The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1937, Image 2

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Sarah i M
Louise :
Golden Uule It,
Von Upnerclassmcii.
With so many charming excur
sions along1 the byways of the
primrose path revealing- them
selves to susceptible neophytes, it's
just as well that some old hand
stick in a plug: for the rockier
straight and narrow. Sophomores
already are feeling, called upon to
educate the youngsters of the year,
to display their own newly won
service stripes. Juniors take care
to drop casual hints of the vast
worldlincss mantling their shoul
ders. Seniors, soured and cynical,
are full of "Nichcvo's" for the
morrow. But I'm telling you mugs
to lay oif.
In the first place, pnmrosing
has hundreds of connotations to
freshmen long forgotten to up
per classmen. Most first year
students feel a definite struggle
with their consciences when they
skip their first class, take their
first quiz unprepared, bull their
first lab instructor, doublerross
their first double date, get their
first down slip, wreck their first
fraternity brother's car, neglect
to purchase their first text, coke
away their first morning. Cal
lous upper classers have all too
soon accepted such deviations
from principles as natural and
Save Non-Sinners.
The young souls vc are cam-
signing 10 save irom acme col-
legeiatitis are not those belonging
to the boyish faced minors with a
im.K me Dcninu mem. rsior yci,
even to the undetermined fence
straddlers who arc without, either
the courage for sin, or the stamina
vw inc. wc JUKI wane in Kern
nr. 4 .
he world firm under the feet of
the kids wiio by background and
conviction have ideals.
There s nothing on earth more
vulnerable to attack from every
conceivable vantage point than a
belief. It's something you feel,
don't reason. What makes things 1
absolutely right or absolutely .
wrong to high schoolers comprises ;
strong feeling but little logic. So ,
when some enlightening realist !
lays a childhood faith barefaced ;
with a demand for whys am j
wherefores, he's hitting an almost
indefensible section of youth's
Which is sporting enough, I
guess; some guys bash up little
babies, too.
Easy on the Educating.
No one wants to artificially re
tain a college age, almost adult,
young person's morality at child
hood s blind believing stage. Stag- j
nation at that point is nearly as j
fatal to emotional maturity as a
sharp swing to belieflessness. But '
kkis can oe neipea to grow into i
mcir roie oi grownups ny simply ;
letting nature take its course.;
Education in the more or less lib- j
eral extracurricular arts takes
more easilv when it is forced down I
sensitive throats piping hot
Windpipe scarers often appear
in the guise of more or less well
meaning fraternity brothers, or
helping hand sorority sisters.
Some of the boys may decide
that a pledge is too green on
the oldest question in the world,,
and take it upon themselves to
educate him in commercialized
fashion. Or some of the girls
may come to the conclusion that
a new sister is not suffiicently
smooth, and undertake to make
her over. Net result, in cither
case, may be a permanent and
unhealthful complex. And a
jaded, bitter outlook.
So go easy, you reformers.
Whatever your intentions, hesitate
before you play God to a trusting
froshie. Remember the days of
your own youth and try a little
golden rule stuff. Do not to others
as ye were done urito.
Freshman Especially Invited
To First Meeting of
Year Wednesday.
Dale Meyers, sales director of ;
Arrow Aircraft Comnanv will '
spcaTai : Se LSn?.f72
Amion cit t vi,h.BiMi
. o 'r oo . r" i
C. Carlson, sccretarv. Free Pe
C. Carlson, secretary, Free
cream sodas are promised for the
meeting which will be held at 7:30
in M. E. 206.
Associated with aircraft manu
facture, sales and training for
more than 15 years, Meyers has
Instructed some S00 student fliers.
All mechanical engineering sopho
mores, juniors and seniors are
i:rged to attend. Especially invited
are freshmert who plan to register
In the course.
Officers for this year are Har
old Brown, president; Harry W.
Brown, vice president; Don Payne,
treasurer, and C. Carlson, secre
All Baptist students new to Lin
coln are invited to meet at the
Baptist student house, 1440 Q St.,
at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon to
go on a tour of the city, accord
ing to Miss Grace Spacht, Baptist
student secretary. At 6 o'clock the
group will attend a meeting of the
Roger Williams club In the First
Baptist church at 14th and K sts.,
for a social houi followed by
forum on "Education and Religion."
