FRIDAY, MARCH 13. 1936. TIIK DAILY NKHRASKAN FIVE Color Con I ras Reflects jlarml Stvle of Dress Henry Ilia wife, the madcap Margot, ia the source of inspira tion for most of the coming spring 'styles. Outfits reflect her love of extremes, contrasts, and brilliancy in unusual lines and startling col or cerise and yellow with navy; blue and green. The wasp waist, umbrella sleeve. tend extended shoulder line, started by Margot and recreated in the Gibson girl period, are to be again revived. Even the high Instep ahoea reveal her Influence. Hats will be ridiculous to the extreme with high crowns, topped with a flower, a feather, or a whole bird. Gray, navy blue and Panama rose, a new ahade of cerise, are the prominent colors. Bags, gloves I end handkerchiefs will be of vivid and dashing huea. Other foreign and historic Influ ences are the Spanish bolero sil houette, the French vermot full ness In front, and the Chinese tunic all of which will play their tpart In the erring fashion stage. RENT-A-BIKE Station la New Open ALL NEW BICYCLES OPEN CVININO AND SUNDAY Northeast Corner 14th R v t-eir: i mi aw mm tkaiu s i i:i) srmx; I'ARADK 01 JKWKI.S lace of peals is fashion's latest whim. If It looks like ten cent store jewelry, all the better, for elaborate jewels of anv kind, and : pearls In particular, are smart this j season, j The drift is toward Interesting ami unusual rather than Impres sive set ting a. 11 ips are more pop ular than ever. A clever new trick is to wear vour favorite pair of i clips as bracelets, attached to namis or uni on tied tightly around the wiist. Uiree Colors Smartest This Y enr; Plaids in Good 1 aste. Satisfaction is the reaction of well-dressed coeds to the latest in tailored s'reet clothes. For. ac cording to the announcements from the " powers that be"' in the realm of style, almost anything goes, as far as color is concerned. When it comes to the choice of color, it Is best to seek those which are most becoming and to which we are most responsive. If you genuinely don't like yellow, for' in stance, then don't wear it, no matter how smart It may be When you lead that it is smart to combine this color with that, go very rarefully in choosing the shades of the colors to be sure that they harmonire. It's smaiter to wear three col ors this year than two, and they can le quite unrelated, like gray, brown and blue, or blue, brick reil, and yellow, or the good old red. white, and blue. The whole ques tion resolves itself into how to use them. Never has there been so much variety in tailored street clothes 'A 7: O O O mi w .ar WEAR THINNER BELTS It is bells such as these that will be worn on light weight wool frocks this spring. The top one is of bright green patent leather with nn extra piece drawn thru a metal buckle giving the bow ef fert. The lower one Is made of many strands of gray leather and has a piece of black patent leather across the fnnt. Kit her Is Ideal for a gray dress. aa at the present time. One may be well-dressed In most any com bination of plain or plaid material. Many man-tailored tweeds are ex tremely good, also camera hair coals, and the tailored box coat. Exquisite Flngllsh box-coata are of sharkskin or flannel or tweed. These coats are boxy cut, fly front, and back vent with patch pockets. Color is added to this ensemble by westing a crepe dresa of dusky pink and accessories In wine. For the slim coed a suit with a short cut-uway Jacket of navy with wide reveres and edges bound with braid is very new. White or red accessories are worn with the navv. If the jacket la in tray or beige, red and brown accessories are worn respectively. One very striking' coat model la entitled "Cossack General." It Is in navy tweed reefer, with fitted walsl that is double breasted with a Tare skirt. Personality for Spring Manish Tailored Swagger Suits Three Piece Suits 98 98 98 Wearing the smartest costume of the year this Spring means wearing a suit. The Mannish ones are me ticulously tailored . . . the swaggers have a buoyant air that be longs to Springtime. The fabrics are