Da it v NEBRASKAN Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska - n.-xxxiii-NO- J. Lincoln. j khr askaT tih ksd av. si:iti:miu:k i i. txu I'KICK 5 CENTS: I!tmvs Now Stiiricnls SCHOOL OFFICIALS HEAD NEBRASKAN STAFF TOTALS EOR EALL lhails Stmlcnt Affairs T CLOSE SEMESTER -JOi.l' RIOAY EVENING CHANCELLOR TO RECEIVE PUPILS GREEK CHAPTERS WWW. WSflOWM FRESHMEN REGISTRATION ARE 8EL0W LAST YEAR AT CONVOCATIONS RUSH VEEK WORK Following Tradition College Deans Will Greet New And Old Students. CRGANIZATIONSJO HELP Annual Event Opens Year Of Social Activities on School Campus. Over one thousand old and n"v .students in the university will be the guests f the Chancellor and Mrs E. A. Burnett at a reception to be held tomorrow evening in Morrill Hall, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Following the annual tradition, the deans of the various colleges will be in the receiving line, while the ruiseum staff on the lower floors and the art staff in the art galleries will be hosts on their re spective floors. Trofessor and Mrs. H. C. Koch. Professor and Mrs. F. D. Keim, and Professor and Mrs. Don Whelan, and Professor and Mrs. Roy Cochran will assist members of the art and museum staffs as hosts on the lower floors and in the galelries. Students Will Assist. Representatives from fraternit ies, sororities. Innocents. Mortar Boards, Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A.. A. W. S and W. A. A. will as sist the freshmen and new students to get acquainted. Presiding at the table the first hour will be Mcsdames H. H. Foster, W. W. Burr, f K. Henzlik, and T. J. Thompson assisted by Professor and Mrs. M. A. Alex ander. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Hember, and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Klinger. At the table thel second hour will be Mrs. C. H. Oldfather, Mrs. G. A. Grubb, Mrs. O. K. Condra, and Miss Amanda Heppner. These ladies will be assisted by Trofes sor and Mrs. S. M. Corey, and Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Brauer. Event is Annual. The Chancellor and Mrs. K. A. Burnett's annual reception has been held annually for a number of years and was instituted to help i he new students get easiiy acquainted with the faculty mem bers as well as with upper class men. The reception officially starts the university's social season, and is the first social event of the new college year. Similar reception will be held by the university church organization in the near future as well as some student organiza tions. 10 OUTLINE POLICIES New System of Elections Up for Consideration This Semester. At the first meeting of Ag clu, Foon to be called, John Loewen stein, president, plans to outline certain new policies designed to 'rente more interest and 'activity In the club. No change will be made in the general constitution, according to Loewenstein, but be believe, for one thing, that it "onid he advantageous to the club to change the mode of elections. "Ag club officers being elected by ballet t the general election 'cndi to rlraw tin- club into poli ti'K," he wild. "I believe that situ ation could be corrected by elect ing our officers; at regular ciub meeting.i." I-o wenstein said certain other activities of the club were not to be announced as yet. Students who will assist Loewcn s'ein in semester'a program arc Howard White, vice-president, and Rill Donahue, secretary. Kirncr Parll, treasurer, is not in school this yar, and a new appointment will need to be made. 17.- Students Attend Y.M.-Y.W. Keeeptiou Over 175 freshmen attended the party given by the Y. M. C. A. rnd 'no Y. w. c. A. in Kllen Smith "HI yesterday evening. Killy Quick Hnd two other entertainers I'ur- niSherl m1Hir f((r the ftff.lir jn.MS "rnlee Miller instructed the finest as to university life and am "ms' Mol'"n Spence and .Jean Al'len welcomed the guests to the university. A WORD TO OUR FACULTY FRIENDS The first day of school brings the second issue of the Nebraskan. Greater advertising revenue enables us to reduce the subscription fare to $1.50 mailed to you on the campus for the ENTIRE year. Just fill in the coupon and send it to the Nebraskan office 'n "U" Hall. Your paper will start immediately. N. ame Building WIIWii:Iw r'ourtsy Unrein .tout-nut. Chancellor