I JS. "ir it ir EBRASKAN Attend Rally Rear Coliseum This Evening Let's Help The Huskcrs Trip Pitt Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska YOI,. XXXVI-ISO. 12. LINCOLN. NKHHASKA, FltlDAY. NOYKMHKH 13, l).tt. pmck r cents. ft to p TutO roth FE3 DO3 o- D N fee3 BONFIRE FEATURES RALLY AS CAMPUS EP HITS NEW HIGH RiMc, Francis. Swanson, rVankforlor to Address Kallicr; Coaches Ask Students Kef rain from Spontaneous Outbreak. SnMHill'i'inji' since 1 lio simp of lasl j oar's defeat :it the hands of 1ho lm1 hers, 1hat famous Oovuhiiskor spirit is sched uled 1 burst into flame in nil ils vocifenmsness this cvoivum, ns nionibors of tho stulon1 body form for a rousing torchlight parade to bo oliniaxod by the traditional Hicr ti'amc bonfirp rally In the arena behind the coliseum. O Organised and led by campus pep U Sli.-i-if f to Pilrol organizations, the rallying group jN"t Mieillls lo I airoi will move off from the coiner of, Main HicliMavs Saturday 12th and R streets at ti:45 and will proceed up sorority row, and on Nine state deputy sheriffs will to the mall behind the coliseum patrol all main highways leading where they will see Coach Dana X. Bible throw the torch lighting; the bonfire, and hear talks by members of the student body, tho team, and faculty The evening demonstration will I be the only official rally of the day and students are asked to refrain from any displays of spirit thru out the morning or afternoon, but that such demonstrations be post poned for the following week when an abundance of spirit will be es sential lest the team might suffer a letdown as a result of the tough t assignment they have before them 1 tomorrow. i Committee Asks Co-operation. Jane Walcott, Tassel member . of the student rally committee, j counselled the students of the uni- ! versity "to add your fire to the bonfire behind the coliseum to- : night, instead of participating in ; small spontaneous rallies during , thmniete co-oneration with! coach Bible is requested by the Corn Cobs and rally committee," (Continued on Page 4.) TRIP PITT- LIBERAL POLICIES OF E League of Women Hear Instructor Economics. in ln an address before mem tiers of the League of Women Voters Thursday afternoon at the Alpha Xi Delta house on "Reciprocal j rracie Treaties and World Peace." Dr. K C. A. t.ilmore. jr., assistant . ?.sor of economics, said 'It is ! rirofes a sad commentary upon me eco-1 morninf, at various halls and meet nomic literacy of the American ! iR on thp campHS Rovmd- people that the crude and patent , w. bc ,ie)d on ucn sub. fallacy that either nations or indi- publications, student gov- rid"..f"n .".rul-nment. campus politics, .tudent i i i o n MJWftl 1"I ru "J'' v" v' ' the basis of our international eco nomic policy. "1 'niler former Secretary ol Commerce Hoover, every effort was made to ferret out foreign markets for our goods, but no (Continued on Page 3.) TRIP PITT Tl Costumes and Buffet Supper Attract Educators to Ellen Smith. Arriving tn costumes reminis-1 cent of their own kindergarten : days, one hundred and sixty stu-' dents and faculty members of the ! elementary education department j held a buffet supper and "kid i party" in Ellen Smith hall Thurs- ; day evening between six and eight O'clock. The evening's program included the awarding of three prizes, for the cutest, cleverest, and most un usual costumes of the guests, a number of selections presented by , a IOV orcnesira, ana a. group oi stunts that were prepared by the Education 5 class of Miss Clara Evans. Elected by the combined vote of : the elementary education classes, ; exciting of subjects to those who Jane Van Sickle, chairman. Emdjiove the uncertafn, is to be this: Gillett, Sylvia Corbel and Dorothy j nothing ever happens on Friday. Johnson served as the committee the 13th. making arragements for the party. The faculty group was composed of Miss Clara Evans, Miss Hazel Davis, Miss Clara Wilson, and Miss Norma Gillett. The faculty of the Bancroft school were also present. TRIP PITT to Lincoln Saturday before and after the Nebraska-Pittsburgh football game, according to State Sheriff William Flake. Mr. Flake said that as a result of strict patrolling of the high ways