VOL. XXVII, No. 1.
Nebraskan Editor Murray
To Draw Assignments
For Stadium Blocs.
Student football tickets eo on
sale Tuesday morning, Sept 28, at
the Student Activities 1 l the
Coliscum. The stude hletic
books are priced at $u.ju c.iui and
i , .D..,i i f(.
ball games, tickets of admission to
basketball, baseball, and dual in
tercollegiate track, swimming, and
wrestling meets during the year.
According to the university busi
ness manager, John K. Sclleck,
tickets will be handled on the same
basis as last year. Assignment of
seat locations will be made by
drawings done by Kd Murray, di-
tor of the Daily Nebraskan,
Wednesday noon, Sept. 29.
Muct Dr.cnt farHe
Mr. Sclleck stated, "The Student
Activities office will be open from
8 o'clock Tuesdav morning till 5
, p. m. Tuesday evening and from 8
j o'clock Wednesday morning till
- noon to receive remittances of stu-
flnnlfl wishincr t nnrrhnse tickets
j REMITTANCE. No remittances
wi be accCptcd without a student
. p.cscnting his identification card
at the counter."
As in previous years any group
f .Hnt uhn wish In sit In.
pclhn at thc RamM mav BrranRe
t0 (o so b Mn(lln(f one repre.
! sonlalive for lhc K,.01lp with rP.
miUancc and identification cards
for lhc cnU u
'University Singers' to Take;
Membership From Two
Chorus Classes.
Forty voices will be selected
from the 150 members of chorus
classes to comprise the University
Singers, a new choral group being
organized by W. G. Tempel.
Mr. Tcmpcl, director of the uni-
versity men's glee and former head ;
0f the vocal department at Lincoln !
hioh srhruM stateri thar there is a
definite need for university vocal
'We have a sufficient number of : c,.,, v,,, K Mv.,.i, r,
,, , , , , j , m . Several books by Nebraska fac
wel trained talent, sa d Mr. Tern- ,. , 1 . , , , .
vj, '. i, . .i,0t . ulty members are included in an
pel "to bui d up a fine chorus that .. .. . . . . . XT
t ', . ' . . . .. exhihit nf recent hooks hv Ne-
will sing only standard acappcna
music for college functions as thc .
need for a choral group arises.'1
Ci tUlo I. o n... until,,,. In I
been extended. Classes meet on
I Vinnlo.i nn,l J a. n O. 1 O t of 11 I
. o'clock; or Tuesday and Thursday i
! at 5 o'clock. Students mayor may
not rerrister for the one hour ;
Campus Buildings
Still Haunted by
Aged Custodian
Seventy year old "Bill" Rirdsall
former custodian of University .
nail, could give ine most expe-
lienced ghost a few pointers about
haunting. Like the criminal to,
thc scene of his crime, Bill is I
drawn back to the campus. Ever
since his retirement last Septem-
ber, he has spent every moment he
could in visiting the familiar
buildings and talking to his stu-
dent acquaintances.
Monday Bill became a grand-
father. Saturday he arrived in the ;
nrasnan oinrc to . ;
ncws- . 11 8 8 lltlle and hcr
r i' 3 TVTe '
day she will be coming to the i
university, if Bill has anything to i
say about it.
ror i years cirusan win kcu
on the campus, keeping the foot
ball field and tennis courts in
shape, delivering mail, washing
blackboards, and unlocking the
buildings in thc mornings. Part
of this time he was working for
Dr. Barbour in Morrill hall, whom
he calls "the finest man in the
Recently the Birdsalls moved to
Emerald, Neb., six miles west of
Lincoln, but Bill still returns to
the campus whenever he can
wangle his way to town.
Ag ColIfj;c Itecrplinn
Postponed Because of
Poliomyelitis Threat
The agricultural college faculty
student reception, set for Satur
day, Sept. 25, has been postponed,
according to announcement of the
social committee, in charge of the
affair. Reason for the postpone
ment was given as an effort to co
operate with city officials In com
batting the spread of poliomyelitis.
The decision was reached upon the
advice of Dr. E. T. Hohbs of the
city health department, who rec
ommends that all unnecessary
large gatherings be postponed for
thc present.
the'murt deptme'ntrthc timfor j "g; Think . For Yourself.;'
7,. L. h.. v,0!hy Robert Crawford, and Lane W.