K. A. Buriutt who will hold a reception at Morrill hall tomorrow night for students of the university. The chancellors reception officially opens the so cial season on the campus. LANS DISTRIBUTION Booths Will Be Placed in Social Science and Ag Finance Office. A now system of distribution for the Daily Nebraskan is to be established immediately according to announcement made Thursday by Bernard Jennings, business manager of the publication. Two distribution booths ate to be erected, one in Social Science building on the city campus, and the other in the Finance office in Ag hall on the agricultui al college campus. From these two booths the papers will be allotted to the subscribers on the morning of the day of publication. The work is to behandled by the linance office on the outlying campus, and by Miss Julia Harrison at the booth in the north end of Social Science hall cn the downtown campus. The hours will be all day at Ag and 7:15 a. m. to 12:15 at Social Science. "The Daily Nebraskan student enterprise." stated nings, "and should be made is a easily available." The paper is to be given to students free for the first two weeks of school in order that they may get a full idea of the place of the publication in school life. After the two weeks have passed the Nebraskan subscriptions will be put on sale. Present plans call for the erec tion of a temporary booth, with the possibility of building a permanent stand if other organiza tions desire to operate under the new distribution plan. The booth is to be located at the north end of the first floor ball in Social Science: building. Pre viously organizations and publica tions have conducted distribution in the renter of the corridor, but it is hoped that congestion at the middle door might be relieved by the change of location. With the substantial increase in advertising revenue for the Daily Nebraskan making the outlook fo the year a bit more optimistic, the staff is publishing a larger paper after having reverted to the tab loid size last year. Slight Slump Kxpeeled In )i ( ilieiuislry (.lass Regi.-tration in freshman chem istry courses at Ag college will proii'idly not In- more than 125. in structor It. C. Abbott predicted to day. The .students registering in his course last year slightly ex ceeded that numix'r. "The laigest registration I've ever had." Abbott said," was 211 students. The number has decreas ed about twenty per year the last few years." Y.W.C.A. VKSPKKS WILL BK(;i.N MAT I I LSDAY Y. W. C. A. weekly vespers will j begin Tuesday, Sept. 19, at Kllen Smith hall. Five o'clock is the hour set for this service. At this meet ing Jean Alden president will wel come students and explain the work and purpose of the Y. W. Miss Rernice Miller, secretary, will be introduced and will give a short talk. To acfpiaint women with the cabinet Jean Alden will introduce each staff head and tell brii fly of her work. Roth Miss Miller and Miss Alden Invite students to attend vespers which will be under the direction of Klaine Kontein. Room Number. Over One Thousand First Year Students Convene In College Groups. BURNETT GIVES SPEECH Various Phases of University Life Explained by the Administration. Over one thousand students en tering the university for the first time Monday, were introduced to the faculty members and given in structions concerning registration during Freshman day, at a huge gathering held in Grant Memorial hall. New students were welcomed to the university by the chancellor at the morning convocation. In his short talk the chancellor declared that the university was a new sort of life and that the incoming stu dents should make the most of the opportunities that lie before them. Deans of the colleges and ad ministrative heads of the univer sity were presented to the fresh men. University pastors and sec retaries of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. were also introduced to the new students. Prof. R. D. Scott, member of the department of English, presided at the general convocation. After several general tion, the freshmen adjourned to the college convocations. Arts and Science Group. To the college of arts and sci ences group which remained at Grant Memorial hall. Dean C. H. Oldfather spoke on the subject of, "Four