on other football Saturdays j there, have been no accidents this j fall. TRIP PITT STI DELEGATES LEAVE Misses Bennett, Banjamin, Frank Landis Represent Nebraska at K. U. Three Student Council members. Genevieve Rpnnett. Frank Landis. and Eloise Benjamin, left by train yesterday to attend the annual Big Six conference held this year at Kansas university. These meetings held by one of the Big Six schools are attended by student, council members from niost of the universities and col leges in the midwestej-n section of the country. According to a report ! frnm :hn Kansas rroun in charce JDENT COUNCIL BIG SIX MEET of arrangements for the meet, in : vital ions have beer, senL to over VOierS so schools: however, they believe j that it will be the representatives I of the conference schools who will llead and take the most active part ' in the round-tahlc discussions. ! Dinner Opens Conference. Opening the conference officially lagt ninli tne Kansas group were h t "t an pncT1jnjr dinner and Jwecomi in lnp student Cnion 1 builui Group discussions of carnpus pl.obl(ms will begin this; i Continued on Page 3.) (Continued on Page TRIP PITT COMMKKf.E CLUB TO KM) FOUM)EKS DAY WITH DINNER r : i : Delta Siema Pi. proies mm. , fnmmrrce fraternity, will climax i its observance of the annual i -;4V f Kunmipt Sat- ro.iii.u-. u, "-i-V,, " urday evening. . " held at the cliapier nous.- ai . M street, beginning at . 6:30 oclock. Guest speaker wdl be C H. Wright, grand secretary-ireasur.-. . 1 "WT1"'-' ' of Chicago, who will discuss one; , y. "Principles of Delta Mgma . cUviv in the field and i.AL nlrmbCrS CXeClClsrSHcdby eecUon. TRIP PITT- FRIDAY THE 13T1 1 NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. OR DOES IT? By Ed Murray. Fri.lnv the llnrt.-entli is lmil.lc .luly day Tor Hr- l"l''s f superstition. Main K.pics for eonvcrsiiliun anion- Iho Mi.ersti tious sa-es are all of 1 lie ways Kn1. uses lo frustrate Iho pur poses of man. These prophets of impendm- d.oin distribute dither roncerninp such comniunplace things as ladders, blacfc cats, broken mirrors, the moonO " " over one s ef t 8bouider. and so on to all varieties tnri rnmbina tions of the number thirteen. Having one of those dry nation al temperaments, however, our humble theme on this, the most Thirteent Galore. Up in Cedar county, whose num ber is 13. about 13 years ago when one of the present inmates of this ;n. i n.usLi iuua uisuiuLion was years lold. a party of people went on a 1 vacation trip. In the two cars, both BURNETT ATTENDS MEET CF LAND-GRANT COLLEGES Chancellor, Faculty Members Leave Saturday for Houston, Tex. Chancellor K. A. Burnett of the university will leave Saturday eve ning for Houston, Tex., where he wilt attend the annual meeting of the Association of land-Grant Colleges and Experiment. Stations on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day. Others attending from Nebraska wilt be. Dean O, J. Ferguson, Dean W. V. Burr, Director V. H. Bro kaw, and Miss Margarctt Fedde. On Thursday and Friday Chan cellor Burnett will attend the an nual meeting of the Association of State Universities at Austin, Tex. TRIP PITT LEVI TO TELL i in iinrvniTn nni iNNUimiurDi Creighton Professor Talks Before Monthly Meeting at University Club. Dr. Victor E. Levine of Creigh ton univorsil V. termed foV clOSC ! university associates as a "bril- liant speaker and noted authority i on the Indians and Eskimos along '. the coasts of Alaska," will address I members of Phi Beta Kappa, na tional honorary scholastic frr.ter- nitv, next Monday evening. His talk will follow a dinner to be held 1 at tbe University club at six o'clock. - Subject of the speech will be 'Medical Adventures in the Land of th Eskimos." In speaking of Dr. Levine. Dr. Nels A. Bengtson said "He has had intimate contact with the Alaskan tribes and has especially viewed them with an eve for "diseases. His experiences have given him a wealth of mate terial for his talk." Heads Expeditions. Twice the Creighton professor has headed government expedi tions to Alaska, penetrating to the northermost points. He has spent much time at Point Barrow, the outpost of broadcast latitude in (Continued on Page 3.) TRIP PITT