Paralyzing Interest Conflicts
Imperil Democracy, Says Stoke
Political Scientist Asserts
Growing Executive Power
Nips 'Inactivity.'
"The chief danger of democratic
government is not disruption hut
paralysis," says Dr. Harold W.
Stoke of the political science de
partment, who with several other
outstanding political scientists of
the country contributed a series of
essays now bound in one volume
and dedicated to their former
1 teacher, Dr. Westel W. Wil-
loughby, dean of American polit
ical scientists.
"Respect for democratic e;ov-
i ernment is not sufficient in itself
i to insure its continuation
svs. uiner nations nave
able to forget it without much dif
ficulty." General Interest Molds Fate.
j Dr. Stoke points out that the
pends first, upon whether the sev
eral great interests can be made
to diminish their demands upon
government; .secondly, whether
men can be found far sighted and
courageous enough to insist that
general interest shall be placed
above the interests of petty
SrouP: an,i tnird wnctncr form"
Dr. B. C. Hendricks
Courtly the Lincoln Jmirnal,
, . rjnonn
WOrKS 01 Lancaster, UOdnC,
Cpnninn FvhihitpH With
ociinuiy laimuiigu uii
Novels of Nebraska.
fluthors on disnlav inside
,brs aau, no s, f "
I thc library entrance.
John P.
i I aniaclov'q "r.At'ninmen rf Rn-
i rnl America" are shown, aa is
"Searching For Your Ancestors,"
w'iUe" by Gilbert Doane, former
Other books in the exhibit which
l is to remain for two weeks are
i "William Jennings Bryan." by
Wayne Cullen Williams; "Leaves
j From a Greenland Diary," by
Ruth Bryan Owen; Wllla Cather's
i "Not Under Forty," and her latest
' novel, "Lucy Gnyheart;" "Spring
Storm," by Alvin Johnson; Dor
othy Thomas' "Home Place;" j
, "Spring Came on Forever," and
"The Man Who Caught the'
by Bess Streeter Aid-!
Nebraska Volumes
"Take All to Nebraska" and its
sequel, "Mortgage Your Heart
by Sophus K. Whither; "Brothers
of thc West," by Robert Raynolds
Marl Sandoz' "Old Jules;" "The
Sod House Frontier," by Everett
Dick; "Moslem Women Enter a
New World," by Ruth Frances
"Three Wheeling Thru Africa
ny jamcs "S"n; rmnccis,
Inilians fln(i Buffaloes," by Bay-
n" Pal,nC:h"T0pen R,"T'phy
Oscar Rush; "Stories of the Far
West," by Joseph G. Masters
Cottonwood Yarns," by Dan V.
Stephens; "Nebraska Old and
New," by Addison E. Sheldon.
Dr. Earl H. Bell has so much
specimen material from his several
summers' work that he't
know what he is going to do with
it. The yield at Lynch. Neb. last
summer brought in an enormous
amount of bone and artifact
treasures, leaving store rooms and
laboratories Jammed with boxes
and bundles. The problem has
become more acute now with the
addition of the 1937 collection
taken from various nites near Ver
del, Pishclvillc, Niobrara and Red
Author Names Dr. Pound
As Aid in Writing Novel
Dr. Louise Pound of the depart
ment of English is named by Prof.
John O. Beaty of Southern Meth
odist university, In a note at the
end of his historical novel, "Swords
at Dawn," as among those who
gave him encouragement and help
In his preliminary studies.
pi SM$$k li
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I JtJj -'fc't i
Official Student
Courtesy the Lincoln Journal.
ulas can be invented to provide
broad social treatment for the
paralyzing conflicts of interest.
He asks whether it is not time
to inquire if respect for democratic
(Continued on Page 2.1
Group of 65 Prospective
Reporters Seek Work
On Campus Daily.
Sixty-five prospective reporters
appeared at the Daily Nebraskan
office yesterday afternoon to hear
their first instructions on news
getting from the managing editors,
Willard Burney and Helen Pascoe.
A larger number of new re
porters than has attended the ini
tial meetings in previous years
found the rag office too crowded
for their group, and made it neces
sary for them to be ushered up
stairs in the building to a large
For practice in taking down
news stories and writing them, the
reporters were given practice
stories and these were later cor
rected for them by the managing
and news editors and suggestions
made. Those who showed thc most
ability were given stories to write
for the Nebraskan since the large
number of reporters present made
it impossible for all to have a try.
