata r la Mir katlar hat I be aaljl Ixiara aan ar Itt Inr ik lata, Navv-pMin: ,iha la alarm Paiia. .NnrUtaratrrn-Miaronain: Um4 Kla Tw matrk aiiih ikr HaMurl Haifa latan-4 to rrtm- m aha4. On t m Malr-talaalanl: HIMvr'a Malm ta Mulrh haafnrd. ffM oat-rartif t fU af Ihr ton ty rramar. soaihrra i ati'nua-Haaaiagia Main Mrl malrhr4 allli lraajt fatrr4. Iraaa-kmiihrni Mrtk4lalt D. X.'a Ijmi knma ahml4 paar a vktara rkralaal aal af Ihr amalharat fire. Talanr-4itr Miaa; Hat aWa aaaik, na, ahrrr lalanr'H ala, Hlamna . unrMii Ta4a VlUaaava. to via. TWO ENGINEERS WIN PRIZES; i i Prof. T. T. Aakhus. assistant professor of engineering drawing, announced Thursday that two stu- dent In the engineering college here have been awarded prizes in a national drawing contest ppon- i sored by the Society for the Pro- motion of Kngineenng Kducation. j PmiI Harm of BloomficM was swarded fir't prize In the division of engineering lettering, while Chaile Kberlme of Lincoln won second prize in working drawings. In previous contests (sponsored hy the national organization, Ne braska students have also won dis tinctive honors. During the school year 193-34. John Paiker of Cen tral City, now a senior in chemical engineering, won first in working drawings. Similar honors went to C. W. Gish of Beatrice for the school year 1934-3V COLUMBUS. Ohio. (ACPI. Co operative purchase of supplies by fraternities ond o.orltlea at Ohio State university saved them 16 th presidency of the university. i percent on JttO.000 worth of pro- vuuons during ihs last year. Free Theater Ticketi Leaded Bronze Gas 17'2C White Ga laVj0 Deep Rock Oil HOLMS 4r.t A MATTEII OF PIUIIF . . SMUTS Flnlihtd For Only 10c With Bachtlor Rough Dry Srvle The person who Is particular alxiut appearance recognizes the difference In The Evans1 Dry Cleaning. It is matter of pride with us to run out only perfect workmanship and we have equipment which makes It possible. "Let The Evan lie Your Valet" WHAT TO DO? DIETS ARE DISCOURAGING EXERCISE IS TIRESOME CUv - (DispmoL lOiilv JJwil (UL! LET MILLER'S (OKSEF DEPAKTMENT GIVE YOU THAT IVloulded Silhouette WlamaJ and. (OomsuvA- (Bma&Isima, BIUIVIH LOTU. in an I I'LUT MI-. DOTTED STIN, with ilaMic iiisrrt to ilmcle tlte Imsl In a youthful fniion. ihlu-rs in lacr, nrl lined. SSizr 32 to 38. 59' l lt I I rum J l.tnr.l ilh M., n H lined, atilli ellie inerl in center. lilel fur llie inc. ilium fiu nre. Slea .12 to 311. ( rrt Hen 4 Hour, 65 Vmua." JjowtdaiiojiA. A UK NDM IO.N arimut willi Imi- ti. iHtr-Kay Mri'tch Inuk. boned. Sixfsi 3 I to 10. Kront is ligliiW Don K.I) satin, "I.ale" Mrrtrli buck, tMiuay stri tcli on sides. Lace top. Sizes 3. to 39. dov ii holli vm wo '7r '5 II 1 i't tk - m cauit you out nice was Ciirafla Srrund 9 UNGtRIE nRST FLOOR. m?LIJt -C. PAlflE MAGEE3