Years:: An Investment." Dr. A. F. Jenness, assistant pro-1 fessor of psychology, and special j adviser to freshmen, presided at this convocation. Dean W. W. Burr was in charge of the freshmen who adjourned to the college of agriculture campus. Greetings by Prof. Margaret S. Fedde, chairman of the depa'.t-i ment of home economics; a skit, i "Between Two Fires," by faculty j men, and college songs led by Mrs.' Altinas Tullis were held in the; morning at Agriculture hall. After j lunch the freshmen were taken on' a tour of the agriculture campus,! then divided into two groups to ! listen to registration instructions j by Prof. Maltida K. Peters in the , home economics building and Prof, i H. C. Filley at the Agriculture En gineering building. j Engineers Convene. On the city campus Dean J. K. ; Le Kossignol welcomed the fresh- j men to the college of business ad- i ministration at a morning meet- j ing in social science auditorium , Prof. O. K. Martin, chairman of j the department of business organi- I Continued on Page 4. ) NINE GET C, C, C. JOBS Advanced Military Science Students Will Go To Training- Camp. Nine former Nebraska students and members of the advanced course in military siier.ee have been assigned to fluty with the civilian conservation corps tor me next six months period, a cording to word received recently at the military departim nt. The men whose apple at. 'lis for active duty were accepted are: Wallace Hramman. Stanley Kiger, flua Zinnrrk.-r. Howard Mix.ion, James Relda, John Cocklin, Heine Packer. Harold Halbeiseii. and Merle Serin. These men will be sent to a C. C. C. officers training school at fine of the regular army posts in the Seventh corps area for a pe riod of two weeks fif intensive in struction on wi rk in the oinips anil then will be assign.-1 to the various C. C. C. camps throughout the country. Over Arts mi More than one thousand new corned at the annual convocation held gathering. WMmFWJTWWFZ -bX K 13 h-'-. LAURENCE HALL. BERNARD JENNINGS. aurence Hall and Bernard .ten nings. editor and business man respectively, of The Daily Nebraskan for this semester. L ager WILL NOI BEMED dishing Says Nebraska Will Accept Teachers From Colorado Schools. The state superintendent's oil ice will not start a war of retaliation against Colorado teachers having school contracts in Nebraska, by refusing to honor their certificates, according to an announcement made recently by Deputy H. L. Gushing. In spite of the fact that the state superintendent of Colorado is at the present time practicing such discrimination against teachers from Nebraska in that state, Gush ing stated that he believes that siifh n monmiro wmilit u'nrlr q 1 ho ... . :stricts, as well as teacher from I Colorado who are not. to blame. "We may appeal to the next leg islature to adopt some reciprocal policy, but we do not feel like un dertaking it on our own initia'ive." Mr. Gushing declared. The trouble started oiiginally last week when a graduate ot the Nebraska Teachers college was re fr.sed a certilicate in Colorado to teach in rural schools. At that time Gushing wired the state su perintendent of Colorado that it that state continued its iiiscriwina tion Nebraska would find techni calities in its laws to exclude Colo rado teachers. The Colorado su perintendent denied charges of dis crimination, saying thai the law applied to all candidates, regard less of where their education was received. Second Women's Co-Operative Hall Established on University Campus Sc,I?'a?hlai.p'rson,a."ty'i".' i ivucu, nujjuidiiuii hiu Selection Basis. I 1 1 I . -1- the joint Miierv ision of Dean Amanda Ilcpii,cr ami .Miss Klsie I 'oi'il Piper u lm Lis (diarg'e of 1 1 1 1 s i 1 1 a seeoiol co operative bouse is lieinjr oigran izcfl. Tin1 new dormitory w ill lie run on t lie same plan a1 Howard hall, tin oiiK change heing that freshman women will I"' pcrillittcil to live there. As in the ease of Howard Hall I e.iideil of I bin new ullage v. iii be selected on the basis of schol- arship, real need, personality and the reputation which they have es tablished either on this campus or in high schools which they may have attended. Application.