Reporters were asked to leave
their names, what experience on
school, weekly or daily papers they
had had, and the type of writing
which they preferred. Reporters
may come to the office for assign
ments this week and try out the
different types of news. Tempo
rary beats will be assigned follow
ing another meeting next Saturday
Eunice Kulli Hiiiiiliain
To I'rosont Hocital
At I O'clock Today
Kunice Ruth Bingham will pre
sent a violin recital today at 4
o'clock at the Temple theater.
Miss Bingham graduated last
spring from thc university as a
student of August Mulzer. This
will be her last appearance in
Lincoln befotc she leaves Sept. 19
for New York.
l'ni. Pljiyrrs Ticlu'ls
(lo on Side Vi ednrday
Tickets for the monthly dra
matic productions of the Uni
versity Players, official outlet
for theatrical talent on the Ne
braska campus, will go on sale
Wednesday, Sept. 21, with the
Tassels again in charge of the
ticket drive. Tickets this year
are priced at $2 for students
and $3 for adults according to
Martha Morrow, Tassels president.
1,11 ' 1 " "" 1
If" M
Van Royan Calls Dominican
Republic "Land of Utopiu
Instructor Reports Living
Easy, Food Plentiful,
No Income Tax.
A modern Utopia, a garden of
Eden -such, in the opinion of Dr.
Willem Van Royen of the geogra
phy department, would be the av
erage American home owner's de
scription of the Dominican re
public. Dr. Van Royen has just
returned from a summer of ob
servation there in time to meet his
first day's classes.
This republic, which Is h part
of the West Indies group of is
lands, is located between Cuba and
Porto Rico. In the first, place
there are no real estate taxes to
bother the wage earner, he said.
A living comes cheap and easy,
what with all the natural abun
dance of fruits and a standard of
living which makes family upkeep
a comparatively minor problem.
As a matter of fact boys do not
wear any clothing until they are
about 6 years old and girls until
they are 3.
Climate Fine.
"The climate is really very fine
and the scenery, particularly in
the northern and central moun
tainous sections, is very beautl-
Iful," he said. "Thc average per-
Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
Drive Centered on Frosh;
Daii of First Issue
With a goal of 2r0 paying read
ers, the staff ot Blue Print will
launch an intensive subscription
drive on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Gen
eral manager of the engineering
publication, Harry Langston, an
nounced Saturday that first efforts
will be concentrated on engineer
ing freshmen, followed by a per
sonal canvass of upperclassmen
later In the week.
Publication date of tne first is
sue is still indefinite, altho all ma
terial is in, Langston said. It will
orobbaly be shortly before Oct. 10.
As in past years, original cover de
signs are planned.
Announce Staff.
In charge of the coming issues
arc Langston, general manager,
Gerald Gillan, editor, and Jay L.
rti av,. xiv
ular departments will be headed
by: Francis Libcrshal, Sledge, jr.;
J. H. Freed, Enginews and Ne
braska Engineers; G. K. Gillan,
Alumnews; and Gillan and Lamrs-1
an editor for Technical Notes.
iwn, i.urvi , oilll LU IJC HpiMHIILUU IM
I'ubucation board of engineer-
college, which supervises the Blue
Print, differs this year with but
three professors compared to last
year's five. Present members are
Dean O. J. Ferguson, Prof. M. I.
Evinger, Prof. Niles H. Barnard,
and Langston, Gillan, and King.
In the business department, Car
ter Gant handles local advertising;
Harold Bishop, alumni subscrip
tions; Barton Berg, student and
faculty subscriptions; and N. H.
Miller, circulation. Other student
members of the Blue Print staff
are: Charles Adelseck, W. B. Berg,
Harry W. Brown, R. P. Connett,
Bernard J. Dalton, Jay Forrester,
H. E. Haynes, Arthur Larson, Paul
Linstedt, Frances Loctterle, Louis
Lundstrom, N. H. Miller, Emanuel
Olson, V. H. Paulson, W. W.
Reedyt, J D. Smith, N. P. Stout,
and Glen Cameron.
Highly Valued Mounted Skins
Be Exhibited Soon
In Morrill Hall.
