1- : SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1934. Three y V VVV vVV WVVVWVVVVV vV v"VV WVVVV VVVVVVVV.V V V ".-'.i-ivjpr ey Had to ears At the RitzC ew Good? Tli Be to Stay 2 Y arlton in N York City! A, A two year engagement at the swanky Ritz- Carlton in New York City is history not often repeated. But that's the record of Myron Lowther and his 14 piece Casanova orchestra. Socialites and debutants of the Metropolis danced for two brilliant seasons to the more brilliant music of this band. Ay, Myron Lowther' s Casanova orchestra wants a W nationally known name. So they're barn storming. Whiteman did it. Ben Bernie did it. Lombardo did it. And now Myron Lowther is doing it. And they're getting the very name they desire. Their delightful rhythms, their captivating harmonies are winning popular accord wherever they go. -.1 ii. nun jw.mi.iju in ' M ' r r iv ' ! . -S Tt .... .V.1 And they're coming here. Now their name r mano liffl A ffr Tsnnarv 26 thev will be 4 i names MYRON LOWTHER. ranked by Lincoln among the really big in, the country. Their unusual interpretation of modern jazz music is winning for them the ' name for which the tour is being made. JL, It's really going to be an affair. Finals will be '"v over! The party is informal! There are no other student dances booked for that week-end! And the price is much below most other big parties. So get a date today and plan on attending the premiere of Nebraska's newest social event the Mid Year Frolic. & My ron Lowther and his 14-piece OVA Orchestra JL. Here's a breather for you a breather to cele brate the end of a hectic week of final exam inations a breather in an uncomfortable formal season. There has long been a definite need for some climaxing event to wind up the affairs of the semester in a grand style. And the prayer has been answered. For Sigma Delta Chi the spon sors are doing everything to assure the first a success. Expense takes second base in an effort to give Nebraska a truly representative party. Jk- Need we remind you that the 26th" is but at M short time off? Why not get a date before you delve too deeply in the books in preparation for well, you know what? It's going to be an informal affair so you can really be comfortable. The bulging shirt and the poke-you-in-the-neck collar can be left at home on the dresser. But you will feel like being informal after exam week is over. So do get a date today! Tickets are now on sale in your house, at publication distribution booth in Social Science, and from barb representatives. -ft "A" V ONE DOLLAR plus tax Mid Year Coliseum IT FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 Dancing at Nine ro o Informal A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA AAA AA AAA AAA AZiAAmAAAAAAA'AAA