-; tor residence are made at office of the Dean of Women. This dormitory is required to be self maintaining and so is neither a loan fir chailty project. It aims to increase the re sources of the women students who 1,000 Freshmen Welcomed To The University Wi t , r"- ' m t fc- ' I, i i -m i -ii - - - . students In the university received in Grant Memorial lA't&t ,Ci i a. it infitiiTiniflimliifftfiii & m 1 f iKrinnaf im t Vi i nVrrii rjt ril Svhrashan licpttrlvrs May Itvporl for Work All students interested in do ing reportorlal work for the Daily Nebraskan should report to the office of the publication any afternoon after three o'clock. THE MANAGING EDITORS. WILL LIVE IN DORM ; Dr. Williamson Announces More Residents To Sign Up Later. Over .100 students have already registered to live in Carrie Belle Raymond ball this semester and, according to Dr. Elizabeth Wil liamson, social director i f the dormitory, the list is not complete as yet. In .hsctisMiH: the increase in the number of women living in the hall. Dr. Williamson declared it was due to two things. First of all the d' rmitorv has operated so I sueecssl ullv lor one vear that gin are anxious to v residents. A ! substantial reduction has been ! made in rates for boaid and room : and this Wi listed as the second factor. Thursday ev a meiting of this time they rung hall wi'! there will resid nts. be At outline their . !ect the Kissinger, (cinggaard. Iia'ile, 11)11 . ; as house year's pn gram house council, dramatics: K in sports, and Kar sic, have beet) proctors. partially or wholly sell'depend- nt. I'ndor this eo-ooerative plan the girls living m this hall will be able to live for about s'L'U.un per month. The money values of the house are not ernpha.-ized to the exclusion of certain so lal advantages. There will be ho'i.e paiti'-s. open houses and fete.s o'iruig the year. Resi dents may invite friends to house meals aim t i small group parties which tln v plan individually. The sit' n residents will be di vided into groups of four each which will alternate weekly in jie--formmg the various duties of the household. '1 he plan provides I'm ad juM merit to individual programs Mrs. Haitie Hill, who has had a great deal m i xperience as house mother oi sin unties fin the cam pus n.as in en S' lecfed io supervise t ivit n s it the house The la i recti y wo P.. has be operative Poan 11 e white frame house di- t of Howard Hall, ldlu n chosen as the new co- 1 ullage. ppner and Miss I 'i j r have .-elect, hall, but it the Chancel gcllt.-i I the name for the must be approved by lor and Hoard of Re- their first taste of university life The chail celloi, dean of student affairs, and Rushees and Fraternity Men Welcome End of Hectic Rushing Period. , MANY CRITICIZE RULES Active Summer Campaigns Evident for First Time; j Fewer Men Rushed. I i Nebraska I ratei nit ies hioi.ght a, hectic week of rushing, under I drastically (hanged rules, to a :dose Tuesday night, with various opinions being advanced by the several fraternities as to the suc cess or failute of the new system. Rushees and fraternity men alike I hailed the end of the stienuous ' and confusing rush period with re i lief, and were busy filing their re i spective preferences in the Inter- fraternity Council office Wednes day morning. The faculty committee faced a ! weighty task as it set about its j work 'of reconciling rushees' choices with the fraternity bid lists, while at lraternity nouses, a condition of semi-suspense pre vailed during the afternoon as they awaited the results of the commit- j tee's work. As usual, a number of I men were known to have been definitely "spiked," but in many other cases, the rushee's choice re I mained an unknown matter with ' the fraternity and one of some ' concern "Spikes" Must Be Permanent. Realizing that under the prefer ential system, they must "sell" the rushee permanently and make their rush talks stick with him. fraterni ties have waged a more intensive 'and more concentrated campaign ! than in previous years, and com- ipeiiiion. pernaps Keener wian eei neiore, lias neen apparent uirougn out the week. An aggressive campaign during the summer was found on the pro gram of many traternities who had hitherto placed little emphasis on pro-rush week activities. The niira- ber of men m rushed mis year j is somewhat smaller than that of. last, but indications