Once formidable jungle and for
est monarchs, several savage look- :
ing animals are now the property J
of the university museum where j
their valuable furs will be on ex-
hibit to the thousands who pass!
through these corridors during the i
year. !
Mr. and Mrs. E. L Cline of 1920 !
B, presented four skins, all made j
in rug form, and nine others !
equally valuable, to the museum i
as a part of the significant Adam i
Drt-eue couccuon. -Airs, nne is H
sister of Mr. Breede, well known
big game hunter, whose hundreds
of expeditions to Alaska, India,
Africa and South America netted
some of thc finest animal sped-
j mens, many of them now on dis
play at the museum.
! When all of Mr. Breede's tro
; phies have been mounted, the nni
I versity will have a total of 66.
Twenty-six have already been
I The skins include those of a
j giant leopard, a snow white moun
' tain goat with black horns, a mas
i sive Kodiak bear and a beautiful
j Royal Bengal tiger. Other excel
j lent skins included are a cinnamon
j bear, two ocelots, spotted animals
i smaller than leopards but larger
than the American bobcat, a mon
key, one woodchuck, an otter, two
! iguanas or lizards, and a bobcat.
courtciy the Lincoln Journal
son generally thinks of the trop
ics as being most disagreeably hot,
but compared to Nebraska in the
summer the people on this island
are most fortunately located. But
in spite of what T thought was a
i Continued on Page 4.)
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SEI'TEM B Ll 1 9 1 93 7
jSurvev of University
Students Attending Church
Kv Merrill l.ntlnnd.
llie Impiirin!! llepurlrr.
Alpha Chi Omrua . . i out of
Alpliu On'iciim Pi
(t mil nf 21
Ipl'H I'lii 15 mil .l 35
Mphii Ai Dtlla ...10 mil nf 35 Kappa Sijrmn ft mil nf 30
Alpha Xi D.hi, 10 mil nf 35 'Phi (, annua ll.lla .15 mil nf 3ft
Chi Omegr 15 mil ol 31 Phi Kappa li ....10 nut nf 15
Drill! Delta D. lla 3 In 5 mil nf 32 Pi Kappa Mpha ... 2 mil nf 30 J
Delia Camma ... 13 nut nf 33 . Sicma Alpha l.p.ilnn 30 mil nf 45
Kappa Alpha Thrlu . fl nut nf 10 ' Sima Nil . Ml mil nf 40:
These I'iyiircN are Iuim-'I "ii lhc iipprniin;ili ltuiiilicr if stu
dotils 1 i v i n 'j ;it c'icli of len sororities ten frjiti rtiitirs, chosen
fit Himloin. A l epresental i e of r;icli lioiise ;is interv lewcd,
iitul Hie eoiiip;ir;itive iiuinliers ;ire niven y tliem. I
When -iskeil why more ol' their members i I nol ntteiul j
chiireh services reguhirly. the reasons a ricl. l-'irst seenieil to,
cunie the ';iei iluit sleep wjis prei'erreil to ;i dry sermon. Funny
papers, iiiul other readme cut the nuudicr tluit go to (diurch. 1
My fur the hest reason offered v;is th;it ministers in wu
end fail to uuike their sermons interest inji ami jittr.ietix e 1o the
n Venice stiulent. Aeeordini: to others, the ehundies are inenii- ;
veniently loeated. sufficient ears are not available on Sunday i
murniny. and the question most often asked w as " What has the
person who attends ehuivh yo) thai I haven't j
The nl
xive rat her
fiHendm" eliureli was motivated hy an article entitled "t'razy
Kdtieation"' written for the September 'J.'i issue of Liberty maga
zine by .John Krskino. The Nebraskan feels that 1 he' figures
ty some ol the nrnaniziit
j with a view to putting up a good
i hev are wurt h.
Krskine's thesis is that colleges are failing in education be
cause (if their lieyleet, of character biiildint:. The 1 'niversit y e.f
Nebraska sponsors and cneoiira'jes a church program to make
tip this deficit with more vior than most schools. Our survey
seems in show that, the pro" nun is failing.