worsted and flannels nn bvuAiuGELS Miss Bonnie Wshop wearing her new spring formal In a bold print pattern on a clipper .blue background. She selected It from the new spring fashions at Magee'a ready-to-wear department. EQtlESTKINNKS HHIK INFORMALLY IN MMN; SEASON Horse-minded women may ride this season in the most informal clothes. Whipcord pants and reg ulation boots are favored over the more formal Jodhpur pants and boots. Sweaters aand sleeveless Jackets replace coala and shirts to a larga extent. Instead of hats, berets'-or ribbons around the hair usually are worn. Many new accessories are being shown in the fan Kranrlsco stores. For instance, there la a wide leath er belt with compartments for cosnietica, money, comb. etc. Bright handkerchiefs with designs of horses, dogs, maps of at ales, hunting scenes are brlnjr shown for wear around the neck. String gloves will largely replace heavy leather Riovea for apring riding. MID-WEST NUTRITIONISTS GATHER HERE THIS WEEK Possibility for Cooperative Research Will Be Study Topic. AMES, Iowa, March 13. Nu Unionists from universities of Ne braska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Missouri gather hrie Saturday to discuss possibilities for a co-operative research Involv ing the nutrition of college women in midwestern schools. The proposed problem, origl nated by the foods and nutrition department at Iowa State, has at traded interest from several col leges and universities. Misa Genevieve Klsher, dean of home economics, and Pr. P. Mabel Nelson and Dr. Marearet Ohlson of the foods and nutrition depart ment, discussed the co-operative research with representatives of the University of Iowa recently. BLUE WHITE RUST SWAGGER STYLE BUCKO Soft Crepe Sole JJLVER 131 So. 1 3 to DANCE TO BOB STORER and His Friday March 13th 3 8:30 Grant Memorial Hall Ladles 20c Drahnvn in Shovn Out; Dank of Color Hriglilvnn Outfits Prabness In shoes Is out and footwear this spring adds a dnsh of color to somber costumes or makes bright ones even more at tractive. Square toes, of course are the latest thing and a wide strap with a buckle fastening on the right aide are popular. This shoe combines these features. It Is of patent leather and haa a military heel, bo good for campus wear this spring. For coeds who like a walk In the crisp, March wind, this shoe was designed. It la of gray buckskin with a rounded toe and low heel The trimming which starts at the heel and goes around the toe, makes the foot look smaller. For dressier occasions such as dances, what should be better than the ever popular pump? It Is of blue cloth and the only trimming la white nlpine and a blue and white novelty buckle. The high heel is blue patent leather. Iowu Ptntr Opens Polo Si'Ukoii With Illinois Saturtlny AMFS. Iowa. March 12. An In door polo game between Iowa State college, midwest collegiate ehamnlnn in the spring of 1035, and the University of Illinois, Big Ten champion, to be played In the Iowa State college armory auiur day night at 7:30 will Inaugurate the 1P36 season for the i:yciones All members of the 1030 chain plonshlp outfit are bnck for the team thla year nnd the three-man Cycl'ne starting lineup, t-api, John Lewis, coach of the team, In dirated. The starters for Iowa State will be: No. 1. Richard Dll worth. No. 2. Bayard Scott, No. 3 William Herrmann. Max Gutshall, letterman; and Walt Smith, Jock Burrell, Bill riusllen. and Leland Hughea. all nnhomores. will be held in re serve. "The compulsory loyalty oath for tpachers is a avniptom of "nil tlonal nervousness." Mr. Hen M. Wrlston, president of the Asmo elation of American Colleges, fon dlia the nation's pulse. Orchestra to 11:30 Men 25c 70 CANDIDATES REPORT IN KANSAS 6RID DRILL Coach Wea Fry Keeps Sharp Look-Out for Kickers, Pnters. MANHATTAN, Kaa., March 12. Seventy grid candidates have been reporting- dally to Wea Fry, head football coach, for spring practice sessions during the past week. Freshmen began practice two weeks ago with drills on fun damentals, and with the arrival of the varsity Inst weel atarted scrimmage