are that over. twelve hundred n tertained at the n have been en various houses since Saturday. Numeioiis criticisms oi parts oi the new system have been voiced during thep p'gress of rush week i as loopholes tor minor infractions appeared. The rule against a fra ternity man communicating with rushees at any time other than .during his own house's date with him. was "gripes." ! Another consist, nt target fori which was r eceived ; with an almost equal amount of: dissatisfaction was the one forbid- i Continued on Rage BAND TRYOUTS ANNOUNCED Students Seeking' Places In R 0. T. C. Group Meet September 2 0, 21. Tryouts for membership in the R. O. T. ( '. band, under the direc tion of William T. "Hilly" tjuick. J will be held next Wednesday and Thuisday, Sept. l'ii and 21. in the Temple theater from ,'! to ,i o'clock, j according to word received from the military department y.-ter lay. The offi'ee fd the department also announced that all students in the hasie course n.te,st.-d in ushering at the coming loot ball games dn old loi.n K. s,..n.., k voi i i oi;ki:i M:r.ii:n my a; an All student. either oil the departments should report lice this aft. desiring to do work editorial or business of the A g wan. to the Aug wan of- ( rri' ion. according to 1 an announcement released yester day by Carlyle Sorensen. business manager of the publication. - Courtr-v of Unrein Star Monday, when they were wel dean of women addressed the ( ti-v ..f I.tnv...n Journal. L DEAN T. J. THOMPSON. Above ,s pictured Dean T. J. Thompson, who ;is ih an of men and dean of studint affairs super vises the activities and conduct of nun students or. the campus. Traffic Problem Requires Out-of-Town Students To Register. t'niversity students driving au tomobiles bearing licen.-e plates of tlr.-ii home county will not lo re quired to purchase Lancaster coun ty license plates, Mayor Fenton Fleming announced Tuesday. It had been previously announced that Lancaster plates would have to be on every student car. "St'idei'.t cars with out of town licenses will lie checked and regis tered." the mayor said. "We are ..l.f in-, the traffic nrob- i.,;, n,i students with out of town li.-etiues otten violate Lincoln t rat - tic regulations. They are not. given ; tickets because o ftheir license. e i ... nlprrv t a list ot student cars i norder to give them the same treatment that we do Lincoln, residents." j It was announced thru the r.frice : of Roy I,. Cochran, state engineer, j that student cars will out of state licenses wruld b" given as much! time to ibtain Nebraska licenses as the state fiom which they come . gives Nemaska drivers. i Sergt. L. C. Reg lei, head of the j campus police, declared he would i start immediately to complete his j list and registration of student; cars to continue the work of '.lie; (traffic clearance campaign. Aj j number of students, after the ten i tative announcement that they 1 would have to buy Lincoln licenses, I indicated that they would not drive l their cars in Lincoln if this were rarried into effect. ;h a(;i:s maw: i.n y. w. cahimt 1 ok SKMKS I r.irswoKk At a tea givui by Mi-s H'-rnu i Miller for the Y. W. C. A. cabinet Monday afternoon th" following change's in this years group weie announced: F.laine Font. :n will re place Willa Nonas as head of the Vespers group: Violet Cross will head the Publicity staff to take the place left vacant by Kiair.e Fon teii,. Ruth Chernev will dirct the Freshman Commission, and Louis.' Ho.-saek will be in harge of the Program and Office Staff: Roth Sohmid will sup. rvise the I'loje, t work for the year. Muriel Molt cock, who ha. W. cabinet w this semester. Other busin '. a a disco -si of joining the u .: .U' cus.-ioii ! I.ia itl if.S die on in re ,,f th.. of the a. M O A o;,p.s for lit' : - it Hi nts . w . :. a. l SIMM' mokmv; ni'i.Ns s V. W Sin p opens in th.e i nn .r un.g SPi II book- hiing Set tile pi l' e and their o"ii f.o, i ;s sold for i 'pie in charge en, i' . theater this wi.