WplfarP Official DlSCUSSCS . u;.., RCnPrH Psychological ASpeCIS of Her Work. Psychological Aspects ol the Work of the State Guild Welfare Bureau" is to bc the topic dis at the regular open meel- !ing of Psi Chi. national honorary . phvchological fraternity on Mon ,'day, Nov. 16, at 4:00 in Social Sci I ' o -Pa ere of the State Child Welfare Bureau will delner ru" ,.Mre which all students j !.. memhers interested in r.,.v,rticrr ore inv ited to hear. mia i d i . i " - , p. ' hrirTlto,, assistant Jr. uwi(,c , , A instructor in me w"": - , partment, is president of Psi Cnt S,. Ada Jorrcnsen JS 'p " Swenson serves " ; treasurer fratern.ty as 'lhe honor. Regular mce" g ana . M.iirtlrnTV group Mmborship of : ,'hMi weeks Men f.jj. . . ". .mined by p.nol- TRIP PITT having the number 13 at least once i vi. tirense nlates. there were exactly 13 people. The cars left for the Black Hills on Friday the 13th. This 13 day tour of scenic spots turned out to be the deadest, the drabest, most uneventful trip that can be imagined. Because of the lack of excitement, coincidence, or calamity the party decided that 13 was truly an unlucky number. Pooh, there is nothing about lo that is unlucky. Johnny Howell, number 13 on the team, is neither 'lnnirior nnr unluckier man any , . . . , v. , other player; he has probably been (.Continued on Tage 3.1 OF ADVENTURES MISS PAGE SPEAKS TO PSI CHI NEXT BARBS TO REVEAL MISS CORNHUSKER AT HOP SATURDAY Heavy Student Vote Names First Queen of Annual Barb Council Ball. "Who is Miss Cornhusker!"' Amid pomp and ceremony Ne braska's first "Miss Cornhusker" will be royally coronated before the gay and celebrating dancers at a- 4. . RED PERKINS. ! the coliseum following Hie Pitt game, Saturday evening. Altho the results of a heavy student vote have been tabulated, the name of the coed receiving the highest. J number of votes will not be di ! vulged until the intermission of ;the affair which will celebrate an (Continued on Page 3.1 -TRIP PITT MEMORIAL SERVICE DEAD AT PITT GAME Force of 700 to March on Grid Field in Annual Dedication. An annual memorial service will i be dedicated to the World war dead on the stadium field preced j ing the Pitt game Saturday when organizations representing the ca ; det and army corps will form to play taps and lire tnree voueys in salute. University's military staff, varsity band. Tassels. Pershing Ri fles, and 400 visiting American Legionnaires will compose the force. Vnits will form at 1:30 and march on the field. Colonel Eager and the student staff will lead the parade, followed by the national and post colors. Nebraska's var sity band will follow and the Tas sels, girls pep organization, will (Continued on Page 2. TRIP PITT COLONEL PRESENTATION PLANS AWARDED PRIZE Richard, Harmon Rider Win $15 for Most Original Idea in Contest. For submittinr the most orisr- inal plan for the presentation of the honorary colonel at me mili tary ball. Richard and Harmon Rider will receive the fifteen dol lars prize money offered by the military department. The com mittee, which made its decision Wednesday night, announced that ! the idea was exceptionally un- usual. I Honorable mentions for the I plans that they presented were j given to Les Bursik, Melvin Becr- man, Francis KoennKe, r-aui ju. Bogen. Charles E. Jolitz, Jean ette Osborne, Gordon Uhri, and Gideon Wick. Members of the presentation committee are Cadet Col. George Eager, chairman. Cadet Lieut. Col. John Jarmin. Cadet Captair. Delford Brummer. Cadet Captain Gordon Hobart. Cadet Captain Jas per H. Knoll. Cadet Captain Rob ert Mowbray, Cadet 1st Lieut. Jerome H. Berggren, Cadet 1st Lieut Jack Bosse. and Cadet 1st i imit .tnhn L. Dworak. Major ' . . n : nJ,.jBi. r f tVA j cnancs J?j--ti ouwt v. 1 irrnnn TRIP PITT DELIAN-UNION TO HEAR HISTORYOFW.J. BRYAN Lincoln's Mayor to Relate Life of His Famous Brother Friday. Delian-Vnion members will hear Mayor Charles W. Bryan speak on the life history of his famous brother, the late William Jennings Bryan, at their meeting tonight at 9 o'clock. After the address, members and guests will engage in a social hour of dancing and games, after whic'i refreshments will be served. The party has a "hard-luck" theme, and