The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1933, Page TWO, Image 2

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Daily Nebraskan
Station A. Lincoln. iNeOratka
Entereo at second class matter at
the postoffc n Lincoln, Nebraska
uneer ac o congress March J. '879
ana at soecui rate ot pottage provided
for in section 1103 act ot October J
191?. authorized January 20 '922
Pubi'tned Tueaday Wedneaday. Thurs.
day. Friday and Sunday morningi
Single Coov ! cent
during the academic year.
2 a yeai ' 25 a semester
VI a year ma'ied II. 7b semester mailed
Under direction ot the StudeM Pub
lication Board
Fditoriai On ice University Hail .
Business Office University Ha'l 4.
Telephones Day. B6c91 . Night. 8f-3
or Bi333 (Journal) ask for Nebra.
kan edtor
Editor. m-chiet Phii Browned ' paj3 up ttii rare opp:u.:ty
Dick Moran Lynn Leonard
George Murphy Lamome Bible
Violet Cross
Sports Editor. . . Burton Marvin
Society Editor Carolyn Van Anda
Woman's Ed-tor.. . Margaret TNeie
Business Manager . . Chalmers Grah im
ASSISTANT BUSINESS manageS ( newspapers of every sort.
Bernard Jennings George Holycke ( jjj 0f the rood that wouU
Frank Musgravt . . , ...
- i ' be done the student body and tte
aire and which you feel could just
ly be included as items in a com
pulsory tax.
ippropos The Auguan's
Coming Choices.
rSE field which the college stu-
dent poll has as yet left al
most entirely untouched is the se
lection of the most popular pro
fessor, the best dressed professor,
the best teacher, etc. While col
lege newspapers and magazines
have worn out the idea of picking
the paragons of coed beauty and
male popularity, th poor P''
sors stiuggle al-ng in the daily
rc'j;r ct ccl'r C(V practical'.y
unnoticed by tte press ard puolK
acclaim VYbv should tte Axis
The beautiful ce-I elected t
popular vote ior selected ty art
trary authority of scree
magazine editor, rates the roto
gravure sections of cetropoUtar
papers. ar.d her count er.anoe i.s
telephoned around the coirr.try :
where it appears promiscuous.)- is
Securing the Exact
Opinion of Students.
N view of a number of comments
from various students, the stu
dent council committee working
on the activity tax plan has altered
slightly the arrangements for the
vote on the plan to be neld during
registration week. Originally, the.
plan proposed for submission to
the student body comprised four
items, the total charge for these
items to be $S per year.
Because of objections to particu
lar items in this plan, however, the
committee has decided to give the
students the option of rejecting the
original plan as proposed, but vot
ing for certain items of that plan
as well as several additional items
not in the original plan. For ex
ample, some students who object
to purchasing a Cornhusker under
the $8 plan, can vote instead for
the other items, including the ath
letic ticket, the Dally Nebraskan,
and the Awgwan, for a total of
So. 35. Other combinations can be
selected at the discretion of each
Student will also have the op
portunity of voting for a small tax
to provide a convocations fund, if
they so desire. The purpose of this
tax and of the fund it would pro
vide was explained In yesterday's
issue of the Nebraskan. An item
for the Prairie Schooner will also
appear on the ballot at the request
of the business manager of that
PROM the results of the poll, the
student council can formulate
a definite plan for submission to
the board of regents. Thus, for
instance, if the great majority of
the student body votes approval
for only two or three items, in
stead of the entire $8 plan, the
council will propose for the con
sideration of the regents only those
items which the preponderant ma
jority of the students approve.
The Nebraskan feels that this is
a wise move on the part of the stu
dent council for securing an exact
opinion of the student body. It
would be unfortunate if students
who favored the principle of the
tax felt obliged to vote against it
because they did not approve of
all the items included in the blan
ket tax. Under the new arrange
ment for voting, you may choose
the advantages you personally de-
('.oiiuiieneemcnt Calendar
Includes Banquet May 6
The commencement calendar fcr
the Nebraska school of agriculture
at Curtis includes the junior-senior
banquet. May 6, a recital May 16,
the commencement sermon, May
23. the class play, "Pigs," on May
25. and the graduation ceremonies
on May 26 at which Dr. F. E.
Henzlik, dean of the teachers col
lege, will be the commencement
V ertiuen Gets Position
On .New Cruiser Augusta
I university if a poll were conducted i
. j - i
ion the can:.emest pro-essc
leait dry lecturer, or somethi-g of
the sort. The position of these
men in an institution vs restively
permanent, and the results of the
poll would be available not ceiy to
tte students cow attecimg college
but to all juoceeiiinjf generations
of students.
O longer wcild the collegian
beginning the process of pick
ing and choosing his courses for
the folio-wing semester, be forced
to rely on the judgment of his
frienis as to who's the easiest pro
fessor He would have the judg
ment of the whole student body
(secured periodically) to guide his
choice. And knowing that choice
to be entirely infallible, as it is in
all popularity contests, the diffi
culties of his decisions would be
decreased a thousand fold.
Furthermore, the professors de
serve some recognition. The best
dressed professor would worry less
about the poor salary he was paid
if he had the compensatory knowl
edge that he was recognized by
one and all as sartorially pre
eminent among his colleagues. The
most popular professor, also, could
bask in the reputation he had
earned and the satisfaction of see
ing his picture scattered broadcast
through the agencies of news syn
dicates. No longer need he feel
the inferiority complex which
comes from being unnoticed. No
longer need he wonder whether or
not all his teaching attempts, his
research and study, were worth
while. CERTAINLY the distribution of
v"' these recognitions in the realm
of collegiate life need not be- con
fined to male and female students.
Their benefits should be extended
to include faculty members.
And while we're suggesting it,
we propose lor the consideration
of the Awgwan, in case it should
adopt our plan, the selection of the
professor who most consistently
lets his classes out on time, the
professor who, when he cracks a
joke, refrains from glaring around
to see if everyone is laughing, the
professor who never takes roll, and
then too, the professor who isn't
afraid to say what he really thinks.
From such ideas comes prog
ress in this great civilization of
ceived at the office of the depart
ment of military science, Charles
J. Wertmen, '31, has enlisted in the
U. S. Marines and has been as
signed t6 the new cruiser Augusta.
Wertman will be a member of the
crew of this ship when it sails
from Ran Diego on its proposed
voyage to China via the Suez
Varsity Tennis Try-Outs.
All men interested in trying
out for varsity tennis are asked
by Coach Gregg McBride to get
in touch with him by Saturday
II hite
, 'unrhed
I : X
JJ f
ysv White
C a s I in '- -
I Kid
LJ Nagw- j)
Dame Fashion decrees them
... Smart Women demand
them . ; . and we HAVE
them . . .
Scorns of new styles . . .
scores of smart leathers!
. . . and ALL SIZES!
The new rage in fine footwear.
It's soft! It's cool and to
The unanimous choice for all
smart ensembles.
The very latest . . . and trick
no end! Patent and white . . .
brown and white!
nd $4.95
. . . and Styles ...Oh my!
. . . Oh me!
In White Pigskin and While
White Reversed v j
Calfskin Keverted
( ulf
,f til
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