The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1936, Page FOUR, Image 5

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FRIDAY, MAKCII 13, 1936.
: t
'Pa' Schulte Plans Informal
Round Table Discussion
On Track Problems.
A round table informal discus
sion of track problems will be con
ducted by Coach Henry F. Schulte
Friday at 2 o'clock for the benefit
Cf visiting prep school coaches.
The discussion will be followed by
the mechanical explanation of
these problems by members of the
Husker track squad.
Coach Schulte issued a call on
Thursday for all varsity and trl
eolor trackstcrs to appear at the
indoor track between 3 and 5
Individual Cornhusker track lu
minaries will display their ath
letlc prowess before the coaches
rlinlc which is expected to draw
fifty or more high school coaches
to Huskerland. Among the visit
Ing amateurs will he several for
mer Huskers. including Jerry Lee,
Roy Mandery, Avery Mandery,
Dean Hlggins and others.
Prepare for Relay.
Meanwhile, workouts continued
In preparation for the Kansas Re
lays. Sam Francis, rehearsing on
the Trill top, inaugurated work
on the discus throw, and despite a
tiff March wind, hurled the disc
over 130 feet. Lloyd Cardwell also
took turns at tossing the plate in
manner that pleased Coach
Schulte. Still suffering slightly of
a leg Injury, Bob Morris. Husker
distance runner, laid off Wed
nesday. Exams and spring football
were blamed for the small attend
anre roll.
Beverly Ott, San Ferando, Cal.
reported for practice Wednesday
for the first time, ott, a freshman
performs In the 100, 220 and broad
Jump, and his short exhibition on
Wednesday made him look like a
promising track recruit. Coach
Schulte placed him on the Green
team of the trl-co'or organ ization.
Skirt, Sweater Duo
Most Popular on the
Nebraska Campus
Sweaters and skirts, and skirts
and sweaters. That, putting it
briefly, is Just what Nebraska
coeds wear on the campus.
Barrel sweaters over shirts of
contrasting colors are the latest
Innovation. Other types of
sweaters may have long or short
sleeves, and be of plain colors or
have brilliant stripes at neck and
For skirts, plaids are tops this
year, although plain colors are
always good. Small checks of
brown, navy blue, or b!ack on a
white background never fail to
give a smart appearance.
1 Matching belts, scarfs, and purs
es in giddy plaids or bright solid
colors add a dashing touch to the
.fltstuifKS Knee- lenght hose have
'"Invaded the campus, but long
stockings still hold their own.
? (Continued from Page 1).
I is held on the indoor range in the
j west gym.
Miis Huwaldt President
" Catherine Huwaldt was elected
president of the organisation at its
first meeting. Louise Magee was
selected secretary.
National Archery association is
in charge Of a tournament that in
cludes awards that will be offered
to winners of the various rounds.
The first match, called the novice
after the names of the old guilds,
includes a double Columbia with a
score of 160 for each round. Second
is the apprentice with a 240 score
for each round. Next is the yeo
man with a 300 score and fourth is
the master archer which Is a
double Columbia with a score of
400 for each round.
Telegraphic meets with other
schools out of the state are also
being planned. These meets take
place in ech school and then the
scores arc sent to the opposing
school, each report going In at the
same time.
State Shooting Match.
Miss Dahlgren hopes to CRrry
thru plans for an all-state shoot
ing match with colleges all over
the state as soon as the weather
Is less windy.
Any g;rl interested In participat
ing in this sport is invited to at
tend the next meeting Wednesday
afternoon, at 5 o'clock in the in
door range of the west gym.
(Continued from Page 1.)
by Martha Deweese, acting as the
how's "Fashion Editor."
Dress rehearsal for the style
show will be held Monday at 4
O'clock, March, 24. at the Temple,
Maty Yoder, chairman of the re
vue "announced. She requested that
alt models be present.
Spring formals will be modeled
by Elizabeth Neely, Jean Jorgen
son, Inei Haney, Helen Ford, Vir-
Slnla Fleetwood, Dorothy Pease,
ay Campbell, Maryann Rosen
cran. Natalie Rhelander, Flor
ence Smeerin, Arlene Orcutt, Alice
Mae Livlngton, Jean Doty, Jackie
Gould. Betty Widener. Virginia
Anderson, Muriel Kiasne and Ma
rlon Rolland.
Eloise Benjamin will present a
knitted afternoon dress, and other
afternoon dresses will be modeled
by Mary Klmsey, Elizabeth
Broadv, Phyllis Cook, Jean Left
wlch, Betty Magee. Harriet Byron,
Virginia Smith, Sara Anne Kauff-
Let ut give your watch a
good spring cleaning.