which Is to be contin ued this week. Coach Fry Is keeping a sharp lookout for possible kickers and has been busy giving some of the likely prospects some work on punting. One or two have been consistently kicking 60 to fB yards, and will probably show Im provement by September. Next fall's team la vet In Its embryonic stage, according to a atement by Fry. "At thla stage of the game It would be Impossi ble to say Just what our prospects are for next fU," he declared. Here you see the spring 1036 version of the most popular of all raglan topcoats. Thla typical full bodied English type topcoat haa become a national vogue. Thla coat, with Ita full sweeping back, deep slash pockets and perfect fitting ahouldera, la particu larly well liked In checks and pi a Ida. HARVARD EVENTS DRAW INTEREST OF NEBRAEKAN3 (Continued from Page 1). to be welcomed at the tercente nary celebration. AlthoiiKh the celebration win take place before the opening of the academic year, a majority of the students are expected to re turn to Cambridge for the occa sion and their dormitories and dining halls will be open to them and their gueata. Delegates Quests. Delegates from other Institu- tlnna will be received as guests of the Harvard undergraduates and will be entertained by them In the houses. The events concerning the founding of Harvard 800 years ago conatltute the beginning of higher education In the United States. On Sept. 8, 1638 (Sepp. 18, N. 8.) the general court of the company of Massachusetts Bay convened, which on Oct. 28 of the aame year voted to establish a college at Newtown, near Boaton. Two years later Newtown became Cambridge and the college was named Harvard after John Har vard, a young clergyman who be queathed to It hla library and half his property. Celebration Program. The events In the establishment of thla school, which adjoins Bos ton, Mass., are the occasion for the celebration to be held during the summer and early autumn of 1936. The program Included the tercentenary session of the sum mer school of arts and sciences and of education, as well as spe cial conferenres or Institutes of fared by other departments of the university. Meetings of several learned societies, the Harvard tercentenary conference of arts and aciencea, to be held from Aug. 31 to Sept. 12, and finally the ter centenary days, Sept. 16, 17, and la, will all be Included In the cele bratlon. During these laat three days, when the annlveraary will be ob served by a large concourse of the nlumnl and frlenda of the unlver alty, collegea and learned societies In all parte of the world have been Invited to participate. "At 17, many high school and preparatory school students are sufficiently mature to enter col lege." Harvard's Dean of Fresh men Delmar Lelghton would lower the legal limit. Il MIDNITE SHOW! Saturday Night ... 11:30 Stage Shew with Carleton Ceen and Jack Papper . . , Plut ter(n preview Lurl a Hirdy "Tee Bohemian Olrl" ORPHEUM Afternoon Frocks Show Variety of Color, Detail Assembling of Costume Is Important in Creation of Attractive Effect. Pitfalls are numerous In this season's selection of afternoon at tire, ao those on the campus who want to list smartness aa on of their prime qualities must beware of how they choose their spring costumes. It's all a matter of how we put our costumes together. Here's an example of what to do to attain that distinctive and sought-after smartness. It's a costume made up of white silk pique jacket and vest with scalloped edges combined with an all-around plaited dull crepe skirt. Another striking afternoon dresa of black wool boasts a black aatln Jacket, coming to the waist line In front with swallow-tails in back and enormous ahlrred leg-of-mutton aleeves. Navy sheer la the basic mate rial of another afternoon dress that will catch the fancy of the moat casual observer. It la made with front plaita and a tight fit ting skirt. The waist haa a deep net yoke and short aleeves. It may be transformed Into a atreet dress by adding a hip-length which is fitted In at the wnlst and has long aleeves. Shirtwaist