all of those attending it must come in appropriate costumes. Chaperons for the evening are Miss Vera Rigdon and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Aakhns. TRIP PITT 15 WINNJ ANNOUNCED; PLAY 1936 FALL REVUE Winners Revealed Following Final Judgings of Last Night. Fifteen fraternity and itv skits that wili play 3936 Kosmet Klub Fall were announced late last soror-i in the Revue night , following final judgings of Klub members. Those who arc included arc: Pershing Rifles Ag College Cafeteria Alpha Chi Omega Men's Glee Club Kappa Sigma Sigma Phi Epsilon Delta Delta Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Alpha Theta Phi Kappa Psi Beta Theta Pi Alpha Tau Omega-Phi Delta Theta Carrie Belle Raymond Pi Beta Phi Kappa Delta On Saturday, Nov. 21. those winners will present their skits be fore a university and Lincoln audi ( Continued on Page 3. -TRIP PITT- E Welfare Council Plans for December Dinner at Noon Luncheon. Hearing reports of the summer conference at j,akesioe., umo, ana making plans for the December dinner, the Council of Religious Welfare met Thursday noon in the Grand hotel with an exceptionally fine attendance. With Miss Lulu Runge presiding, the council voted to make last year's successful December dinner an annual affair, and to send Dr. Edward A. Steiner. who will at that time be in Lincoln on a lecture tour, an invitation to speak. Three students reviewing the Lakeside conference were Caro- line Kile. Dirk Webb, and Harold Heustis They spoke on the top- ics "A Bird's-eye View of the Conference." "Christian Fellow- 1 ship with the Christian Youth of I North America, and on tne worn of the commission group which studied the subject "Building a Warless World." TRIP riTT NG SKITS ARNDT. DEIN. STOKE WLNNERS IN W GW AN POPULARITY POLL .1 M J M 11. x Vl M w 'Honorary Colonel Edition of Humor Publication Appears on Stands Today: Features Winners of Derhv Contest, Pictures Cords. Hailing Professors Karl M. Arndt. Kay Pcin and Harold W. Stoke as dead-heat winners of the Awgwan popularity "derby" for faculty members, the campus humor publication announced the results of its popularity poll in the November issue appearing in the stands today. Featured in the issue is an ac-O- count by Barbara Rosewater of the j jw cover design picturing colorful career of Prof. Karl -n'honorarv colonel in fuU r--alia. Arndt. the first of the series of biographical sketches recounting the lives of the three winners of the "derby." Accompanying the article is a cartoon depicting Pro fessor Arndt in centaur form, as befits a derby winner, with the equine chassis sketched in by Lewis Cass. Honorary colonel candidates oc cupy the center of attention in the issue, as is indicated by Katherine HUSKERS PROMISE INVADING ELEVEN TOUGH AFTERNOON nibloinm (rcet Nrhrnskan Krporler villi Hesolute Predictions of Mighty Rattle as Tilt Tours West for Inlerscctional Headline!. By Morris Lipp. Wlicii an irrcMstililo force meets :m imnnunhle nb.jeei, sovno-thing- has 1o uivo v,ny. And ihnt's nhoiil llio sum m' iho poixliti? ritt-Huskor b.il 1 lo royal. Tilt may 1, llio irrosistilWo force ;ml Xohraska may ho iho immovnhh' ihjoot, hul iho qmsiion whether or not iho force can ho lvsisHil or iho nhjeei can ho O moved. , After Thursday's short pass and 36 raslure linpnni-mrilt ipur.t practice, this reported went Increases Despite Drouth 1 mto the Huskers (iress.ng room to ! see how the Nebraska squad in re- Elvin F. Frolik, university as- acting the proximity of the .late sistant extension agronomist, la-, of the Pitt game. Dodging and bels the 193 annual state wide ! ducking rolls of tape and moppinj? pasture improvement contest more 1 wet towels that flew thru the successful than the 1935 competi- steam filled air, it is the conter.- i tion despite the searing effect of i drouth on grazing lands. Mr. Frolik points to the fact ; that more than 500 farmers com I plrted their records in the 1936 : contest. TRIP PITT REGENTS EXPECT TO DECIDE E,L Planning Committee Gives Final Report Saturday Morning. University planning committee will submit its report to the Board of Regents tomoirow morn ing to aid in the final selection of site and type for the proposed Student Vnion building. Definite settlement of the.