The remedy suggested by the noted educator in Liberty
is that of more emphasis upon ethics in ihe college curriculum,
lie says in part : "I Have spoken of religious services and sports
because ihe American eolleye has relied on ihem as yood in
fluences for character and morals. But why hasn't 1 he "curricu
lum attended adequately to character training;:' Especially in
modern times, when such subjects have become popular as so
ciology, economies, polities, with attention to labor problems,
working- hours, living- conditions.' Why shouldn't such courses
be the natural opportunities for training the young to feel and
think ethically ?"
llo laments the fact that the moral considerations in these
subjects have been pared to the bone to make pure sciences. He
notes lhat even the purest of the pure sciences rest upon ethics.
His conclusion is that education without attention to character
is a folly and a racket.
. ' . 3
in OpCtlinQ FixtUrCS
j n j j
Already Urdered.
Architects and construction of.
ficiaS of the nPA. stuficril Union
. . ,
havf s't ',an- 1 fls tnP of com"
plction with the possibility that
the opening may be delayed sev-
eral weeks. Ray Ramsay, Alumni
association secretary, announced
Construction is being rushed,
however, in an effort to turn thc
$400,000 student center over to the
Nebraska students as soon as pos
sible, Ramsay said. Furniture and
fixtures have already been ordered
for the building.
Intended for the entire student
body as a center of activities on
the campus, the univeisity wmi 'he
structure last fall after several
years of factional strife by student
and university leaders. ,
Features of the Student Union ' nieetnig will be lichi on the
include a cafeteria, private .lining ; camPlls of Western State college,
rooms, ballroom, oftices, fountain Mlss Pound and her fisier, 0'i-ia,
room, lounges and publication of- j wol' fll Gunnison MM month and
fices. Ransay said that nothing la,r visited Mesa Verde, A I bu
nas been permanently decided as qnciqee, Santa !-c rnd Taos. At
yet in regard to the'allotment of I Albuquerque they saw Mr. and
rooms to various organisations, as Mr8- """O' Alexander, who were
I the decision rests with the Student
I Union board of control.
Gray, Simmons, Essam and
Denning Will Speak on
Same Program.
Harold Petz, director of intra
mural athletics, will address the
mass meeting of unaffiliated men f''""R fnrts were handed
, c, . on , "lit to the hi) aspirants by the Ne
to be held Monday, Sept. 20, at insUan eiil0IS to be pu (ogl.lher
Social science auditorium. Pet?, into newspaper form,
will discuss the touch football "Dim Blank Blank, returning
campaign and the part that the j from chnpeioning an hour dance
unaffiliated men will have in it. ! at thc O Me sorority house last
Other speakers, according to night, was stricken with poliomye
Dcan Worcester, secretary of the : litis and rushed to Bryan Memo
Barb Interclub council, will be : rial hospital where hcr condition
Denver Gray, Robert Simmons, j is doubtful. The O Me girls were
council president and vice presi- j promptly quarantined as were the
dent, respectively, and D'.ane brethren in U Too, the fraternity
Essam and Reuben Denning, or- j entertained at the hour dance,
ganlzatlon and athletic chairmen. University authorities were de
Plans will be drafted for hour bating whether or not to close
dances, picnics and other social school, and health officials con
activities. "We co-operate with the sidered quarantining 15 other fra
Barb A.W. S. league, a similar or-1 ternity houses, members of whom
ganlzatlon for unaffiliated worn- j had had dates that night with the
en," the secretary explained, "and , O Me girls."
ui'A pre lru-tUino fnru'nrrl In thn lilo. ' Tiio l.ol i.. ...n
j Rrstv, ycar in thc gix of our eJ. :
listener." i
Kuppn kttppti C.'immii 8 nut nf 3 )
Pi Itrl.l Cl.i 0 nut nf Kit
Vi'm'iil ft nut nf 3.
Mplui Til li iih'h;i. .15 mil nf 35
Hrla Thelii Pi 15 nut nf 35
IMi;i I p-ilon 22 mil of 35
siinev o nuiv(-Mt .sliiqents
ions are deliberatelv falsifieil
front. Take thcin for
Dr. Pound W ill A.ldrri.
j Colorado (noup Srpl. 21
I Dr. Louise Pound of the Eng
lish faculty will spcHk before the
j state convention of tne American
I Association of T'nivrijsity Women
, at Gunnison. Colo., Sept. 24. The
4 -
I'nurtrsy ttir I. inc. In J-'innlll,
: visiting thejt son Hubert, who is
now profe.-jsor of philosophy at the
University of New Mexico, and
Mrs. Bruno Klingei. At Santa
Fe thv visited Dorothy Thomas.