119 North 11th Lincoln, Neb.
SHOP . . .
a ii tl com pi i
m ml? . . .
Hair Styles Emphasize New Upward
Swirl to Keep Pace Willi Season
fUsk MmK rZfs&h
Perhaps it's because spring
breeses blow miladies hair from
the face in such a refreshing man
ner that coiffure stylists have tak
en the hint and now proclaim the
upward swirl as we go ahead first
into the new season.
But Just because hair is short
doesn't mean it's to lack the femi
nine effect. Curls will hide behind
man, Esther Stein, Kva Mae
Thomas and Marion Edgren.
New trends in spring suits will
be shown by Betty Rowland.
Jeanne Bump, Betty Mayne, Mary
Leln, Doris Weaver. Jean Tucker,
Elinor Ferrell. Barbara Dame
wood, Sally Carter and Ruth Rut
ledge. Coats, hats and accessories
will be presented by Mary Kay
Dewey, Henrietta York, Mary Fis
sler and Mary Hill.
Ruth DeKlctB and Betty Van
Home will wear riding habits.
Merle Seyhot will wear breech
shorts, and Betty Christiansen will
show a pair of tennis shorts. Bath
ing suits will be worn by Joyce
Llebendorfer and Jeanne Bedson.
Presenting what the well dressed
sports spectator will wear, Mary
Castle, Theresa Stava, Wilma
Wagner, Virginia Griswold, Rosa
lynd Lashinsky, Clementine Nel
son and Jane Holland will model
sport dresses.
Boudoir styles will be modeled
by Ruth Sears, Grace Schmirda.
Janet Hoevet, Margaret Straub
and Virginia Hunt, wearing negli
gees; Ernestine Jones and Eliza
beth Orth, wool bathrobes; Doris
Eastman and Frances Wilson, pa
James; and Margaret Munger,
(Continued from Page 1.)
Ject, "The Church In Germany."
on Sunday evening. This Is the
second of a series on the theme
"Tensions Between Church and
State." Election of officers for the
coming year will also be held at
the meeting of this group.
... To Encourage Thinking. ...
Under the leadership of Rev.
William Swartzwelder, the stu
dent group of the Second Presby
terian church, situated at 2615 P
St., will discuss the "Meaning of
the Tithe." This forum meeting
Is planned to help the student
group In their thinking regarding
the whole matter of ownership
and giving.
Max Horn waa elected command
er of Phalanx, military honorary
for advanced officers, at the regu
lar meeting Wednesday evening at
the Kappa Sig house. Other offi
cers chosen were: Bob Walters,
lieutenant commander, Charles
Alexander, secretary. Dean Mc-
Kenna, finance officer, and Dale ;
Everton, warden historian. i
Plans were made for the annual j
dinner dance to be given March j
20 at the Lincoln hotel. Ben Maris- I
ka, retiring commander, presided '
at the meeting.
Ultimate in
Make Arrangements
Edward Edison
ears, and suddenly surprise every
one by being pertinent and appear
in clusters on top of the head or
in unexpected waves.
Of course, long hair when done
up smoothly is lovely, but if you're
on the verge of changing your
style, why not be prim and trim
with a short wave ? It will harmon
ize perfectly with that new man-
nishly tailored suit.
Small Watches on
Chains of Braided
Leather Very IS' etc
Campus coeds will have no ex
cuse to be late to 1 o'clocks this
season for watches have Invaded
the field of fashion In a big way.
One of the smartest timepieces is
the small, round one which dan
gles from a braided leather chain.
It is designed especially to go
with suits and can be worn swing
ing from the buttonhole or tucked
Into the breast pocket.
Purses also feature watches
and a small ticking may be heard
from under many a leather flap
this spring. One of the latest
spring fashion notes tells of a clip
wnich combines beauty with us
fulness by containing a miniature
(Continued from Page 1.)
tional Commissioner of Education
Ellis M. Studebaker.
Agenda for the congress in
cludes discussions of campus poli
tics, compulsory military drill, the
NYA, student membership on the
athletic board and athetotics for
men, union buildings, fraternities,
social and honorary, financing of
student government, publications,
teachers colleges, denominational
schools, women's student govern
ment, men's student government,
campus forums, social functions,
honor system, and publicity com
mittees. Social affairs for the three day
meeting will comprise two luch
eons, pne dinner, one formal ban
quet, and possibly one dance, ac
cording to John Stover chairman
of the subcommittee on social af
fairs .