-e important questions are expected at this meeting in order to enable actual construction to begin by January 11, 1937. the date set in the $180. 000 PWA irrant officially ac- I cepted last week, j "Altho the regents will undoubt edly accept the E-shaped building las planned, the question of the j site for the building ia entirely in the air," Chancellor Edgar A. I Eurnttt declared yesterday. "Cer ! tain changes in the blueprints will probably be made as a result of recommendations of the plannii g committee and also of that of the students who took the trip with us to inspect the union buildings at three of our neighboring uni- , versities. Prof E. F. Schramm has also prepared a fine report of his in vestigation tour to the new union (Continued on Page 2.' TRIP PITT AG HOARDING ( LI B NAMES SIX MLN TO INTEIUXl It council: Ag Cafeteria Boarding club elected six men to represent its ! organization in the Barb Interclub council, it was announced ion. ine meeting Thursday evening The representatives will be Melvin ; Beerman. Darrel Braun, Albert i Nore, John Bengtson, iaern j Moseman and Wayne Domingo, Byrle Shuck and Robert Sim mons, council members, enscussea the activities and work of the in - terclub council. -TRIP PITT- notes bv Carol Clark occupy a dou- Pictures of the six candiaates, with ble page, and the air of suspense pervading the campus as the hour of the presentation approaches is symbolized by a page of figures in the honorary colonel's uniform, with faces replaced by question marks. Calculated to produce heart (Continued on Tage 3), UNION AP OCATION tion of this reporter that the Corn- hi:skers are in the right frame of ' mind to trip Pitt, i Not content with i-onfining ob ' servations to the entire squad, this reporter, still ducking tape and I towels, sought out the eleven ! Strapping Cornhuskers upon whose I shoulders falls the task of ending Pitt's winning streak jinx, to find out what the individuals were thinking about Pitt. It Can Be Done! Says Sam. Game Capt. Sam Francis was the first in view. "I think Pitt will be the greatest team outside of Minnesota and unless we let our selves go and play the game as wa should, and I think we will, we'll come out right side up." Lloyd "Wili Hoss" Cardwell, speedy right halfback whose job It (Continued on Pape o.t TRIP PITT 350 ATTEND ANNUAL FOR OMSK Dinner Honors All Frosli Women; Songs. Yells. Skit on Program. Approximately 350 Coed Coun selors and their little sisters, and sorority mothers and their daugh ters attended the 1P36 Coed Coun selors dinner held Wednesday eve ning at 6 oclock in the armor.-. The dinner honored as its special guests all freshman women en rolled at Nebraska. The banquet was scheduled as one of the major events on the Coed Counselor program, and v keeping with the purpose of the organization on the campus was held as another means f rc quainting freshmen women wiiii upperclass women. As an opener t the er.tei t:iii ment for the affair. Margaret Phillippe. president of Ta.'.sels. led the group in singing Nebraska .Continued on Page 2.' TRIP PITT "SPEAKERS TO DISCUSS SOLVING OF EQUATIONS , pj Epsj0n MeetS NOV. 17 i . in Matn bmming. near Three Speeches. Talks on the solutions of various featured on the program at the j meeting of Pi Mu Epsilon. horor- jarv mathematics society, Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. in room i in mathematics building. I "The Solution of Equations by Mechanical Means" is the subject ol a discussion by Dr. A. L Candy, professor emeritus of mathemat ics and former chairman of th mathematics department. William Beck, graduate student, will speak on "The Analytical Solutions of the Quartic Equation." and Alice Richmond, teachers college senior, will talk on "The Solution of th Cubic Equation by Analytical Means." "Anyone interested in mathe matics may attend, and may be come associate members of the so ciety, entitling them to the privi leges of attending the programs." state Bert Hartzell, president of Pi Mu Epsilon. All active members are urged to be present for an important busi ness meeting following the pro gram. TRIP PITT BANQUET t i