s TAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEBKASKAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1931 LABORATORY SETS for ALL GLASSES Gym Locks Lab. Aprons Our Supplies are of the HIGHEST QUALITY, but our prices are LOWEST. College Supply Store 1135 R St. Fia'ii! Campus Phone B5 19 t i irerT ? Flrt Run Thrt Irr GREYS IV) .. e-"1 i ,5 I 4 ml CMBBl 1 1 Till, K hh Fnrhrs !n - j "Thr I.KtilOX t" nf MHs(, 3 MI..V 5 J Serial mm 7A George ML Come Earlyl Mat. 25c IP Mil URM 2 I JUNE Chapter ( Flvf i "KOBINNON J CRI'SOK" Serial . f-. ' Raymond vVALBURN Willie HOWARD Judy Ends Monday! "TL. AI-.-l -- i "e mystery it 1 1 ! . of the r IIIILtTf.lliN.W' Start, TUESDAY 3 Days Only '. It's Just As Thrilling: RUSH WEEK! 1 to 6 P. M. 20c THAT elusive qual ity . . . so enviable, yet so easily achieved throngh careful grooming and con scientious attention to even the mott minute detail. Achieved al.;o through expert care. Malson Lorenzo beauty experts will be happy to help you with your Beauty problem . , . Happy to advise you on proper care ol hands, skin, hair. Shampoo and Wave 1.00 klanicuro 50 Hair Cut 50 MAISON-LORENZO Law Records Lab. Coats SI I N ... Fly Over the W M Edge of the Earth Now wi,h Showing! PAT O'BRIEN Beverly ROBERTS "CHINA CLIPPER" Feature No 2 I h' wiling Hitnianrp 1,1 MATINEE "MIDNIGHT 10c COURT EVENING Ann DVORAK 1 e. Ji.hn I ITKI. TU A UJ Arvt )nir'f ftiggml Minimi , . Now! Eleanor POWELL Robert TAYLOR Minimi lunuDunr IBBM938 I Als with Iff. pope rtURPHY Binme BARNES lit J BSEN Sophie TUCKER j Newt GARLAND Get The LINCOLN HABIT! Emperor's The Dramatic Successor to MEN IN WHITE" TONE 'CMU'AN BfcUCE TjS ' I ml 'f i nun AS JOHNNY SEES IT After taking the worst ribbing of my life, I'm ready to start all over again. Even tho summer has drawn to a close, several former Nebraska coeds tripped the light fantastic down the middle aisle yesterday. Vera Mae Peterson, that charming Tri Delt, was 'v-jd to Ed gard Yinger. The bride had plann ed to make a career of Shake speare on the stage before she met her Romeo, who got his bachelor's degree in journalism at Trinity university and his master's at Northwestern. Another ceremony performed yesterday in Lincoln was that of Miss Mary Gavin, late of the Phi Fsi Delta Gamma Gavins, and the Honorable Norman Galleher. mayor of Stuart and affiliated with Delta Tau Delta. While I'm on the subject of ro mances, I wonder how the triangle of Wadhams and Hilscbeck, broth er Sigma Nu's and the young lady who lives down the street at the Pi Phi house, Eleanor. Rirkel is progressing ? The latest report was that Wadhams was taking the lead but Hilsebeck is calling the sig nals pretty close. The new Phi Delt house, chris tened "Charley's place'' by Thorn ton and the rest of the Sig Alphs was also the subject of a quip by Beta Marsh passing thru town; he named it the "Silo." You boys are just jealous! if you have a moment to waste sometime soon, you might drop in on Carl Arndt and ask him to tell yiti about his summer vacation on the west coast, while it is still fresh ih his mind. At 'his point I think I will take a much needed rest. AS .MAKY ANNA SEES IT The rag players have joined forces to produce an eight act drama entitled, "If He Could Only Knit." The production shows our versatile society editor in a role admirably suited to his talents. Scene 1: the curtain rises. Johnny is Busy in the kitchen slowly LEARN TO DANCE M'ELLA WILLIAMS Studio changed to 138 No. 12th Closer to University. Private lessons by appointment every day and evening Classes Monday and Saturday, 7:30 to 9:30 Ballroom and Tap Studio B4252 Res. B4258 Students .Yooif ami lA 2r YOST'S CAFE 132 No. nat towij: I TONIGHT with his 15 colored artists and entertainers. Biggest hit band ever brought io Lincom at any price! No mission 25c. EVERY WED., SAT., SUN. At Capitol Beach . . . Continu ous Bus Service. Th- fj i wilt do With Per Perion CAttention . . . Engineering Students WE ARE PREPARED TO SHOW YOU THE MOST COM PLETE LINE OF DRAWING SETS AND SUPPLIES IN THE CITY ALL STANDARD BRAND DRAWING SETS Ail M fM tht ! tipper eM hu u illuiusted tbovs Society stirring Wheaties. Scene 2 finds our athlete on the golf course for his morning romp. Scene the third has its setting in the office of the daily Rag. Our hero is whipping up a dash of gossip with a pinch of gore. Next scene, same setting, the man of the hour, sur rounded by photographers, grace fully exhibits his handsome pro file. Giving the cast a chance to change the set, the Husker struts across the stage, presumably on his way to the field. Finale: An hour dance, like we used to have. An active is signaling to a pledge to give him up, but the pledge re fuses. The curtain falls on a mob scene with Johnny taking the de fensive. The latest member of the Kappa