All meetings and social functions
will be held at the Lincoln hotel,
where delegates will be housed who
cannot be taken care of in organ
ized houses on the campus, Mary
Yoder, chairman of the subcommit
tee, announced Thursday.
Letters containing the complete
agenda and urging all schools to
submit the names of their dele
gates Immediately is being sent
out this week by Subcommittee
man John Parker and Bill Marsh,
who have charge of publicity for
the convention.
Just Arrived
Our charm
ing New
Spring Hats
in all the
latest styles.
Felts and
Straus for
$0 5
1319'2 O St.
Flat hats, high hats, bowlers,
and cart wheels, saucer hats, and, ,
in short, open warfare with monot-
onv. Never has there been such i
variation, and when all the campus
appears in new spring cnapeaux, i
there need be no repitition for
there are styles and to spare. j
It's time for trick hats, and by
all means have the trickiest one ;
you can but let it be becoming :
at the same time. For the mascu- '
line eye scorns bizarre trends in ;
hats, not because of tlieir strange- '
ness, but because often they are
not chosen with care and therefore
are not becoming.
For day in, day out occasions
(just the thing for that 8 o'clock
class) you'll feel better dressed in
trim, brimmed hats. There are lit
tle hats as well. One of shiny black
straw with red and yellow flat
trim flares out at the sides and
up in front and back. The small
hat which dips in front with a
bunch of flowers exactly in the
center is new.
A beige felt with brim bound
in dark brown grosgrain is tied
on with a pale beige veil. Ex
tremely wide brims are new for
strictly dress occasions. Many of
the styles agree on one point
they are trimmed with flowers.
White flowers, bunches of violets,
and even some colored arrays will
appear as if by magic on the
crowns of the modern Easter bon
nets. Paris Decrees Itlue,
Broun, for Spring
Shades in Lingerie
Unfrock a lady this spring and
she will be wearing dark lingerie,
ink-blue or brown. Pari is show
ing dark linen slips to wear under
dark dresses. Comfort at last for
hot spring days! Even nights are
dark. A sheer nightie of midnight-blue
can be worn for an eve
ning gown in a pinch. There is
also a shirtwaist nightie as tail
ored as your brother's shirt.
Lounging pyjamas are blossom
ing out like a flower garden. For
the lover of the primitive there
are bold Roman striped satin
blouses in combination with plain
Even undies are breaking into
print. A sheer combination is
scattered with flower. There are
also fascinating satin unmention
ables In ice-blue and a new shade
called honey.
Tailored styles lead the proces
sion. The wrap-around slip is
tops for sports. Slips in bright
green, red, and royal blue are go
ing to be worn.
If you stick out tn the wrong
places. Carter has a pantie girdle
that does the trick of smoothing
over the rough spots. Van Raalte
has a glove silk pantie with at
tached brassiere. A time saver
for an 8 O'clock. Vassarette has
one with cuffs at the leg. Hick
ory has a Lastex girdle that
downs the bumps. Carter has one
with detachable garters. Neat
Don't fool yourself into think
Ing you can limp along without
some kind of girdle. This Henry
the Eighth hubbub decrees slim
waists. por evening when you
wear long stockings, Van Raalte
has one of Lastex with attached
Hose tend to the reddish shades.
Copper leads. This is worn with
black, brown, white and pastels.
The brave will wear it with ereen
and navy. Henna and paprika are
oiner auourn shades.
Some hose of a coppery beige
um nave navy or brown heels
Blueberry socks have navy heels.
The knee-highs continue to be
popular. Crepe (dull finished)
nose are flattering. Very sheer
nose wun no reinforcements are
great for evening, but not for ths
limited budget.
Mascot of the Yale Daily News
is a tiny canary bird. Harvard
rivals kidnaped the little fellow
recently. Isn't it awful!
The sophomore "Vigilance Com
mittee" of Dickinson college, Car
lisle, Pa., was run out of existence
by freshmen this year.
Globe Laundry & Cleaning
1124 L B6755
Jackets, Suede Accessories
To Match Will Prove
Travelers returning from Eng
land now do not fail to bring at
least one suede sports ensemble,
according to the latest informa
tion. While campus stylists can t
take the enviable trip to England
In the spring, they can at least
add to their spring wardrobe
coats, jackets, or whole suits in
soft, pliable suede that tailors as
well as wool.
It comes in all colors, one cos
tume especially with blue jacket
pnd grey skirt cntches the wan
dering eye o fthe connoisseur of
the finest in sports wear. Acces
sories are of blue suede. Another
attractive addition to a spring
sports wardrobe is in suede of
hunter's green with yellow hat and
gloves of a similar material.