styles are also at the height of their populartly this sea son. They are shown In colore, one especially smart had a long black skirt with a blue plaited waist. There la a chance for every one to look Just too utterly wrong, or aa smart aa smart. These exam plea show that It a not just a mat ter of money or the kind of clothes. It a the way we put the parts together and the colors we choose. Many tmes It la possible to change one outfit ao that each time It Is worn It appears entirely different. The rules of color apply aa much In afternoon wear aa In sports attire. Contrasts are al ways to be dealred, but In chooa Ing the shades that are to be con trasted It Is necessary to watch more carefully than ever for the omnipresent pitfalls. Gay prints will be dominate In the ifeld this spring. Coeds can go to town In a print worn under a dark coat or detachable wool cape, set off with bright accessories; or she can be well-dressed In a print with a flash of white accents for warmer weather. Figures on prints rang all the way from the delicacy of pen trac ings to sharp vivid patterns. There Is choice between dainty garden sprays of tulip, mint spray, mar guerite, or daisy and dashing fig- 1$ Your Frat or Sorority Giving a Dance? Let us fumish the music with our public address systems LOWEST prices Latest dance numbers. Acom Radio Eng. Co. B6110 Starts Today Mats. 20c Eves. 25o NOW PLATING 3 Dayi J Huge s. Double Barrelled Nv S STAGE SHOW NS. Ia Perton- Jn person- If Carleton Cl0wn Pr"K M p,pl COON Jack A hit "Swing" and PEPPER Y If featuring . ind Company 11 DEE HERMES Miu terry Howard II Il Tony CoiteHo 8ammy CANTOR If KijV? p,ul Complete Vaudeville Show featuring v3P" JOHNNY MASON . fv 1 r. i-ln-1 Comdy MSBa v Tvi- RAYNOR LEHR r , ScrTVcZ VWM0NTE l. CARM0 C$A. I I Mn."7S BRUTE! BRAWN Tf and BEAUTY! I nS)Z9 I A smashing, crashing i i'-:M$ J drama of the seal f J Geo. BANCROFT urea or masks, comets, butterflle, fruits, elephants, and horses. ' Skirts are cut slim, Snd art . shorter than usual (thirteen Inches from the floor is a good average length) There can be drapery folds at the front or on the side Buttoned and fitted waistlines show a return to the waap-walsti of the Gibson girl era. Shoulder lines are broad; sleeves either full and three-quarter length, short and puffed, outlined with mousse line and lace, pleated or caught up with clipa. There are two for eign influences, the Spanish bolero and the Chinese mandarin coat. The high necklines will be soft and feminine with draped folds, tiny-pleated ruffs, or frilly collars. Silks, taffeta, and alpaca lead the materiala for the season and pique is the trimmings of the hour. WIDMAN, PARSONS ELIMINATION DIMS OLYMPIC CHANCES (Continued from Page 1). chances of taking the trip to New York. In the absence of Harvey Wld man, who is in the hospital re covering from a severe leg infec tion sustained In a cage scrim mage, and Bob Parsons, the other guard who tripped at the hands of scholastic difficulties. Coach Browne will start Whitaker and Amen, forwards; Ebaugh, center; and Wahlqulst and Dohrmann, guards. Tho the team will be con aiderablv weakened by the ab aenre of the pair, there wUl be no obvious gaps In the lineup with the makeahift combination. Wahl qulst will have little trouble cov ering the back court since ha car ries the rating of the conferences best all around man. And Amen, both speedy and better than av erage scorer, will no doubt do right by the forward spot. Others who will make the trip are: Eob Leacox, Larry Nelson, Leland Hale, and Howard Baker. 1 UNDER :,.-., 6CHIMMEL - OIRECTIQM 1$ Proud to be ho&t to Sigma Phi Epsilon Blue Party Friday Evening Alpha Tsu Omega Story Book Ball Saturday Evening HOME OF THE Mi Fri.-Sat.-Sun.!! 25c all day MIDNITE SHOW I! Saturday Kite 11:30! Stag Shaw and Big 6crtn Prvlewll Plus: The 3 Stooges In "MOVIE MANIACS" B port Special 'Water rhrUla' Latest NewS-SDSpahota MMe f. ill j i i ruin i in.ijr'-u r I: t- r mme& i rned thaVr j Wldmari deflnitelj the flrsU la Kanf U tangl le K&ni ehbum 4 round It? t