diminishing ranks is Kay Davis Stenten. She and Bill have been living a happily married life in Omaha since the 12th of June. Likewise gone domestic at the Kappa house is Helene Hunt, nee Wood, who said the vows in June with Sig Alph's Jerry Hunt. An other of the sisters, Frances Jones, did her part by coming back for August rushing with a mammoth diamond and then further put the kibawsch on her school days by marrying the guy. Mary Lou Williams of the DDD house walked down an aisle this summer with Darrcll Chaddcrdon. They are honeymooning in Omaha while the better half attends Med. school. Darrell is of the Acacia menage. Another Tri Delt and Acacia combination is Renie Smith and Dutch Ernst. Wedding bells will probably ring in the near future as neither of them has returned to school. Sue Ann Shuck who wants a Theta kite is pining away at home for the remainder of this semester. She suffered a leg infection, dur ing the summer probably fell over a fence or something coy. While the general campus seems to be in quarantine for the rest of this week end, the boys across the street from Theta house are staying home for the remainder of the ,scn;stcr. And lo think we feel abused. Van Royan Calls Dominican Republic "Land of Utopia". (Continued from Page l.t pleasant summer, every store and office down there closed in the Factory Radio Service Estimates given without obligation Factory Methods and Guarantee 1200 M St. B4808 Welcome vniny MviiIh :).',- 11th. increase ad- ft It SALLY f who pi '(! 3 world ! faui fmoui hfr hautfut fan and huht.le dancer. (he wood rfnownr-d Don Pfhlei APPROVED SETSI APPROVED PRICES! A ----- f COMING IN PERSON FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 afternoons from 12 to 3, because of the 'heat' of the day." If tha Dominican business places thought it best to close for three hours Juring those comfort able afternoons, then he feels sure that ail business should be discon tinued here all thru the summer. Like everyone else who visits the southern climes during the hot season of the year Dr. Van Royen took along only a light summer suit. But due to the more humid atmosphere of the tropics he was forced to discard his American apparel and have a suit tailored out of drill material. The goods is so much heavier than what peo ple are accustomed to wearing in Nebraska during the summer that he is doubtful if he will be able to wear it here much of the lime. Clothing Cheap. "Clothing is cheap down there," he said. "The material and tailor ing only cost me $7. Inasmuch as my objective was field work, I went little prepared for dress-up occasions and naturally was sur prised to find that every self re specting person down there wears a coat all the time. In fact, it is an established tradition that no one will stroll thru the parks with out a coat. Another American and I, having just returned from a day's work in the field, chanced to walk thru one of the parks in San to Domingo before returning to our rooms in the hotel. We we:c at a loss to know why the natives kept staring at us as we sauntered down the promenade until the manager of our hotel warned us that unless we appeared in better dress on future occasions in the park we would be subject to ar rest." Queer Social Customs. While chiefly engaged in gather ing data of economic and geog raphic importance, Dr. Van Royen nevertheless had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with other Dominican social customs. The young girls are well guarded there, he says. The boy never is al lowed to accompany a girl friend to a theater without taking along at least two or three other women companions. The theaters there have helped solve the man's prob lems, however, for everywhere rates have been established so that the boy can take three girls for the price of one. The university educator said 100 percent co-operation and assis tance was given him by all gov ernmental officials. He was im pressed with the rapid progress that is being made on every front. For example, the hurricane of 1930 completely leveled the entire capital of the Dominican Republic, but now the city has been rebuilt in spite of the fact that there is no property tax. The tariff, how ever, is high on many imports, both luxuries and staples. Amer ican cigarets cost 60 cents a pack age, so that the average tourist j quickly adopts the lo--' product. Everyone Fingerprinted. ' Every citizen there, regardless of rank or file, must have his picture taken, his finger prints registered, and give information ; conce'rning his address and busi i ness, all of which enables the gov ernment to keep a check on the unruly elements of the population. TYii;Yim i;ns All standard makes for sale or rent. Usd and rebuilt machines on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12 