For the golf field, England's
tailors have pioduced plaid tight-
V f.
is $ '1 i
IT :
RIGHT! Casually smart Is this
"Ginger Rogers" suit worn by
Miss Margaret McKay. The fabric
is grey gaberdine that drapes su
perbly. Single button fastening.
The swagger coat is new in its
fabric of Bottany fine loomed
fleece, new in its contrasting color
of a small black and white check
with a fine red stripe. The blue
Breton hat and the blue acces
sories complete the smartly styled
ensemble. The suit and acces
sories are from Rudge & Guenzel
LEFT! A black sheer dress Is
worn by Miss Helen Fox with a
gold wool tuxedo front swagger
coat that has black braid
epouletts. This is a Shirley Lea
Model from Hoveland Swanson.
Miss Fox's hat is a copy of
"Marie Alphonsine" and is a
smart roll brim Spanish sailor
done In black, made of Bokau
straw trimmed with gold gros
grain ribbon bow. The puffette
capeskin bag of matching color
adds the finishing touch to Miss
Fox's ensemble.
Photo: Courtly
Say Sport Wear
Color, English Cut
fitting cut-away jackets, fitted In
at the waist. They are in bright
est colored plaids with contrasting
skirts, possessing front plaits to
allow the utmost freedom of ac
tion. Entire plaid or check suits
are also popular with followers of
sportive pastimes. The top of
these suits may be worn as a
jacket or a blouse and the plaid
skirts may be worn with plain col
ored blouses or jackets, thus creat
ing several different costumes.
Another very attractive sports
jacket is of red and blue plaid on
a grey background. The skirt is
Soften Tailored Suits
With Feminine Touch
Nosegays, Veils to Adorn
Miss Nebraska's Spring
Masculine Attire.
With the vogue for tailored
clothes, the stylist may well wear
something which is utterly femi
Rinehart - Mamden
blue tweed. With it is worn a gray
hat adorned with a blue gross-
grain band and gray gloves.
From England, that center of
all really tailored sporting wear,
there also appears a yellow and
brown half inch check skirt with
jackets of yellow and brown. They
are worn separately, making two
different ensembles.
It seems that jolly old England
(its styles, at least) is going to
appear right here on the campus
when all the sports-minded col
legiates don their new English tog
gery. nine and foolish to soften the ef
fect. Accessories can make or
break the ensemble- but how lit
tle care is necessary to keep it
from breaking.
Over a mannish hat one might
put a flippant veil. To the lapel
of a strictly tailored suit, pin a
mm M fewp
Tnttorsall chrcks originated in the aristocratic sport
ing crowd of London in the 1700's. British gentle
men of old Tattersnll Hall, wore light colored waist
coats with bold plaids in the colors of their favorite
riding club. This inspiration is revived in fine shirts
for 1936, giving vigorous new interest to smart shirts
for University men.
Wide Spread and
featured at
Sweaters, Blouses
In Brightest Array
Await Coed Choice
Ready for coeds selection this
season is a bright array of spring
and summer blouses, all of them
trending toward tailored mannish
styles. Among the most popular
is the white pique waistcoat,
nipped at the waaist, tucked at
tthe collar, with white stitching
on the edges.
In close competition, however,
is the black and white priinted
crepe blouse. This may be had
with either the double-bib collar
and pleated sleeve or pleated front
and simple tied collar.
Strictly tailored shirts are also
listed and are very fitting to a
certain type. These are available
in different colors and fabrics.
For later summer wear, one of
. the most appropriate models is
i the handerchief linen blouse,
: with little bows of bright linen,
' piping to match, pleats, and
puffed sleeves.
: huge nosegay. Thus, be feminine
: in the midst of masculinity.
I In the line of correct shoes, es
! sential to any ensemble, patent
i leather in colors, blue, brown, and
i black, is the latest. This gives a
! touch of shine to a dark costume.
I Toes are becoming broader and
altho they are not square, they are
coming nearer to it. Nuducks m
tans, grays, and browns will be
worn and shortly after spring va
cation, of course, the usual white
will make its appearance.
Something new In the way of
bags is one made of fabric, com
pliment to spring costumes, with
a watch with unbreakable crystal
set in the front. Matching the bags
should be, of course, the gloves.
Doe-skins are shown this sea
son in all colors. If you are very,
very swank, wear coral gloves
with a black costume. Or. if you
can't quite go them, then wear
white gloves. In cotton, the picnit
styles in all colors are the latest.
$5.50 Meal
Ticket $5
It Doesn't Take Study,
W the Best Place
to Eat
Cafeteria & Fountain
Button Down
First Floor