THE NEBRASKAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1931. FOUR k i. ?v "I . ; 1" ft . .1 THEATRE DIRECTORY i STUART (Mat. 5c Nita 40c) Karl Carol's "MURDER AT THB VANITIES" with the moat beauti ful girls In the world. Starring Carl Brlsson. Victor McLaughlin, Jack Oakle and Betty Carllale. LINCOLN (Mat. 15c Nlte 25c) Jean Mulr and Donald Woods In "AS THE EARTH TURNS." Added attractions: Shirley Tem ple. "Popeye." and 'Pagliaccl." ORPHEUM (Mat. 15e Mite 25c) Irene Dunne and Richard Dix In STINGAREE." COLONIAL (Mat. 10c Nlte 15c) Tim McCoy In "A MAN'S GAME" with Evelyn Knapp. plus "THE NINTH GUEST," a baffling Mur der Mystery! SUN (Mat. 10c Nlte 15c) Two features: Ginger Rgem and Norman Foster in "RAFTER ROMANCE," and "FORGOTTEN MEN." ALL SCHOOL DINNER SCHEDULED JUNE 28 Affair One of Events on Program of 3-Day Conference. A dinner for all men and women students of the summer session will be held next Thursday eve ning, June 28, 6: SO p. m., in the Student Activities building, on the college of agriculture campus. The dinner is one of the events on the program of the state edu cational conference, which is be ing held in Lincoln next week. Chancellor E. A. Burnett will preside over the meeting which will be a panel discussion. C A. Bowers, secretary of the Nebraska State Teachers association, will di rect the program, which will be participated by conference speak ers, visiting instructors, and fac ulty members. The topics to be dis cussed will be announced later. Many administrators of the state are expected to be there, and it is hoped that the university summer session will be represented by 200 or more students. The activity committee will have charge of the sale of tickets, the price of which will be 50 cents Tickets will be on sale in the Teachers college, next Thursday, June 28, the day of the dinner. A Gladys Parker Beaute Salon 1229 N St. Upstairs Phone B2355 Shampoo and Finger, wave with Cfl Vinegar Rinse . . 0 U C Come Up Stairs More Service, Lent Money Enjoy the Outside Air While Having Your Beauty Work Done. HAVE YOU HEARD? YES, YOU'VE HEARD! about the Husker Inn Cafe 14th and Q Streets THE MOST POPULAR STUDENT EATING PLACE W are glad to inform the Summer School Students that 800 of our free advertising coupons were brought back to us since June 8th. O We have installed a cooling system for your eomfort. O After a hard evening of study, before, on, or after a date, drop over and try our Fountain and Sandwich specialties. O No long waits, prompt service. O Open 6 A. M. Close at 2 A. M. Free Delivery Telephones B5313 or B7507 We Want and Appreciate Your Patronage Husker Inn Cafe 14th and Q Street CARL VON SRANDENFELS, Mgr. HAROLD JACOBSEN LAMBERTUS LEAVE FOR LOS ANGELES Twn Husker Tracksters to Meet Tough Competition At. N.C.A.A. Meet. Heye Lambertus and Harold Jacob3en win represent me umw sity at the national collegiate track and field championships to be staged in Los Angeles Friday and Saturday of this week. These two Huskers received bids to the contest and left by ran ror me roast Wednesday. In Lambertus, the Cornhuskers possess one of the fastest low stick skimmers in the country. The fithenburer ace is holder of both junior and senior A. A. U. 220 yard low hurdle titles. Placing second to Glenn Hardin of Louisi ana State in the record breaking time of 22.9 seconds Lambertus is expected to place well in the coast meet. When Hardin broke the world's record in the event at the Chicago collegiate championships Lambertus was just a split-second behind him, being clocked in the remarkable time of 23 second flat. During the winter season Heye established a new world record for the 60-yard lows. Under the Ne braska stadium Lambertus paced off the distance in 6.7 seconds with the low sticks offering little impediment. Harold Jacobsen, the other con testant representing the Scarlet to the coast meet, is a sophomore who has been doing things in Big Six circles this year. Jacobsen, another dash man who has im proved remarkably under the tutorage of Coach Henry Schulte, has been credited with the time of 9.7 in the 100 and turned in 21.4 in the 220 dash. Jacobsen's only defeat this year was suffered from the flying feet of Edwin Hall of Kansas, who is Big Six champion in the short events. However, on the coast the going will be much more difficult for the Husker contingent. Not only will Lambertus and Jacobsen be facing Hardin and Hall -respectively, but Lambertus will also be up against John Herring, Texas A. & M. speedster who has consistently battered atid broken Hardin's ef forts during meets thus far this season. Jacobsen will find it very diffi cult to place, running up against the toughest competition in the world. Ralph Metcalfe of Mar quette, Negro speedster who unof ficially lowered the world mark for the 220 dash and placed second at both the 100 and 220 in the last Meals 25c Includes Drink and Dessert BUCK'S COFFEE SHOP 1131 R Street ) Dinner Speaker ) r Courtesy Lincoln Journal. D. X. BIBLE. Who will SDeak Monday night at the second ot a series or dinners and round table discussions of ath letics. The Husker football mentor will tell of the coaches' association and the football rules committee. Olympics, and Hudson Hellmich of Illinois will