-'arrig l si to the s! op. t--k for ti.em. s. When the ! sired price, j,. shop will i 'dl lent., 1 1. cm tbf v addiv the h of th. be in the owner and turn wiil r- j .11 1 to the shop The Y. W. gets a selling the book has chaige of the .veil as i th-'r pr' d- for his money, commission for Reth S.hmid Swap Si:op as ei ts spun- re i bv the Y. W. She member s of the he assi-T-"d ict a:, i uganiatioi h en lr r -t. .1 in th Y. M. (IjiltiiH't (toes Io K iiiiiikinnik ". V. M C. A. cabinet with Mr. C P. Hayes and treshmen in the uni versity are going to tamp Kinni kinnik Saturday and Sunday of this week for their first retrca of the vear. ACCEPT WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS the.se first few issues of the Daily Nebraskan. Stop in at the booth in Social Science or in the finance office on the Agricultural Campus and get your free copy of the paper. You won't be obligated in any way to subscribe. But we do know that after you have received the Nebraskan for a week, you won't be without it. And tiie price is unbelievably low. Registrants Number 2,872 With More Expected To Enroll. MANY EXPECTED LATEP Officials Say Weather ana Uncertain Finances Are Causing Delay. Incomplete registration figure tor ttiu tirn semester reveal total of 'J.S72 students enrolled fo the first semester, according to statement released by university officials yesterday afternoon. The total of 2.872 registrants in eludes only those who registered last spring and paid their fees be fore the first of September and those students, old as well as new, who registered inthe coliseum Tuesday. The totals were: Those who paid fees before Sept. 1. 1,776, Tuesday registration was 1,096. Registrants Increase. Figures for the same period one year ago showed that 2,06 students registeied the first day; 856 regis tered the second clay last year, but no figures on second day registrar tion this year were available yes terday afternoon. The erand total of registrant for the first semester last year was .1,414 students. The number regis tered so far this year, 2.872, whiie slightly behind the second dav total for last vear, will be aug mented by those registering from ! that dav until approximately the first of October. Registration ha? I not yet started in the graduate ' college rr at the medical or nurs- ! mg schools in Omaha, and figuref j NV111 not be obtainable for some time. University officials expect that the total registration figures for this year- will be very close to the total for the first semester of last vear. altho nothing definite will be known for some time. Two factors contributing to the slight decrease in totals so far. ac cording to officials, are weathet conditions and the uncertain fi nancial ber of sc hool. peeled CO. P' L-i to of a great num : i ,i j o enter ;; trar.li- re ' d the tot.-. : t a greater -v r:.r. -rev uave done in : . .. ars. As v.:, :"' i ' 'igures for the diffcrer.' ci.-. ' '("f beer conmiled. but work on this phase of registration totals will begin within a few davs. No record.' were kept o fthe numbers in the various classes registering in the coliseum, and those of last spring are not yet accurate. Registration in the various colleges will also b published at a later date. Complete Arrangements anc Large Crowd Expected Saturday Night. At -::n Saturday night the firsl ity party of the 1933 o' " y-ar is to commenc .(se-im. Kinal arrange th .j Get-Acquainted af- ..ir.pl.-ted at the meet i a , in ' IUe I fail irg ' ail. C' f. the on. p.arb council weanesaaj rn :.nd plans for futun ti'ciissed by ! t roup I The oil f. r 'he d: ; !,.ce tia'li er.t rt I'm' Th:s I- a n which will pla; is .tovce Ayres' tei h Marjorie Whitnev th a few numbers nr.inent Lincoln or has plaved in Lin i'h- ra ' hi. h coin and t.o', and U r ii'inilV ier kiiioi j " i".;rr.-roi;9 student func- hope to see a large crow, oi,- for the partv Saturday nig.bl, s'nte-! Burton Marvin, chairman oi the Rarb council, "because we fee that with the proper support wf ran off-r a set of real all-univtr-sitv parties this season." Th- second dance thin fall fol lows close upon the first one be ing scheduled for Saturday. ?ept "o The third party is set for Oct 2s, and is to ne uic i .-. night unr iversitv nartv. m oi k mrar.fpd as a var-aiy ,.aiLv , n. Dads m.-lv -M IO - u Pay ns an a :i-sti dent function Vl.ra ,ka I ,ttrniaii t,, Coach Wreslliiif Jerrv Adam, former o,..ti,., i and wrestling Nebraskf letterman ,e,'i i,e in charge of wrestling a' i,e oeivrrsitv this year, accord inf to word received esterday. ALL UNIVERSITY PARTY