Reporters Hear
Tragedy of Hour
Dance Chaperon
Being chaperon at an hour
dance is dangerous business for a
dean of women. If you don't be
lieve it, ask any of the 60 em
bryo reporters who applied at the
Nebraskan office for jobs Satur-
tllwd by the Nebraskan managing
University Women Invited
To Annual Conference
At Ellen Smith.
Moitar Enard invites all univer
sity women to attend the annual
Activities Conference at Ellen
Smith hall, Saturday, Sept 25.
Freshmen women are especially
urged to attend, as the complete
program of the university activi
ties for women will be explained.
Miss Amanda Heppner, dean of
women, will fpeak at the opening
session on "The Philosophy of Ac
tivities." Maxme Durand. presi
dent of Moitar Board, will wel
come the conference attendant
and introduce representatives of
thc various campus organizations.
To Feature Round Tables.
Speci.-il emphasis will be placed
on the frrphman woman in activi
ties, a part of thc morning pro
gram will be devoted to a meet
ing and round table discussion for
the fresh men.
Round table discussions for up
perclassmen will be held on "Sales
manship," "Committee work and.
officer training," and "Discussion
group leadership." simultaneously,
with the freshmen meeting.
Moscman To Describe,
The afternoon program will open
with a general meeting on the focal
point of campus attention this
year, thc new Student Union build
ing. Albert Moseman, president of
thc Student Council will explain
the purpope of its construction and
activities to be affected by the
Union's completion. Eloise Benja
min, Mortar Board and vice presi
dent of thc student council, will
discuss the woman's part in mak
ing the Union a successful student
Round table discussions for both
freshmen and upperclassmen will
be held immediately after the gen
eral session. The topics for discus
sion arc: "Student Government,"
"Publications and Activities on the
Agricultural college campus."
A tea at which sponsors of all
the women's organizations will
preside, will conclude the after
noon's program.
"We are anticipating a more in
clusive and more pertinent confer
ence than the on-? held last year.
By including the freshman women
wc hope to give their, a cognizance
of student activities early enough '
in the school year so that they
may plan their extra-curricular ,
programs in a way which will not '
in any way conflict with their aca
demic work." stated Miss Durand.
"It will benefit every, woman on
the campus to attend this confer
ence." 13 Sergeants. 12 Officers
Will Head Largest
Military Staff.
The ROTC department of th ,
university begins the current year
with one of the largest staffs in its
history and with few changes in
lt.v personnel. There will fc 13
sergeants on the staff this yar
and 12 ofneers.
Aming the changes this yejir is
the appointment of Sgt. Earl De
Vhughn. recently retired, to a po
sition as military custodian in
! place nf Col. F. A. Kidwell, who
i had been with the department 12
j years. Mrs. Lola Honline. w ho 12
years previous to 1929 had been
the chief of staff secretary, re
'turned to her former position in
! place of Miss Eva Littrell. who ac
cepted a similar position Ft .Van
Coover Barracks in Washington. '
In thc engineering unit, Sgt
Charl ? E. Engle. formeily of th
University of Kansas, is appointed .
to fiil the vacancy left by the "
ret iremcnt of Sgt. W. L. Richard- ,
Co, W. H. Oury. who begins his
eighth year as commandant, said '
his department is looking for.
ward to several major tield activi
ties t.iis fall, including the Armis
tice day parade, thc band day
maneuvers at the Oklahoma-Nebraska
football game here Oct. 16, ;
and the giant military spectacle as
a feature of the Armistice lay
'.game when more than 500 voter- '
i ans will again paiade upon th
! stadium green during intermission
Col. Oury expects at least 2,500
students in the three ROTC unita '
this fall.
IVtz Advies Early
Selection of Frat
Athletic Managers
The intramural department !
this year stressing careful se
lection of athletic managers in
the respective fraternity houses.
"It is a job of responsibility,"
says Director Harold G. Petz.
"It should go to a man with an
interest In the intramurala of
his house and to one who is not
afraid to work."
A meeting will be held aoon
to discuss plant for the new
season. Intramural officials ad
vise that managers should be
under consideration now so that
a capable man will be selected
by the Inltisl meetircj.