constitute still more competition. Most meet records are liKeiy to tumble before the cream of the nation's onslaught. The fight for the team championship, apparently lies between Louisiana State and the powerful Stanford aggrega tion. The giant Jack Torrace and Johnny Morris head the Louisiana group, while Johy Lyman and Al len Black man will support the burden of points for Coach Tem- pleton's Stanford boys. Southern California is also expected to place well in the lead. BANTER And have you heard the Flop House Song: "Let's Put Out the Lice and Go to Sleep." Many men smoke but Fu Man- chu. English Professor: "How would you start a success story for in stance of Mr. Woolworth?" Bright Student: "Once upon a dime " Misaourl Showme. Optician: "Weak eyes have you? Well, how many lines can you read on that chart?" Patient: "What chart?" Wampus. And of course he must have been a laundryman's son. He was such a wash out. "What are you looking so glum about? Are you having trouble with math again? "No, aftermath." English Prof: "Try this sentence Take the cow out of the Jot, What mood?" Frosh: "The cow." Jack: "Do you object to kissing on sanitary grounds?" Mable: "Oh, no." Jack: Then let's take a stroll thru the infirmary." Wife How many turkeys did you shoot yesterday, Jim ? Husband Three. Wife Then there must be a mis take the butcher charged us for four. 'N" club man to roommates. There's a dirtv crook in this room. In the past week I've lost a Mis souri sweat shirt, a Kansas root ball, a Pittsburgh jersey, and five university towels ana l want roe lowlife thief to fcring them oacK. Will you have a piece of pie for breaktast 7 Is it customary? No. It's huckleberry. Purpl Parrot- Timid wife (to husband who has fallen asleep at the wheel): 1 don't mean to dictate to you, Georre. but isnt that billboard coming at us awfully fast 7 The time has come." the walrus said, as the dellveryman brought in his new clock. . Borad Walk. WANTED Typing: of tbeals, y. and term pupera. rai, wniiro work. Call F798S. LEARN TO DANCE Special Rates In Ballroom Dancing BORNER SISTERS Private Studio 1S3S P Strict B6103 1 it' V J 121 Attend Dinner Meeting Sponsored By Pi Lambda Theta Twenty-one women students of the summer session were guests of Pi Lambda Theta, honorary educa tional sorority, at a dinner held Tuesday night at the city Y. W. C. A. The meeting was pre sided over by Miss Dorothy Frank forter, president of the organiza tion. Main speaker of the evening was Dr. Burton, visiting instructor at the university, who lectured on 'Education and Social Stability. One other summer meeting has been scheduled by Pi Lambda Theta. On July 17 the group will meet Jointly with Phi Delta Kappa, men's educational society, at that group's vicennial celebration. Banauets commemorating the founding of the University of Iowa were held in 11 states in the Union and the District of Columbia. CneAn at the Michigan State Normal college have organized their own prom, and mis year roey are caning it "jounty rair. Jane Addams, of Hull house, Chicago, will be the principal speaker at the Knox college com mencement exercises. Exactly 150 students and three professors at Akron university signed a petition in wmcn tney Increase Your Social Prettiga by Learning to Dance Electric and Nature Cooled Studio CLASSES EVERY MON. A WED., a p. m. New Students 25c Luella Williams PRIVATE STUDIO 1220 O St. B42S8 Use a Typewrites? All makes rented or sold on easy payments. UEBEASEIA Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12th SL Call B2157 SO Salesmen's Sampia wmmmm Csyllsh Freehs Usually Priced at 4.95! Crepos and Wash Bilks Including Many From Our Own Stock 0 Misses' O Women's Sizes Sizes Of course they look more. . .they're worth mora, n-esh, cool and sum mery dresses... In lovely crepe and waaa sua. xouu una soms with smart linen swatter coats and others with Jackets. Dressy and tailored stylet, TouH find the color you want in this selection of whiti. priats. pastels tnd navy shesrs... styles for misses and women in broken aim from 14 to 44 All especially priced at 2.69. POUTS inmial THU-TOIJE IIO0HEI1Y Full Fashioned . . . Chiffons . . . Servics la thfr Basement at AU first quality... full fasbioosd hosiery... Chiffons art cheer and silk to top... service wtisht art full fashioned and ak with lisle top. All the new sum mer shades. OOLD agreed to commit mass suicide by decapitation Feb. 27. The college editors pulled the stunt to see how many would sign a document be fore reading it. One hundred five prisoners at Ohio prison farm applied for en rollment in Ohio State university's radio course. A University of Wisconsin fac ulty committee has banned beauty contests conducted by student or ganizations. Hazing has been abolished at South Dakota State College by a recent action of that institution's board of regents. A New Swim Caps at 25c 35c 50c Cotys Combination Perfume & Face Powder 98c Evening in Paris Face Powder, Lipstick, Perfume $1.10 Complete Line of Harriett Hubbard Ayers Cosmetics at Usual Prices Try Spanish Mint 4 Sundae X? SSS 15$ Banana 4 A Malted Milk W Our Hot Noon Lunches at 25c are Sure Selling to a Full House Each Noon Come and Try One Every Day Except Sat. & Sunday mi DRUG 500 N. 14th B3771 m m. IM 53)c