St. B2I57 Lincoln, Nebr, match AS FKATI'CF.l) IN HAKI'KKS FOR CAITAPUS IDER COKE DATES You'll like "M.tlih MMi's' for Informal ofHMon They're h combination of Zephyr knit sweater, ribbed or plain; nix-gore Hk.it with talon r.like fast ener, matching snkl! so kn and calotte. KM . . . KI2 Boulder Blue Nicotine Brown Berry Red Black Rust Sii 12 in ill Dr. Van Royen says that it is almost impossible to travel thru the mountains except on the well beaten paths, because of the denseness of tropical foliage and the steepness of the inclines. The government is rapidly building a network of roads over all the plains country. American automo biles are in abundance and mod ern trucking has in part replaced the older method of freighting by burrow. On the more feitile lands the natives raise coffee, bananas and other fruits. Cocoa is also a major export, the raw product being spelled "cacao," but "cocoa" when it is ready for the consumer. Rice and beans are the chief foods of the common classes, other- exports of significance are sugar, tobacco and mahogany. A good marry of the old native houses have great beams of mahogany which they have whitewashed, evidently to give them a more attractive ap pearance. Historic Interest. Aside from these natural points of interest the Dominican republic also provides the tourist and stu dent with many points of historic interest. Some of the island cities, are among the oldest on the American continent. Columbus was buried in the cathedral at Santo Domingo, while the home of Columbus' son is still standing within the city proper. Dr. Van Royen left Miami early in August, flying to the island on the Brazil Clipper, great four motored ship of Pan-American Airways. He did not return to Lincoln until nearly time for the opening of classes Thursday morn- GeorgeBj20fi EfoTfT'P" mown-. Telephone B1513 1213 M Strcr.t STUDENTS SUPPLIES ZIPPER NC-Ve BOOKS HISTORY PAPERS SCIENCE ART LAW MATERIALS FOUNTAIN PENS Parkers $1.25 to $10 Esterbrooks $1.00 Student Pen We Service 4 Repair All Makes Plans and Materials for Parties Favors Decorations Games ENGRAVING A PRINTING Invitations Programs Stationery Next to Lincoln Theater ROGER'S ROLO"j( LER RINK . . . big, fine floor. 5 Open every afternoon and evening except Monday. Available for private parties Mondays. C.tmtintmu Itu S'rriV Htnates r fi; - ; .! -' Hi tsi ti mJ n r .r-'f1 Vi QMndw DRY CLEANING J cut v MINUS BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED Only 10 WITH BACHELOR ROUUH DRY J Located on 12th St. "Serving V oA More Than 50 Years"' ATTENTION STUDENTS THK FINEST VALUES AND LARGEST ASSORTMENT Or ZIPPER RING COVERS FOR YOUR INSPECTION Heavy on? piece genuine leather, inside zipper pocket, j nn single lever booster D.UU Heavy one piece genuine leather, two inside pockets, r nn single lever booster 0UU An exceptional value heavy leather, with the famous fiber back and metal hinge, plus a positive locking. .t r Single lever booster . .' 40U Genuine leather with fiber back and a or double booster Oi0 Genuine leather with single lock booster, metal hinge and fibei back, in black and brown. You n a will like this one u.UU j An attractive leather grained a knockout for A blue canvas zipper book at only We arc sure the book you want is listed here and remember your name in sold FREE on all books 3.00 or more. LATSCH STUDENTS 1121 mtik urT J THE j , TAILORED ; mill F SWANKY r J DonmiTonv Fnsmans Paris itjrtrd it; I ondnn claimtd it as its very own Hollywood rvd about it. ..this iw mod for man tdilormt! And MISS SWANK. v alrrt to fashion's whims, in- l.rprMs it in Dormitory Pajamas! It's amazing, too, how thry ar- r.nf your mmt frminin moods. StyUd right; made right ; right for lounging; right for ilrrping . . . and vtry right in pric! AM ftotwrt Ik ittw hiqR-llqM Id Swank Paiomai ... tht oftt-itom ivaraatatd aua-rlp troaitri. SWANKY iflt with C.'r.p Vrlour in s (of nuaxinl piping tml fMvrniM culUr, 3.00 COI I IdlATP. r,M T,. S,l Sum. cMivtrtihlt folUr, p.n.m.tl ih.r Mfl' lounging p4ltmt. 15,95 IMSI'W! Until. S,n V,l., nurllt m.nniler.d Amrriran Hif w ihr po.kn 4.00 NOT ULl'ITAtlO BOND STPEET Cr.p Vlr,ur morJlK) after mannish Inunginj )ackrt, mannish notch collar $4.00 RUDGE'f Second Floor. Flawless personal appearance is largely the responsibility 'of your cleaner. Evan's Dry Clean ing restores that new, smart appearance. Let us keep your wardrobe in top form. Just South of Campus.- zipper book, 1.95 1.60 BROTHERS SUPPLIES O St. Jl J i I ' l.riSURE ,.: v'.'Xi m i i HOUR '.' NO NEED TO SHOP AaGUNI) AS THE COMPLETE ASSORTMENT IS HERE FOR YOIR INSPECTION LATQCH BROTHERS ITl'DENT 81'PPMES 1124 O STREET RUDCE'8 FASHIONS-Flnr.r Two, RudiJc & Guciozel Co. for Murr Thnn filty-On vnrt Thr (Jimtity Sloii- Of Ai im, I,, ,,. Tlmn HfivOnr ,,. . (l;,r s,r ,,1 "'' 3 I.